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2007~2008年间, 我们调查了浙江沿海地区海产品和养殖环境中副溶血弧菌的污染状况, 并分析了不同来源副溶血弧菌中主要毒力相关基因tdh、trh、ureC和T3SS2(vscC2、vcrD2)的分布特征及溶血表型与尿素酶表型。结果显示, 566份样品中共分离到395株副溶血弧菌, 检出率高达70%, 毒力相关基因分析结果发现, tdh基因阳性率为10.1%, trh与ureC基因阳性率分别为 20.0%与 11.1%, 40株tdh+菌中组成T3SS2的vscC2基因阳性率为32.5%, 其中38株tdh+菌的神奈川试验亦呈阳性; 但在44株trh+-ureC+菌株中, 尿素酶表型阳性只有6株。试验表明, 浙江沿海地区海产品及其养殖环境中副溶血弧菌污染状况比较严重, 且有相当比例的菌株携带毒力或疑似毒力基因。研究结果为深入探索副溶血弧菌的致病性、基因结构与功能(或表型)及其分子演化提供基础。  相似文献   
记述采自广西大青山地区蚱总科昆虫3新种,即黑胫狭蚱 Xistra nigritibialis sp.nov.,横斑柯蚱 Coptotettix transimaculatus sp.nov. 及拟齿股蚱 Tetrix serrifemoroides sp.nov.。  相似文献   
李永华  王献  孔德政  叶庆生 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1852-1857
以开顶式塑料薄膜温室为设施,研究了红掌(Anthurium andlaealzum L.)幼苗植株生长、叶片净光合速率和光合酶活性对长期高CO2浓度的响应。结果表明:处理90d时,处理组T1((700±too)μmol·mol^-1CO2)的株高、单叶面积、株鲜重分别比对照组((360±30)μmol·mol^-1)增加了15.76%、14.30%、29.62%,而处理组他((1000±100)μmol·mol^-1CO2)的株高、单叶面积、株鲜重分别比对照增加了15.00%、9.63%、36.22%;处理150d时T1的株高、单叶面积、株鲜重与对照相比分别增加了16.08%、17.30%、49.09%,而他增加了16.61%、10.10%、48.87%。在各自生长环境下处理组T1、T2的净光合速率在整个处理期间均高于对照,处理150d时,T1、T2的净光合速率分别比对照高8.25%、20.62%;但处理90d时,在对照CO2浓度下测定的净光合速率处理组开始低于对照组,可能此时处理组的红掌叶片开始出现光合适应现象;CO2浓度升高促进了叶片中可溶性糖和淀粉积累,处理90d时T1、T2处理组中淀粉含量分别比对照高52.60%、67.66%;处理150d时,T1组红掌叶片中淀粉与可溶性糖含量比对照高53.43%、6.32%,T2比对照高58.44%、8.07%,叶绿素含量在处理90d时也开始低于对照组;整个实验过程中,Rubisco活性前期增加,90d以后开始下降;乙醇酸氧化酶活性则明显下降,T1、T2处理组试验结束时与对照组相比分别下降了41.28%、45.35%。一定处理时间(90d)的高浓度CO2处理提高了红掌叶片的净光合速率和碳水化合物的积累,促进了营养生长,但随着处理时间的延长,这种促进作用逐渐降低。  相似文献   
桃ACO基因反义转化桃幼胚子叶的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens )和基因枪两种方法,以桃(Prunus persica L. Batsch)幼胚子叶为受体,转化桃ACC氧化酶(ACO)反义基因片段,经筛选培养获得了卡那霉素抗性芽。微芽嫁接培养抗性芽部分可成株。PCR、Southern 杂交和GUS基因表达等分子检测,初步表明外源反义ACO基因已经整合到桃基因组中。  相似文献   
The aneuploid with isochromosome or telochromosome is ideal material for exploring the position of centromere in lingkage map.For obtaining these aneuploids in rice,the primary trisomics from triplo-1 to triplo-12 and the aneuploids derived from a triploid of indica rice variety Zhongxiao 3037 were carefully investigated.From the offsprings of triplo-10,a primary trisomic of chromosome 10 of the variety,an isotetrasomic “triplo-10-1” was obtained.Cytological investigation revealed that a pair of extra isochromosomes of triplo-10-1 were come from the short arm of chromosome 10.In the offsprings of the isotetrasomic,a secondary trisomic “triplo-10-2”,in which the extra-chromosome was an isochromosome derived from the short arm of chromosome 10,was identified.With the isotetrasomic,secondary trisomic,primary trisomic and diploid of variety Zhongxiao 3037,different molecular markers were used for exploring the position of the centromere of chromosome 10.Based on the DNA dosage effect,it was verified that the molecular markers G1125,G333 and L169 were Located on the short arm,G1084 and other 16 available molecular markers were on the long arm of chromosome 10.So the centromere of chromosome 10 was located somewhere between G1125 and G1084 according to the RFLP linkage map given by Kurata et al[1].The distance from G1125 to G1084 was about 3.2cM.  相似文献   
The apoptosis of HEL cells induced by hydroxyurea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTIONApoptosis(programmedcelldeath)playsafundamentalroleduringinvertebrateandvertebratedevelopment.Theoriginofhumancancermaybeassociatedwiththefailureofendangeredcellstoundergoapoptosis.Apoptosishasbeenobservedinmanydifferentcellsandinresponsetomanyphysiologicalsignalsortypesofstress[1,2].Itcanbeinducedbyglucocorticoidtreatment,exposuretoCa2 ionophoresorac--irradiationofmousethymocytesandgrowthfactordeprivationofbothhematopoieticandlymphoidcellsinvitro[3,4].Hydroxyureacanstimulate…  相似文献   
通过醋酸洋红压片和荧光原位杂交技术(包括基因组原位杂交技术),确定在我国广西西南部地区广泛分布着的水生薏苡(Coix aquatica Roxb.)属于一种新的六倍体细胞类型.这种水生薏苡与已报道的几种水生薏苡细胞类型的染色体数目均不相同,它的染色体数目是2n=30,在减数分裂前期Ⅰ和中期Ⅰ的细胞中形成10个二价体和10个单价体.基因组原位杂交结果表明,这种水生薏苡的20条染色体与四倍体的薏苡(C.lacryma-jobi,2n=20)的基因组DNA是高度同源的.45S和5S rDNA分别杂交到这种水生薏苡的两条染色体上,其中各有一条染色体与薏苡中携带45S和5S rDNA杂交信号的染色体具有相同的形状和信号的分布状态.据此推测:四倍体的薏苡可能是这种新的水生薏苡细胞类型的一个亲本,它的另一个亲本可能是八倍体的水生薏苡(C.aquatica,2n=40),因为这种八倍体的水生薏苡在核型、植株形态及生长环境等方面与新的六倍体细胞类型的水生薏苡相似.  相似文献   
In the present study, BmK alphaIV, a novel modulator of sodium channels, was cloned from venomous glands of the Chinese scorpion (Buthus martensi Karsch) and expressed successfully in Escherichia coli. The BmK alphaIV gene is composed of two exons separated by a 503 bp intron. The mature polypeptide contains 66 amino acids. BmK alphaIV has potent toxicity in mice and cockroaches. Surface-plasmon-resonance analysis found that BmK alphaIV could bind to both rat cerebrocortical synaptosomes and cockroach neuronal membranes, and shared similar binding sites on sodium channels with classical AaH II (alpha-mammal neurotoxin from the scorpion Androctonus australis Hector), BmK AS (beta-like neurotoxin), BmK IT2 (the depressant insect-selective neurotoxin) and BmK abT (transitional neurotoxin), but not with BmK I (alpha-like neurotoxin). Two-electrode voltage clamp recordings on rNav1.2 channels expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes revealed that BmK alphaIV increased the peak amplitude and prolonged the inactivation phase of Na+ currents. The structural and pharmacological properties compared with those of other scorpion alpha-toxins suggests that BmK alphaIV represents a novel subgroup or functional hybrid of alpha-toxins and might be an evolutionary intermediate neurotoxin for alpha-toxins.  相似文献   
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