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The determination of the three-dimensional solution structure of α1-purothionin using a combination of metric matrix distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics calculations based on n.m.r. data is presented. The experimental data comprise complete sequence-specific proton resonance assignments, a set of 310 approximate interproton distance restraints derived from nuclear Overhauser effects, 27 Ø backbone torsion angle restraints derived from vicinal coupling constants, 4 distance restraints from hydrogen bonds and 12 distance restraints from disulphide bridges. The average atomic rms difference between the final nine converged structures and the mean structure obtained by averaging their coordinates is 1.5 ± 0.1 å for the backbone atoms and 2.0 ± 0.1 å for all atoms. The overall shape of α1-purothionin is that of the capital letter L, similar to that of crambin, with the longer arm comprising two approximately parallel α-helices and the shorter arm a strand and a mini anti-parallel β sheet.  相似文献   
Complete identification of spin systems in the aromatic region of recombinant human interleukin-1 beta has been achieved using two-dimensional homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn spectroscopy. In addition, sequence-specific assignments for the four tyrosine residues have been carried out with the help of a series of mutant proteins, obtained by site-directed mutagenesis of the cloned gene. It is shown that, for the mutant proteins investigated, either none or only local structural changes occur. The use of NMR spectroscopy to determine the structural identity of site-directed mutant proteins with respect to the wild-type protein is discussed.  相似文献   
A versatile primer for DNA sequencing in the M13mp2 cloning system   总被引:76,自引:0,他引:76  
A primer for DNA sequencing by the chain-termination method in the M13mp2 cloning system was constructed and amplified. The primer was isolated as an EcoRI/AluI restriction fragment. After conversion of the AluI end into an EcoRI end the fragment was cloned in pBR325 from which it can be recovered by cleavage with EcoRI. The primer hybridizes to the single-stranded DNA of the mature M13mp2 phage next to the site of insertion thereby directing DNA synthesis along the inserted DNA.  相似文献   
The structure of the B2 immunoglobulin-binding domain of streptococcal protein G has been determined at 1.67-A resolution using a combination of single isomorphous replacement (SIR) phasing and manual fitting of the coordinates of the NMR structure of B1 domain of streptococcal protein G [Gronenborn, A. M., et al. (1991) Science 253, 657-661]. The final R value was 0.191 for data between 8.0 and 1.67 A. The structure described here has 13 residues preceding the 57-residue Ig-binding domain and 13 additional residues following it, for a total of 83 residues. The 57-residue binding domain is well-determined in the structure, having an average B factor of 18.0. Only residues 8-77 could be located in the electron density maps, with the ends of the structure fading into disorder. Like the B1 domain, the B2 domain consists of four beta-strands and a single helix lying diagonally across the beta-sheet, with a -1, +3 chi, -1 topology. This small structure is extensively hydrogen-bonded and has a relatively large hydrophobic core. These structural observations may account for the exceptional stability of protein G. A comparison of the B2 domain X-ray structure and the B1 domain NMR structure showed minor differences in the turn between strands and two and a slight displacement of the helix relative to the sheet. Hydrogen bonds between crystallographically related molecules account for most of these differences.  相似文献   
The genome of an isolate of tomato yellow leaf curl virus from Sardinia, Italy (TYLCV-S), a geminivirus transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci, has been cloned and sequenced. The single circular DNA molecule comprises 2770 nucleotides. Genome organisation closely resembles that of the DNA A component of the whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses with a bipartite genome. A 1.8 mer of the TYLCV-S genome in a binary vector of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is infectious upon agroinoculation of tomato plants. Typical tomato yellow leaf curl disease symptoms developed about three weeks after inoculation. The disease was transmitted by the natural vector B.tabaci from agroinfected plants to test plants, reproducing in this way the full biological cycle and proving that the genome of TYLCV-S consists of only one circular single-stranded DNA molecule. Contrary to the other whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses described so far, there is no evidence for the existence nor the necessity of a second component (B DNA) in the TYLCV-S genome.  相似文献   
The effect of specific DNA binding of the cAMP . cAMP receptor protein complex to two DNA fragments (301 and 2685 base-pairs in length) containing the lac operon has been investigated by electron microscopy. It is shown that specific DNA binding of the cAMP . cAMP receptor protein complex induces a kink of 30 to 45 degrees in the DNA with the apex of the kink located at the site of protein attachment. These findings lend direct visual support for the kinking hypothesis based on the observation of anomalous electrophoretic mobility of DNA fragments containing specifically bound cAMP receptor protein.  相似文献   
The solution conformations of the protein hirudin have been investigated by the combined use of distance geometry and restained molecular dynamics calculations. The basis for the structure determination comprised 359 approximate inter-proton distance restrains and 10 phi backbone torsion angle restrains derived from n.m.r. measurements. It is shown that hirudin is composed of three domains: a central core made up of residues 3-30, 37-46 and 56-57; a protruding 'finger' (residues 31-36) consisting of the tip of an antiparallel beta sheet, and an exposed loop (residues 47-55). The structure of each individual domain is relatively well defined with average backbone atomic r.m.s. differences of <2 A between the final seven converged restrained dynamic structures and the mean structure obtained by averaging their coordinates. The orientation of the two minor domains relative to the central core, however, could not be determined as no long-range (i-h >5) interdomain proton-proton contacts could be observed in the two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectra. From the restrained molecular dynamics calculations it appears that the two minor domains exhibit large rigid-body motions relative to the central core.  相似文献   
Mouse t haplotypes are variant forms of chromosome 17 that exist at high frequencies in worldwide populations of two species of commensal mice. To determine both the relationship of t haplotypes to each other and the species within which they exist, 35 representative t haplotypes were analyzed by means of 10 independent molecular probes, including five DNA clones and five polypeptide spots identified by means of two- dimensional gel electrophoresis. All of the tested haplotypes were found to share restriction fragments and polypeptide spots that are absent in mice carrying wild-type forms of chromosome 17. This observation provides the first direct evidence that all of the known t haplotypes are descendents of a single ancestral chromosome. The absence of variation among t haplotypes could mean that this ancestral chromosome existed relatively recently, in which case it would be necessary to postulate introgressions of t haplotypes across species lines to explain their presence in both Mus domesticus and M. musculus. Alternatively, it is possible that the ancestral chromosome existed prior to the split between M. domesticus and M. musculus and that, by chance, our probes fail to detect polymorphisms that exist among the t haplotypes. A further result of our analysis is the characterization of a partial t haplotype in a wild population of Israeli mice.   相似文献   
The construction is described of a plasmid (pL-ner) which directs the high-level production of the bacteriophage Mu Ner protein in Escherichia coli. The protein, recovered in the soluble cellular fraction, was susceptible to in vivo proteolytic processing, in many host strains, but not in E. coli B, a natural lon- prototroph. A simple purification method is described which takes advantage of the basic nature of the protein. The purified protein was shown to be physically and chemically homogeneous and to have an amino acid sequence identical to that predicted for the authentic protein. The protein was also shown to have in vitro biological activity, as measured by specific binding to a DNA fragment containing the consensus Ner-binding sequence, and in vivo biological activity as the protein produced by the pL-ner plasmid allowed lysogenic-like maintenance of a Mu prophage c mutant unable to synthesise a functional Mu repressor.  相似文献   
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