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Eggs of the hermaphrodite, self-sterile ascidian, Ciona intestinalis , were washed with acid seawater (pH 3.2), and the washing solution was then adjusted to pH 8.2. This solution was found to inhibit only the binding of non-autologous sperm to the vitelline coat (VC) of eggs, indicating that it contained self-nonself recognition activity. This activity was heat-stable and insensitive to trypsin, but was destroyed by V-8 protease and α-glucosidase. Both the hydrophobic and hydrophilic components of a lyophilized powder of the extract showed allo-recognizing activity. On TLC, the hydrophobic components gave a major spot of glucose (Glc) and a peptide spot(s) containing mainly glutamic acid and/or glutamine (Glx). The glucosyl conjugate was purified by HPLC and shown to block sperm-egg binding to various extents. Individual peptide subfractions had no inhibitory activity, but in combination they showed inhibitory activity. These findings suggest that the acid extract of Ciona eggs contains a Glc-enriched nonspecific inhibitor of sperm-egg binding, which could be the primary effector of self-incompatibility, and Glx-enriched modulators, which serve as acceptors of allo-sperm. The cooperative interactions of these components may be responsible for the diversity of allo-recognition in Ciona gametes.  相似文献   
Outer and inner follicle cell-enclosed oocytes (oocyte complexes) of Halocynthia roretzi underwent germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) within 2 hr when transferred from ovaries to normal seawater of pH 8 (NSW). Extrusion of test cells (TC) into the perivitelline space and elevation of the chorion also occurred. This phenomenon was designated as spontaneous oocyte maturation.
Seawater of low pH, protease inhibitors such as leupeptin or soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI), and calcium deficiency inhibited the spontaneous maturation only when introduced to the NSW during the first 10 minutes of incubation. GVBD-blocked complexes underwent GVBD after addition of trypsin regardless of pH or the absence of calcium ions. The oocytes from which follicle cells were removed with glycosidase did not undergo GVBD in NSW, but addition of trypsin triggered GVBD in these defolliculated oocytes (TC oocytes). Furthermore, incubation media in which spontaneous maturation had occurred, induced GVBD in the TC oocytes. This GVBD-inducing activity was heat-labile and was inhibited by leupeptin.
These results indicate that in the first step of the spontaneous oocyte maturation, outer and/or inner follicle cells give a signal to the oocyte itself or TC oocyte. This signal is likely to be trypsin-like.  相似文献   
The bilayer phase transitions of three kinds of phospholipids, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DSPC) and dihexadecylphosphatidylcholine (DHPC), in deuterium oxide (D2O) and hydrogen oxide (H2O) were observed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) under ambient pressure and light-transmittance measurements under high pressure. The DSC measurements showed that the substitution of H2O by D2O affected the pretransition temperatures and the main-transition enthalpies of all PC bilayers. The temperature-pressure phase diagrams for these PC bilayer membranes in both solvents were constructed by use of the data of light-transmittance measurements. Regarding the main transition of all PC bilayer membranes, there was no appreciable difference between the transition temperatures in D2O and H2O under high pressure. On the other hand, the phase transitions among the gel phases including the pretransition were significantly affected by the solvent substitution. The thermodynamic quantities of phase transitions for the PC bilayer membranes were evaluated and the differences in thermodynamic properties by the water substitution were considered from the difference of interfacial-free energy per molecule in the bilayer in both solvents. It was proved that the substitution of H2O by D2O causes shrinkage of the molecular area of phospholipid at bilayer interface due to the difference in bond strength between deuterium and hydrogen bonds and produces the great influence on the bilayer phase with the smaller area. Further, the induction of bilayer interdigitation in D2O turned out to need higher pressures than in H2O.  相似文献   
Leptothrix cholodnii is an aerobic sheath-forming bacterium often found in oligotrophic and metal-rich aquatic environments. The sheath of this bacterium was isolated by selectively lysing the cells. Glycine and cysteine were the major amino acids of the sheath. The sheath was readily dissolved in hydrazine, and a polysaccharide substituted with cysteine was recovered from the solution. Galactosamine, glucosamine and galacturonic acid were detected in the hydrazinolysate by gas liquid chromatography analysis. FAB-MS analysis of the hydrazinolysate suggested a sugar sequence of HexN-GalA-HexN-HexN. Methylation linkage analysis revealed the presence of 4-linked GalA, 3-linked HexN and 4-linked HexN. The sulfhydryl groups of the sheath were used for labeling with the fluorogenic reagent, 4-(aminosulfonyl)-7-fluoro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole (ABD-F). The labeled sheath (ABD-sheath) was partially hydrolyzed and three fluorescent fragments were purified by HPLC. One of them was identified as ABD-cysteine. The second one was found to be the ABD-cysteine tetramer. Another fragment was indicated to be a pentasaccharide substituted with ABD-cysteine by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis. It can be assumed that the polysaccharide and peptide moieties of the sheath are connected by a cysteine residue. NMR analysis of the hydrazinolysate revealed that the polysaccharide moiety of the sheath was constructed from a pentasaccharide repeating unit containing 2-amino-2-deoxygalacturonic acid (GalNA), as shown below. -->4)-alpha-GalNA-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GalN(p)-(1-->4)-alpha-D-GalA(p)-(1-->4)-beta-D-GlcN(p)-(1-->3)-beta-D-GalN(p)-(1-->.  相似文献   
对中国柱衣属Pilophorus进行了系统的分类学研究。通过标本采集发现了6个种,包含过去报道的4个种:P. acicularis,P. cereolus,P. clavatus和P. curtulus,以及两个作者近期发表的种:P. fruticosus和P. yunnanensis。对这6个种进行了形态学,解剖学以及化学特征的描述,并且提供了中国柱衣属的检索表和形态特征。  相似文献   
Phototropism of youngAdiantum fern leaves is induced by red light as well as blue light. The red light response is mediated by phytochrome. This is the first evidence of phytochrome action in diploid fern tissue. The blue light response is mainly mediated not by phytochrome, but probably by a blue light-absorbing pigment as in the case of almost all plants and fungi. The red light-induced phototropism becomes detectable within 2 hr after the onset of unilateral light. The highest bending rate is about 10 degrees/hr, which occurs between 3–5 hr after the induction of the tropic response. The bending region is about 6–8 mm from the highest point of the coiled crozier where the growth rate becomes slow.  相似文献   
We examined the identity of Aspergillus penicillioides, the typical xerophilic and strictly anamorphic species, using an integrated analysis of the genotypic and phenotypic characters. Our experimental methods on two genotypic characters, i.e., DNA base composition using the HPLC method and DNA relatedness using the nitrocellulose filter hybridization technique between A. flavus, A. oryzae, and their close relations revealed a good agreement with the values by buoyant density (for DNA base composition) and spectrophotometric determination (for DNA relatedness) reported by Kurtzman et al. in 1986. On the basis of these comparisons, we examined DNA base composition and DNA relatedness of six selected strains of A. penicillioides, including IFO 8155 (originally described as A. vitricola), one strain of A. restrictus, and the respective strains from Eurotium amstelodami, E. repens, and E. rubrum. As a result, five strains within A. penicillioides, including the neotype strain NRRL 4548, had G+C contents of 46 to 49 mol%, whereas IFO 8155 had 50 mol%. A. restrictus had 52 mol%, and three Eurotium species ranged from 46 to 49 mol%. The DNA relatedness between A. penicillioides (five strains), except for IFO 8155, exhibited values greater than 70%, but the DNA complementarity between four strains and IFO 8155 in A. penicillioides revealed values of less than 40%. DNA relatedness values between three species of Eurotium were 65 to 72%. We determined 18S, 5.8S, and ITS rDNA sequences as other genotypic characters from A. penicillioides (six strains), A. restrictus, and related teleomorphic species of Eurotium. In three phylogenetic trees inferred from these sequences, five strains of A. penicillioides, including the neotype strain, were closely related to each other, whereas IFO 8155 was distantly related and grouped with other xerophilic species. Our results have suggested that A. penicillioides typified by NRRL 4548 and A. penicillioides IFO 8155 (ex holotype of A. vitricola) are not conspecific. The enzyme patterns as a genotypic character and general morphology and conidial ornamentation types as phenotypic characters supported this conclusion. Therefore the name A. vitricola Ohtsuki, typified by the holotype strain IFO 8155, should be revived. Evolutionary affinities among Aspergillus species and related teleomorphs, including the xerophilic taxa, are discussed.  相似文献   
Polar cod, Boreogadus saida, is a key species in the Arctic Ocean ecosystem. We examined the distribution pattern of B. saida and other fish larvae in relation to oceanographic parameters, including sea surface temperature and salinity (SST and SSS), the mode of temperature and salinity within the water column (F temp and F sal), and the temporal duration between the date of sea ice retreat and the date of field surveys (dSRT) in the northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea during the summers of 2008 and 2013. Sampling was conducted onboard the T/S Oshoro-Maru using a bongo net for 2 years. At sampling stations, the temperature and salinity were measured using conductivity-temperature-depth profiler casts. We calculated dSRT from satellite derived polar gridded sea ice concentration data. A total of 1186 individuals comprising 7 families and 16 species were collected, with B. saida (35 %) and Ammodytes hexapterus (27 %) dominating the catch in number. Based on the species composition (cluster analysis), the sampling stations were divided into four groups. Pleuronectidae dominated group A, which was characterized by relatively high temperature (SST and F temp), while B. saida dominated group B, characterized by low temperatures. A. hexapterus dominated group C and D, which had similar temperatures and salinities, but group C had a shorter dSRT than group D. The latter was also differentiated by the presence of Lumpenus sp. B. saida, which were most abundant in regions where temperatures ranged from ?2 to 0.5 °C. These results, the geographical variation of group B sampling stations, suggest there are two separate spawning areas characterized by similar fish communities and related to consistently cold bottom temperatures. Moreover, stations with a higher abundance of smaller sized larval B. saida were characterized by a short dSRT, whereas stations with a lower abundance and a larger size were characterized by a long dSRT.  相似文献   
The COP1/SPA complex is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that acts as a key repressor of photomorphogenesis in dark‐grown plants. While both COP1 and the four SPA proteins contain coiled‐coil and WD‐repeat domains, SPA proteins differ from COP1 in carrying an N‐terminal kinase‐like domain that is not present in COP1. Here, we have analyzed the effects of deletions and missense mutations in the N‐terminus of SPA1 when expressed in a spa quadruple mutant background devoid of any other SPA proteins. Deletion of the large N‐terminus of SPA1 severely impaired SPA1 activity in transgenic plants with respect to seedling etiolation, leaf expansion and flowering time. This ΔN SPA1 protein showed a strongly reduced affinity for COP1 in vitro and in vivo, indicating that the N‐terminus contributes to COP1/SPA complex formation. Deletion of only the highly conserved 95 amino acids of the kinase‐like domain did not severely affect SPA1 function nor interactions with COP1 or cryptochromes. In contrast, missense mutations in this part of the kinase‐like domain severely abrogated SPA1 function, suggesting an overriding negative effect of these mutations on SPA1 activity. We therefore hypothesize that the sequence of the kinase‐like domain has been conserved during evolution because it carries structural information important for the activity of SPA1 in darkness. The N‐terminus of SPA1 was not essential for light responsiveness of seedlings, suggesting that photoreceptors can inhibit the COP1/SPA complex in the absence of the SPA1 N‐terminal domain. Together, these results uncover an important, but complex role of the SPA1 N‐terminus in the suppression of photomorphogenesis.  相似文献   
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