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Clp is a barrel-shaped hetero-oligomeric ATP-dependent protease comprising a hexameric ATPase (ClpX or ClpA) that unfolds protein substrates and translocates them into the central chamber of the tetradecameric proteolytic component (ClpP) where they are degraded processively to short peptides. Chamber access is controlled by the N-terminal 20 residues (for Escherichia coli) in ClpP that prevent entry of large polypeptides in the absence of the ATPase subunits and ATP hydrolysis. Remarkably, removal of 10–17 residues from the mature N-terminus allows processive degradation of a large model unfolded substrate to short peptides without the ATPase subunit or ATP hydrolysis; removal of 14 residues is maximal for activation. Furthermore, since the product size distribution of Δ14-ClpP is identical to ClpAP and ClpXP, the ATPases do not play an essential role in determining this distribution. Comparison of the structures of Δ14-ClpP and Δ17-ClpP with other published structures shows R15 and S16 are labile and that residue 17 can adopt a range of rotomers to ensure protection of a hydrophobic pocket formed by I19, R24 and F49 and maintain a hydrophilic character of the pore.  相似文献   
The serine/threonine kinase PAK4 is a Rho GTPases effector protein implicated in many critical biological processes, including regulation of cell morphology and motility, embryonic development, cell survival, response to infection, and oncogenic transformation. Consistently with its pro‐oncogenic features, PAK4 was found to be overexpressed in many cancer cell lines and tissues, and to be necessary to promote activation of survival pathways. PAK4, like other Paks, is now considered a promising target for specific therapy. Little is known on its modes of regulation, molecular partners, and substrates. Because the N‐terminal regulatory moiety plays important roles in PAK4 activity and functions, even independently of GTPase interactions, in this study we employed an affinity chromatography approach to identify N‐terminal domain binding partners. Within this protein region we identified a novel interaction domain involved in association with ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes, suggesting PAK4 implications in translational regulation. Indeed, we found that active PAK4 can affect (cap‐independent) translation from specific IRES sequences in vivo, and that the N‐terminal domain is critical for this regulation. Further, we could establish that within the RNP interacting sequence PAK4 regulatory domain contains targeting elements that drive cytoplasmic localization and act as nuclear export signal. Functional implication of endogenous PAK4 protein, which was found in both cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions, in IRES‐mediated translation further underlines the significance of the reported findings. Our data reveal novel means for PAK4 regulation of gene expression, and provide new elements to understand the molecular mechanisms that determine PAK4 cellular localization and functions. J. Cell. Physiol. 224: 722–733, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Vibrios are among the most abundant culturable microbes in aquatic environments. They can be either free-living in the water column or associated with several marine organisms as mutualists, saprophytes, or parasites. In the present study we analysed vibrios abundance and diversity in the mucus of the polychaete Myxicola infundibulum, complementing culture-based with molecular methods. Vibrios reached 4.6?×?103 CFU mL?1 thus representing a conspicuous component of the heterotrophic culturable bacteria. In addition, luminous vibrios accounted for about 60 % of the total culturable vibrios in the mucus. The isolates were assigned to: Vibrio gigantis, Vibrio fischeri, Vibrio jasicida, Vibrio crassostreae, Vibrio kanaloae, and Vibrio xuii. Two Vibrio isolates (MI-13 and MI-15) may belong to a new species. We also tested the ability of the Vibrio isolates to grow on M. infundibulum mucus as the sole carbon source. All strains showed appreciable growth in the presence of mucus, leading us to conclude that this matrix, which is abundant and covers the animal entirely, may represent a microcosm and a food source for some bacteria, playing a crucial role in the structuring of a mucus-associated beneficial microbial community. Moreover, the trophic relationship between vibrios and M. infundibulum mucus could be enhanced by the protection that mucus offers to vibrios. The results of this study represent a contribution to the growing evidence for complex and dynamic invertebrate-microbe associations present in nature and highlight the importance of exploring relationships that Vibrio species establish with marine invertebrates.  相似文献   
Aquatic Ecology - The Salado River basin, Buenos Aires, Argentina, contains numerous permanent shallow lakes under anthropic pressure due to different land uses/land covers (LULC) in their...  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Alpine plants are considered one of the groups of species most sensitive to the direct and indirect threats to ecosystems caused by land use and climate change. Collecting and banking seeds of plant species is recognized as an effective tool for providing propagating material to re-establish wild plant populations and for habitat repair. However, seeds from cold wet environments have been shown to be relatively short lived in storage, and therefore successful long-term seed conservation for alpine plants may be difficult. Here, the life spans of 69 seed lots representing 63 related species from alpine and lowland locations from northern Italy are compared.


Seeds were placed into experimental storage at 45 °C and 60 % relative humidity (RH) and regularly sampled for germination. The time taken in storage for viability to fall to 50 % (p50) was determined using probit analysis and used as a measure of relative seed longevity between seed lots.

Key Results

Across species, p50 at 45 °C and 60 % RH varied from 4·7 to 95·5 d. Seed lots from alpine populations/species had significantly lower p50 values compared with those from lowland populations/species; the lowland seed lots showed a slower rate of loss of germinability, higher initial seed viability, or both. Seeds were progressively longer lived with increased temperature and decreased rainfall at the collecting site.


Seeds of alpine plants are short lived in storage compared with those from lowland populations/related taxa. The lower resistance to ageing in seeds of alpine plants may arise from low selection pressure for seed resistance to ageing and/or damage incurred during seed development due to the cool wet conditions of the alpine climate. Long-term seed conservation of several alpine species using conventional seed banking methods will be problematic.  相似文献   
This paper reports an intraorder study on the D-loop-containing region of the mitochondrial DNA in rodents. A complete multialignment of this region is not feasible with the exception of some conserved regions. The comparative analysis of 25 complete rodent sequences from 23 species plus one lagomorph has revealed that only the central domain (CD), a conserved region of about 80 bp in the extended termination-associated sequences (ETAS) domain, adjacent to the CD, the ETAS1, and conserved sequence block (CSB) 1 blocks are present in all rodent species, whereas the presence of CSB2 and CSB3 is erratic within the order. We have also found a conserved region of 90 bp located between tRNAPro and ETAS1 present in fat dormouse, squirrel, guinea pig, and rabbit. Repeated sequences are present in both the ETAS and the CSB domain, but the repeats differ in length, copy number, and base composition in different species. The potential use of the D-loop for evolutionary studies has been investigated; the presence/absence of conserved blocks and/or repeated sequences cannot be used as a reliable phylogenetic marker, since in some cases they may be shared by distantly related organisms but not by close ones, while in other ones a relationship between tree topology and presence/absence of such motifs is observed. Better results can be obtained by the use of the CD, which, however, due to its reduced size, when used for tracing a phylogenetic tree, shows some nodes with low statistical support. Received: 26 February 2001 / Accepted: 6 June 2001  相似文献   
Human apolipoprotein(a), a risk factor for heart disease, has over 80% sequence identity to plasminogen. Plasminogen contains five distinct kringle domains plus a catalytic protease subunit. Human apo(a) consists of multiple copies (the number varies in individuals) of a domain resembling kringle 4, a single copy of a domain resembling kringle 5, and a protease-like domain. The recently cloned hedgehog version of apolipoprotein(a), which contains 31 nearly identical copies of plasminogen kringle 3 and lacks a protease domain, has prompted us to investigate the evolutionary history of the apolipoprotein (a) gene in mammals. Our analysis supports the nonfunctionality of the human apolipoprotein(a) protease domain, and a single (or multiple) duplication of plasminogen gene before mammal radiation, which originated apolipoprotein(a) in mammals. Received: 26 February 1996 / Accepted: 6 August 1996  相似文献   
Nucleotide Substitution Rate of Mammalian Mitochondrial Genomes   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
We present here for the first time a comprehensive study based on the analysis of closely related organisms to provide an accurate determination of the nucleotide substitution rate in mammalian mitochondrial genomes. This study examines the evolutionary pattern of the different functional mtDNA regions as accurately as possible on the grounds of available data, revealing some important ``genomic laws.' The main conclusions can be summarized as follows. (1) High intragenomic variability in the evolutionary dynamic of mtDNA was found. The substitution rate is strongly dependent on the region considered, and slow- and fast-evolving regions can be identified. Nonsynonymous sites, the D-loop central domain, and tRNA and rRNA genes evolve much more slowly than synonymous sites and the two peripheral D-loop region domains. The synonymous rate is fairly uniform over the genome, whereas the rate of nonsynonymous sites depends on functional constraints and therefore differs considerably between genes. (2) The commonly accepted statement that mtDNA evolves more rapidly than nuclear DNA is valid only for some regions, thus it should be referred to specific mitochondrial components. In particular, nonsynonymous sites show comparable rates in mitochondrial and nuclear genes; synonymous sites and small rRNA evolve about 20 times more rapidly and tRNAs about 100 times more rapidly in mitochondria than in their nuclear counterpart. (3) A species-specific evolution is particularly evident in the D-loop region. As the divergence times of the organism pairs under consideration are known with sufficient accuracy, absolute nucleotide substitution rates are also provided. Received: 11 May 1998 / Accepted: 2 September 1998  相似文献   
Goat mtDNA haplogroup A is a poorly resolved lineage absorbing most of the overall diversity and is found in locations as distant as Eastern Asia and Southern Africa. Its phylogenetic dissection would cast light on an important portion of the spread of goat breeding. The aims of this work were 1) to provide an operational definition of meaningful mtDNA units within haplogroup A, 2) to investigate the mechanisms underlying the maintenance of diversity by considering the modes of selection operated by breeders and 3) to identify the peculiarities of Sardinian mtDNA types. We sequenced the mtDNA D-loop in a large sample of animals (1,591) which represents a non-trivial quota of the entire goat population of Sardinia. We found that Sardinia mirrors a large quota of mtDNA diversity of Western Eurasia in the number of variable sites, their mutational pattern and allele frequency. By using bayesian analysis, a distance-based tree and a network analysis, we recognized demographically coherent groups of sequences identified by particular subsets of the variable positions. The results showed that this assignment system could be reproduced in other studies, capturing the greatest part of haplotype diversity.We identified haplotype groups overrepresented in Sardinian goats as a result of founder effects. We found that breeders maintain diversity of matrilines most likely through equalization of the reproductive potential. Moreover, the relevant amount of inter-farm mtDNA diversity found does not increase proportionally with distance. Our results illustrate the effects of breeding practices on the composition of maternal gene pool and identify mtDNA types that may be considered in projects aimed at retrieving the maternal component of the oldest breeds of Sardinia.  相似文献   
It has been previously shown that the transgenic overexpression of the plant root vacuolar proton pumps H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) and H+-PPase (V-PPase) confer tolerance to drought. Since plant-root endophytic bacteria can also promote drought tolerance, we hypothesize that such promotion can be associated to the enhancement of the host vacuolar proton pumps expression and activity. To test this hypothesis, we selected two endophytic bacteria endowed with an array of in vitro plant growth promoting traits. Their genome sequences confirmed the presence of traits previously shown to confer drought resistance to plants, such as the synthesis of nitric oxide and of organic volatile organic compounds. We used the two strains on pepper (Capsicuum annuum L.) because of its high sensitivity to drought. Under drought conditions, both strains stimulated a larger root system and enhanced the leaves' photosynthetic activity. By testing the expression and activity of the vacuolar proton pumps, H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) and H+-PPase (V-PPase), we found that bacterial colonization enhanced V-PPase only. We conclude that the enhanced expression and activity of V-PPase can be favoured by the colonization of drought-tolerance-inducing bacterial endophytes.  相似文献   
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