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The mitogenic response to Con A and the production of T cell growth factor or interleukin 2 (IL 2) by splenic and peripheral blood lymphocytes of obese strain (OS) chickens with spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis have been investigated. By using an optimized method with Con A-coated chicken erythrocytes (MRC), lymphocytes of OS chickens were found to exhibit significantly elevated mitogenic responses as compared with cells from either Normal White Leghorn chickens (NWL) or animals of the Cornell C-Strain (CS), from which the OS has originally been developed. This difference was observed throughout ontogeny up to 15 mo of age, and was associated with increased levels of IL 2 activity in the culture supernatants. The elevated responsiveness of OS T lymphocytes was also found to be manifested in the expression of receptors for IL 2, because Con A-stimulated lymphocytes of OS birds were significantly more effective than those from normal controls in absorbing IL 2 activity from conditioned media (CM) of stimulated spleen cells. High concentrations of CM were suppressive in IL 2 assays, signaling the presence of an inhibitory factor(s) in addition to IL 2. An additional indication for defective immunoregulation was that CM from OS lymphocyte cultures showed significantly less of this suppressive activity in comparison with CM of normal (NWL and CS) lymphocyte cultures. Finally, the spontaneous uptake of 125IUdR of embryonic and early post hatching OS spleen lymphocytes was consistently and significantly enhanced. This difference, however, in contrast to the one observed in Con A responses, was found to decrease with age. The data are discussed in view of the contradictory results concerning T cell functions reported for several autoimmune states in mammals.  相似文献   
Summary In the isolated bullfrog cornea, three calcium channel antagonists had dose-dependent inhibitory effects on the Cl-originated short-circuit current (SCC). Their order of decreasing potency was bepridil, verapamil and diltiazem. One millimolar diltiazem inhibited the SCC by 98% and subsequent incubation with the calcium ionophore A23187 had no restorative effect. Increasing the bathing solution Ca concentration from 0.05 to 15mm, however, decreased diltiazem's inhibitory efficacy. This antagonist depolarized the intracellular potential differenceV m from –54 to –18 mV (tear: reference) and the voltage divider ratioFR 0 decreased from 0.58 to 0.30, suggesting an increase in basolateral membrane electrical resistance. Additional indication of a basolateral membrane effect by the drug was that preincubation with 105 m amphotericin B in Cl-free Ringer's did not eliminate the inhibitory effect of the drug on the Na- and K-elicited SCC. In the absence of amphotericin B in Cl-free Ringer's (SCC=0), 1 ×103 m diltiazem depolarized theV m from –78 to –9 mV suggesting that the increase in basolateral membrane resistance was due to K channel blockade. Diltiazem (1×103 m) significantly decreased cyclic AMP content; however, isoproterenol in the presence of the drug increased cyclic AMP fourfold without having any restorative effect on the inhibited SCC. Therefore, the inhibition of the Cl-originated SCC resulting from an increase in basolateral membrane K resistance is not caused by a decline in cyclic AMP content. In plasma membrane-enriched fractions prepared from broken cell preparations of bovine corneal epithelium, 1×103 m diltiazem had no inhibitory effects on either Na,K-ATPase or Ca,Mg-ATPase activities. These latter effects further point to the selectivity of diltiazem as an inhibitor of K-channel activity, but do not preclude a Ca-channel blocker effect by the drug in the micromolar range.  相似文献   
Contrary to the generally accepted rule that there are only two fracture faces associated with a membrane, the analysis of double replicas at rat heart muscle mitochondria revealed three pairs of complementary replicas with one face in each pair exposing the outer surface membrane. The replicas must then expose the surfaces of the outer surface membrane and in two of the pairs the fracture had passed between the two surface membranes in two alternative ways, either clearly between the two membranes or the fracture deviated into and through the inner surface membrane at regularly spaced intervals. This deviation reveals that at these sites the connection between the two surface membranes is particularly firm. The analysis led to the conclusion that these sites correspond to those where the stalk-like connections extending from the cristae are connected to the inner surface membrane. This way proteinaceous pathways connect the cristae to the surface of the mitochondria.  相似文献   
The isolation and identification of biphenyl catabolism products in Pseudomonas putida BS 893 (pBS241) showed the presence of benzoic, m-hydroxybenzoic and cinnamic acids. The two latter compounds were not found in biphenyl degradation by other bacterial strains. P. putida BS 893 (pBS241) differed from other biphenyl-positive Pseudomonas strains in the enzyme activity. These differences may stem from peculiarities in the pathway of biphenyl catabolism controlled by plasmid pBS241.  相似文献   
V Bohr  L K?ber 《Mutation research》1985,146(2):219-225
The ability to repair damage to DNA was compared in 2 groups of patients having undergone treatment for leukemia, one of which developed secondary leukemia (SL), and the other without signs of secondary malignancy (treated controls). Both were related to normal controls. DNA repair was assessed in isolated peripheral lymphocytes from the patients by measuring the rejoining of strand breaks following alkylation damage to the lymphocytes or by measuring unscheduled DNA synthesis. Day-to-day variability in the assays was considerable, but findings were that 5 out of 7 SL patients had repair deficiencies as measured by their ability to rejoin strand breaks, and 5 out of 7 had increased unscheduled DNA synthesis compared to treated and normal controls. All patients with SL and 4 out of 8 treated controls had inherent strand breaks in their DNA as compared to the normal controls when measured by alkaline elution.  相似文献   
Two unicellular marine algae cultured in media containing sodium selenite were examined for glutathione peroxidase activity. The 400 g supernatant from disrupted cells of both the green alga Dunaliella primolecta and the red alga Porphyridium cruentum were able to enhance both the H2O2 and the tert-butyl hydroperoxide dependent oxidation of glutathione. The glutathione peroxidation activity of D. primolecta was reduced only slightly by heating the 400 g supernatant, a 30% decrease in the rate with H2O2 and 10% decrease in the rate with t-BuOOH being observed. Heating caused the H2O2 dependent activity in P. cruentum to be reduced by only 30%, but the activity with t-BuOOH was reduced by 90%. Freezing decreased the t-BuOOH dependent activity of P. cruentum by 90%, but did not lower the t-BuOOH dependent activity of D. primolecta or the H2O2 dependent activity of either alga. It was concluded that the heat and cold stable, glutathione peroxidation was non-enzymatic in nature. A variety of small molecules (ascorbate, Cu(NO3)2, selenocystine, dimethyldiselenide and selenomethionine) were shown to be able to enhance the hydroperoxide dependent oxidation of glutathione in the assay system employed in this study. Such compounds could be responsible for the activity observed in algae. The heat and cold labile t-BuOOH reductase activity of P. cruentumwas possibly enzymatic, but was not attributable to the presence of glutathione-S-transferase. Both algae, when cultured in the presence of added selenite, displayed an approximate doubling of the non-enzymatic H2O2 and t-BuOOH dependent glutathione oxidase activities. The heat and cold labile t-BuOOH reductase activity of P. cruentum was unaltered when the alga was grown in the presence of added selenite. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that selenium compounds present in the algae are responsible for the selenium induced glutathione peroxidation.  相似文献   
Micronuclei were induced in vitro in human lymphocytes by mitomycin C, X-rays, vincristine, and colcemid and analyzed in cells with preserved cytoplasm. The micronucleus/cell nucleus ratio was measured. It was found that micronuclei induced by mitomycin C and X-rays were significantly smaller than those formed by vincristine and colcemid. Thus, in spite of the wide size span of human chromosomes, it could be shown that it is possible to differentiate between micronuclei formed by spindle-damaging agents (vincristine and colcemid) and those induced by agents directly damaging the chromosomes (mitomycin C and X-rays). Mitomycin C-induced micronuclei were smaller than those induced by X-rays, probably because the former agent preferentially produces chromatid fragments and the latter chromosome fragments.  相似文献   
Free sterols and sterylglycosides (SG) from oat leaves and seedswere isolated by conventional thin layer chromatography (TLC)and subjected to high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)for resolution of molecular species. Acylsterylglycosides, isolatedby TLC, were converted to SG by mild alkaline hydrolysis anddetermined as SG. Sterols and SG were injected onto the columnwithout any chemical treatment and the separated species weredetected at 200 nm. The separation of SG-species follows exactlythe separation of free sterols. Though gas liquid chromatography still is the method of choice,advantages of HPLC is to analyse directly the SG-species withouthydrolysis and derivatization as compared to GLC. After TLCthe sterol- and the SG-fraction are injected directly onto thecolumn. This is extremely important for labile sterylglycosidesor sterols, as demonstrated for the avenasterols. 1 Preliminary reports have been presented on the "4. Arbeitstagung,Pflanzliche Lipide", October 7–8, 1983 in M?nster (FRG)and on the "6th International Symposium on the Structure, Functionand Metabolism of Plant Lipids", Neuchatel, Switzerland, July16–20, 1984. (Received November 12, 1984; Accepted January 14, 1985)  相似文献   
Internodal cells of Chara australis were subjected to two consecutiveintracellular perfusions with a Ca2+-free EGTA medium whichdisintegrated the tonoplast within about 10 minutes and thenwith a Ca2+-buffered medium. All perfusion media usually contained1 mM ATP. To stop the electrogenic pump, the internode was depletedof intracellular ATP. The excitability of the plasmalemma wasnot significantly influenced by intracellular free Ca2+ concentrationsup to 10–4 M. To trigger action potentials, minimum currentdensities of 1 to 2 µA cm–2 had to be applied atall tested Ca2+ concentrations. In the absence of cytoplasmicATP, excitability was completely lost at all Ca2+ concentrations. 1 Present address: Botanisches Institut der Universit?t Bonn,Venusbergweg 22, D-5300 Bonn, FRG. (Received September 22, 1984; Accepted March 6, 1985)  相似文献   
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