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Brain cytokines, induced by various inflammatory challenges, have been linked to sickness behaviors, including fatigue. However, the relationship between brain cytokines and fatigue after exercise is not well understood. Delayed recovery of running performance after muscle-damaging downhill running is associated with increased brain IL-1beta concentration compared with uphill running. However, there has been no systematic evaluation of the direct effect of brain IL-1beta on running performance after exercise-induced muscle damage. This study examined the specific role of brain IL-1beta on running performance (either treadmill or wheel running) after uphill and downhill running by manipulating brain IL-1beta activity via intracerebroventricular injection of either IL-1 receptor antagonist (ra; downhill runners) or IL-1beta (uphill runners). Male C57BL/6 mice were assigned to the following groups: uphill-saline, uphill-IL-1beta, downhill-saline, or downhill-IL-1ra. Mice initially ran on a motor-driven treadmill at 22 m/min and -14% or +14% grade for 150 min. After the run, at 8 h (wheel cage) or 22 h (treadmill), uphill mice received intracerebroventricular injections of IL-1beta (900 pg in 2 microl saline) or saline (2 microl), whereas downhill runners received IL-1ra (1.8 microg in 2 microl saline) or saline (2 microl). Later (2 h), running performance was measured (wheel running activity and treadmill run to fatigue). Injection of IL-1beta significantly decreased wheel running activity in uphill runners (P<0.01), whereas IL-1ra improved wheel running in downhill runners (P<0.05). Similarly, IL-1beta decreased and Il-1ra increased run time to fatigue in the uphill and downhill runners, respectively (P<0.01). These results support the hypothesis that increased brain IL-1beta plays an important role in fatigue after muscle-damaging exercise.  相似文献   
Methyl α-cellobioside (methyl β-d-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-α-d-glucopyranoside) was labeled with 13C at C4′ for use in NMR studies in DMSO-d6 solvent to attempt the detection of a trans-H-bond J-coupling (3hJCCOH) between C4′ and OH3. Analysis of the OH3 signal at 600 MHz revealed only the presence of two homonuclear J-couplings: 3JH3,OH3 and a smaller, longer range JHH. No evidence for 3hJC4′,OH3 was found. The longer range JHH was traced to 4JH4,OH3 based on 2D 1H–1H COSY data and inspection of the H2 and H4 signal lineshapes. A limited set of DFT calculations was performed on a methyl cellobioside mimic to evaluate the structural dependencies of 4JH2,O3H and 4JH4,O3H on the H3–C3–O3–H torsion angle. Computed couplings range from about −0.7 to about +1.1 Hz, with maximal values observed when the C–H and O–H bonds are roughly diaxial.  相似文献   
Wolves in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago face several challenges to persistence: a harsh habitat, an unstable prey base, and potentially significant anthropogenic influences. These external factors, if combined with genetic constraints common to island populations, could be particularly difficult to withstand. To determine the genetic status of Arctic Island wolves, we used 14 microsatellite loci to estimate population variation and the extent of inter-island and island-mainland gene flow. All island populations were significantly less variable than mainland wolves; although inbreeding is currently insignificant, the two least variable populations, Banks and the High Arctic (Ellesmere and Devon Islands), showed genetic signatures of recent population declines. Recovery after a bottleneck appears to result, in large part, via recolonization from other islands. These extinction-recolonization dynamics, and the degree of similarity among island wolves revealed by Bayesian clustering, suggest that Arctic Island wolves function as a metapopulation. Persistence of the metapopulation may be supported by periodic migration from mainland populations, occurring primarily through two corridors: Baffin Island in the Eastern Arctic, and Victoria Island in the Western Arctic. This gene flow could be compromised or eliminated by loss—due to climatic warming or increased human activity—of sea ice in the Northwest Passage. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The Sorrento wetland hosts several Fe- and Mn-rich seeps that are reported to have appeared after the area was disturbed by recent attempts at development. Culture-independent and culture-based analyses were utilized to characterize the microbial community at the main site of the Fe and Mn seep. Several bacteria capable of oxidizing Mn(II) were isolated, including members related to the genera Bacillus, Lysinibacillus, Pseudomonas, and Leptothrix, but none of these were detected in clone libraries. Most probable number assays demonstrated that seep and wetland sites contained higher numbers of culturable Mn-oxidizing microorganisms than an upstream reference site. When compared with quantitative real time PCR (qPCR) assays of total bacteria, MPN analyses indicated that less than 0.01% of the total population (estimated around 109 cells/g) was culturable. Light microscopy and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) images revealed an abundance of morphotypes similar to Fe- and Mn-oxidizing Leptothrix spp. and Gallionella spp. in seep and wetland sites. FISH allowed identification of Leptothrix-type sheath-forming organisms in seep samples but not in reference samples. Gallionella spp. and Leptothrix spp. cells numbers were estimated using qPCR with a novel primer set that we designed. Results indicated that numbers of Gallionella, Leptothrix or total bacteria were all significantly higher at the seep site relative to the reference site (where Gallionella was below detection). Interestingly, numbers of Leptothrix in the seep site were estimated at only 107 cells/g and were not statistically different in the late summer versus the late winter, despite dramatic changes in sheath abundance (as indicated by microscopy). qPCR also indicated that Gallionella spp. may represent up to 10% (3 × 108 cells/g) of the total bacteria in seep samples. These data corroborate clone library data from samples taken in October 2008, where 11 SSU rRNA sequences related to Gallionella spp. were detected out of 77 total sequences (roughly 10–15%), and where Leptothrix sequences were not detected. Analysis of this SSU rRNA clonal library revealed that a diverse microbial community was present at seep sites. At a 3% difference cutoff, 30 different operational taxonomic units were detected out of 77 sequences analyzed. Dominant sequence types clustered among the beta- and gamma- Proteobacteria near sequences related to the genera Ideonella, Rhodoferax, Methylotenera, Methylobacter, and Gallionella. Overall, results suggest that high metal concentrations at the seep sites have enriched for Fe- and Mn-oxidizing bacteria including organisms related to Gallionella and Leptothrix species, and that members of these genera coexist within a diverse microbial community.  相似文献   
To discern the position of horseshoe crabs as a potentially important predator in estuarine food webs, we determined where they foraged and what they ate. We used N and C stable isotopes to link adult horseshoe crabs to their oraging locations and potential food sources in Pleasant Bay, Cape Cod. The δ15N in tissues of horseshoe crabs and their potential foods suggest crabs were loyal to local foraging sites and did not forage substantially in subestuaries receiving >110 kg N ha−1 year−1. Among locations where crabs foraged, δ13C values in potential foods showed that food webs in subestuaries subject to higher N loads were supported by algal producers, while food webs in subestuaries with lower N loads were also supported by Spartina. δ13C values in horseshoe crab tissue did not change with load, suggesting they ate a mixed diet, regardless of N load. N and C isotopes in horseshoe crab feces were similar to signatures of estimated diet, suggesting low assimilation efficiency, perhaps due to ingestion of low quality organic matter. Although horseshoe crabs were relatively opportunistic in foraging habits, conservation or culture of horseshoe crabs may require habitats with higher water quality, ample particulate organic matter, and supporting a variety of prey.  相似文献   
The effects of several bioremediation stimulants, including potentialmetabolism pathway inducers, inorganic/organic nutrients, and surfactants onthe metabolism of phenanthrene and pyrene, as well as the populationdynamics of PAH degrading microorganisms was examined in five soils withdiffering background PAH concentrations, exposure histories and physicalproperties. Most of the supplements either had no significant effect ordecreased the mineralization of [14C]-phenanthrene and[14C]-pyrene in soil slurry microcosms. The effect of aparticular supplement, however, was often not uniform within or acrosssoils. Decreased mineralization of [14C]-phenanthrene and[14C]-pyrene was usually due to either preferential use of thesupplement as carbon source and/or stimulation of non-PAH degradingmicroorganisms. Many of the supplements increased populations ofheterotrophic microorganisms, as measured by plate counts, but did notincrease populations of phenanthrene degrading microorganisms, as measuredby the [14C]-PAH mineralization MPN analysis or cellularincorporation of [14C]-PAH. These results suggest that the PAHdegrading community at each site may be unique in their response tomaterials added in an attempt to stimulate PAH degradation. Thecharacteristics of the site, including exposure history, soil type, andtemporal variation may all influence their response.  相似文献   
The effect of ethanol on maternal and fetal blood gases and acid-base balance was determined in six conscious instrumented near-term pregnant ewes for maternal intravenous infusion of 3 g ethanol/kg total body weight administered as six doses of 0.5 g ethanol/kg total body weight over 8 h. Maternal and fetal blood ethanol concentrations, determined in two animals, were maximal at 8 h (3.74 and 3.82 mg/mL, respectively) and were virtually identical during the 24-h study. Maternal and fetal blood gases and acid-base balance were not significantly altered during and after ethanol administration compared with preinfusion values. The data demonstrate that, during near-term ovine pregnancy, the equivalent of a binge-type drinking episode does not produce fetal hypoxia or acidosis. Furthermore, these data do not support the postulated involvement of ethanol-induced fetal hypoxia in the mechanism of ethanol teratogenesis.  相似文献   
Patterns of variation and covariation within populations can influence how characters respond to natural selection and random genetic drift and so constrain the ability of natural selection to modify the phenotype. We examined several potential developmental and functional explanations of character covariation throughout ontogeny using known-age samples of the cotton rat (Sigmodon fulviventer) to identify the causes of covariation and to assess the variability of patterns of covariation throughout postnatal growth. Competing developmental and functional models were fit to samples of orofacial and neurocranial measures by confirmatory factor analysis and evaluated for their ability to reconstruct observed variance-covariance matrices. Samples of successive ages were simultaneously fit to a common model to test the hypothesis that the patterns of developmental and functional integration were invariant between ages. Orofacial characters derived from the same branchial-arch primordium covary early in ontogeny. Subsequently, there is a repatterning of integration that may reflect a transition from developmental to functional sources of integration. Neurocranial characters exhibit even more variation in patterns of covariation: initially, characters appear to comprise a single integrated unit; before puberty, they appear to respond to localized bone growth; after puberty, they form separate calvarial and basicranial components. This ontogenetic variation in patterns of covariation suggests that developmental constraints are transient and flexible and that the consequences of selection may depend upon the age at which it acts.  相似文献   
Developmental constraints can be interpreted as factors of developmental origin responsible for covariation among measured variables. Several hypotheses have been proposed to link the possession of such constraints to subsequent evolution. Using confirmatory factor analysis, we compare developmental factors across selected taxa of cotton rats, genus Sigmodon. Three factors explain well the covariation among orofacial measurements: (1) responses to body size variation, (1) coordinated growth of traits of the occluding-tooth complex, and (3) responses to musculoskeletal interactions. Sigmodon taxa share these factors, but differ in the variance-covariance matrix of factors, and the unique variances of individual traits. Patterns of covariation among measurements of the neurocranial complex reflect responses to body size variation, and perhaps also responses to fetal brain growth. While there are no significant differences across taxa in factorpattern, variance-covariance matrix of factors, or unique variance of measured neurocranial variables, the neurocranium is only weakly constrained. We doubt that even the relatively stronger developmental constraints on the orofacial complex would prevent evolutionary divergence because differences in the variances and covariances of factors, and in levels of unique variance of individual traits can provide different opportunities for selection to act in different Sigmodon taxa.  相似文献   
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