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It is often argued that the repetitive removal of branches to improve the quantity and the quality of wood, i.e. woodland management, has been practiced in Europe from the Mesolithic and/or Neolithic onwards. The Neolithic pile dwelling of Alvastra in Sweden has been mentioned in textbooks as a classical example of this practice. The conclusion about woodland management at Alvastra was primarily based on palynological data, which do not provide any direct evidence. Is it correct to conclude that woodland management was practiced at Alvastra? To investigate that, this paper reviews the previous arguments and interpretations, focusing on wood data, and by comparing archaeological data with modern wood data. First, the assemblage of vertical posts from the latest excavations at Alvastra include a wide range of taxa, showing opportunistic use of the woody vegetation. Second, while the dendrochronological analysis of Quercus and Ulmus carried out in the 80 s has clearly indicated that the trees used for the posts grew under highly similar conditions and that particularly many Quercus trees started to grow more or less at the same time, the reason for the partially simultaneous start of growth remains unknown, and the posts used for the construction of the site do not provide evidence of repetitive removal of trunks from stools. Finally, analysis of the age/diameter data of the Corylus wood indicates the use of branches from unmanaged vegetation, while age data of Salix do not support management either. In conclusion, the data do not support the hypothesis of woodland management at Neolithic Alvastra, and it is most likely that people did not practice woodland management. This outcome corresponds to the conclusions in some of the previous publications about the site.

Carboxylated, anionic polysaccharides were selectively prepared using a combination of enzymatic and chemical reactions. The galactose-containing polysaccharides studied were spruce galactoglucomannan, guar galactomannan, and tamarind galactoxyloglucan. The galactosyl units of the polysaccharides were first oxidized with galactose oxidase (EC and then selectively carboxylated, resulting in the galacturonic acid derivatives with good conversion and yield. The degrees of oxidation (DO) of the products were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A novel feasible electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) method was also developed for the determination of DO. The solution properties and charge densities of the products were investigated. The interaction of the products with cellulose was studied by two methods, bulk sorption onto bleached birch kraft pulp and adsorption onto nanocellulose ultrathin films by quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D). To study the effect of the location of the carboxylic acid groups on the physicochemical properties, polysaccharides were also oxidized by 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO)-mediated reaction producing polyuronic acids. The chemo-enzymatically oxidized galacturonic polysaccharides with an unmodified backbone had a better ability to interact with cellulose than the TEMPO-oxidized products. The selectively carboxylated polysaccharides can be further exploited, as such, or in the targeted functionalization of cellulose surfaces.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide function and signalling in plant disease resistance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nitric oxide (NO) is one of only a handful of gaseous signalling molecules. Its discovery as the endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) by Ignarro revolutionized how NO and cognate reactive nitrogen intermediates, which were previously considered to be toxic molecules, are viewed. NO is now emerging as a key signalling molecule in plants, where it orchestrates a plethora of cellular activities associated with growth, development, and environmental interactions. Prominent among these is its function in plant hypersensitive cell death and disease resistance. While a number of sources for NO biosynthesis have been proposed, robust and biologically relevant routes for NO production largely remain to be defined. To elaborate cell death during an incompatible plant-pathogen interaction NO functions in combination with reactive oxygen intermediates. Furthermore, NO has been shown to regulate the activity of metacaspases, evolutionary conserved proteases that may be intimately associated with pathogen-triggered cell death. NO is also thought to function in multiple modes of plant disease resistance by regulating, through S-nitrosylation, multiple nodes of the salicylic acid (SA) signalling pathway. These findings underscore the key role of NO in plant-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   
A novel Dehalococcoides isolate capable of metabolic trichloroethene (TCE)-to-ethene reductive dechlorination was obtained from contaminated aquifer material. Growth studies and 16S rRNA gene-targeted analyses suggested culture purity; however, the careful quantitative analysis of Dehalococcoides 16S rRNA gene and chloroethene reductive dehalogenase gene (i.e., vcrA, tceA, and bvcA) copy numbers revealed that the culture consisted of multiple, distinct Dehalococcoides organisms. Subsequent transfers, along with quantitative PCR monitoring, yielded isolate GT, possessing only vcrA. These findings suggest that commonly used qualitative 16S rRNA gene-based procedures are insufficient to verify purity of Dehalococcoides cultures. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that strain GT is affiliated with the Pinellas group of the Dehalococcoides cluster and shares 100% 16S rRNA gene sequence identity with two other Dehalococcoides isolates, strain FL2 and strain CBDB1. The new isolate is distinct, as it respires the priority pollutants TCE, cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis-DCE), 1,1-dichloroethene (1,1-DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC), thereby producing innocuous ethene and inorganic chloride. Strain GT dechlorinated TCE, cis-DCE, 1,1-DCE, and VC to ethene at rates up to 40, 41, 62, and 127 micromol liter-1 day-1, respectively, but failed to dechlorinate PCE. Hydrogen was the required electron donor, which was depleted to a consumption threshold concentration of 0.76+/-0.13 nM with VC as the electron acceptor. In contrast to the known TCE dechlorinating isolates, strain GT dechlorinated TCE to ethene with very little formation of chlorinated intermediates, suggesting that this type of organism avoids the commonly observed accumulation of cis-DCE and VC during TCE-to-ethene dechlorination.  相似文献   
The 16S rRNA gene provides insufficient information to infer the range of chloroorganic electron acceptors used by different Dehalococcoides organisms. To overcome this limitation and provide enhanced diagnostic tools for growth measurements, site assessment, and bioremediation monitoring, a quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) approach targeting 16S rRNA genes and three Dehalococcoides reductive dehalogenase (RDase) genes with assigned function (i.e., tceA, bvcA, and vcrA) was designed and evaluated. qPCR standard curves generated for the RDase genes by use of genomic DNA from Dehalococcoides pure cultures correlated with standard curves obtained for both Bacteria- and Dehalococcoides-targeted 16S rRNA genes, suggesting that the RDase genes are useful targets for quantitative assessment of Dehalococcoides organisms. RDase gene probe/primer pairs were specific for the Dehalococcoides strains known to carry the diagnostic RDase gene sequences, and the qPCR method allowed the detection of as few as 1 to 20 and quantification of as few as 50 to 100 tceA, bvcA, or vcrA gene targets per PCR volume. The qPCR approach was applied to dechlorinating enrichment cultures, microcosms, and samples from a contaminated site. In characterized enrichment cultures where known Dehalococcoides strains were enumerated, the sum of the three RDase genes equaled the total Dehalococcoides cell numbers. In site samples and chloroethane-dechlorinating microcosms, the sum of the three RDase genes was much less than that predicted by Dehalococcoides-targeted qPCR, totaling 10 to 30% of the total Dehalococcoides cell numbers. Hence, a large number of Dehalococcoides spp. contain as-yet-unidentified RDase genes, indicating that our current understanding of the dechlorinating Dehalococcoides community is incomplete.  相似文献   
The heat increment of feeding (HIF) was investigated in the tawny owl (Strix aluco) in central Norway (63°N, 10°E), close to the northern limit of its distribution. HIF was measured as the increase in heat production (measured as oxygen consumption) after force-feeding the owls with laboratory mice at thermoneutral conditions (20 °C) and during cold-exposure (5 °C and −5 °C). The basal metabolic rate of the owls (mean mass 419 g) was 4.39 kJ h−1 and the lower critical temperature was approximately 16 °C. During cold conditions, HIF substituted for thermogenesis, and at an ambient temperature of −5 °C the substitution was complete. Calculations indicate that the substitution by HIF may save the owls as much as 60% of their daily thermoregulatory costs. This corresponds to about 10% of their total daily energy budget.  相似文献   
Ischemic preconditioning increases the heart's tolerance to a subsequent longer ischemic period. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of gap junction communication in simulated preconditioning in cultured neonatal rat cardiac myofibroblasts. Gap junctional intercellular communication was assessed by Lucifer yellow dye transfer. Preconditioning preserved intercellular coupling after prolonged ischemia. An initial reduction in coupling in response to the preconditioning stimulus was also observed. This may protect neighboring cells from damaging substances produced during subsequent regional ischemia in vivo, and may preserve gap junctional communication required for enhanced functional recovery during subsequent reperfusion.  相似文献   
A major obstacle in the implementation of the reductive dechlorination process at chloroethene-contaminated sites is the accumulation of the intermediate vinyl chloride (VC), a proven human carcinogen. To shed light on the microbiology involved in the final critical dechlorination step, a sediment-free, nonmethanogenic, VC-dechlorinating enrichment culture was derived from tetrachloroethene (PCE)-to-ethene-dechlorinating microcosms established with material from the chloroethene-contaminated Bachman Road site aquifer in Oscoda, Mich. After 40 consecutive transfers in defined, reduced mineral salts medium amended with VC, the culture lost the ability to use PCE and trichloroethene (TCE) as metabolic electron acceptors. PCE and TCE dechlorination occurred in the presence of VC, presumably in a cometabolic process. Enrichment cultures supplied with lactate or pyruvate as electron donor dechlorinated VC to ethene at rates up to 54 μmol liter−1day−1, and dichloroethenes (DCEs) were dechlorinated at about 50% of this rate. The half-saturation constant (KS) for VC was 5.8 μM, which was about one-third lower than the concentrations determined for cis-DCE and trans-DCE. Similar VC dechlorination rates were observed at temperatures between 22 and 30°C, and negligible dechlorination occurred at 4 and 35°C. Reductive dechlorination in medium amended with ampicillin was strictly dependent on H2 as electron donor. VC-dechlorinating cultures consumed H2 to threshold concentrations of 0.12 ppm by volume. 16S rRNA gene-based tools identified a Dehalococcoides population, and Dehalococcoides-targeted quantitative real-time PCR confirmed VC-dependent growth of this population. These findings demonstrate that Dehalococcoides populations exist that use DCEs and VC but not PCE or TCE as metabolic electron acceptors.  相似文献   
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