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The paper presents the results from a study in which two commonlyused plankton nets, the Nansen net and the WP 2 net, were compared.The study was performed at six stations in the Baltic Sea andthe samples were collected during seasons of both high and lowparticle abundance. The comparison included both qualitativeand quantitative filtration capacity of the nets under differentenvironmental conditions. Different mesh sizes were also tested.The results show that the Nansen net has an efficiency of 50–70%compared to the WP 2 net under favourable conditions. When conditionsare unfavourable, i.e. during periods of high particle abundanceor during long hauls, the efficiency may be as low as 25–30%.The mesh size of the nets proved to be of decisive importancefor the qualitative composition of the samples. Most of thesmaller size fractions such as rotifers, copepod nauplii andyoung copepodites passed through the 160 and 200 µm meshes.The 90 µm nets sampled these fractions well but with thedrawback of retaining vast amounts of phytoplankton at certaintimes of the year.  相似文献   
Lipid composition was studied on cerebral tissue from nine children who had died of a progressive encephalopathy called the infantile form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (INCL) or polyunsaturated fatty acid lipidosis (PFAL). In the terminal stage of the disease, the concentrations of all lipid classes were found to be significantly reduced in the cerebral and cerebellar cortex and white matter. The concentration of gangliosides of the cerebral cortex was 15% and that of cerebrosides (galactosylceramide) in white matter 0.2-5% of the normal values for the children's ages. The reduction of gangliosides mainly affected those of the gangliotetraose series, particularly GD1a. The fatty acids of the linolenic acid series were strongly reduced in ethanolamine and serine phosphoglycerides. A very large increase up to 100-fold of oligoglycosphingolipids of the globo series and two fucose-containing lipids of the neolacto series was found in the forebrain of the three advanced cases examined. The brain tissue also contained very high concentrations of mono-, di-, and trisialogangliosides of the lacto and neolacto series, gangliosides with type 1 chain dominating. The structures of the gangliosides were tentatively identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and monoclonal antibodies with carefully determined epitope specificity. The gangliosides and neutral glycosphingolipids had very similar fatty acid composition, consisting of about 40% stearic acid and 40% C24-acids.  相似文献   
Summary Bacterivory was detected by incorporation of 0.57 m diameter, fluorescent polystyrene beads and fluorescently labeled bacteria (FLB) in two cultured species of Cryptomonas (C. ovata and C. erosa), and a population of Cryptomonas sp in a humic, mesotrophic lake. Rates of ingestion and clearance were very low, and similar for the cultures and the in situ population. The in situ population incorporated 0.7–1.7 bacteria cell-1 h-1, thereby ingesting 0.3%–2.0% of the total bacterial numbers present in the water per day, and receiving less than 2% of its carbon content per day through bacterivory. Thus, bacterivory by Cryptomonas was quantitatively important neither as a sink for bacterial biomass, nor as a carbon source for the algal cells. Possibly, it served in the uptake of essential nutrients.  相似文献   
Bacterial growth and grazing mortality were estimated from Mayto October in two south Swedish oligotrophic lakes, one beinga clearwater lake (water colour 5–10 mg Pt l–1 DOC2.9–3.4 mg l–1, Secchi disk depth 5.0–9.4m) and the other a humic, brownwater lake (water colour 105–165mg Pt l–1, DOC 13.7–22.7mg l–1, Secchi diskdepth 1.3–2.1 m). Specific rates of growth and grazingmortality were generally similar for both lakes. However, theabundance of bacteria was consistently 2–3 times higherin the water of the humic lake, suggesting that the total productionand consumption of bacterial cells were also higher than inthe dearwater lake. The ratio of bacterial secondary productionto primary production was higher in the humic lake than in theclearwater lake, indicating that the bacterioplankton of thehumic lake utilize allochthonous substrates, in addition tosubstrates originating from autochthonous primary production.Most of the bacterial loss in both lakes could be attributedto small protozoan grazers. This implies that allochthonousand autochthonous organic carbon fixed by bacterioplankton isless important in terms of carbon flow to higher trophic levelsthan would be expected if macrozooplankton were the dominantbacterivores, providing a more direct and efficient transferof carbon to larger organisms.  相似文献   
The perivascular neuropeptide Y (NPY) innervation and its relation to adrenergic nerves of uterine arteries from non-pregnant and pregnant guinea pigs was analyzed immunocytochemically. The NPY content of the uterine artery was, in addition, measured radioimmunologically (RIA). Vasomotor effects of NPY per se and in combination with other vasoconstrictors were examined using a sensitive in vitro method. Pregnancy did not visibly affect density and distribution of NPY-immunoreactive fibres. The NPY fibres contained in addition immunoreactivity to dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (marker for noradrenergic neurons). RIA revealed a slight decrease of NPY content during pregnancy, probably due to the increased smooth muscle volume of uterine arteries. The contractile effect of NPY on uterine arteries was weak, while vasoconstriction induced by various agonists was potentiated by NPY, particularly during pregnancy. It is concluded that perivascular NPY-containing nerve fibres may be involved in the dramatic blood flow alterations that occur in the uterine circulation in connection with pregnancy and partus.  相似文献   
Neurokinin A (NKA), substance P (SP) and the two peptides combined (SP + NKA) were injected intracutaneously on the forearm and into the temporal muscle of healthy volunteers. Pain intensity, cutaneous wheal and flare responses and tenderness of the temporal muscle were quantitated. SP but not NKA induced cutaneous pain. This relates the algesic effect of SP to the specific N-terminal amino acid sequence of the peptide, not shared by NKA. NKA, however, potentiated the algesic effect of SP as SP + NKA induced a significantly prolonged cutaneous pain sensation. Both peptides induced wheals, but only SP induced flare. These results confirm previous studies relating wheal formation to the identical C-terminal amino acid sequence of the two peptides and flare reaction to the N-terminal part of SP. Injections into the temporal muscle did not cause pain or tenderness.  相似文献   
Summary The protothyroid region in the endostyles of four species of tunicates was examined by means of autoradiography and cytochemistry, at both the light and electronmicroscopic levels. To reveal the primary binding site for iodine, autoradiography was carried out on endostylar tissue from animals that had been incubated with high activity 125I- over a short period of time. The specific iodine binding enzyme, a peroxidase, was traced by its reaction with DAB. In accordance with previous findings, the iodinebinding cells proved to be the same as those containing the peroxidase. There were also strong indications of a secondary uptake of iodinated compounds and subsequent release into the body fluid. Together with the ultrastructural features, the data provided strong evidence indicating that these cells constitute a protothyroid region, which partly functions as an endocrine organ, possibly homologous with the vertebrate thyroid gland. Since the number of zones varied between the species, the numeration of the protothyroid region also varied. However, in all the examined endostyles, the protothyroid region was seen to be situated dorsolaterally to the glandular regions of the endostyle concerned with food capture.  相似文献   
Class II genes of the bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been investigated by Southern blot analysis using human DNA probes. Previous studies revealed the presence of bovine DO , DQ , DQ , DR and DR genes, and restriction fragment length polymorphisms for each of these genes were documented. In the present study, the presence of three additional class II genes, designated DZ , DY , and DY , are reported. DZ was assumed to correspond to the human DZ gene while the other two were designated DY because their relationship to human class II genes could not be firmly established. The linkage relationships among bovine class II genes and two additional loci, TCP1B and C4, were investigated by family segregation analysis and analysis of linkage disequilibrium. The results clearly indicated that all these loci belong to the same linkage group. This linkage group is divided into two subregions separated by a fairly high recombination frequency. One region includes the C4, DQ , DQ , DR and DR loci and the other one is composed of the DO DY , DY , and TCPIB loci. No recombinant was observed within any of these subregions and there was a strong or fairly strong linkage disequilibrium between loci within groups. In contrast, as many as five recombinants among three different families were detected in the interval between these subregions giving a recombination frequency estimate of 0.17 ± 0.07. The fairly high recombination frequency observed between class 11 genes in cattle is strikingly different from the corresponding recombination estimates in man and mouse. The finding implies either a much larger molecular distance between some of the bovine class II genes or alternatively the presence of a recombinational hot spot in the bovine class II region.  相似文献   
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