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Organic cation permeation through the channel formed by polycystin-2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polycystin-2 (PC2), a member of the transient receptor potential family of ion channels (TRPP2), forms a calcium-permeable cation channel. Mutations in PC2 lead to polycystic kidney disease. From the primary sequence and by analogy with other channels in this family, PC2 is modeled to have six transmembrane domains. However, most of the structural features of PC2, such as how large the channel is and how many subunits make up the pore of the channel, are unknown. In this study, we estimated the pore size of PC2 from the permeation properties of the channel. Organic cations of increasing size were used as current carriers through the PC2 channel after PC2 was incorporated into lipid bilayers. We found that dimethylamine, triethylamine, tetraethylammonium, tetrabutylammonium, tetrapropylammonium, and tetrapentylammonium were permeable through the PC2 channel. The slope conductance of the PC2 channel decreased as the ionic diameter of the organic cation increased. For each organic cation tested, the currents were inhibited by gadolinium and anti-PC2 antibody. Using the dimensions of the largest permeant cation, the minimum pore diameter of the PC2 channel was estimated to be at least 11 A. The large pore size suggests that the primary state of this channel found in vivo is closed to avoid rundown of cation gradients across the plasma membrane and excessive calcium leak from endoplasmic reticulum stores.  相似文献   
Much information has appeared in the last few years on the low resolution structure of amyloid fibrils and on their non-fibrillar precursors formed by a number of proteins and peptides associated with amyloid diseases. The fine structure and the dynamics of the process leading misfolded molecules to aggregate into amyloid assemblies are far from being fully understood. Evidence has been provided in the last five years that protein aggregation and aggregate toxicity are rather generic processes, possibly affecting all polypeptide chains under suitable experimental conditions. This evidence extends the number of model proteins one can investigate to assess the molecular bases and general features of protein aggregation and aggregate toxicity. We have used tapping mode atomic force microscopy to investigate the morphological features of the pre-fibrillar aggregates and of the mature fibrils produced by the aggregation of the hydrogenase maturation factor HypF N-terminal domain (HypF-N), a protein not associated to any amyloid disease. We have also studied the aggregate-induced permeabilization of liposomes by fluorescence techniques. Our results show that HypF-N aggregation follows a hierarchical path whereby initial globules assemble into crescents; these generate large rings, which evolve into ribbons, further organizing into differently supercoiled fibrils. The early pre-fibrillar aggregates were shown to be able to permeabilize synthetic phospholipid membranes, thus showing that this disease-unrelated protein displays the same amyloidogenic behaviour found for the aggregates of most pathological proteins and peptides. These data complement previously reported findings, and support the idea that protein aggregation, aggregate structure and toxicity are generic properties of polypeptide chains.  相似文献   
The most simple and commonly used approach for genetic associations is the case-control study design of unrelated people. This design is susceptible to population stratification. This problem is obviated in family-based studies, but it is usually difficult to accumulate large enough samples of well-characterized families. We addressed empirically whether the two designs give similar estimates of association in 93 investigations where both unrelated case-control and family-based designs had been employed. Estimated odds ratios differed beyond chance between the two designs in only four instances (4%). The summary relative odds ratio (ROR) (the ratio of odds ratios obtained from unrelated case-control and family-based studies) was close to unity (0.96 [95% confidence interval, 0.91-1.01]). There was no heterogeneity in the ROR across studies (amount of heterogeneity beyond chance I(2) = 0%). Differences on whether results were nominally statistically significant (p < 0.05) or not with the two designs were common (opposite classification rates 14% and 17%); this reflected largely differences in power. Conclusions were largely similar in diverse subgroup analyses. Unrelated case-control and family-based designs give overall similar estimates of association. We cannot rule out rare large biases or common small biases.  相似文献   
Cancer is a complex and dynamic process caused by a cellular dysfunction leading to a whole organ or even organism vital perturbation. To better understand this process, we need to study each one of the levels involved, which allows the scale change, and to integrate this knowledge. A matricellular protein, PAI-1, is able to induce in vitro cell behaviour modifications, morphological changes, and to promote cell migration. PAI-1 influences the mesenchymo-amaeboid transition. This matricellular protein should be considered as a potential 'launcher' of the metastatic process acting at the molecular, cellular, tissular levels and, as a consequence, at the organism's level.  相似文献   
Natural dietary agents have drawn a great deal of attention toward cancer prevention because of their wide safety margin. However, single agent intervention has failed to bring the expected outcome in clinical trials; therefore, combinations of chemopreventive agents are gaining increasingly popularity. In the present study, we investigated a combinatorial approach using two natural dietary polyphenols, luteolin and EGCG, and found that their combination at low doses (at which single agents induce minimal apoptosis) synergistically increased apoptosis (3–5-fold more than the additive level of apoptosis) in both head and neck and lung cancer cell lines. This combination also significantly inhibited growth of xenografted tumors in nude mice. The in vivo findings also were supported by significant inhibition of Ki-67 expression and increase in TUNEL-positive cells in xenografted tissues. Mechanistic studies revealed that the combination induced mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in some cell lines and mitochondria-independent apoptosis in others. Moreover, we found more efficient stabilization and ATM-dependent Ser15 phosphorylation of p53 due to DNA damage by the combination, and ablation of p53 using shRNA strongly inhibited apoptosis as evidenced by decreased poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and caspase-3 cleavage. In addition, we observed mitochondrial translocation of p53 after treatment with luteolin or the combination of EGCG and luteolin. Taken together, our results for the first time suggest that the combination of luteolin and EGCG has synergistic/additive growth inhibitory effects and provides an important rationale for future chemoprevention trials of head and neck and lung cancers.  相似文献   
Oxidatively-induced clustered DNA lesions are considered the signature of any ionizing radiation like the ones human beings are exposed daily from various environmental sources (medical X-rays, radon, etc.). To evaluate the role of BRCA1 deficiencies in the mitigation of radiation-induced toxicity and chromosomal instability we have used two human breast cancer cell lines, the BRCA1 deficient HCC1937 cells and as a control the BRCA1 wild-type MCF-7 cells. As an additional control for the DNA damage repair measurements, the HCC1937 cells with partially reconstituted BRCA1 expression were used. Since clustered DNA damage is considered the signature of ionizing radiation, we have measured the repair of double strand breaks (DSBs), non-DSB bistranded oxidative clustered DNA lesions (OCDLs) as well as single strand breaks (SSBs) in cells exposed to radiotherapy-relevant γ-ray doses. Parallel measurements were performed in the accumulation of chromatid and isochromatid breaks. For the measurement of OCDL repair, we have used a novel adaptation of the denaturing single cell gel electrophoresis (Comet assay) and pulsed field gel electrophoresis with Escherichia coli repair enzymes as DNA damage probes. Independent monitoring of the γ-H2AX foci was also performed while metaphase chromatid lesions were measured as an indicator of chromosomal instability. HCC1937 cells showed a significant accumulation of all types of DNA damage and chromatid breaks compared to MCF-7 while BRCA1 partial expression contributed significantly in the overall repair of OCDLs. These results further support the biological significance of repair resistant clustered DNA damage leading to chromosomal instability. The current results combined with previous findings on the minimized ability of base clusters to induce cell death (mainly induced by DSBs), enhance the potential association of OCDLs with breast cancer development especially in the case of a BRCA1 deficiency leading to the survival of breast cells carrying a high load of unrepaired DNA damage clusters.  相似文献   
We have used limited trypsin digestion and reactivity with PEG-maleimides (MPEG) to study Ca2+-induced conformational changes of IP3Rs in their native membrane environment. We found that Ca2+ decreased the formation of the 95-kDa C-terminal tryptic fragment when detected by an Ab directed at a C-terminal epitope (CT-1) but not with an Ab recognizing a protected intraluminal epitope. This suggests that Ca2+ induces a conformational change in the IP3R that allows trypsin to cleave the C-terminal epitope. Half-maximal effects of Ca2+ were observed at ∼0.5 μm and was sensitive to inhibition by IP3. Ca2+ also stimulated the reaction of MPEG-5 with an endogenous thiol in the 95-kDa fragment. This effect was eliminated when six closely spaced cysteine residues proximal to the transmembrane domains were mutated (C2000S, C2008S, C2010S, C2043S, C2047S, and C2053S) or when the N-terminal suppressor domain (amino acids 1–225) was deleted. A cysteine substitution mutant introduced at the C-terminal residue (A2749C) was freely accessible to MPEG-5 or MPEG-20 in the absence of Ca2+. However, cysteine substitution mutants in the interior of the tail were poorly reactive with MPEG-5, although reactivity was enhanced by Ca2+. We conclude the following: a) that large conformational changes induced by Ca2+ can be detected in IP3Rs in situ; b) these changes may be driven by Ca2+ binding to the N-terminal suppressor domain and expose a group of closely spaced endogenous thiols in the channel domain; and c) that the C-terminal cytosol-exposed tail of the IP3R may be relatively inaccessible to regulatory proteins unless Ca2+ is present.  相似文献   
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