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The magnetic spin-lattice relaxation rates of solvent water nuclei are known to increase upon addition of diamagnetic solute protein. This enhancement of the relaxation rate is a function of magnetic field, and the orientational relaxation time of the protein molecules can be deduced from analysis of the field-dependent relaxation rates. Although the nature of the interactions that convey information about the dynamics of protein motion to the solvent molecules is not established, it is known that there is a contribution to the relaxation rates of solvent protons that plays no role in the relaxation of solvent deuterons and 17O nuclei. We show here that the additional interaction arises from a cross-relaxation process between solvent and solute protons. We introduce a heuristic three-parameter model in which protein protons and solvent protons are considered as two separate thermodynamic systems that interact across the protein-solvent interface. The three parameters are the intrinsic relaxation rates of each system and a cross-relaxation term. The sign of the latter term must always be positive, for all values of magnetic field, in order for magnetization energy to flow from the hotter to the cooler system. We find that the magnetic field-dependence of the cross-relaxation contribution is much like that of the remaining solvent proton relaxation, i.e., about the same as the deuteron relaxation field dependence. This finding is not compatible with the predictions of expressions for the cross-relaxation that have been used by other authors, but not applied to data over a wide range of magnetic field strength. The model predicts that the relaxation behavior of both the protein protons and the solvent protons is the sum of two exponentials, the relative contributions of which would vary with protein concentration and solvent isotopic composition in a fashion suggestive of the presence of two classes of protein protons, when there is in reality only one. This finding has immediate implications for the interpretation of published proton relaxation rates in complex systems such as tissues; these data should be reexamined with cross-relaxation taken into account.  相似文献   
Summary The streptococcal plasmid ERL1 determining inducible resistance to erythromycin, lincomycin, and staphylomycin S was isolated by dye-buoyant density centrifugation and shown to have a molecular weight of about 17.5 Mdal, as revealed by sedimentation through neutral sucrose gradients. In SM60 cells entering the stationary phase its covalently closed circular form was present to the extent of 5 copies per chromosomal genome equivalent. ERL1 was subject to the DNA restriction and modification mechanism discovered in strain 56188. It did not apear to exercise restriction of phage DNA but mediated a partial release of the restricted growth of A25.  相似文献   
Poly(adenylic acid) polymerase was extracted from liver nuclei and mitochondria of rats either fed ad libitum, starved overnight or starved and then re-fed with a complete amino acid mixture for 1-3 h. The enzymes were partially purified and assayed by using exogenous primers. Starvation resulted in an 80% decrease in the total activity of the purified nuclear enzyme, and the mitochondrial enzyme activity diminished to almost zero after overnight starvation. Measurements of the protein content of whole nuclei or mitochondria and of the enzyme extracts from these organelles indicated that the decrease in enzyme activity on starvation was not caused by incomplete extraction of the enzyme from the starved animals. Re-feeding the animals with the complete amino acid mixture increased the total activity of poly(A) polymerase from the nuclei and mitochondria by 1.9-fold and 63-fold respectively. Under these conditions, the total protein content of the nuclei and mitochondria increased by only 13 and 32% respectively. These data indicate that poly(A) polymerase is one of the cellular proteins specifically regulated by amino acid supply.  相似文献   
Summary Several compounds of osmiumVIII, including potassium osmiamate and coordination complexes of OsO4 with ammonia and various heterocyclic nitrogen compounds, have been synthesized and characterized. They have also been evaluated as substitutes for OsO4 in postfixation of biological specimens and in light and electron microscopic cytochemical methods resulting in osmium black formation.The most useful of these osmic compounds, a molecular addition complex of hexamethylenetetramine (methenamine) with OsO4, has a negligible vapor pressure of OsO4. It has the molecular formula C6H12N4.2OsO4 and has been designated osmeth. Although it has only limited solubility, aqueous solutions of the compound (or of OsO4) can be rapidly prepared by dissolution in a minimal amount of dimethylformamide and subsequent dilution with distilled water or buffer. Although stable in the solid state, the complex in solution undergoes partial dissociation releasing OsO4, and the odor of OsO4 becomes apparent.Such solutions of osmeth are (0.25%) considerably less concentrated with respect to OsO4 than solutions (1–2%) ordinarily employed for ultrastructural preservation or in cytochemical studies. Osmeth has limited value for postosmication after glutaraldehyde fixation because the generation (release) of OsO4 appears to be slow. Adequate osmication of tissue blocks exists only at the surface, but effective osmication can be achieved throughout tissue sections. In cytochemical reactions resulting in the formation of osmium blacks, the osmeth solutions are as effective as OsO4 solutions of equivalent concentrations. Our findings indicate that OsO4 solutions of less than 1% may be satisfactorily utilized in many cytochemical studies.Osmeth is safer and more convenient to handle than OsO4 because small amounts may be solubilized as needed. It should be considered as a substitute for OsO4 in ultrastructural cytochemistry.This investigation was supported by NIH research grant number DE 02668 from the National Institute of Dental Research and by NIH grant number RR 05333 from the Division of Research Facilities and ResourcesVisiting Professor, Dental Research Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Jan.-May, 1975. Supported in part by USPHS Grant HD 09209  相似文献   
Origin of the TEM-beta-lactamase gene found on plasmids.   总被引:65,自引:26,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文
A sequence of deoxyribonucleic acid of 2.7 times 10-6 to 3.3 times 10-6 daltons which includes the TEM beta-lactamase gene is present on the small plasmid RSF 1030 (R-Amp). This same sequence is present on plasmid derivatives that have received a translocation of deoxyribonucleic acid specifying the TEM beta-lactamase and is also present on naturally occurring plasmids of the F1, F11, N, X, O, I, C, and W incompatibility groups that do not specify ampicillin resistance or specify O-type beta-lactamases.  相似文献   
A plasmid, derived from a naturally occurring strain of Proteus mirabilis, conferred resistance to cephalosporins, apparently mediated by a beta-lactamase indistinguishable from that determined by the chromosomal gene of Escherichia coli K-12. There was evidence for a recombination event between the wild-type plasmid and a defective F factor (Fsp) in the Escherichia coli K-12 culture in which it was stored.  相似文献   
1. By using isotopic-dilution techniques it was found that colchicine causes a slight increase in the proalbumin content of liver, from 0.63+/-0.06 to 0.83+/-0.10mg/g of liver, but has no effect on albumin content (0.50+/-0.05mg/g of liver). All the proalbumin and 67% of the albumin is found in vesicles from which they are liberated by detergents. 2. Colchicine inhibits secretion of albumin, decreases the rate of conversion of proalbumin into albumin and decreases the rate of incorporation of l-[1-(14)C]leucine into proalbumin. 3. Balance studies in vivo show that all the (14)C appearing in serum albumin can be accounted for by the flow of (14)C through the proalbumin, in the presence or absence of colchicine. 4. When cycloheximide is given to the rats, 2min after [(14)C]leucine, further synthesis of protein stops. The label in proalbumin disappears and the proalbumin content of the liver falls, so as to account for the albumin appearing in the plasma. This occurs both in the presence and in the absence of colchicine. By contrast, there is little change in liver albumin. Studies with isolated perfused livers are in agreement with the above. Lumicolchicine has no effect on any of these systems at doses at which colchicine exerts its action. 5. These results suggest that biosynthesis and conversion of proalbumin into albumin, and secretion of serum albumin are controlled at each step.  相似文献   
TransMEMbrane 16A (TMEM16A) is a Ca2+-activated Cl channel that plays critical roles in regulating diverse physiologic processes, including vascular tone, sensory signal transduction, and mucosal secretion. In addition to Ca2+, TMEM16A activation requires the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2). However, the structural determinants mediating this interaction are not clear. Here, we interrogated the parts of the PI(4,5)P2 head group that mediate its interaction with TMEM16A by using patch- and two-electrode voltage-clamp recordings on oocytes from the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis, which endogenously express TMEM16A channels. During continuous application of Ca2+ to excised inside–out patches, we found that TMEM16A-conducted currents decayed shortly after patch excision. Following this rundown, we show that the application of a synthetic PI(4,5)P2 analog produced current recovery. Furthermore, inducible dephosphorylation of PI(4,5)P2 reduces TMEM16A-conducted currents. Application of PIP2 analogs with different phosphate orientations yielded distinct amounts of current recovery, and only lipids that include a phosphate at the 4′ position effectively recovered TMEM16A currents. Taken together, these findings improve our understanding of how PI(4,5)P2 binds to and potentiates TMEM16A channels.  相似文献   
Pharmacology of DMSO   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A wide range of primary pharmacological actions of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has been documented in laboratory studies: membrane penetration, membrane transport, effects on connective tissue, anti-inflammation, nerve blockade (analgesia), bacteriostasis, diuresis, enhancement or reduction of the effectiveness of other drugs, cholinesterase inhibition, nonspecific enhancement of resistance to infection, vasodilation, muscle relaxation, antagonism to platelet aggregation, and influence on serum cholesterol in experimental hypercholesterolemia. This substance induces differentiation and function of leukemic and other malignant cells. DMSO also has prophylactic radioprotective properties and cryoprotective actions. It protects against ischemic injury.  相似文献   
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