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We have identified a basic sequence in the N-terminal region of the 67-kDa serum response factor (p67SRF or SRF) responsible for its nuclear localization. A peptide containing this nuclear localization signal (NLS) translocates rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG) into the nucleus as efficiently as a peptide encoding the simian virus 40 NLS. This effect is abolished by substituting any two of the four basic residues in this NLS. Overexpression of a modified form of SRF in which these basic residues have been mutated confirms the absolute requirement for this sequence, and not the other basic amino acid sequences adjacent to it, in the nuclear localization of SRF. Since this NLS is in close proximity to potential phosphorylation sites for the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (A-kinase), we further investigated if A-kinase plays a role in the nuclear location of SRF. The nuclear transport of SRF proteins requires basal A-kinase activity, since inhibition of A-kinase by using either the specific inhibitory peptide PKIm or type II regulatory subunits (RII) completely prevents the nuclear localization of plasmid-expressed tagged SRF or an SRF-NLS-IgG conjugate. Direct phosphorylation of SRF by A-kinase can be discounted in this effect, since mutation of the putative phosphorylation sites in either the NLS peptide or the encoded full-length SRF protein had no effect on nuclear transport of the mutants. Finally, in support of an implication of A-kinase-dependent phosphorylation in a more general mechanism affecting nuclear import, we show that the nuclear transport of a simian virus 40-NLS-conjugated IgG or purified cyclin A protein is also blocked by inhibition of A-kinase, even though neither contains any potential sites for phosphorylation by A-kinase or can be phosphorylated by A-kinase in vitro.  相似文献   
Kobayashi, Tsutomu, Katsumi Tashiro, Ken Yamamoto, ShunichiNitta, Shigeo Ohmura, and Yasuhiro Suzuki. Effects of surfactant proteins SP-B and SP-C on dynamic and static mechanics of immature lungs. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(6):1849-1856, 1997.To investigate the effects of surfactantproteins B (SP-B) and C (SP-C) on lung mechanics, we compared tidal andstatic lung volumes of immature rabbits anesthetized with pentobarbitalsodium and given reconstituted test surfactants (RTS).With a series of RTS having various SP-B concentrations (0-0.7%)but a fixed SP-C concentration (1.4%), both the tidal volume with25-cmH2O insufflation pressure and the static volume deflated to5-cmH2O airway pressure increased, significantly correlating with the SP-B concentration: the former increased from 6.5 to 26.0 ml/kg (mean), and the latter increased from6.4 to 31.8 ml/kg. With another series of RTS having afixed SP-B concentration (0.7%) but various SP-C concentrations(0-1.4%), the tidal volume increased from 5.1 to 24.8 ml/kg,significantly correlating with the SP-C concentration, whereas thestatic volume increased from 3.4 to 32.0 ml/kg, the ceiling value, inthe presence of a minimal concentration of SP-C (0.18%). Inconclusion, certain doses of SP-B and SP-C were indispensable foroptimizing dynamic lung mechanics; the static mechanics, however,required significantly less SP-C.

Methanococcus voltae DNA, digested individually with the restriction enzymes ApaI, SacII, BamHI, or EagI, was resolved by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis reproducing the previously published digestion patterns. Hybridization of a flagellin gene-specific probe to such gels dried down (unblots) resulted in the identification of one band per enzyme harboring the flagellin genes. These bands all overlapped, revealing that an approximately 15-kb BamHI/EagI DNA fragment should harbor the flagellin genes. Double digestion with BamHI and EagI resulted in the resolution of two bands in the 15-kb region of the gel. Separation of these two fragments prior to blotting and probing with a flagellar gene-specific probe revealed that one of these fragments possessed the flagellar sequences. The presence of an EagI restriction site in flaB3 localized the flagellin genes precisely at the junction of EagI fragments Ea2 and Ea5 at approximately the 1800-kb position of the physical map.  相似文献   
Summary A simple improved method including sonication treatment is proposed to determine accurate cell and spore counts forBacillus sphaericus, a microorganism which can form cell aggregates. Sonication (10 watt power output) for 40 seconds after dilution of culture broth was effective in dispersing clumps of cells and spores without disruption. This improved method gave approximately 2 times higher cell and spore counts compared with the conventional counting methods (without sonication).  相似文献   
The gastric cytoprotective effects of vitamin A, De-Nol and sucralfate were compared with the effectiveness of pirenzepine in healing ulcer in patients with chronic gastric ulcer. A total of 100 patients was randomized into different groups: the patients were treated with antacids, vitamin A (3 X 50.000 IU), De-Nol liquid (4 X 5 ml), sucralfate (4 X 1 g) or pirenzepine (3 X 50 mg). The treatment was continued for 4 weeks. At the beginning, 2 and 4 weeks after starting treatment the patients were subjected to endoscopy and the size of the ulcer was measured planimetrically. The ulcer-healing effect of De-Nol liquid was significantly better than that of the antacids (p less than 0.01). Ulcer size was reduced significantly in all groups (p less than 0.01), however, at the end of the study the gastric ulcers were smallest in the De-Nol treated group (p less than 0.001). The dynamics of ulcer healing in the second week was most favourable in the patients receiving vitamin A (p less than 0.01). The present data point to the cytoprotective effects of De-Nol liquid, vitamin A and sucralfate and to their ability of healing chronic gastric ulcers.  相似文献   
Spheroplasts ofHalobacterium cutirubrum were formed upon suspension of cell pellets in 0.1M MES buffer, pH 7.0, containing 0.5M sucrose, 0.25M NaCl, and 0.01M MgCl2. The spheroplasts regenerated into rod-shaped bacteria when plated on a complex medium containing 15% (wt/vol) sucrose, undergoing several divisions as spherical bodies before the rod shape developed. The frequency of regeneration was approximately 5% of the total spheroplasts plated. The yield of regenerants was increased significantly (to approximately 35%) when bovine serum albumin was present in the spheroplasting buffer and dilution media. The conditions for spheroplast formation and regeneration inH. cutirubrum were also found effective forHalobacterium salinarium but not forHalobacterium halobium.NRCC Paper no. 23080.  相似文献   
The carbon magnetic resonance spectra of many fatty acid methyl esters with cis and trans double bonds and triple bonds at various positions and in many different combinations have been investigated.The influence of the ester group on double and triple bonds in the fatty acid chain depends strongly on the positions of these bonds. For a given position the influence is constant, even if one or more other double or triple bonds are present.Together with the evaluated chemical shift parameters for the effects of double and triple bonds on each other, complete assignments are possible and spectra of various types of unsaturated esters can be predicted with high accuracy (±0.1 ppm).  相似文献   
Male, albino, Sprague-Dawley rats were sacrificed by cervical separation. Segments of jejunum were excised, everted and examined with the electron microscope. Examination of tissue fixed immediately after eversion revealed the following changes as compared to non-everted segments fixed insitu and invitro: 1) an increase in the length of microvilli from (mean ± S. E.) 0.991 ± 0.011μ for normal tissue to 1.389 ± 0.023μ for everted tissue, 2) an increase in width of microvilli from (mean ± S. E.) 0.089 ± 0.001μ for normal tissue to 0.097 ± 0.001μ for everted tissue, 3) an increase in length and number of lateral membrane interdigitations, and 4) the appearance of intercellular “lakes” in the lateral spaces. The above changes are in those structures hypothesized to be involved with salt and water transport across epithelia and may reflect altered transport rates invitro as compared to invivo.  相似文献   
Thalloid liverworts of orders Metzgeriales and Marchantiales elaborate essential oils distinguishable from those of the Jungermanniales by the absence of β-barbatene and anastreptene. Riccardia sinuata elaborates a novel tricyclic exomethylene sesquiterpene of as yet undetermined structure. Conocephalum conicum elaborates cadinene-type sesquiterpenes. β-Cadinene from the latter species is clearly enantiomeric to the same product from vascular plants.  相似文献   
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