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Zaira cinerea (Fallén) is a parasitoid fly (Diptera: Tachinidae) that attacks adult carabid beetles. To better understand mechanisms of population persistence in this species, we examined seasonality of host beetle abundance, the frequency of parasitism, and the timing of fly eclosion. In addition, we evaluated host quality using numbers of larvae or puparia per individual beetle as a measure of quality. The fly parasitized only large carabids (≥15 mm body length); the lengths of fly puparia reached 7.4–10.8 mm during development in beetle abdomens, and larger hosts are likely essential. Of the 18 large carabid species collected in this study, we chose two, Carabus maiyasanus Bates and Leptocarabus procerulus (Bates), because they were large and abundant (87% of total catch). The two carabids had different phonologies; C. maiyasanus was abundant from spring to summer, and its abundance dropped sharply in autumn, while L. procerulus was abundant in autumn and rare from spring to summer except July. Parasitism was observed in all the months from May to November except June, and adult flies eclosed more than once a year (in early summer, late summer, and mid‐autumn), indicating that the species is multivoltine. Host quality of L. procerulus was higher than that of C. maiyasanus. Carabus maiyasanus was mainly used as a host from spring to summer, and L. procerulus was used in autumn. Thus, adult beetles of one or both species are available over most of spring, summer, and autumn, allowing population persistence of this fly species over time.  相似文献   
Sulphonation of small molecules by cytosolic sulphotransferases in mammals is an important process in which endogenous molecules are modified for inactivation/activation of their biological effects. Plants possess large numbers of sulphotransferase genes, but their biological functions are largely unknown. Here, we present a functional analysis of the Arabidopsis sulphotransferase AtSOT12 (At2g03760). AtSOT12 gene expression is strongly induced by salt, and osmotic stress and hormone treatments. The T‐DNA knock‐out mutant sot12 exhibited hypersensitivity to NaCl and ABA in seed germination, and to salicylic acid (SA) in seedling growth. In vitro enzyme activity assay revealed that AtSOT12 sulphonates SA, and endogenous SA levels suggested that sulphonation of SA positively regulates SA production. Upon challenging with the pathogen Pseudomonas syringae, sot12 mutant and AtSOT12 over‐expressing lines accumulate less and more SA, respectively, when compared with wild type. Consistent with the changes in SA levels, the sot12 mutant was more susceptible, while AtSOT12 over‐expressing plants are more resistant to pathogen infection. Moreover, pathogen‐induced PR gene expression in systemic leaves was significantly enhanced in AtSOT12 over‐expressing plants. The role of sulphonation of SA in SA production, mobile signalling and acquired systemic resistance is discussed.  相似文献   
We investigated methane production and oxidation and the depth distribution and phylogenetic affiliation of a functional gene for methanogenesis, methyl coenzyme M reductase subunit A (mcrA), at two sites of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 311. These sites, U1327 and U1329, are respectively inside and outside the area of gas hydrate distribution on the Cascadia Margin. Radiotracer experiments using 14C‐labelled substrates indicated high potential methane production rates in hydrate‐bearing sediments [128–223 m below seafloor (mbsf)] at U1327 and in sediments between 70 and 140 mbsf at U1329. Tracer‐free experiments indicated high cumulative methane production in sediments within and below the gas hydrate layer at U1327 and in sediments below 70 mbsf at U1329. Stable tracer experiments using 13C‐labelled methane showed high potential methane oxidation rates in near‐surface sediments and in sediments deeper than 100 mbsf at both sites. Results of polymerase chain reaction amplification of mcrA in DNA were mostly consistent with methane production: relatively strong mcrA amplification was detected in the gas hydrate‐bearing sediments at U1327, whereas at U1329, it was mainly detected in sediments from around the bottom‐simulating reflector (126 mbsf). Phylogenetic analysis of mcrA separated it into four phylotype clusters: two clusters of methanogens, Methanosarcinales and Methanobacteriales, and two clusters of anaerobic methanotrophic archaea, ANME‐I and ANME‐II groups, supporting the activity measurement results. These results reveal that in situ methanogenesis in deep sediments probably contributes to gas hydrate formation and are inconsistent with the geochemical model that microbial methane currently being generated in shallow sediments migrates downward and contributes to the hydrate formation. At Site U1327, gas hydrates occurred in turbidite sediments, which were absent at Site U1329, suggesting that a geological setting suitable for a gas hydrate reservoir is more important for the accumulation of gas hydrate than microbiological properties.  相似文献   
The genetic variation and clonal diversity of two divergent types (grey-green and yellow-green) of clonal populations of Leymus chinensis Tzvel at 14 loci were compared. Total gene diversity (HT) and the coefficient of genetic differentiation (GST) were all higher for the yellow-green type (HT = 0.270; GST =0.186) than for the grey-green type (HT = 0.250; GST = 0.157) of L. chinensis. Rare alleles usually occurred as heterozygotes rather than homozygotes and significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found only at a few loci. This indicated that these two types of populations were mainly out-crossing. Clonal diversity, evenness of clones, and mean clone size were not significantly different between the two types. We found that differences between the clone size and genetic variation of the yellow-green type of populations occurred with different climate and habitat population groups. However, for the grey-green type of populations, these genetic variations decreased under conditions of different climate and habitat population groups.  相似文献   
In social insects, information on the presence of a queen is known to affect the reproductive behaviour of workers. In the queenless ant Diacamma sp., information of the presence of the gamergate, the functional queen, is transmitted exclusively by direct physical contact between the gamergate and workers. Periodic contacts between the gamergate and each worker are therefore necessary to maintain worker sterility. However, how the difference in the contact interval influences reproductive behaviour of workers is unclear. In the present study, by artificially controlling the exact interval of physical contact between workers with the gamergate, it is shown that the inter‐contact interval influences the worker's reproductive condition (i.e. a longer interval leads to more developed ovaries). This system provides a good opportunity to study the mechanisms underling the colony size dependence of individual as well as colony characteristics.  相似文献   
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