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This study aims to explore the protective effects of Picroside III, an active ingredient of Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora, on the intestinal epithelial barrier in tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) induced Caco-2 cells and dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) induced colitis in mice. Results show that Picroside III significantly alleviated clinical signs of colitis including body weight loss, disease activity index increase, colon shortening, and colon tissue damage. It also increased claudin-3, ZO-1 and occludin expressions and decreased claudin-2 expression in the colon tissues of mice with colitis. In vitro, Picroside III also significantly promoted wound healing, decreased the permeability of cell monolayer, upregulated the expressions of claudin-3, ZO-1 and occludin and downregulated the expression of claudin-2 in TNF-α treated Caco-2 cells. Mechanism studies show that Picroside III significantly promoted AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation in vitro and in vivo, and blockade with AMPK could significantly attenuate the upregulation of Picroside III in ZO-1 and occludin expressions and the downregulation of claudin-2 expression in TNF-α treated Caco-2 cells. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that Picroside III attenuated DSS-induced colitis by promoting colonic mucosal wound healing and epithelial barrier function recovery via the activation of AMPK.  相似文献   
Mine wastewater often contains dissolved metals at concentrations too low to be economically extracted by existing technologies, yet too high for environmental discharge. The most common treatment is chemical precipitation of the dissolved metals using limestone and subsequent disposal of the sludge in tailing impoundments. While it is a cost-effective solution to meet regulatory standards, it represents a lost opportunity. In this study, we engineered Escherichia coli to overexpress its native NikABCDE transporter and a heterologous metallothionein to capture nickel at concentrations in local effluent streams. We found the engineered strain had a 7-fold improvement in the bioaccumulation performance for nickel compared to controls, but also observed a drastic decrease in cell viability due to metabolic burden or inducer (IPTG) toxicity. Growth kinetic analysis revealed the IPTG concentrations used based on past studies lead to growth inhibition, thus delineating future avenues for optimization of the engineered strain and its growth conditions to perform in more complex environments.  相似文献   
Streptomyces glaucescens is shown to possess -lactamase activity which is inhibitable by clavulanate. This is important in regard to its use as a cloning host for enzymes of \-lactam biosynthesis.  相似文献   
红壤旱坡地桔园覆盖的生态效应及经济效益评价   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
柑桔是南方红壤地区栽培的主要果树种类,栽培面积达1126×106hm2。柑桔是一种常绿果树,生长量大,挂果期长,周年需要消耗大量的水分。我国南方红壤地区虽然雨水充沛,但降水季节分布不均,柑桔果实迅速生长的7~10月正是该地区雨水少、蒸发量大的伏秋干旱季节。经常性的伏秋干旱是制约我国柑桔产量和质量进一步提高的主要障碍因素之一。桔园夏秋进行秸秆覆盖可以降温[1]、保水[2]、防止杂草生长[3]等,但桔园应用地膜覆盖及常年连续覆盖对桔园的生态效应方面的研究较少,为此我们开展了这方面的工作,并通过连续3a的产量及产值分析覆盖桔园的经…  相似文献   
羊角椒辣味物质成份分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用紫外光谱法、红外光谱法和高效液相色谱法分析羊角椒中辣味物质纯度与组成,表明辣味物质由辣椒素、二氢辣椒素和降二氢辣椒素组成。  相似文献   
榄香烯对急性血瘀模型大鼠血液流变性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文观察了榄香烯对急性血瘀模型大鼠血液流变性的影响。实验结果表明:榄香烯6.25-25mg/kg/d,ip×7d,可使血瘀模型鼠的高低切变率全血粘度和还原粘度、血浆粘度、血沉、红细胞聚集指数、纤维蛋白原及红细胞电泳时间等显著降低(P<0.05、P<0.01)。提示榄香烯有活血化瘀作用  相似文献   
远交系小鼠胚胎干细胞系的建立及嵌合鼠的获得   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ES细胞(EmbryonicStemCells)是来源于小鼠早期胚胎的多潜能干细胞,它可以在体外大量培养。并以单细胞的形式注射到早期胚胎里,发育为嵌合体。到目前为止,通常使用的129小鼠品系是来源于近交系(inbred)小鼠的胚胎.与之相比,远交系小鼠应当具有较强的生命力和抗病能力。曾有人报道过建成了远交系小鼠胚胎干细胞系,但是尚没有见到获得嵌合鼠的报道。有人甚至认为:由于不同品系小鼠所具有的遗传背景不同,有的小鼠不能建成ES细胞系。最近,本实验室在这方面做了有益的探索,成功地建成了远交系小鼠胚胎干细胞系,并在这里报导首例用远交系小鼠胚胎干细胞系培育成功嵌合体小鼠。采用源于Swiss小鼠远交群的昆明(KM)品系小鼠囊胚建成了三个小鼠胚胎干细胞系(KE1.KE2.KE5)。核型正常率均达到70%以上。自第八代起分批冻存,复苏后,培养至第12代,消化成单细胞,通过囊胚显微注射,将其注射到615品系小鼠胚胎。在幸存的幼鼠中获得了一只来源于KE1细胞的嵌合鼠(Table1).其毛色表现为受体鼠(615)的白色中嵌合有供体鼠(KM)的黑褐色(PlateI-A).嵌合鼠与受体鼠的杂交后代鼠中仍然出现了受体鼠的毛色类型(  相似文献   
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and HIV-2 Vpr and Vpx proteins are packaged into virions through virus type-specific interactions with the Gag polyprotein precursor. To examine whether HIV-1 Vpr (Vpr1) and HIV-2 Vpx (Vpx2) could be used to target foreign proteins to the HIV particle, their open reading frames were fused in frame with genes encoding the bacterial staphylococcal nuclease (SN), an enzymatically inactive mutant of SN (SN*), and chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT). Transient expression in a T7-based vaccinia virus system demonstrated the synthesis of appropriately sized Vpr1-SN/SN* and Vpx2-SN/SN* fusion proteins which, when coexpressed with their cognate p55Gag protein, were efficiently incorporated into virus-like particles. Packaging of the fusion proteins was dependent on virus type-specific determinants, as previously seen with wild-type Vpr and Vpx proteins. Particle-associated Vpr1-SN and Vpx2-SN fusion proteins were enzymatically active, as determined by in vitro digestion of lambda phage DNA. To determine whether functional Vpr1 and Vpx2 fusion proteins could be targeted to HIV particles, the gene fusions were cloned into an HIV-2 long terminal repeat/Rev response element-regulated expression vector and cotransfected with wild-type HIV-1 and HIV-2 proviruses. Western blot (immunoblot) analysis of sucrose gradient-purified virions revealed that both Vpr1 and Vpx2 fusion proteins were efficiently packaged regardless of whether SN, SN*, or CAT was used as the C-terminal fusion partner. Moreover, the fusion proteins remained enzymatically active and were packaged in the presence of wild-type Vpr and Vpx proteins. Interestingly, virions also contained smaller proteins that reacted with antibodies specific for the accessory proteins as well as SN and CAT fusion partners. Since similar proteins were absent from Gag-derived virus-like particles and from virions propagated in the presence of an HIV protease inhibitor, they must represent cleavage products produced by the viral protease. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Vpr and Vpx can be used to target functional proteins, including potentially deleterious enzymes, to the human or simian immunodeficiency virus particle. These properties may be exploitable for studies of HIV particle assembly and maturation and for the development of novel antiviral strategies.  相似文献   
Brassinosteroid (BR)-induced rice (Oriza sativa L.) lamina joint (RLJ) inclination and its relationship to indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and ethylene were investigated using BR isolated from beeswax. The effect of BR on RLJ inclination was time- and concentration-dependent. Etiolated lamina were more sensitive to BR than green lamina. The BR-induced inclination was accompanied by increased lamina fresh weight, total water content, free-water content, proton extrusion and ethylene production, and decreased bound-water content. Lamina dry weight was not changed. The inclination was due to greater expansion of the adaxial cells relative to the dorsal cells in the lamina joint. This response was caused by BR and/or BR-induced signal(s) that were transported from the leaf sheath to the leaf blade. Both BR-induced RLJ inclination and ethylene production were inhibited by cobalt chloride (CoCl2), an inhibitor of ACC oxidase. BR-induced inclination was much higher than that of IAA, and was inhibited by high concentration of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), an inhibitor of IAA transport. A synergistic effect was observed between BR and IAA. These results suggest that the effects of BR on RLJ inclination and pulvinus cell expansion may be resulted from BR-increased water potential and proton extrusion in the lamina. The BR-induced RLJ inclination may involve the action of ethylene but may be independent of IAA.Abbreviations BR brassinolide or brassinosteroid(s) - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid - RLJ rice lamina joint  相似文献   
四个籼稻(Oryza sativa L.)品种幼苗经1℃黑暗或光照250 μm ol·m - 2·s- 1处理后,抗冷的“桂山矮选3”比不抗冷的“青华6 号”幼苗存活率高,其子代是以“桂山矮选3”为母本的比“青华6 号”为母本的存活率较高。抽穗期剑叶经光照低温处理12、24 和36 h 后,光合作用是“桂山矮选3”和以“桂山矮选3”为母本的子代比“青华6 号”和以“青华6 号”为母本的子代下降较少。呼吸作用是前者比后者在处理12 h 时有明显升高现象。荧光参数Fv/Fo和Fv/Fm比值在处理24 h 时前者比后者下降明显,但在常温下恢复则是前者比后者明显较快。自然低温(寒露风)对叶绿素荧光的影响亦有相似的规律。对水稻后代的抗冷性倾向于母本进行了讨论  相似文献   
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