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Humans and other higher primates are unique among mammals in using complement receptor 1 (CR1, CD35) on red blood cells (RBC) to ligate complement-tagged inflammatory particles (immune complexes, apoptotic/necrotic debris, and microbes) in the circulation for quiet transport to the sinusoids of spleen and liver where resident macrophages remove the particles, but allow the RBC to return unharmed to the circulation. This process is called immune-adherence clearance. In this study we found using luminometric- and fluorescence-based methods that ligation of CR1 on human RBC promotes ATP release. Our data show that CR1-mediated ATP release does not depend on Ca2+ or enzymes previously shown to mediate an increase in membrane deformability promoted by CR1 ligation. Furthermore, ATP release following CR1 ligation increases the mobility of the lipid fraction of RBC membranes, which in turn facilitates CR1 clustering, and thereby enhances the binding avidity of complement-opsonized particles to the RBC CR1. Finally, we have found that RBC-derived ATP has a stimulatory effect on phagocytosis of immune-adherent immune complexes.  相似文献   
With the aim to address an undesired cardiac issue observed with our related compound in the recently disclosed novel series of renin inhibitors, further chemical modifications of this series were performed. Extensive structure–activity relationships studies as well as in vivo cardiac studies using the electrophysiology rat model led to the discovery of clinical candidate trans-adamantan-1-ol analogue 56 (DS-8108b) as a potent renin inhibitor with reduced potential cardiac risk. Oral administration of single doses of 3 and 10 mg/kg of 56 in cynomolgus monkeys pre-treated with furosemide led to significant reduction of mean arterial blood pressure for more than 12 h.  相似文献   
In order to explain the difference in extracellular cellulase activities (C1 and Cx enzyme activities) among various strains of P. oryzae, the elution patterns from the column were compared among various strains, following each step of the partial purification.

The crude enzymes, prepared by ammonium sulfate fractionation (0.2~0.8 sat.) from the culture filtrates, which were obtained from various strains of P. oryzae cultured on rice plant powder as the carbon source, were fractionated by DEAE-Sephadex A–50 chromatography into two components; the passing-through fraction (I) and the fraction (II) adsorbed and eluted from the column with 0.5 M NaCl The percentage of the enzyme activity (Cx enzyme activity) in fraction I to that of the crude extract was found to vary chracteristically according to the strain, and the variation was in a good correlation to that of the extracellular cellulase activities.

Fractions I and II were then separated by Sephadex G–100 into two (peaks a and b) and at least five (peaks c, d, e, f and g) components, respectively. The activities in peaks a, b and g were found to vary according to the strain, while those of peaks c and e were common among various strains.

The cell wall fraction prepared from C–3 strain, which was previously shown to be low in enzyme activity and thus out of the correlation between the degree of pathogenicity and extracellular cellulase activity, was found to exhibit higher cellulase activities (C1 and Cx enzyme activities) than those of other strains examined. Thus, the low extracellular cellulase activity in the case of C–3 strain was suggested to be due to the abnormality in the mechanism of enzyme excretion.  相似文献   
Occurrence of cellulase activity was demonstrated in the filtrates of germinating conidiospores and growing mycelia of P. oryzae. Activity and some properties of cellulase in the filtrate of mycelia grown on rice plant powder as carbon source were compared among various strains.

Cellulase activity (C1 and Cx enzymes; cellulose and carboxymethylcellulose as substrates, respectively) in the filtrate of germinating conidiospores was detected in the pathogenic T–l (Ken 53–33) strain as well as nonpathogenic 0 (THU 3 × 1) strain of P. oryzae. The activity was higher in the former than the latter strains. Cellulase activity (Cx enzyme) in the filtrate of growing mycelia was detected in the four strains used, T–l (Ken 53–33), C–3 (N 87), N–1 (H373), and 0 (THU 3 × 1). Cellulase activity (Cx enzyme) in the filtrate of mycelia was optimal at pH 5.0 and 40°C, and stable up to 40°C. Their properties did not differ significantly except for the pH-activity curve at alkaline side among various strains; but cellulase activity (C1 enzyme) was found to be correlated with their pathogenicity except for the case of C–3 strain.  相似文献   
The biosynthetic pathway of vitamin B6 (abbreviated as Be) has been studied with the cell-suspension of B6-producing bacteria, Achromobacter cycloclastes A.M.S. 6201. The distribution of 14C in the Be molecule prepared with the cell-suspensions containing glycerol-1,3-14C, glycerol-2-14C or γ-aminobutyric acid-U-14C was investigated by using three novel degradation methods. The results showed that carbon skeletons of glycerol and γ-aminobutyric acid were used for the formation of the major part of B6 carbon skeleton respectively. The implication of these compounds as precursors of B6 was discussed.  相似文献   
Acute, inflammatory conditions associated with dysregulated complement activation are characterized by significant increases in blood concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and ATP. The mechanisms by which these molecules arise are not fully understood. In this study, using luminometric- and fluorescence-based methods, we show that ligation of glycophorin A (GPA) on human red blood cells (RBCs) results in a 2.1-fold, NADPH-oxidase-dependent increase in intracellular ROS that, in turn, trigger multiple downstream cascades leading to caspase-3 activation, ATP release, and increased band 3 phosphorylation. Functionally, using 2D microchannels to assess membrane deformability, GPS-ligated RBCs travel 33% slower than control RBCs, and lipid mobility was hindered by 10% using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). These outcomes were preventable by pretreating RBCs with cell-permeable ROS scavenger glutathione monoethyl ester (GSH-ME). Our results obtained in vitro using anti-GPA antibodies were validated using complement-altered RBCs isolated from control and septic patients. Our results suggest that during inflammatory conditions, circulating RBCs significantly contribute to capillary flow dysfunctions, and constitute an important but overlooked source of intravascular ROS and ATP, both critical mediators responsible for endothelial cell activation, microcirculation impairment, platelet activation, as well as long-term dysregulated adaptive and innate immune responses.  相似文献   
Even when anthropogenically altered, river floodplains continue to contribute to biodiversity. This study examined the distribution of freshwater mussels in relation to environmental factors in waterbodies in the terrestrialized floodplain of a lowland river. Mussels were captured, and environmental measurements were taken in November of 2013 and 2014 in quadrats established in three floodplain waterbodies (FWBs), which were isolated from the main river channel. Among the three FWBs, mussel abundance was highest in a shallow FWB (depth range 18–45 cm) that had intermediate conditions of mud depth and fine sediment rate. Mussel abundance showed a hump-shaped relationship with water depth (the peak 45–50 cm) and mud depth (the peak 8–12 cm). Mussel abundance was also negatively related to the abundance of benthic litter. Litter abundance was positively related to branch abundance and the presence of tree cover, and negatively related to the distance to tree cover, indicating that benthic litter was derived from riparian trees. Our results indicate that relatively shallow (≤ 50 cm) FWBs with moderately accumulated mud, which are not scoured even during flooding, appear to be suitable habitats for mussels. Moreover, it is possible that riparian trees negatively impact mussel distribution in FWBs. Possible short-term measures for improving mussel habitat in FWBs may include the elimination of riparian trees and benthic litter.  相似文献   
The differentiation-inducing factor-1 (DIF-1) is a signal molecule that induces stalk cell formation in the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, while DIF-1 and its analogs have been shown to possess antiproliferative activity in vitro in mammalian tumor cells. In the present study, we investigated the effects of DIF-1 and its analogs on normal (nontransformed) mammalian cells. Without affecting the cell morphology and cell number, DIF-1 at micromolar levels dose-dependently promoted the glucose uptake in confluent 3T3-L1 fibroblasts, which was not inhibited with wortmannin or LY294002 (inhibitors for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase). DIF-1 affected neither the expression level of glucose transporter 1 nor the activities of four key enzymes involved in glucose metabolism, such as hexokinase, fluctose 6-phosphate kinase, pyruvate kinase, and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Most importantly, stimulation with DIF-1 was found to induce the translocation of glucose transporter 1 from intracellular vesicles to the plasma membranes in the cells. In differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes, DIF-1 induced the translocation of glucose trasporter 1 (but not of glucose transporter 4) and promoted glucose uptake, which was not inhibited with wortmannin. These results indicate that DIF-1 induces glucose transporter 1 translocation and thereby promotes glucose uptake, at least in part, via a inhibitors for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt-independent pathway in mammalian cells. Furthermore, analogs of DIF-1 that possess stronger antitumor activity than DIF-1 were less effective in promoting glucose consumption, suggesting that the mechanism of the action of DIF-1 for stimulating glucose uptake should be different from that for suppressing tumor cell growth.  相似文献   
Postnatal changes in the rheological properties of the aortic wall were investigated in relation to morphological development of the wall in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats at 3, 8 and 20 weeks old. The mechanical tensile characteristics of the longitudinal wall strip excised from the proximal thoracic aorta were assessed with stress-strain and stress-relaxation tests. Wall tension in the low and medium strain ranges was significantly lower in 3-week-old rats than in 8-week-old rats and in 8-week-old rats than in 20-week-old rats. Wall stress was significantly lower in 3-week-old rats than in 8- and 20-week-old rats mainly in the medium strain range, but was significantly greater in 3-week-old rats than in 8- and 20-week-old rats in the high strain range. The value of incremental elastic modulus at 3 weeks old was significantly smaller than that at 8 and 20 weeks old at a strain of 0.25 and significantly larger than that at 8 and 20 weeks old at a strain of 0.50. The value of relaxation strength at 5 min after the stretching was significantly greater at 3 weeks old than that at 8 and 20 weeks old. The wall was viscoelastic in the low and medium strain ranges at 3 weeks though large wall stress was generated in the high strain range. Histological investigation revealed that the smooth muscle layer, fine elastin fiber connecting thick elastin fibers and wall thickness were thin at 3 weeks old in comparison with those at 8 and 20 weeks old, though there was no significant difference in number of nuclei of the smooth muscle cells among the three age groups. Changes in the tensile characteristics of the wall reflected well those of the microstructure of the wall with growth. The rheological properties and microstructure of the aortic wall were close to maturation at 8 weeks in SD rats.  相似文献   
We report a novel class of transmission electron microscope (TEM), the difference-contrast electron microscope (DTEM), which displays nanostructures of thin specimen objects in a topographical manner. Topography obtained by the difference-contrast develops shadowgraphs in pseudo three-dimension, namely volume-like representation of projected objects as if things are illuminated by light from one direction. The specific optical device tomanipulate electron waves for DTEM is the hemicircular phase-plate, which appears to be quite distinguishable from the Zernike phase plate utilized in Zernike phase-contrast TEM, while both have to be placed onto the back-focal plane of the objective lens. The topographic images obtained with DTEM for ultrathin sections of kidney cells were compared with those obtained with conventional TEM. DTEM confirmed the experimental advantage of high contrast topography by visualizing ultrastructural details inside the cells.  相似文献   
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