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A common pattern found in phylogeny-based empirical studies of diversification is a decrease in the rate of lineage accumulation toward the present. This early-burst pattern of cladogenesis is often interpreted as a signal of adaptive radiation or density-dependent processes of diversification. However, incomplete taxonomic sampling is also known to artifactually produce patterns of rapid initial diversification. The Monte Carlo constant rates (MCCR) test, based upon Pybus and Harvey's gamma (γ)-statistic, is commonly used to accommodate incomplete sampling, but this test assumes that missing taxa have been randomly pruned from the phylogeny. Here we use simulations to show that preferentially sampling disparate lineages within a clade can produce severely inflated type-I error rates of the MCCR test, especially when taxon sampling drops below 75%. We first propose two corrections for the standard MCCR test, the proportionally deeper splits that assumes missing taxa are more likely to be recently diverged, and the deepest splits only MCCR that assumes that all missing taxa are the youngest lineages in the clade, and assess their statistical properties. We then extend these two tests into a generalized form that allows the degree of nonrandom sampling (NRS)to be controlled by a scaling parameter, α. This generalized test is then applied to two recent studies. This new test allows systematists to account for nonrandom taxonomic sampling when assessing temporal patterns of lineage diversification in empirical trees. Given the dramatic affect NRS can have on the behavior of the MCCR test, we argue that evaluating the sensitivity of this test to NRS should become the norm when investigating patterns of cladogenesis in incompletely sampled phylogenies.  相似文献   
In 1993, four residents of a retirement community in middle Tennessee were hospitalized with symptoms of ehrlichiosis causing community managers to implement mitigation methods to reduce tick numbers. For the past four years, managers have utilized 4-poster acaricide applicators that aim to reduce disease risk to residents by killing ticks that feed on deer. To determine the efficacy of this technique, we assessed Amblyomma americanum abundance in the vicinity of the devices by dragging 400 m vegetation transects once per month while ticks were active. In 2009, adult tick activity peaked in May, nymphal tick activity peaked in June, and larval activity peaked in September. Close to 4-poster devices, larval, nymphal, and adult tick abundances were reduced by 91%, 68%, and 49%, respectively (larval and nymphal p<0.001, adult p=0.005), relative to nearby untreated areas. No significant reduction in nymphal or adult A. americanum ticks was evident >300 m from 4-poster devices, however a ~90% reduction in larvae was observed to our sampling limit (400 m). At the low density at which these devices are currently being used (average distance between devices = 6.6 km), we conclude that they will have little large-scale effect on the health risk posed by ticks in this community.  相似文献   
Selenium (Se) deficiency is associated with decreased activities of Se-dependent antioxidant enzymes, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and thioredoxin reductase (TR), and with changes in the cellular redox status. We have previously shown that host Se deficiency is responsible for increased virulence of influenza virus in mice due to changes in the viral genome. The present study examines the antioxidant defense systems in the lung and liver of Se-deficient and Se-adequate mice infected with influenza A/Bangkok/1/79. Results show that neither Se status nor infection changed glutathione (GSH) concentration in the lung. Hepatic GSH concentration was lower in Se-deficient mice, but increased significantly day 5 post infection. No significant differences due to Se status or influenza infection were found in catalase activities. As expected, Se deficiency was associated with significant decreases in GPx and TR activities in both lung and liver. GPx activity increased in the lungs and decreased in the liver of Se-adequate mice in response to infection. Both Se deficiency and influenza infection had profound effects on the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD). The hepatic SOD activity was higher in Se-deficient than Se-adequate mice before infection. However, following influenza infection, hepatic SOD activity in Se-adequate mice gradually increased. Influenza infection was associated with a significant increase of SOD activity in the lungs of Se-deficient, but not Se-adequate mice. The maximum of SOD activity coincided with the peak of pathogenesis in infected lungs. These data suggest that SOD activation in the lung and liver may be a part of a compensatory response to Se deficiency and/or influenza infection. However, SOD activation that leads to increased production of H(2)O(2) may also contribute to pathogenesis and to influenza virus mutation in lungs of Se-deficient mice.  相似文献   


Atypical scrapie was first identified in Norwegian sheep in 1998 and has subsequently been identified in many countries. Retrospective studies have identified cases predating the initial identification of this form of scrapie, and epidemiological studies have indicated that it does not conform to the behaviour of an infectious disease, giving rise to the hypothesis that it represents spontaneous disease. However, atypical scrapie isolates have been shown to be infectious experimentally, through intracerebral inoculation in transgenic mice and sheep. The first successful challenge of a sheep with 'field' atypical scrapie from an homologous donor sheep was reported in 2007.


This study demonstrates that atypical scrapie has distinct clinical, pathological and biochemical characteristics which are maintained on transmission and sub-passage, and which are distinct from other strains of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in the same host genotype.


Atypical scrapie is consistently transmissible within AHQ homozygous sheep, and the disease phenotype is preserved on sub-passage.  相似文献   
Root colonization was studied in ten species of the Epacridaceaeat three sites in Victoria by morphological and cross-inoculationexperiments. The sites and genera chosen were Cranbourne [Epacrisimpressa Labill. andLeucopogon ericoides(Smith) R. Br.] andRye [L. parviflorus(Andrews) Lindley] on the Mornington Peninsula,and the Grampians[Astroloma conostephioides(Sond.) Benth.,A.humifusum(Cav.) R. Br.,A pinifolium(R. Br.) Benth,Brachylomadaphnoides(Smith) Benth.,E. impressa, E. impressavar.grandifloraBenth.andStyphelia adscendensR. Br.] in western Victoria. For morphologicalstudies, samples of roots from each species at each site werecleared and stained and examined microscopically. For cross-inoculationstudies, cuttings from each site were struck in potting mediuminoculated with soil from the same and other sites. The ericoidmycorrhizae in the roots of plants found at or grown in Cranbourneand Rye soils were similar. Both were significantly differentfrom the internal hyphae found in the roots of plants foundat or grown in Grampians soils, which were three times largerin diameter and formed dense coils which filled the host celland invaded adjacent epidermal cells. This suggests that morethan one fungus is involved in the relationships, that the MorningtonPeninsula sites had a different fungus from the Grampians siteand that host specificity is low. Vesicular structures werealso found commonly on plants at the Grampians site, in contrastwith other sites. Epacridaceae; root; fungus; mycorrhiza; morphology; inoculation  相似文献   
We describe an analysis, applicable to any spotted microarray dataset produced using genomic DNA as a reference, that quantifies prokaryotic levels of mRNA on a genome-wide scale. Applying this to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we validate the technique, show a correlation between level of expression and biological importance, define the complement of invariant genes and analyze absolute levels of expression by functional class to develop ways of understanding an organism's biology without comparison to another growth condition.  相似文献   


The number of completely sequenced plastid genomes available is growing rapidly. This array of sequences presents new opportunities to perform comParative analyses. In comParative studies, it is often useful to compare across wide phylogenetic spans and, within angiosperms, to include representatives from basally diverging lineages such as the genomes reported here: Nuphar advena (from a basal-most lineage) and Ranunculus macranthus (a basal eudicot). We report these two new plastid genome sequences and make comparisons (within angiosperms, seed plants, or all photosynthetic lineages) to evaluate features such as the status of ycf15 and ycf68 as protein coding genes, the distribution of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and longer dispersed repeats (SDR), and patterns of nucleotide composition.


The Nuphar [GenBank:NC_008788] and Ranunculus [GenBank:NC_008796] plastid genomes share characteristics of gene content and organization with many other chloroplast genomes. Like other plastid genomes, these genomes are A+T-rich, except for rRNA and tRNA genes. Detailed comparisons of Nuphar with Nymphaea, another Nymphaeaceae, show that more than two-thirds of these genomes exhibit at least 95% sequence identity and that most SSRs are shared. In broader comparisons, SSRs vary among genomes in s of abundance and length and most contain repeat motifs based on A and T nucleotides.


SSR and SDR abundance varies by genome and, for SSRs, is proportional to genome size. Long SDRs are rare in the genomes assessed. SSRs occur less frequently than predicted and, although the majority of the repeat motifs do include A and T nucleotides, the A+T bias in SSRs is less than that predicted from the underlying genomic nucleotide composition. In codon usage third positions show an A+T bias, however variation in codon usage does not correlate with differences in A+T-richness. Thus, although plastome nucleotide composition shows "A+T richness", an A+T bias is not apparent upon more in-depth analysis, at least in these aspects. The pattern of evolution in the sequences identified as ycf15 and ycf68 is not consistent with them being protein-coding genes. In fact, these regions show no evidence of sequence conservation beyond what is normal for non-coding regions of the IR.  相似文献   
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