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Wie aus Elektrophorese- und spektralphotometrischen Untersuchungen hervorgeht, liegt der kationische Farbstoff Chrysoidin G, je nach dem pH-Wert der wäßrigen Farblösungen, als I-, II-, III- und IV-wertiges Kation und elektroneutrales Farbbasenmolekül vor. Von physiologischer Bedeutung ist nur das I-wertige Kation und das Farbbasenmolekül. Die Unabhängigkeit der Absorptionsmaxima wäßriger Farbstofflösungen mit konstantem pH-Wert von der Farbstoffkonzentration deutet darauf hin, daß Chrysoidin keine Assoziate bildet. In organischen Lösungsmitteln ergibt Chrysoidin G je nach dem Grad der Polarität des Solvens und dem pH-Wert der wäßrigen Phase bei Ausschüttelungs-versuchen unterschiedliche Absorptionskurven. Natriumnucleinat bedingt eine negative Metachromasie; die jeweilige Lage des Maximums wird von der Natriumnucleinatkonzentration bestimmt. Rutin übt keinen wahrnehmbaren Einfluß auf das Absorptionsspektrum aus. Nach einer Vitalfärbung von Oberepidermiszellen der Schuppenblätter von Allium cepa mit Chrysoidin G zeigen das diffus gefärbte Plasma und die darin auftretenden gelben Kugeln übereinstimmende Absorptionsspektren mit einem breiten Bandenmaximum bei ? 420 nm. Der lebende Zellkern färbt sich nicht. Der gefärbte volle Zellsaft der Unterepidermis besitzt ein Maximum bei ? 448 nm. Aus der Lage der Absorptionsmaxima und dem Verlauf der Absorptionskurven kann geschlossen werden, daß die Färbung des lebenden Plasmas auf eine Anreicherung des einwertigen Kations und des Farbbasenmoleküls in polaren Lipoiden beruht, während es sich bei der Färbung des fixierten Zellkerns um eine Bindung des Chrysoidins an Nucleinsäuren handelt. Die Vitalfärbung des vollen Zellsaftes mit Chrysoidin G ist nicht auf den Gehalt der Vakuolen an Flavonolen zurückzuführen, sondern hängt vermutlich vom pH-Wert des Zellsaftes ab.  相似文献   
Diploid wild-type yeast cells were exposed to beams of heavy ions covering a wide range of linear energy transfer (LET) (43-13,700 keV/microns). Synthesis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) was assessed as a functional measure of damage produced by particle radiation. An exponential decrease of relative rRNA synthesis with particle fluence was demonstrated in all cases. The inactivation cross sections derived were found to increase with LET over the entire range of LET studied. The corresponding values for relative biological effectiveness were slightly less than unity. Maximum cross sections measured were close to 1 micron 2, implying that some larger structure within the yeast nucleus (e.g., the nucleolus) might represent the target for an impairment of synthetic activity by very heavy ions rather than the genes coding for rRNA. Where tested, an oxygen effect for rRNA synthesis could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   
A simple panning procedure that allows for the evaluation of interactions between various heparin-like molecules and basic FGF has been developed. This assay measures the ability of compounds to inhibit the interaction of transfected human lymphoblastoid cells, UC 729-6 (UC cells), expressing hamster syndecan and basic FGF-coated plastic plates. The transfected cells bind rapidly to basic FGF-coated plates while the control cells do not bind well. Binding of the transfected cells to basic FGF was inhibited by heparin and heparin sulfate (HS), but not by chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, keratan sulfate, and hyaluronic acid. There was little inhibition of binding by chemically modified heparin such as completely desulfated, N-acetylated heparin, completely desulfated, N-sulfated heparin, and N-desulfated, N-acetylated heparin. These results suggested that both the N-sulfate and O-sulfate groups of heparin are required for binding to basic FGF. In addition, inhibition by oligosaccharides derived from depolymerized heparin increased with fragment size; partial inhibition was observed with oligosaccharides as small as hexamers. The biochemical basis for the binding of transfected cells to basic FGF was established by showing a significant increase of 35SO4 incorporation into HS. In particular, the level of 35SO4-HS in the trypsin-releasable (cell surface) pool increased fivefold. This increase was accounted for by demonstration of the presence of HS on immunoprecipitated syndecan from the transfected cells.  相似文献   
Maitotoxin (MTX) induces an increase of [Ca2+]i and of phosphoinositide breakdown in various cell types. The [Ca2+]i increase followed with fluorescent probes on cell suspensions has been described as slow and lasting, in contrast to the signal induced by calcium ionophores such as ionomycin. MTX effects have been studied on two fibroblastic cell lines, BHK21 C13 and FR 3T3, synchronized by serum deprivation treatment performed in an isoleucine-free medium for BHK21 C13 cells. In BHK21 C13 cells, flow cytometry analysis showed that two stages, G1/S and G2/M, were particularly susceptible to MTX treatment. Scanning laser cytometry demonstrated that calcium response of FR 3T3 fibroblasts followed with Indo-1 varied during the cell division cycle. The [Ca2+]i increase was almost always vertical, but its delay after MTX addition lasted from zero (S and G2/M transition) to 10–20 min (G1) or more (G2). No [Ca2+]i change could be detected during mitosis. The [Ca2+]i response at the S phase was biphasic. These observations suggest that (1) the lasting response described in the literature represents a global cell population effect, and (2) cells are more sensitive to MTX at specific stages of the cell division cycle, which could correspond to periods when calcium signals have been detected in different cell types.Abbreviations MTX maitotoxin - [Ca2+]i intracellular calcium concentration - IP3 inositol triphosphate  相似文献   
Flow cytometric studies of human sperm from fertile men display a constant and characteristic bimodal nonartifactual DNA pattern confirming the existence of two distinct populations. The main population is represented by a peak followed by a shoulder (“marginal population”). The appearance of this marginal population fluctuates with either freezing and thawing or with Percoll gradient centrifugation. We have analyzed both the main and marginal sperm populations by flow cytometry after cell sorting, laser scanning cytometry, light microscopic evaluation, and their sensitivity to DNase digestion. We have observed that the marginal population detected in fertile men represents a sperm group altered in the nuclear condensation, yielding unstable chromatin which appears more stainable with propidium iodide. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to confirm linkage of the proteolipid protein gene (PLP) and Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD). A T-->A transversion in nucleotide pair 35 of exon 4 of PLP was found in a large Finnish kindred with PMD. This mutation results in the substitution Val165-->Glu165. We used a combination of single-strand conformational polymorphism and PCR primer extension to determine the presence or absence of the point mutation in family members. A lod score of 2.6 (theta = 0) was found for linkage of the gene and the disease. We examined 101 unrelated X chromosomes and found none with the transversion. This is the second report of linkage of PMD to a missense mutation in PLP. These findings support the hypothesis that PMD in this family is a result of the missense mutation present in exon 4 of PLP.  相似文献   
The dual subcellular fate of fibroblast growth factor 3 (FGF3) is determined by the competing effects of amino-terminal signals for nuclear localization and secretion (P. Kiefer, P. Acland, D. Pappin, G. Peters, and C. Dickson, EMBO J. 13:4126-4136, 1994). Mutation analysis has implicated additional basic domains in the carboxy-terminal region of the protein as necessary for nuclear uptake and the association of FGF3 with the nucleoli. Immunogold electron microscopy shows that FGF3 is predominantly within the dense fibrillar component of the nucleolus. A form of FGF3 that localizes exclusively in the nucleus and nucleolus was generated by removing signals for secretion, and expression of this nonsecreted FGF3 in a mammary epithelial cell line resulted in slowly growing colonies of enlarged cells. Thus, nuclear import and nucleolar association of FGF3 are determined by the concerted interaction of several distinct motifs, and the exclusive production of the nuclear isoform can inhibit DNA synthesis and cell proliferation.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that a particular Y chromosome which is rDNA-deficient (YbbSuVar-5) may be associated with an increased utilization of rDNA template in adult testes (Shermoen and Kiefer 1975). To extend the observations on this chromosome, experiments were designed to determine if the chromosome has an effect on rRNA synthesis in bobbed adults and on classic bobbed phenotypes (shortened and thinner scutellar bristles and delayed development). Specific activity measurements were made on rRNA extracted from adult males of the genotypes car bb/YbbSuVar-5, which are rDNA-deficient to the same extent, and from Samarkand+ isogenic (Sam+ iso), which is a wild-type stock. The resulting data demonstrated that the presence of the YbbSuVar-5 chromosome increases the rate of ribosomal RNA synthesis in adult flies. In addition, it was found that the presence of this particular Y chromosome restores wild-type bristle phenotype and development time. Appropriate genetic crosses indicate that the observed effects (increased rRNA synthesis, restoration of wild-type phenotype) are a function of this particular Y chromosome, and are not due to autosomal factors. The results of these experiments suggest that the rate of rRNA accumulation is under genetic control.  相似文献   
It has been reported that the human cell line NHIK 3025 has a specific cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptor. When these cells were exposed to glucocorticoids, the cell cycle time was prolonged. Cells, synchronized by mitotic selection, were subjected to the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone throughout the cell cycle. Only cells exposed in the first half of G1 phase had a lengthened cell cycle time. Most of the prolongation was also located within the G1 phase. The dexamethasone growth inhibition was reversible and could be detected only in the cell cycle where the cells were exposed to the steroid. DNA-histograms of asynchronous cells were recorded by flowcytometry at various times after steroid exposure. These histograms also showed G1 phase sensitivity and G1 phase prolongation after exposure to dexamethasone. Our results thus indicate that these cells have a dexamethasone-sensitive restriction point in mid-G1 phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   
Die Morphologie der Schleimsekretion im Fruchtknoten vonAptenia cordifolia   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Udo Kristen 《Protoplasma》1976,89(3-4):221-233
Zusammenfassung Der Fruchtknoten vonAptenia cordifolia enthÄlt wÄhrend der Samenentwicklung einen proteinreichen Polysaccharidschleim. Verschieden alte schleimproduzierende Placentarpapillen werden einer elektronenmikroskopischen Analyse unterzogen. Kurz vor dem Einsetzen der Schleimproduktion ist das rauhe ER noch spÄrlich entwickelt. Der Golgi-Apparat ist unauffÄllig und wenig aktiv. Zu Beginn der Schleimbildung sind als hauptsÄchliche Strukturkomponenten hypersekretorische Dictyosomen und ER-umschlossene Vakuolen (storage vesicles) zu beobachten. Es wird angenommen, da\ diese Komplexe aus rauhem ER und vermutlich mitèinander verschmolzenen Golgi-Vesikeln die charakteristischen Synthese-Einheiten für den Polysaccharid-Protein-Schleim darstellen, da sie nachweislich neben Polysacchariden auch Proteine enthalten. Membranfusionen zwischen Vesikeln und dem Plasmalemma deuten auf Exocytose-Prozesse unter Beteiligung des Golgi-Apparates hin. Daneben wird eine holocrine Ausscheidung des in den storage vesicles zunÄchst gespeicherten Polysaccharid-Protein-Schleimes bei Degeneration des Protoplasten vermutet.
Morphology of slime secretion in the seed vessels ofAptenia cordifolia
Summary During seed development the gynaeceum ofAptenia cordifolia produces a mucilage rich in carbohydrates and protein. The mucilage-producing placentary papillae are analyzed in different developmental stages by electron microscopy. Just before mucilage production is started, the rough ER occurs but sparsely. At that time the dictyosomes are inconspicuous and of low activity. When mucilage production commences, one can observe hypersecretory dictyosomes and ER-ensheathed vacuoles (storage vesicles) as the main structural components. It is suggested that the complexes of rough ER and probably fused Golgi vesicles are the synthetizing units of the carbohydrate protein mucilage, since in these complexes both components can be identified cytochemically. Fusion sites of plasmalemma and vesicles indicate processes of exocytosis-probably involving the Golgi apparatus. In addition, a holocrine excretion of the mucilage initially enclosed in the storage vesicles via degeneration of the protoplast is assumed.
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