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Phylogenetic relationships within the orchid subtribe Oncidiinae sensu Chase were inferred using maximum likelihood analyses of single and multilocus DNA sequence data sets. Analyses included both nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer DNA and plastid regions (matK exon, trnH‐psbA intergenic spacer and two portions of ycf1 exon) for 736 individuals representing approximately 590 species plus seven outgroup taxa. Based on the well resolved and highly supported results, we recognize 61 genera in Oncidiinae. Mimicry of oil‐secreting Malpighiaceae and other floral syndromes evolved in parallel across the subtribe, and many clades exhibit extensive variation in pollination‐related traits. Because previous classifications heavily emphasized these floral features, many genera recognized were not monophyletic. Our classification based on monophyly will facilitate focused monographs and clarifies the evolution of morphological and biochemical traits of interest within this highly diverse subtribe. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 168 , 117–146.  相似文献   
1. Freshwater mussels are the dominant consumer biomass in many fluvial systems. As filter feeding grazers, mussels can remove large amounts of particulate matter from the water column and transfer these resources to the substrate as biodeposits (agglutinated mussel faeces and pseudofaeces). Mussel biodeposits are a nutrient rich and easily assimilated food source and therefore may have significant relevance to benthic community structure. This study examines the functional role of Margaritifera falcata in the South Fork Eel River, California. 2. We addressed two main questions: (i) Do mussels increase benthic resources in this system? (ii) If so, does this alter macroinvertebrate community structure? 3. Measurements and enclosure experiments in the South Fork Eel River show that mussels can play a significant role in local food webs by increasing available fine particulate matter (both organic and inorganic) on the substrate. We document increased benthic macroinvertebrate biomass for predators and collectors (Leptophlebidae) in the presence of mussels, but only in late summer.  相似文献   
The concentration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in rumen fluid from heifers fed high levels of nutrients continuously and after 12–24 h starvation has been determined in order to examine the influence of different physiological conditions. The conventional parameters for characterizing the rumen fermentation have been applied to control the effect of a different nutrient supply. The mean concentration of ATP, determined by the luciferin-luciferase assay, was 55.3 mg ATP/l rumen fluid in a heifer fed continuously, twice as much as found in a starved heifer. The mean ratio of biomass/ATP changed from 683 at the high level of energy intake to 1208 in the period of starvation. Consequently, the concentration of ATP in the rumen micro-organisms is markedly influenced by nutritional conditions. Finally, the applicability of ATP determinations in rumen microbiology is discussed.  相似文献   
As human activity continues to increase CO2 and O3, broad expanses of north temperate forests will be simultaneously exposed to elevated concentrations of these trace gases. Although both CO2 and O3 are potent modifiers of plant growth, we do not understand the extent to which they alter competition for limiting soil nutrients, like nitrogen (N). We quantified the acquisition of soil N in two 8‐year‐old communities composed of trembling aspen genotypes (n= 5) and trembling aspen–paper birch which were exposed to factorial combinations of CO2 (ambient and 560 μL L−1) and O3 (ambient = 30–40 vs. 50–60 nL L−1). Tracer amount of 15NH4+ were applied to soil to determine how these trace gases altered the competitive ability of genotypes and species to acquire soil N. One year after isotope addition, we assessed N acquisition by measuring the amount of 15N tracer contained in the plant canopy (i.e. recent N acquisition), as well as the total amount of canopy N (i.e. cumulative N acquisition). Exposure to elevated CO2 differentially altered recent and cumulative N acquisition among aspen genotypes, changing the rank order in which they obtained soil N. Elevated O3 also altered the rank order in which aspen genotypes obtained soil N by eliciting increases, decreases and no response among genotypes. If aspen genotypes respond similarly under field conditions, then rising concentrations of CO2 and O3 could alter the structure of aspen populations. In the aspen–birch community, elevated CO2 increased recent N (i.e. 15N) acquisition in birch (68%) to a greater extent than aspen (19%), suggesting that, over the course of this experiment, birch had gained a competitive advantage over aspen. The response of genotypes and species to rising CO2 and O3 concentrations, and how these responses are modified by competitive interactions, has the potential to change the future composition and productivity of northern temperate forests.  相似文献   
Antioxidants, Oxidative Damage and Oxygen Deprivation Stress: a Review   总被引:63,自引:1,他引:63  
Oxidative stress is induced by a wide range of environmentalfactors including UV stress, pathogen invasion (hypersensitivereaction), herbicide action and oxygen shortage. Oxygen deprivationstress in plant cells is distinguished by three physiologicallydifferent states: transient hypoxia, anoxia and reoxygenation.Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is characteristicfor hypoxia and especially for reoxygenation. Of the ROS, hydrogenperoxide (H2O2) and superoxide (O2·–) are bothproduced in a number of cellular reactions, including the iron-catalysedFenton reaction, and by various enzymes such as lipoxygenases,peroxidases, NADPH oxidase and xanthine oxidase. The main cellularcomponents susceptible to damage by free radicals are lipids(peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids in membranes), proteins(denaturation), carbohydrates and nucleic acids. Consequencesof hypoxia-induced oxidative stress depend on tissue and/orspecies (i.e. their tolerance to anoxia), on membrane properties,on endogenous antioxidant content and on the ability to inducethe response in the antioxidant system. Effective utilizationof energy resources (starch, sugars) and the switch to anaerobicmetabolism and the preservation of the redox status of the cellare vital for survival. The formation of ROS is prevented byan antioxidant system: low molecular mass antioxidants (ascorbicacid, glutathione, tocopherols), enzymes regenerating the reducedforms of antioxidants, and ROS-interacting enzymes such as SOD,peroxidases and catalases. In plant tissues many phenolic compounds(in addition to tocopherols) are potential antioxidants: flavonoids,tannins and lignin precursors may work as ROS-scavenging compounds.Antioxidants act as a cooperative network, employing a seriesof redox reactions. Interactions between ascorbic acid and glutathione,and ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds are well known. Underoxygen deprivation stress some contradictory results on theantioxidant status have been obtained. Experiments on overexpressionof antioxidant production do not always result in the enhancementof the antioxidative defence, and hence increased antioxidativecapacity does not always correlate positively with the degreeof protection. Here we present a consideration of factors whichpossibly affect the effectiveness of antioxidant protectionunder oxygen deprivation as well as under other environmentalstresses. Such aspects as compartmentalization of ROS formationand antioxidant localization, synthesis and transport of antioxidants,the ability to induce the antioxidant defense and cooperation(and/or compensation) between different antioxidant systemsare the determinants of the competence of the antioxidant system.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The expansion of the cellulosic biofuels industry throughout the United States has broad-scale implications for wildlife management on public and private lands. Knowledge is limited on the effects of reverting agriculture to native grass, and vice versa, on size of home range and habitat use of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). We followed 68 radiocollared female deer from 1991 through 2004 that were residents of DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge (DNWR) in eastern Nebraska, USA. The refuge was undergoing conversion of vegetation out of row-crop agriculture and into native grass, forest, and emergent aquatic vegetation. Habitat in DNWR consisted of 30% crop in 1991 but removing crops to establish native grass and wetland habitat at DNWR resulted in a 44% reduction in crops by 2004. A decrease in the amount of crops on DNWR contributed to a decline in mean size of annual home range from 400 ha in 1991 to 200 ha in 2005 but percentage of crops in home ranges increased from 21% to 29%. Mean overlap for individuals was 77% between consecutive annual home ranges across 8 years, regardless of crop availability. Conversion of crop to native habitat will not likely result in home range abandonment but may impact disease transmission by increasing rates of contact between deer social groups that occupy adjacent areas. Future research on condition indices or changes in population parameters (e.g., recruitment) could be incorporated into the study design to assess impacts of habitat conversion for biofuel production.  相似文献   
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