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The signaling processes that maintain the homeostatic proliferation of peripheral T-cells and result in their self-renewal largely remain to be elucidated. Much focus has been placed on the anti-apoptotic function of the cytokine, interleukin-7 (IL-7), during T-cell development. But a more critical role has been ascribed to IL-7 as a mediator of peripheral T-cell maintenance. The biological effects responsive to IL-7 signaling are transduced through only a few well-known pathways. In this review we will focus on the signals transduced by IL-7 and similar cytokines, examining how proliferative signals originate from cytokine receptors, are amplified and eventually alter gene expression. In this regard we will highlight the crosstalk between pathways that promote survival, drive cell cycle progression and most importantly provide the needed energy to sustain these critical cellular activities. Though this review showcases much of what has been learned about IL-7 proliferative signaling, it also reveals the significant gaps in our knowledge about cytokine signaling in the very relevant context of peripheral T-cell homeostasis.  相似文献   
Leptoamphisiella vermisGruber, 1888 n. g., n. comb. (basionym Epiclintes vermisGruber, 1888) is an extraordinarily large and worm-like marine stichotrichous ciliate. Based on a population isolated recently from coastal waters of Qingdao, China, the living morphology and infraciliature are redescribed and its taxonomic position is defined. Accordingly, a new diagnosis for this species is suggested: large, marine Leptoamphisiella with a conspicuous layer of pellicular alveoli; 400-1000 microm x 40-70 microm in vivo; body band-like, highly flexible; about 40 membranelles; always three frontal and two buccal cirri; 52-80 transverse cirri (TC) extending to the posterior end of the buccal field; 57-79 left midventral and 44-62 right midventral cirri; 62-102 cirri in left and 63-91 cirri in right marginal rows (MR); 9-13 dorsal kineties that extend the full body length; about 100 macronuclear nodules and 5-13 micronuclei. The diagnosis for the new genus is as follows: vermiform Pseudoamphisiellidae with strongly contractile body, differentiated frontal, buccal, and highly developed TC; two remarkably separated midventral rows; one MR on each side of the body; frontoterminal and caudal cirri absent. Leptoamphisiella vermis n. comb. is fixed as the type species of the new genus.  相似文献   
Xenotransplantation (XT) reveals a growing interest for the treatment of cardiomyopathy. The major barrier is an acute vascular rejection due to an acute humoral rejection. This pathogenesis is a difficult issue and in order to elaborate means for its prevention, we analysed the implication of oxidative stress (OS) on hearts from mini-pigs followed by reperfusion with either autologous or human blood in an attempt to simulate xenotransplantation. About 14 hearts were studied after a Langendorff blood reperfusion: allografts with autologous blood (n = 7) or xenografts with human blood (n = 7). Blood samples were drawn from the coronary sinus to assess ischemia and OS. In xenografts, arrhythmias occurred more frequently (p < 0.01, left ventricular systolic pressure decreased more significantly (p < 0.05), thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances concentrations increased at 30 min (0.7 +/- 0.1 vs. 2.4 +/- 0.3 mmol/l; p < 0.05) while vitamin A levels decreased (p < 0.05). XT was associated with a significant increase in ischemic injury and OS production. OS might play an eminent role in hyperacute humoral rejection.  相似文献   
Engineered protein libraries, defined here as a collection of different mutant variants of a single specific protein, are intentionally designed to be rich in molecular diversity and can span ranges from as little as 400 different variants to greater than 10(12) members per library. The goal of engineering libraries is to generate new protein variants, identified upon screening, that possess desired novel properties. Exploitation of the natural organization of the genetic code has led to 'focused' libraries that are lower in overall complexity yet biased towards variants with preferred biophysical properties. An emerging trend, in which computational algorithms are blended with in vivo screens, is also leading towards greater and more rapid success in the field of protein design.  相似文献   


In this paper, we have studied the essential oils chemical composition of the leaves of seven Eucalyptus species developed in Tunisia. Eucalyptus leaves were picked from trees growing in different arboretums in Tunisia. Choucha and Mrifeg arboretums located in Sedjnene, region of Bizerte (Choucha: E. maideni, E. astrengens et E. cinerea; Mrifeg : E. leucoxylon), Korbous arboretums located in the region of Nabeul, North East Tunisia with sub-humid bioclimate, (E. lehmani), Souiniet-Ain Drahem arboretum located in region of Jendouba (E. sideroxylon, E. bicostata). Essential oils were individually tested against a large panel of microorganisms including Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6539), Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC29212), Listeria ivanovii (RBL 30), Bacillus cereus (ATCC11778).


The yield of essential oils ranged from 1.2% to 3% (w/w) for the different Eucalyptus species. All essential oils contain α-pinene, 1,8-cineol and pinocarveol-trans for all Eucalyptus species studied. The 1,8-cineol was the major compound in all species (49.07 to 83.59%). Diameter of inhibition zone of essential oils of Eucalyptus species varied from 10 to 29 mm. The largest zone of inhibition was obtained for Bacillus cereus (E. astrengens) and the lowest for Staphylococcus aureus (E. cinerea). The essential oils from E. maideni, E. astrengens, E. cinerea (arboretum of Bizerte), E. bicostata (arboretum of Aindraham) showed the highest antibacterial activity against Listeria ivanovii and Bacillus cereus.


The major constituents of Eucalyptus leaves essential oils are 1,8-cineol (49.07 to 83.59%) and α-pinene (1.27 to 26.35%). The essential oils from E. maideni, E. astrengens, E. cinerea, E. bicostata showed the highest antibacterial activity against Listeria ivanovii and Bacillus cereus, they may have potential applications in food and pharmaceutical products.  相似文献   
Stray cats are a common feature roaming the streets and alleys of Kuwait; they could be a source of parasites, including trematodes, that affect humans. A survey was conducted to identify feline trematodes and throw the light on their public health significance in Kuwait. Out of 240 stray cats trapped from different localities of Kuwait from June 2011 to May 2012, 59 (24.6%) were found to be infected with 14 species of trematodes. The most common were trematodes of the genus Heterophyes, particularly H. heterophyes and H. dispar that were found in respectively 15.8% and 10.8% of the cats examined. Other trematodes recorded, with lower prevalences, were Heterophyes nocens (2.9%), Haplorchis taichui (3.8%), Stictodora sawakinensis (2.1%), Stellantchasmus falcatus (1.6%), Echinochasmus japonicus (1.6%), and Mesostephanus dottrensi (1.3%). Centrocestus cuspidatus, Galactosomum fregatae, Ascocotyle sp., Mesostephanus appendiculatus, Haplorchis yokogawai, and Pygidiopsis genata showed the lowest prevalence (0.4%) and intensity. The majority of the trematodes are recorded for the first time in Kuwait and even in the Gulf region. The study reveals that stray cats are good indicators of fish-borne trematodes in the environment. As all trematodes recovered are zoonotic, their significance to public health should be considred.  相似文献   
A reproductive biology study of the spider crab Schizophrys aspera (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) was conducted in the Suez Canal from July 2012 to June 2013. The annual sex ratio (Male:Female) of S. aspera was female biased with values of 1:1.25. Out of the four ovarian development stages of this crab, two stages were observed in the Suez Canal throughout the whole year. The ovigerous crab’s carapace width varied from 28 to 52 mm. This crab species can spawn during most of the year in the canal water, with a peak during late spring and early winter. The fecundity of ovigerous females ranged between 2349 and 13600 eggs with a mean of 5494 ± 1486 eggs. Female crabs that reached sexual maturity exhibited a minimum carapace width varying between 22 and 46 mm, and fifty percentage of all ovigerous females showed a carapace width of 36 mm.  相似文献   
The morphology and infraciliature of three karyorelictean ciliates, Geleia sinica spec. nov. and two poorly known Kentrophoros species, K. flavus and K. gracilis, isolated from the intertidal zone of a beach at Qingdao, China, were investigated. Geleia sinica spec. nov. is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: body medium-sized and slender-cylindrical; with a conspicuous prebuccal fossa; 28–34 somatic kineties; about 40 short adoral polykineties; intrabuccal kinety composed of 25–34 dikinetids; paroral kineties composed of closely spaced dikinetids. The comparison with similar congeners clearly supports the validity of this new species based on morphological and small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence data. In light of these new data the “well-known” morphotype, Geleia simplex (Fauré-Fremiet, 1951), is redefined. Two Kentrophoros species are redescribed and improved diagnoses are supplied. Kentrophoros flavus Raikov and Kovaleva, 1968 is mainly characterized by having about 33 macronuclei and 12 micronuclei forming a row that extends along the cell meridian, and 12–19 ciliary rows on the right side of the cell. Kentrophoros gracilis Raikov, 1963 is characterized by having about 14 macronuclei, 13 micronuclei and 10–13 kineties on the right side of the cell.  相似文献   
E6 is a small oncoprotein involved in tumorigenesis induced by papillomaviruses (PVs). E6 often recognizes its cellular targets by binding to short motifs presenting the consensus LXXLL. E6 proteins have long resisted structural analysis. We found that bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1) E6 binds the N-terminal LXXLL motif of the cellular protein paxillin with significantly higher affinity as compared to other E6/peptide interactions. Although recombinant BPV1 E6 was poorly soluble in the free state, provision of the paxillin LXXLL peptide during BPV1 E6 biosynthesis greatly enhanced the protein's solubility. Expression of BPV1 E6/LXXLL peptide complexes was carried out in bacteria in the form of triple fusion constructs comprising, from N- to C-terminus, the soluble carrier protein maltose binding protein (MBP), the LXXLL motif and the E6 protein. A TEV protease cleavage site was placed either between MBP and LXXLL motif or between LXXLL motif and E6. These constructs allowed us to produce highly concentrated samples of BPV1 E6, either covalently fused to the C-terminus of the LXXLL motif (intra-molecular complex) or non-covalently bound to it (inter-molecular complex). Heteronuclear NMR measurements were performed and showed that the E6 protein was folded with similar conformations in both covalent and non-covalent complexes. These data open the way to novel structural and functional studies of the BPV1 E6 in complex with its preferential target motif.  相似文献   
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