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Cornus kousa (Asian dogwood), an East Asia native tree, is the most economically important species of the dogwood genus, owing to its desirable horticultural traits and ability to hybridize with North America‐native dogwoods. To assess the species genetic diversity and to better inform the ongoing and future breeding efforts, we assembled an herbarium and arboretum collection of 131 noncultivated C. kousa specimens. Genotyping and capillary electrophoresis analyses of our C. kousa collection with the newly developed genic and published nuclear genomic microsatellites permitted assessment of genetic diversity and evolutionary history of the species. Regardless of the microsatellite type used, the study yielded generally similar insights into the C. kousa diversity with subtle differences deriving from and underlining the marker used. The accrued evidence pointed to the species distinct genetic pools related to the plant country of origin. This can be helpful in the development of the commercial cultivars for this important ornamental crop with increased pyramided utility traits. Analyses of the C. kousa evolutionary history using the accrued genotyping datasets pointed to an unsampled ancestor population, possibly now extinct, as per the phylogeography of the region. To our knowledge, there are few studies utilizing the same gDNA collection to compare performance of genomic and genic microsatellites. This is the first detailed report on C. kousa species diversity and evolutionary history inference.  相似文献   
During development, cells may adjust their size to balance between the tissue metabolic demand and the oxygen and resource supply: Small cells may effectively absorb oxygen and nutrients, but the relatively large area of the plasma membrane requires costly maintenance. Consequently, warm and hypoxic environments should favor ectotherms with small cells to meet increased metabolic demand by oxygen supply. To test these predictions, we compared cell size (hindgut epithelium, hepatopancreas B cells, ommatidia) in common rough woodlice (Porcellio scaber) that were developed under four developmental conditions designated by two temperatures (15 or 22°C) and two air O2 concentrations (10% or 22%). To test whether small‐cell woodlice cope better under increased metabolic demand, the CO2 production of each woodlouse was measured under cold, normoxic conditions and under warm, hypoxic conditions, and the magnitude of metabolic increase (MMI) was calculated. Cell sizes were highly intercorrelated, indicative of organism‐wide mechanisms of cell cycle control. Cell size differences among woodlice were largely linked with body size changes (larger cells in larger woodlice) and to a lesser degree with oxygen conditions (development of smaller cells under hypoxia), but not with temperature. Developmental conditions did not affect MMI, and contrary to predictions, large woodlice with large cells showed higher MMI than small woodlice with small cells. We also observed complex patterns of sexual difference in the size of hepatopancreatic cells and the size and number of ommatidia, which are indicative of sex differences in reproductive biology. We conclude that existing theories about the adaptiveness of cell size do not satisfactorily explain the patterns in cell size and metabolic performance observed here in P. scaber. Thus, future studies addressing physiological effects of cell size variance should simultaneously consider different organismal elements that can be involved in sustaining the metabolic demands of tissue, such as the characteristics of gas‐exchange organs and O2‐binding proteins.  相似文献   
The COVID‐19 pandemic has triggered numerous scientific activities aimed at understanding the SARS‐CoV‐2 virus and ultimately developing treatments. Structural biologists have already determined hundreds of experimental X‐ray, cryo‐EM, and NMR structures of proteins and nucleic acids related to this coronavirus, and this number is still growing. To help biomedical researchers, who may not necessarily be experts in structural biology, navigate through the flood of structural models, we have created an online resource, covid19.bioreproducibility.org, that aggregates expert‐verified information about SARS‐CoV‐2‐related macromolecular models. In this article, we describe this web resource along with the suite of tools and methodologies used for assessing the structures presented therein.  相似文献   

The Eragrostis pilosa complex (Poaceae) comprises five widely distributed and regionally invasive species—E. albensis, E. amurensis, E. imberbis, E. multicaulis, and E. pilosa, distinguished by tiny and variable morphological characters and with so far unknown phylogenetic relationships. Recently, some doubts have been raised about the status of an invasive glandular morphotype occurring in Central Europe assigned either to E. amurensis or to E. albensis. Here, we addressed this issue by analysing morphology, internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA, and five inter-simple sequence repeat markers. The genetic evidence supported closer relationship of this glandular morphotype to eglandular E. albensis, widely established in Central Europe, than to glandular E. amurensis described from Asia. We propose to adopt a new taxonomic treatment that E. albensis includes both eglandular and glandular individuals, and to classify the glandular ones as E. albensis var. scholziana M. Nobis & A. Wróbel var. nova. Currently this new taxon is known from a dozen of localities in Central Europe and is invasive in the lower section of the Oder River valley, whereas Eragrostis albensis var. albensis has already spread widely across Europe in riparian phytocenoses and anthropogenic habitats. Since probably the first registered records in 1940s, it has been observed in European part of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, and its further invasion is likely to proceed. We provided distribution maps concerning spread dynamics of E. albensis in Europe from 1947 to 2020. In total, the species has been observed on over 1300 localities so far, most of which were found after 2000.

The Pictet–Spengler (PS) reaction was performed with various types of substrates: H‐Trp‐OMe and dipeptides with N‐terminal Trp as arylethylamine components and Z‐protected amino aldehydes and peptidoaldehydes as carbonyl components. We found that the C‐terminal part of Trp derivatives did not have any influence on the stereoselectivity of the reaction and the results are the same for simple esters of Trp and dipeptides. On the contrary, the selectivity of the PS reaction with peptidoaldehydes with L configuration of the C‐terminus residue is totally different from that obtained with simple L‐amino aldehydes. It allows us to obtain cis stereoisomers, which cannot be isolated from the reaction with amino aldehydes. But the utility of the peptidoaldehydes as substrates for the PS reaction is reduced by the side formation of enamides which decrease the yield of cyclization. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Hereditary nephrotic syndrome is caused by mutations in a number of different genes, the most common being NPHS2. The aim of the study was to identify the spectrum of NPHS2 mutations in Polish patients with the disease. A total of 141 children with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) were enrolled in the study. Mutational analysis included the entire coding sequence and intron boundaries of the NPHS2 gene. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and TaqMan genotyping assay were applied to detect selected NPHS2 sequence variants in 575 population-matched controls. Twenty patients (14 %) had homozygous or compound heterozygous NPHS2 mutations, the most frequent being c.1032delT found in 11 children and p.R138Q found in four patients. Carriers of the c.1032delT allele were exclusively found in the Pomeranian (Kashubian) region, suggesting a founder effect origin. The 14 % NPHS2 gene mutation detection rate is similar to that observed in other populations. The heterogeneity of mutations detected in the studied group confirms the requirement of genetic testing the entire NPHS2 coding sequence in Polish patients, with the exception of Kashubs, who should be initially screened for the c.1032delT deletion.  相似文献   
Metazoan replication-dependent histone mRNAs are only present in S-phase, due partly to changes in their stability. These mRNAs end in a unique stem–loop (SL) that is required for both translation and cell-cycle regulation. Previous studies showed that histone mRNA degradation occurs through both 5′→3′ and 3′→5′ processes, but the relative contributions are not known. The 3′ end of histone mRNA is oligouridylated during its degradation, although it is not known whether this is an essential step. We introduced firefly luciferase reporter mRNAs containing the histone 3′ UTR SL (Luc-SL) and either a normal or hDcp2-resistant cap into S-phase HeLa cells. Both mRNAs were translated, and translation initially protected the mRNAs from degradation, but there was a lag of ∼40 min with the uncleavable cap compared to ∼8 min for the normal cap before rapid decay. Knockdown of hDcp2 resulted in a similar longer lag for Luc-SL containing a normal cap, indicating that 5′→3′ decay is important in this system. Inhibition of DNA replication with hydroxyurea accelerated the degradation of Luc-SL. Knockdown of terminal uridyltransferase (TUTase) 4 but not TUTase 3 slowed the decay process, but TUTase 4 knockdown had no effect on destabilization of the mRNA by hydroxyurea. Both Luc-SL and its 5′ decay intermediates were oligouridylated. Preventing oligouridylation by 3′-deoxyadenosine (cordycepin) addition to the mRNA slowed degradation, in the presence or absence of hydroxyurea, suggesting oligouridylation initiates degradation. The spectrum of oligouridylated fragments suggests the 3′→5′ degradation machinery stalls during initial degradation, whereupon reuridylation occurs.  相似文献   
Congo red dye as well as other eagerly self-assembling organic molecules which form rod-like or ribbon-like supramolecular structures in water solutions, appears to represent a new class of protein ligands with possible wide-ranging medical applications. Such molecules associate with proteins as integral clusters and preferentially penetrate into areas of low molecular stability. Abnormal, partly unfolded proteins are the main binding target for such ligands, while well packed molecules are generally inaccessible. Of particular interest is the observation that local susceptibility for binding supramolecular ligands may be promoted in some proteins as a consequence of function-derived structural changes, and that such complexation may alter the activity profile of target proteins. Examples are presented in this paper.  相似文献   
Topology analysis of membrane proteins can be obtained by enzymatic shaving in combination with MS identification of peptides. Ideally, such analysis could provide quite detailed information about the membrane spanning regions. Here, we examine the ability of some shaving enzymes to provide large‐scale analysis of membrane proteome topologies. To compare different shaving enzymes, we first analyzed the detected peptides from two over‐expressed proteins. Second, we analyzed the peptides from non‐over‐expressed Escherichia coli membrane proteins with known structure to evaluate the shaving methods. Finally, the identified peptides were used to test the accuracy of a number of topology predictors. At the end we suggest that the usage of thermolysin, an enzyme working at the natural pH of the cell for membrane shaving, is superior because: (i) we detect a similar number of peptides and proteins using thermolysin and trypsin; (ii) thermolysin shaving can be run at a natural pH and (iii) the incubation time is quite short. (iv) Fewer detected peptides from thermolysin shaving originate from the transmembrane regions. Using thermolysin shaving we can also provide a clear separation between the best and the less accurate topology predictors, indicating that using data from shaving can provide valuable information when developing new topology predictors.  相似文献   
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