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叶火香  崔林  何迅民  韩宝瑜 《生态学报》2010,30(22):6019-6026
为评价茶园间作几种常见经济作物对重要害虫假眼小绿叶蝉及其主要天敌蜘蛛类群数量和空间格局的影响,遂选乌牛早品种纯茶园、乌牛早分别与柑桔、杨梅和吊瓜的间作茶园、以及安吉白茶与吊瓜间作茶园,2007年9月上旬—2008年12月下旬,每旬1次调查茶丛上、中、下层叶蝉和各种蜘蛛的数量。结果表明:(1)与纯茶园相比,间作茶园叶蝉种群数量和蜘蛛类群个体数量显著地增加,间作茶园蜘蛛种数显著地增加;(2)间作茶园茶丛上、中、下层叶蝉、蜘蛛个体数量分布明显区别于纯茶园茶丛上、中、下层叶蝉、蜘蛛个体数量分布;(3)茶丛上层的嫩梢是制作高档茶的原料,而纯茶园茶丛上层叶蝉虫口百分率为54.16%,间作茶园茶丛上层叶蝉虫口百分率皆减小,并且叶蝉高峰期间蜘蛛的跟随效应增强;(4)间作增加了经济收入并减少了防治次数。认为:(1)间作可在一定程度上调控叶蝉种群、蜘蛛类群的数量和空间格局;(2)间作可减轻叶蝉为害造成的产值损失,增强了茶园群落对于叶蝉的自然控制潜能。  相似文献   
为了建立最佳的人妊娠子宫平滑肌细胞的原代培养方法和初步检测子宫平滑肌细胞中Transgelin蛋白的表达,采用组织块贴壁法和酶消化法进行人妊娠子宫平滑肌原代培养.发现组织贴块培养的细胞呈典型的梭状肌细胞样生长,经过传代纯化,通过免疫细胞化学方法检测平滑肌肌动蛋白(smooth muscle acting,SMA)进行细胞鉴定及检测Trangsgelin(smooth muscle 22 alpha,SM22-α)蛋白,得到SMA、snd2-α荧光免疫细胞化学染色为阳性.结果表明组织贴块法对妊娠子宫平滑肌细胞损伤小,可获得状态良好的纯净的子宫平滑肌细胞,子宫平滑肌细胞中大量表达sm2-α,为进一步研究sm22-α在子宫平滑肌细胞中作用打下基础.  相似文献   
冯聪  吴博  范红霞  李长菲  孟颂东 《微生物学报》2014,54(10):1212-1220
【目的】探讨乙肝感染中gp96上调的机制及其可能发挥的病理学机制。【方法】首先通过生物信息学、Real-time PCR、荧光报告基因和Western blot研究NF-κB激活gp96表达的机制。进一步通过在肝细胞中过表达或敲低gp96的水平,运用CCK-8法和流式检测分析gp96对肝细胞增殖、凋亡,和细胞周期的影响,通过检测肝细胞EMT发生和细胞集落形成实验,分析gp96对于HCC发生的作用。【结果】NF-κB与gp96启动子上NF-κB结合位点结合,激活gp96的表达。实验结果显示,gp96能够促进肝细胞增殖、抑制凋亡,促进细胞周期从静息期向分裂期的转化,同时促进肝细胞EMT发生和细胞集落的形成。【结论】NF-κB通过活化gp96启动子上调其表达,为HBV慢性感染上调gp96的机制提供了线索,同时提示gp96在慢性炎症引发HCC过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
采用开顶箱(OTC)法,研究了高浓度臭氧(80±8 nmol·mol-1)熏蒸处理对蒙古栎叶片 中总酚、类黄酮、单宁及丙二醛(MDA)含量的影响,使用1,1-二苯基苦基苯肼(DPPH) 法测定了蒙古栎叶片的总抗氧化能力.结果表明:蒙古栎叶片中总酚、类黄酮、缩合单宁和MDA的含量都有所增加,其中总酚和缩合单宁含量分别增加了48.17%和26.77%,差异显著(P<0.05);类黄酮和MDA含量分别增加了24.66%和5.26%,差异不显著(P>0.05);蒙古栎叶片总抗氧化能力显著增强(P<0.05),且与叶片中总酚和缩合单宁含量呈显著的正相关关系.  相似文献   
The dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor vildagliptin (VLD), a widely used anti‐diabetic drug, exerts favourable effects on vascular endothelium in diabetes. We determined for the first time the improving effects of VLD on mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetic mice and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) cultured under hyperglycaemic conditions, and further explored the mechanism behind the anti‐diabetic activity. Mitochondrial ROS (mtROS) production was detected by fluorescent microscope and flow cytometry. Mitochondrial DNA damage and ATP synthesis were analysed by real time PCR and ATPlite assay, respectively. Mitochondrial network stained with MitoTracker Red to identify mitochondrial fragmentation was visualized under confocal microscopy. The expression levels of dynamin‐related proteins (Drp1 and Fis1) were determined by immunoblotting. We found that VLD significantly reduced mtROS production and mitochondrial DNA damage, but enhanced ATP synthesis in endothelium under diabetic conditions. Moreover, VLD reduced the expression of Drp1 and Fis1, blocked Drp1 translocation into mitochondria, and blunted mitochondrial fragmentation induced by hyperglycaemia. As a result, mitochondrial dysfunction was alleviated and mitochondrial morphology was restored by VLD. Additionally, VLD promoted the phosphorylation of AMPK and its target acetyl‐CoA carboxylase in the setting of high glucose, and AMPK activation led to a decreased expression and activation of Drp1. In conclusion, VLD improves endothelial mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetes, possibly through inhibiting Drp1‐mediated mitochondrial fission in an AMPK‐dependent manner.  相似文献   
Transformation-associated recombination (TAR) has been widely used to assemble large DNA constructs. One of the significant obstacles hindering assembly efficiency is the presence of error-prone DNA repair pathways in yeast, which results in vector backbone recircularization or illegitimate recombination products. To increase TAR assembly efficiency, we prepared a dual-selective TAR vector, pGFCS, by adding a PADH1-URA3 cassette to a previously described yeast-bacteria shuttle vector, pGF, harboring a PHIS3-HIS3 cassette as a positive selection marker. This new cassette works as a negative selection marker to ensure that yeast harboring a recircularized vector cannot propagate in the presence of 5-fluoroorotic acid. To prevent pGFCS bearing ura3 from recombining with endogenous ura3-52 in the yeast genome, a highly transformable Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain, VL6-48B, was prepared by chromosomal substitution of ura3-52 with a transgene conferring resistance to blasticidin. A 55-kb genomic fragment of monkeypox virus encompassing primary detection targets for quantitative PCR was assembled by TAR using pGFCS in VL6-48B. The pGFCS-mediated TAR assembly showed a zero rate of vector recircularization and an average correct assembly yield of 79% indicating that the dual-selection strategy provides an efficient approach to optimizing TAR assembly.  相似文献   
Patients with hormone receptor(HR)-positive tumors breast cancer usually experience a relatively low pathological complete response(p CR) to neoadjuvant chemotherapy(NAC). Here, we derived a 10-micro RNA risk score(10-mi RNA RS)-based model with better performance in the prediction of p CR and validated its relation with the disease-free survival(DFS) in 755 HRpositive breast cancer patients(273, 265, and 217 in the training, internal, and external validation sets, respectively). This model,pres...  相似文献   
对成都市温江区不同栽植年限园林植物土壤动物群落特征进行调查分析,4次取样共捕获土壤动物10258只,隶属26目78科。不同园林植物土壤动物类群数存在显著差异,基本以红花檵木、银杏样地最高,结缕草样地最低,各栽植年限土壤动物类群数均低于周边农田和撂荒地;桂花样地土壤动物类群数、个体数受季节变化影响较小,其余样地土壤动物个体数具有明显的季节动态,而类群数随季节变化不显著;土壤动物多样性指数受园林植物种类及栽植年限影响,银杏样地土壤动物密度-类群指数(DG)及Margalef丰富度指数(D)和结缕草样地土壤动物Shannon多样性指数(H)D指数均随栽植年限增加而显著降低,桂花样地土壤动物DG指数、D指数则随栽植年限增加显著升高,红花檵木样地土壤动物多样性各指数随栽植年限增加未表现规律性变化,其中土壤动物DG、DH指数各栽植年限基本以桂花样地最低;聚类及典型关联分析(CCA)表明,园林植物种类对样地生境的影响大于栽植年限,土壤动物对不同生境因子响应不同,其中速效P、土壤pH对土壤动物影响较大。土壤动物群落特征受园林植物种类、栽植年限及栽培管理方式的影响,而过度人为干扰、单一植物连栽会对土壤动物产生不利影响,并可能导致土壤地力衰退。  相似文献   
二氧化碳(carbon dioxide, CO2)资源化利用是全球可持续发展面临的巨大挑战。自然界生物固碳绿色环保,但能效低、速度慢,难以满足工业生产需求;物理化学固碳效率高,但能耗高、产品单一,如何结合生物、物理与化学技术优势,以二氧化碳为原料进行生物转化利用是当前迫切需要解决的科技难题。本文结合中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所建所10年来的发展,综述了人工固碳元件、途径与系统的设计与构建等前沿基础领域取得的重要进展,特别是首次实现二氧化碳人工合成淀粉,并对建立二氧化碳人工生物转化技术体系进行了展望。相关进展与展望为助力实现“碳达峰、碳中和”目标提供了新思路。  相似文献   
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