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Cultured mouse Cloudman melanoma cells, EMT6 breast carcinoma cells, and 3T3 fibroblasts all accumulated in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle when exposed to UVB radiation. The effects of UVB were maximal at 20–30 mJ/cm2 for all three cell lines, and could be observed by flow cytometry as early as 12 hr post irradiation. It has been known since the mid-1970s that MSH receptor binding activity is highest on Cloudman melanoma cells when they are in the G2/M phase of their cycle. Here we show that either UVB irradiation or synchronization of Cloudman cells with colchicine results in a stimulation of MSH binding within 24 hr following treatment, a time when both treatments have resulted in accumulation of cells in the G2/M phase of the cycle. Furthermore, the two treatments performed together on the melanoma cells stimulated MSH receptor activity to the same extent as either treatment performed separately, suggesting that each may be influencing MSH receptor activity solely through a G2/M accumulation of cells. Together, these results raise the possibility that an increase in the number of cells in the G2 phase of the cell cycle is a generalized cellular response to injury, such as UV irradiation. However, in the case of pigment cells this response includes a mechanism for increasing melanin formation, i.e., increased MSH receptor activity. Should this be the case, similar G2/M “injury responses” of other cell types might be expected, consistent with their differentiated phenotypes.  相似文献   
Lagenophrys novazealandae n. sp. occurs on the gills of Paranephrops zealandicus, a parastacid crayfish from New Zealand. The new species has the hemispheroidal lorica most common among members of its genus and is distinguished by its possession of large tubercles on the thickened edge of the anterior lip of the lorica aperture, a deep cleft in the left side of the lip's edge, and a ovoid to reniform macronucleus located in the right-hand part of the body. It is probable that an as yet unnamed species of Lagenophrys known to occur on another species of Paranephrops in New Zealand is distinct from L. novazealandae but phylogenetically related to it. Lagenophrys petila n. sp. occurs on setae of Parastacoides tasmanicus, a parastacid from Tasmania. The new species has an ovoid lorica tapering to a slender pseudostalk at the posterior end, a type of lorica possessed by only two other members of its genus that also attach to their host's setae. It is distinguished from the other ovoid species by the proportions of the lorica, the extreme shortness of the lips of the lorica aperture, and an ovoid macronucleus located in the right, anterior part of the body. Clefts in the lips of L. novazealandae and other members of Lagenophrys may function as points of flexure to allow the lips to bend in ways that accommodate interspecific differences in the size of the epistomial disk and its operation during suspension feeding.  相似文献   
  • 1 Males of Hermetia comstocki Williston compete for territorial control of certain agaves and yuccas. Winners copulate with females that visit these plants solely to acquire a mate.
  • 2 Males vary in body weight by more than an order of magnitude and larger flies almost always defeat smaller ones in aerial contests for control of landmark territories.
  • 3 The mean body size (as measured by wing-length) was significantly greater for males retaining residency at a site for at least one hour compared to males unable to do so. Likewise, males able to return to a perch site in the study area on more than one day were larger on average than males unable to do so.
  • 4 Male preferences for landmark territories remained similar across years. Large males dominated the perch landmarks most likely to be occupied by males and most likely to be visited by females.
  • 5 Despite the fighting and territorial advantages enjoyed by large males, the mean size of males found mating with females was not significantly larger than that of the general population.
  • 6 The apparent failure of large males to secure a statistically significant mating advantage may be a statistical consequence of the small sample size of males observed mating. On the other hand, any mating advantage of large males may be reduced because (a) receptive females visit many different landmarks, (b) females mate with the first male they encounter at a landmark, regardless of his size, (c) there are usually many vacant landmarks available for smaller males, and (d) even popular territories are often open to small males, thanks to the low site-tenacity of territory owners.
1. Vertical and horizontal movement were studied in the freshwater bivalve Elliptio complanata at a sandy site in an oligotrophic lake over 3 years. Mussel movement did not vary significantly between day and night. On average, between 2 and 8% of 527 mussels moved each month during the ice-free season and the distance travelled by moving mussels averaged 0.6 cm day–1.
2. Mussels were endobenthic during the winter, emerged from the sandy substrate in mid-May, peaked in sediment surface abundance in July, and descended into the sediments for the winter in September–October. Vertical displacement of mussels was closely correlated with water temperature although daylength may play a role. Mussels apparently move very little beneath the sediment during the winter.
3. The number of mussels moving horizontally at any given time was linearly correlated with daylength, but the distance travelled during a sampling period was related to daylength in a non-linear fashion. Greatest horizontal displacement of epibenthic mussels was found during spring and early summer, coincident with spawning in E. complanata  相似文献   
Approximate likelihood ratios for general estimating functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The method of estimating functions (Godambe, 1991) is commonlyused when one desires to conduct inference about some parametersof interest but the full distribution of the observations isunknown. However, this approach may have limited utility, dueto multiple roots for the estimating function, a poorly behavedWald test, or lack of a goodness-of-fit test. This paper presentsapproximate likelihood ratios that can be used along with estimatingfunctions when any of these three problems occurs. We show thatthe approximate likelihood ratio provides correct large sampleinference under very general circumstances, including clustereddata and misspecified weights in the estimating function. Twomethods of constructing the approximate likelihood ratio, onebased on the quasi-likelihood approach and the other based onthe linear projection approach, are compared and shown to beclosely related. In particular we show that quasi-likelihoodis the limit of the projection approach. We illustrate the techniquewith two applications.  相似文献   
An investigation of sperm ultrastructure in representatives of the marine bivalve families Carditidae (Carditoidea) and Crassatellidae (Crassatelloidea) reveals features o f taxonomic significance. Spermatozoa of Cardita muricata (Carditidae) and Eucrassatella cumingii, E. kingicola, Talabrica aurora (Crassatellidae) differ from the classic aquasperm type in having an elongate acrosomal vesicle and elongate nucleus. In addition, the midpiece region in these species is composed of a distinctive, and here considered t o be apomorphic. arrangement of 8 (rarely 7 or 9), tightly abutted mitochondria grouped around ii dense rod which is continuous with the distal centriole (basal body). A recognizable (i.e. triplet-substructure) proximal centriole is therefore absent in mature spermatozoa of crassatellids and carditids. This situation contrasts with the presence of an unmodified proximal centriole in the spermatozoa o f all other investigated bivalves. Observations on crassatellid and carditid spermatids indicate that the dense r o d is derived through metamorphosis of the proximal centriole. The shared and highly characteristic midpiece features of spermatozoa of the Crassatellidae and Carditidae clearly indicate ii close relationship between these families and support the unification of the Crassatelloidea and Carditoidea into a single superfamily Carditoidea Fleming. 1820 (date priority over Crassatelloidea Férussac. 1822).  相似文献   
In general, ionic regulation will depend on active transportby epithelia and also on the permeability properties of thesetissues. Passive permeability has recently been studied in thehindgut of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria using electrophysiologicaland radiotracer techniques. Although locust rectum has low electricalresistance, cell membranes provide the major route for transepithelialionic diffusion; i.e., the locust rectum is a tight epithelium.Potassium permeability (PK) is apparently regulated by luminalK and osmotic concentrations (local control), and also by thepeptide hormone CTSH (chloride transport-stimulating hormone).Transepithelial resistance declines when isolated recta areexposed to CTSH or its "second-messenger" cAMP (adenosine 3':5'-cyclicmonophosphate). Cyclic-AMP also stimulates K diffusion acrossrecta by 400%. Intracellular cable analysis indicatesthat cAMPlowers apical and basal membrane resistances (Ra and Rb, respectively)by {small tilde}80%; however different ionic permeabilitiesare affected at thelumen- and hemolymph-facing membranes: ThecAMP-induced decline in Ra, requires potassium whereas Rb isCl-dependent. The actions of cAMP on active transport and passivepermeability are complementary and would allow remarkably efficientcontrol over KC1 absorption in vivo. One hypothesis is as follows:CTSH elevates intracellular cAMP concentration by stimulatingadenyl cyclase. Cyclic-AMP enhances transepithelial Cl absorptionby stimulating a Cl pump in the apical membrane and also byincreasing the Cl permeability of the basal membrane. PassiveK absorption would also increase during cAMP stimulation sinceCl transport results in a more positive luminal potential, andbecause cAMP elevates transrectal PK. The mechanisms by whichmembrane permeability is regulated in insects have not yet beenstudied, but these might involve the modulation of ion channelsby cAMP- or calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation, Ca or calmodulinbinding, methylation, or insertion of new channels into themembrane.  相似文献   
The Bimin-Kuskusmin of the West Sepik interior of Papua New Guinea elaborate a complex folk theory of procreation that becomes the ‘natural’ foundation of some ideologically significant constructions of the individual, the person, gender, and societal continuity. Drawing on certain aspects of Weiner's model of reproduction and regeneration, symbols of substance and insubstantial ‘spirit’ that form this ‘natural’ foundation of the Bimin-Kuskusmin ideology of birth, death, and rebirth are explored in contexts of rites of passage that mark the course of the life-cycle from conception to death and ancestorhood. The key symbols of this cultural ideology are the enduring substances of bone, bone marrow, and finiik spirit, which are the basis of reckoning the cyclical regeneration of clan categories.  相似文献   
A detailed molecular analysis using recombinant DNA technologies is extremely important to our understanding of the phenomena of antigenic variation in the African trypanosomes; however, by itself, it may not completely explain antigenic variation as it occurs in vivo. Several laboratories have demonstrated the ability of one variant population to replace another in vivo as well as the presence of heterogeneous populations of trypanosomes within an individual animal. These two phenomena do not permit us to explain antigen variation solely on the basis of the molecular regulation of variant antigen expression. In addition to studies in molecular biology, it will be necessary to define clearly the differences in growth rates of variant populations and the role of competition between these variants in a single anatomical site. It will also be necessary to determine the influence of various physiological environments on growth rates and the competition between the different variants of a single repertoire. It is concluded that the phenomenon of antigenic variation is a complex problem in ecology and population dynamics as well as molecular regulation. This paper is designated to examine a variety of the ecological parameters presumably involved in antigenic variation.  相似文献   
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