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The Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccine for commercial use is classically produced as surface pellicles by culture on synthetic medium. Under these conditions, reproducibility of the cultures and quality assessment are hampered by slow growth of the bacilli, the formation of bacterial aggregates and a high proportion of dead bacilli after processing and final formulation of the vaccine. Here, we established dispersed cultures of M. bovis BCG in synthetic media in small-scale bioreactors. These cultures allow recording and adjusting of culture parameters and give rise to single bacilli with a high degree of live bacteria. In the murine model, bioreactor-grown M. bovis BCG exhibited slightly stronger replication and persistence than the vaccine produced under the classical conditions. The protective efficacy against challenge with M. tuberculosis was identical for both vaccine preparations.  相似文献   
The enzyme arylsulfatase A (ASA) occurs in solution as dimer (alpha(2)) above pH 6 and associates to octamers (alpha(2))(4) below pH 6. The crystal structure of ASA suggests that the (alpha(2))-(alpha(2))(4) equilibrium is regulated by protonation/deprotonation of Glu-424 located at the interface between (alpha(2)) dimers in the octamer. The reason for this assumption is that Glu-424 can be in two different conformers where it forms an intra or intermolecular hydrogen bond, respectively. In the present study we investigate this protein association process theoretically. The electrostatic energies are evaluated by solving the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for the inhomogeneous dielectric of the protein-water system for the dimer and octamer configurations. If a conventional surface energy term is used for the nonelectrostatic interactions, the absolute value of free energy of association fails to agree with experiment. A more detailed treatment that explicitly accounts for hydrophilic and hydrophobic character of the amino acids in the dimer-dimer interface of the octamer can explain this discrepancy qualitatively. The pH dependence of the computed association energy clearly demonstrates that the octamer is more stable at low pH if Glu-424 becomes protonated and forms an intermolecular hydrogen bond. We found a slight preference of Glu-424 to be in a conformation where its acidic group is fully solvent-exposed in the dimer state to form hydrogen bonds with water molecules. Application of the proton linkage model to calculate the association energy from the simulated data yielded results identical to the one obtained from the corresponding direct method.  相似文献   
This study describes a multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay that quantifies total mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA(total)) and mtDNA bearing the 4977-base pair 'common deletion' (deltamtDNA4977) in lymphoblasts derived from an individual diagnosed with Pearson's syndrome. The method is unique in its use of plasmids as external quantification standards and its use of multiplex conditions. Standards are validated by comparison with purified mtDNA amplification curves and by the fact that curves are largely unaffected by nuclear DNA (nucDNA). Finally, slopes of standard curves and unknowns are shown to be similar to each other and to theoretical predictions. From these data, mtDNA(total) in these cells is calculated to be 3258 (+723/-592) copies per cell while deltamtDNA4977 averages 232 (+136/-86) copies per cell or 7% (+4.65/-2.81).  相似文献   
We performed a genome scan at an average resolution of 8 cM in 719 Finnish sib pairs with type 2 diabetes. Our strongest results are for chromosome 20, where we observe a weighted maximum LOD score (MLS) of 2.15 at map position 69.5 cM from pter and secondary weighted LOD-score peaks of 2.04 at 56.5 cM and 1.99 at 17.5 cM. Our next largest MLS is for chromosome 11 (MLS = 1.75 at 84.0 cM), followed by chromosomes 2 (MLS = 0.87 at 5.5 cM), 10 (MLS = 0.77 at 75.0 cM), and 6 (MLS = 0.61 at 112.5 cM), all under an additive model. When we condition on chromosome 2 at 8.5 cM, the MLS for chromosome 20 increases to 5.50 at 69.0 cM (P=.0014). An ordered-subsets analysis based on families with high or low diabetes-related quantitative traits yielded results that support the possible existence of disease-predisposing genes on chromosomes 6 and 10. Genomewide linkage-disequilibrium analysis using microsatellite marker data revealed strong evidence of association for D22S423 (P=.00007). Further analyses are being carried out to confirm and to refine the location of these putative diabetes-predisposing genes.  相似文献   
Rabenstein B  Ullmann GM  Knapp EW 《Biochemistry》2000,39(34):10487-10496
The electron transfer between the two quinones Q(A) and Q(B) in the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center (bRC) is coupled to a conformational rearrangement. Recently, the X-ray structures of the dark-adapted and light-exposed bRC from Rhodobacter sphaeroides were solved, and the conformational changes were characterized structurally. We computed the reaction free energy for the electron transfer from to Q(B) in the X-ray structures of the dark-adapted and light-exposed bRC from Rb. sphaeroides. The computation was done by applying an electrostatic model using the Poisson-Boltzmann equation and Monte Carlo sampling. We accounted for possible protonation changes of titratable groups upon electron transfer. According to our calculations, the reaction energy of the electron transfer from to Q(B) is +157 meV for the dark-adapted and -56 meV for the light-exposed X-ray structure; i.e., the electron transfer is energetically uphill for the dark-adapted structure and downhill for the light-exposed structure. A common interpretation of experimental results is that the electron transfer between and Q(B) is either gated or at least influenced by a conformational rearrangement: A conformation in which the electron transfer from to Q(B) is inactive, identified with the dark-adapted X-ray structure, changes into an electron-transfer active conformation, identified with the light-exposed X-ray structure. This interpretation agrees with our computational results if one assumes that the positive reaction energy for the dark-adapted X-ray structure effectively prevents the electron transfer. We found that the strongly coupled pair of titratable groups Glu-L212 and Asp-L213 binds about one proton in the dark-adapted X-ray structure, where the electron is mainly localized at Q(A), and about two protons in the light-exposed structure, where the electron is mainly localized at Q(B). This finding agrees with recent experimental and theoretical studies. We compare the present results for the bRC from Rb. sphaeroides to our recent studies on the bRC from Rhodopseudomonas viridis. We discuss possible mechanisms for the gated electron transfer from to Q(B) and relate them to theoretical and experimental results.  相似文献   
An amino-terminal fragment of human apolipoprotein E3 (residues 1-165) has been expressed and crystallized in three different crystal forms under similar crystallization conditions. One crystal form has nearly identical cell dimensions to the previously reported orthorhombic (P2(1)2(1)2(1)) crystal form of the amino-terminal 22 kDa fragment of apolipoprotein E (residues 1-191). A second orthorhombic crystal form (P2(1)2(1)2(1) with cell dimensions differing from the first form) and a trigonal (P3(1)21) crystal form were also characterized. The structures of the first orthorhombic and the trigonal form were determined by seleno-methionine multiwavelength anomalous dispersion, and the structure of the second orthorhombic form was determined by molecular replacement using the structure from the trigonal form as a search model. A combination of modern experimental and computational techniques provided high-quality electron-density maps, which revealed new features of the apolipoprotein E structure, including an unambiguously traced loop connecting helices 2 and 3 in the four-helix bundle and a number of multiconformation side chains. The three crystal forms contain a common intermolecular, antiparallel packing arrangement. The electrostatic complimentarity observed in this antiparallel packing resembles the interaction of apolipoprotein E with the monoclonal antibody 2E8 and the low density lipoprotein receptor. Superposition of the model structures from all three crystal forms reveals flexibility and pronounced kinks in helices near one end of the four-helix bundle. This mobility at one end of the molecule provides new insights into the structural changes in apolipoprotein E that occur with lipid association.  相似文献   
Accompanying the advances in basic biology of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is the practical need among biopharmaceutical companies for sensitive assays to assess GPCR function, particularly formats that are compatible with high-throughput drug screening. Here we describe a novel cell-based assay format for the high-throughput detection of ligands for Gi protein-coupled receptors. Two Gi-GPCRs, mu-opioid receptor (mu-OPR) and 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor la (5HT1aR) are employed as model receptor targets. The key feature of this assay system is the isolation of stable, clonal Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines that carry three separate expression plasmids: (1) a chimeric Gq/i5 protein (which re-directs a negative Gi-type signal to a positive Gq-type response), (2) a given Gi-GPCR, and (3) a beta-lactamase (beta1a) reporter gene responsive to Gi-GPCR signaling. Cell-based assays built using this format show appropriate rank order of potency among a reference set of receptor agonist and antagonist compounds. Such assays are also robust, reliable, and can be used for industrial-scale applications such as high-throughput screening for drug leads.  相似文献   
Complete or partial congenital absence of hair (congenital alopecia) may occur either in isolation or with associated defects. The majority of families with isolated congenital alopecia has been reported to follow an autosomal-recessive mode of inheritance (MIM 203655). As yet, no gene has been linked to isolated congenital alopecia, nor has linkage been established to a specific region of the genome. In an attempt to map the gene for the autosomal recessive form of the disorder, we have performed genetic linkage analysis on a large inbred Pakistani family in which affected persons show complete absence of hair development (universal congenital alopecia). We have analyzed individuals of this family, using >175 microsatellite polymorphic markers of the human genome. A maximum LOD score of 7.90 at a recombination fraction of 0 has been obtained with locus D8S258. Haplotype analysis of recombination events localized the disease to a 15-cM region between marker loci D8S261 and D8S1771. We have thus mapped the gene for this hereditary form of isolated congenital alopecia to a locus on chromosome 8p21-22 (ALUNC [alopecia universalis congenitalis]). This will aid future identification of the responsible gene, which will be extremely useful for the understanding of the biochemistry of hair development.  相似文献   
Acyl–acyl carrier protein (ACP) thioesterases with specificities on medium chain substrates (C8–C14) are requisite enzymes in plants that produce 8:0, 10:0, 12:0 and 14:0 seed oils, but they may not be the sole enzymatic determinants of chain length. The contribution to chain length regulation of a β-ketoacyl-ACP synthase, Cw KAS A1, derived from Cuphea wrightii, a species that accumulates 30% 10:0 and 54% 12:0 in seed oils, was investigated. Expression of Cw KAS A1 in Arabidopsis seeds reduced 16:0 from 8.2 to 6.2 mol%, suggesting a KAS II-type activity. In the presence of the KAS I inhibitor cerulenin, however, transgenic seed extracts extended 6:0- and 8:0-ACP at a rate four- to fivefold greater than extracts from untransformed plants, whereas no difference was observed in extension of 14:0- and 16:0-ACP. The effect of KAS A1 on seed oils was tested by combining it with the C. wrightii medium chain-specific thioesterases, Cw FatB1 and Cw FatB2, in crosses of transformed plants. Fatty acid synthesis shifted towards shorter chains in progeny expressing both classes of enzymes. KasA1/FatB1 homozygotes produced threefold more 12:0 than the FatB1 parent while 14:0 and 16:0 were reduced by one-third and one-half, respectively. F2 progeny expressing KasA1 and FatB2 produced twofold more 10:0 and 1.4-fold more 12:0 than the FatB2 parent, and the double-transgenic progeny produced one-quarter less 14:0 and one-half less 16:0 than the FatB2 parent. It is hypothesized that the shift towards production of shorter chains resulted from increased pools of medium chain acyl-ACP resulting from KAS A1 activity. The combined activities of KAS A1 and FatB thioesterases appear to determine the C. wrightii phenotype.  相似文献   
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