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A peptide derived from the posttranslational processing of proenkephalin A was isolated from an extract of the brain of the European green frog Rana ridibunda and its primary structure established as: Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-Arg-Arg-Val-Gly-Arg10-Pro-Glu-Trp-Trp-Gln-Asp-Tyr-Gln-Lys-Arg20-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met. The structure was confirmed by chemical synthesis. The peptide represents an amphibian equivalent of bovine adrenal peptide E [preproenkephalin A (206–230)-peptide] but the sequence contains two amino acid substitutions (Met15 → Gln and Leu25 → Met) compared with the mammalian peptide. The data support previous hypotheses that the Leu-enkephalin sequence is not present in preproenkephalin A of amphibians. Intracerebroventricular injections of frog peptide E (10 and 100 ng) in mice had no significant effect on horizontal locomotor activity. The peptide, in doses up to 1 μg, had no effect on latency of escape jumping in the hot plate test and the peptide (100 ng) did not modify responses (paw licking, rearing, and escape jumping) in morphine-treated mice.  相似文献   
In the short day plant Chenopodium rubrum and the long day plant Nicotiana tabacum cv. Havana 425, adenylate kinase (EC occurs as a family of isoforms, with at least two members localized in the chloroplast representing the main isoforms. In this work, isoforms were separated by anion exchange chromatography and relative isoform activities were compared between vegetative plants and plants induced to flowering. In both species examined, a light regime leading to floral induction resulted in a significant decrease in the activity of one chloroplast isoform. This decrease modified considerably the relative distribution of isoform activities, especially that between the two chloroplast activities.  相似文献   
Several gene products are involved in co-translational insertion of selenocysteine by the tRNA(Sec). In addition, a stem-loop structure in the mRNAs coding for selenoproteins is essential to mediate the selection of the proper selenocysteine UGA codon. Interestingly, in eukaryotic selenoprotein mRNAs, this stem-loop structure, the selenocysteine insertion sequence (SECIS) element, resides in the 3'-untranslated region, far downstream of the UGA codon. In view of unravelling the underlying complex mechanism, we have attempted to detect RNA-binding proteins with specificity for the SECIS element. Using mobility shift assays, we could show that a protein, present in different types of mammalian cell extracts, possesses the capacity of binding the SECIS element of the selenoprotein glutathione peroxidase (GPx) mRNA. We have termed this protein SBP, for Secis Binding Protein. Competition experiments attested that the binding is highly specific and UV cross-linking indicated that the protein has an apparent molecular weight in the range of 60-65 kDa. Finally, some data suggest that the SECIS elements in the mRNAs of GPx and another selenoprotein, type I iodothyronine 5' deiodinase, recognize the same SBP protein. This constitutes the first report of the existence of a 3' UTR binding protein possibly involved in the eukaryotic selenocysteine insertion mechanism.  相似文献   
Butanal is one of the odorous compounds produced in the animal-rendering and food-processing industries and also in sewage-treatment plants. It shows the necessity for complementing such plants with systems for off-gas treatment. Biofiltration using simple packing material was tested for the removal of butanal. Excellent results were obtained when the filters operated at optimal humidity and were supplemented with inorganic nutrients. Without nutrients, butyric acid was detected in the effluent gas, which may explain the lower efficiency of filters without nutrients. Under optimal conditions an elimination of around 90 g·m–3·h–1 was reached.  相似文献   
Abstract— In the human astrocytoma cell line U 373 MG, application of substance P (SP) leads to a transient increase in cytosolic calcium concentration and to a biphasic current response in voltage-clamped cells. Using these two functional assays we have characterized pharmacologically the SP response in U 373 MG cells. SP and [l -Pro9]SP displayed high potencies in both assays with EC50values of 2.5 ± 10?9M and 1 ± 10?9M on calcium responses and 110?9M and 510?9M on ion current responses, respectively. The high potency of SP and [l -Pro9]SP as well as the low potency of [Lys5,MeLeu9,N-Leu10]neurokinin A(4-10) and the inactivity of senktide demonstrate the NK1-type pharmacology of these responses. Furthermore, the NK1 antagonists (±)-CP 96,345, its chloro analogue, (±)-cis-3-(2-chlorobenzylamino)-2-benz-hydrylquinuclidine, and RP 67580 were potent antagonists of both SP responses. For the calcium mobilization induced by SP (1 (10?7M), the IC50 values for the three antagonists were 4 ± 10?10M, 4 ± 10?9M, and 9 ± 10?9M, respectively, whereas on the current response evoked by SP 10?8M), the IC50 values were 8 ± 10?9M, 2.4 ± 10?8M, and 1.2 10?7M, respectively. Despite differences in the absolute IC50 values obtained with both techniques, the relative potencies of the three antagonists correlate fairly well. The U 373 MG cell line provides a useful model system for studies of the pharmacology of the human NK1receptor and its transduction mechanisms at the level of second messengers and modulation of ion currents.  相似文献   
The 23-kDa protein encoded by the 5' segment of the E1 open reading frame of bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1) was previously ascribed a negative regulatory function for the replication of viral plasmid DNA. However, results from recent functional and biochemical studies do not readily support this genetic assignment. Therefore, we have reassessed the role of this protein in papillomavirus DNA replication by using a mutant of BPV1 which is unable to express this E1 protein. This mutant viral DNA was found to replicate extrachromosomally with stability and copy number per cell similar to those of wild-type plasmid DNA. Thus, the absence of expression of the 23-kDa E1 protein did not lead to deregulated viral plasmid replication. We conclude that the 23-kDa E1 protein is nonessential for stable plasmid replication.  相似文献   
Experiments probed the dynamic properties of stimulus-evoked (10 Hz) oscillations in somatosensory cortex of anesthetized rats. Experimental paradigms and statistical time series analysis were based on theoretical ideas from a dynamic approach to temporal patterns of neuronal activity. From the results of a double-stimulus paradigm we conclude that the neuronal response contains two components with different dynamics and different coupling to the stimulus. Based on this result a quantitative dynamic model is derived, making use of normal form theory for bifurcating vector fields. The variables used are abstract, but measurable, dynamic components. The model parameters capture the dynamic properties of neuronal response and are related to experimental results. A structural interpretation of the model can be given in terms of the collective dynamics of neuronal groups, their mutual interaction, and their coupling to peripheral stimuli. The model predicts the stimulusdependent lifetime of the oscillations as observed in experiment. We show that this prediction relies on the basic concept of dynamic bistability and does not depend on the modeling details.  相似文献   
Summary The amount of abscisic acid (ABA) in needles of silver fir from a natural location was investigated with regard to position in the crown, damage, seasonal variation, and needle age. Because of problems of quantification of ABA in coniferous needles, which contain numerous secondary plant products, a method for reliable determination of both isomers cis-trans-ABA (c-ABA) and transtrans-ABA (t-ABA) was developed. By means of gas chromatography (GC) using an electron capture detector (BCD) and a programmed temperature vaporizer (PTV) injector complete separation of both compounds was achieved. Two different pairs of fir were investigated — in each case a damaged and a healthy tree. Needles from both trees from the first and the second pair collected in September contained 500–1100 ng c-ABA/g fresh weight (FW), and the concentrations of t-ABA varied from 400 to 700 ng/g FW. Investigations from the second pair show highest amounts of 2900 ng/g Fw c-ABA and 1800 ng/g FW of t-ABA in May and June. For the first pair a higher c-ABA content was found in needles from the top of the crown than in those from the middle and the base. This difference could not be confirmed in the analysis of the second pair. Because of the strong natural deviation no statistically significant difference between the healthy and the damaged tree was found. The first pair of firs examined showed a higher t-ABA concentration than the second one. In this case the highest amount was found in the top of the crown. Methodical mistakes during the clean-up procedure and in quantification by gas chromatography could be excluded. The presence of c- and t-ABA in the purified extract was corroborated by mass spectrometry. With regard to the seasonal variation both isomers of ABA show an unequivocal trend. The maximum concentration is achieved in May to June, whereas the content is minimal in August/September. In any case the level of t-ABA is lower than that of c-ABA. No correlation between the amount of ABA and the needle age could be established.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im Buchenwald des Naturschutzgebietes Serrahn (Mecklenburg) achtete Verf. seit 1949 auf den Zwergschnäpper. 1956 und 1957 brüteten dort über 12 Paare.Ankunft frühestens am 9. Mai. Als Erste erscheinen vorwiegend ältere (rotkehlige) . Den ersten folgen sehr bald die ersten .Balzflug, Zeigen der Nisthöhle, Copula sowie Variationen des Neststandes werden beschrieben.Fast stets baute nur das , in einem Falle 3 Tage lang. Während der Bauzeit setzt das seine Singflüge eifrig fort. Gepaarte verstummen, sobald ihr begonnen hat, fest auf dem Gelege zu brüten. Nur Junggesellen singen den ganzen Sommer über.An einem günstig gelegenen Nest wurde das Verhalten des Paares vom 4.(?) Bruttag ab bis zum Ausfliegen der Jungen (im Alter von 13 Tagen) aus einem dicht davor angebrachten Schirm genau beobachtet und aufgezeichnet. Nach dem Verlassen des Nestes suchen die Jungen unter Führung ihrer Eltern die nächste Dickung auf. Sobald sie selbständig geworden sind, beginnt die Jugendmauser, 3 Wochen danach die Wanderung ins Winterquartier. Die letzten Zwergschnäpper verschwanden meist vor Mitte September.Angaben über Gesang, Bedeutung der Rufe, Nahrung.Attrappen-Versuche am Nest ergaben, daß die Eltern genau zwischen dem (gefährlichen) Sperber und dem (ungefährlichen) Kuckuck zu unterscheiden wußten und ihnen gegenüber unterschiedliche Alarmlaute brachten. Tannenhäher und Wacholderdrossel lösten keine Abwehr-Reaktion aus.  相似文献   
Theβ-galactosidase fromThermoanaerobacterium thermosulfurigenes EM1 was found to be a dimer with a monomer molecular weight of about 85,000. It lacks theα-peptide and an importantα-helix that are both needed for dimer-dimer interaction and there is no homology in other important dimer-dimer interaction areas. These differences in structure probably account for the dimeric (rather than tetrameric) structure. Only 0.19 Mg2+ bound per monomer and Mg2+ had only small effects on the activity and heat stability. The absence of residues equivalent to Glu-416 and His-418 (two of the three ligands to Mg2+ in theβ-galactosidase fromEscherichia coli) probably accounts for the low level of Mg2+ binding and the consequent lack of response to Mg2+. Both Na+ and K+ also had no effect on the activity. The enzyme activity witho-nitrophenyl-β-D-galactopyanoside (ONPG) was very similar to that withp-nitrophenyl-β-D-β-D-galactopyranoside (PNPG) and the ONPG pH profile was very similar to the PNPG pH profile. These differences are in contrast to theE. coli β-galactosidase, which dramatically discriminates between these two substrates. The lack of discrimination by theT. thermosulfurigenes β-galactosidase could be due to the absence of the sequence equivalent to residues 910-1023 of theE. coli β-galactosidase. Trp-999 is probably of the most importance. Trp-999 of theE. coli β-galactosidase is important for aglycone binding and ONPG and PNPG differ only in their aglycones. The suggestion that the aglycone site of theT. thermosulfurigenes β-galactosidase is different was strengthened by competitive inhibition studies. Compared toE. coli β-galactosidase, D-galactonolactone was a very good inhibitor of theT. thermosulfurigenes enzyme, while L-ribose inhibited poorly. These are transition-state analogs and the results indicate thatT. thermosulfurigenes β-galactosidase binds the transition state differently than doesE. coli β-galactosidase. Methanol and glucose were good acceptors of galactose, and allolactose was formed when glucose was the acceptor. Allolactose could not, however, be detected by TLC when lactose was the substrate. The differences noted may be due to the thermophilic nature ofT. thermosulfurigenes.  相似文献   
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