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The influence of ambient and arterial PCO2 on miduterine arterial flow of pregnant sheep acutely exposed to hot environments was investigated. Five mixed-breed ewes between 120 and 130 days of gestation were subjected to hot environments (increasing from thermoneutral 23 to 40 degrees C), and arterial blood pH, PCO2, and PO2 were determined at 5-min intervals. Respiratory rate, heart rate, rectal temperature, blood pressure, and miduterine arterial flow were continuously monitored prior to and during elevation of ambient air temperature. When miduterine arterial flow had decreased to 50% of thermoneutral control levels, ambient air CO2 was increased to 2.5%. Elevated ambient inspired CO2 caused a reversal in arterial pH and PCO2 to near thermoneutral levels. Miduterine arterial flow increased to 77% of the control levels following the elevated ambient PCO2 period. Respiratory rate also decreased when ambient CO2 was increased but remained 136% greater than the thermoneutral control level. All other parameters remained near their heat stress (40 degrees C) level during the elevation of ambient CO2. These data indicate that heat-stress-induced depression of miduterine arterial flow is vasoactively regulated, and cause-effect related to both arterial pH and PCO2, and thermoregulatory shunting of blood to heat-dissipating surfaces.  相似文献   
Aging and glucose homeostasis in C57BL/6J male mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Age-dependent changes in glucose homeostasis were assessed in specific pathogen-free C57BL/6J male mice. Increased islet size and pancreatic insulin content in old (21-25-month-old) mice were associated with lower nonfasting plasma glucose levels and improved clearance of either an oral or an i.p. administered glucose load in comparison with young, mature (4-5-month-old) males. The almost twofold increase in islet size correlated with a twofold increase of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion from perifused islets from 25-month-old males compared with 5-month-old males. These aging male mice did not become obese, and there were no fibrotic changes associated with the hyperplastic islets observed in the old males. Thus, the findings that glucose tolerance did not deteriorate with age, coupled with the lack of evidence for impaired beta cell responsiveness to glucose in old males, suggest that deterioration in glucose homeostasis is not an inevitable consequence of aging in the mouse.  相似文献   
To elucidate the natural course of the nephropathy associated with penicillamine and thereby facilitate its clinical management 33 patients with rheumatoid arthritis who developed proteinuria during treatment with oral penicillamine were studied in detail throughout their renal illness. Renal biopsies were performed, and creatinine clearance and proteinuria were measured serially for 74 months (range 16-148 months). Fourteen patients developed proteinuria within six months after the start of treatment and 27 within 12 months. When treatment was stopped the proteinuria reached a median peak of 4·2 g/24 h (range 0·3-15·0 g/24 h) at one month (range 0-7 months) before resolving spontaneously by six months (12 patients), 12 months (21), or 18 months (29). In all patients but one, who developed carcinoma of the renal pelvis, proteinuria resolved by 21 months and its median duration was eight months. The median first and last measurements of creatinine clearance showed no appreciable change (80 ml/min and 78 ml/min), and no patient died from or needed treatment for renal failure. The HLA-B8 or HLA-DR3 alloantigen, or both, were identified in 10 patients. Renal biopsy specimens showed membranous glomerulonephritis in 29 patients, minimal change nephropathy in two, and electron dense deposits in the mesangial regions in two.In all the patients whose nephropathy was due solely to treatment with penicillamine the proteinuria resolved completely when the drug was withdrawn; renal function did not deteriorate, and corticosteroids were unnecessary.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody has been used to assess the intracellular localization of the glucocorticoid receptor in rodent L-929 fibroblasts and GH3 pituitary tumor cells. Whole cells from both cell lines showed immunoreactivity in the cytoplasm and nucleus. However, when cytoplasts and nucleoplasts of these cells were examined, only L-cells showed strong antibody binding in both fractions; in contrast, GH3 cells exhibited nuclear staining and slight cytoplasmic staining. These results are discussed in terms of the current findings regarding the intracellular location of steroid hormone receptors.  相似文献   
Recent paleontological collections at the middle Miocene locality of Maboko Island in Kenya, dated at 15-16 million years, have yielded numerous new specimens belonging to at least five species of fossil anthropoids. The most common species of ape at the site, a medium-sized primate with a very distinctive dental morphology, clearly represents a previously undescribed taxon. When compared with other Miocene anthropoids from East Africa, it has its closest affinities with the poorly known species Rangwapithecus vancouveringi from the early Miocene locality of Rusinga Island. The species from Maboko Island is described here as belonging to a new genus of fossil anthropoid, to which "Rangwapithecus" vancouveringi is also referred. The new genus has a highly distinctive suite of derived characters of its molars and premolars, which it shares with Oreopithecus bambolii from the late Miocene of Europe. These synapomorphies indicate a close phyletic relationship between the East African species and Oreopithecus and form the basis for the inclusion of these taxa in a single family, the Oreopithecidae Schwalbe, 1915. In many respects, however, the East African forms are more conservative than Oreopithecus, and in a general sense they can be regarded as an intermediate grade between Oreopithecus and the more generalized early Miocene catarrhines, the proconsuloids. There is, therefore, good fossil evidence to indicate that the origins of the Oreopithecidae can be traced back to the early Miocene of Africa.  相似文献   
Two species of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptors in human placenta have been delineated on the basis of their immunoreactivity with an autoantiserum (B-2) to the insulin receptor. When all the IGF-I binding sites in solubilized human placenta were assayed by polyethylene glycol precipitation, a curvilinear Scatchard plot was obtained which could be resolved into two single classes of binding sites: one immunoprecipitable by B-2 IgG and the other, nonimmunoprecipitable. The B-2 reactive sites bound IGF-I with lower affinity (Kd = 7.1 X 10(-10) M) than the B-2 nonreactive sites (Kd = 2.1 X 10(-10) M) and cross-reacted more readily with insulin, the IGF-I/insulin-binding potencies being congruent to 120 and congruent to 1100, respectively. Both receptor subtypes bound IGF-I with congruent to 30-fold higher affinity than multiplication-stimulating activity, and, after affinity cross-linking with 125I-IGF-I, migrated as specific reduced bands of Mr = 138,000 during sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The subunit sizes of the B-2 reactive IGF-I receptor were similar to those of the insulin receptor. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of 125I-labeled receptors immunoprecipitated by autoantiserum B-2 or autoantiserum B-10 (which recognizes only insulin receptors) revealed, in both cases, specific reduced bands of Mr = 130,000 and 90,000; the same bands were also seen after sequential precipitation with B-10 and B-2 antisera to enrich the proportion of IGF-I receptors recovered. The presence of two distinct binding and immunoreactive species of IGF-I receptors in human placenta raises the possibility that cell- or tissue-specific isotypes of the IGF-I receptor could mediate the different biological actions of IGF-I.  相似文献   
A series of 10 pectoralis minor vascularized muscle transfers to reanimate the face in unilateral facial palsy are presented. The procedure is carried out in two stages. The first stage constitutes a nerve graft from the functional contralateral facial nerve to the preauricular region of the paralyzed side. Six months later, the pectoralis minor is transferred to the denervated side of the face with restoration of its neurovascular pedicle. The muscle is well suited to its new position with respect to length and bulk, as well as its fanlike shape. The diameter of its vascular pedicle is comparable with the facial vessels. The results demonstrate function in 8 of the 10 grafts, the two failures relating to early vascular thrombosis rather than an inability to reinnervate the muscle grafts.  相似文献   
Adult male Saguinus mystax tamarins were evaluated for sperm parameters and testicular volumes. Sperm concentrations average 195.5 X 10(6)/cc with 41.7% motile sperm. Semen specimens were classified as normal, relative to sperm morphology, when 95% or more of the sperm in the specimen had normal morphology; 76% of the animals evaluated had normal semen specimens using this criterion. Testicular volumes averaged 726.9 mm3. A total of 50 infants were sired by 16 of these males during the period covered by this report.  相似文献   
The cause of headache in persons going to high altitude is unknown. Relatively severe hypoxemia in susceptible subjects could induce large increases in cerebral blood flow that then could initiate the headache. Thus we measured noninvasively, by Doppler ultrasound, changes in internal carotid arterial blood velocity (velocity) in 12 subjects in Denver (1,600 m) and repeatedly up to 7 h at a simulated altitude of 4,800 m (barometric pressure = 430 Torr). Six subjects, selected because of prior history of high-altitude headache, developed comparatively severe headache at 4,800 m, and four subjects, without such history, remained well. Two subjects developed moderate headache. Velocity at 4,800 m did not correlate with symptom development, arterial O2 saturation, or end-tidal PCO2. Also, neither velocity nor blood pressure was consistently elevated above the Denver base-line values. During measurements of hypercapnic ventilatory response in Denver, velocity increased linearly with end-tidal PCO2, confirming that our Doppler method could demonstrate an increase. Also, 30 min of isocapnic or poikilocapnic hypoxia caused small increases in velocity (+8 and +6%) during the base-line measurement at low altitude. Although even a small increase in cerebral perfusion could contribute to headache symptoms at high altitude, cerebral blood flow does not appear to play a primary role.  相似文献   
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