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The acid phosphatases of Thermoascus crustaceus, a thermophilic fungus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermoascus crustaceus, a filamentous, thermophilic ascomycete with pathogenic potential was cultured on Sabouraud's liquid medium at temperatures from 27 to 47 degrees C for periods up to 7 days. Growth rate and yield were optimal at 37 degrees C. Morphological changes were confined to the cell walls, the thickness being greatest at 47 degrees C, which were also more resistant to mechanical disruption. Significant amounts of acid phosphatase (EC activity occurred in the spent media of all cultures but were greatest at 37 degrees C. The proportions of acid phosphatase activity which were operationally defined as soluble or bound were also documented; the optimum pH for acid phosphatase activity in all fractions was 5.0. Extracts were subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions and the gels were stained for acid phosphatase activity. This revealed four electrophoretically distinct acid phosphatases which had different susceptibilities to inhibition by fluoride, phosphate, or tartrate. Effects of growth temperature, or phosphate supplement in the culture medium, on the acid phosphatase isoenzyme pattern were judged to be minor. Cytochemistry at the electron microscope level indicated acid phosphatase activity on the surface, in the periplasmic space, and in the cytoplasm, but no trends with regard to growth conditions. A substantial temperature range can be tolerated by this species but it is concluded that neither the general shape of the cells nor the acid phosphatase isoenzyme pattern changes substantially; this contrasts with previously documented differences for this class of enzyme in dimorphic Sporotrix schenckii.  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to determine whether human body odors undergo seasonal modulation. We utilized google trends search volume from the United States of America from January 1, 2010 to June 24, 2017 for a number of predetermined body odors. Regression modeling of time series data was completed. Our primary outcome was to determine the proportion of the variability in Internet searches for each unpleasant odor (about the mean) that is explained by a seasonal model. We determined that the seasonal (sinusoidal) model provided a significantly better fit than the null model (best straight line fit) for all searches relating to human body odors (P <.0001 for each). This effect was easily visible to the naked eye in the raw time series data. Seasonality explained 88% of the variability in search volume for flatulence (i.e. R2 = 0.88), 65% of the variability in search volume for axillary odor, 60% of the variability in search volume for foot odor, and 58% of the variability in search volume for bad breath. Flatulence and bad breath tended to peak in January, foot odor in February, and Axillary odor in July. We conclude that searching by the general public for information on unpleasant body odors undergoes substantial seasonal variation, with the timing of peaks and troughs varying with the body part involved. The symptom burden of such smells may have a similar seasonal variation, as might the composition of the commensal bacterial microflora that play a role in creating them  相似文献   


Biological systems have complicated environmental conditions that vary both spatially and temporally. It becomes necessary to impose time-varying soluble factor concentrations to study such systems, including cellular responses to pharmaceuticals, inflammation with waxing and waning cytokine concentrations, as well as circadian rhythms and their metabolic manifestations. There is therefore a need for platforms that can achieve time-varying concentrations with arbitrary waveforms.


To address this need, we developed a microfluidic system that can deliver concentration waveforms in a fast and accurate manner by adopting concepts and tools from electrical engineering and fluid mechanics. Specifically, we employed pulse width modulation (PWM), a commonly used method for generating analog signals from digital sources. We implement this technique using three microfluidic components via laser ablation prototyping: low-pass filter (lower frequency signals permitted, high frequency signals blocked), resistor, and mixer. Each microfluidic component was individually studied and iteratively tuned to generate desired concentration waveforms with high accuracy. Using fluorescein as a small-molecule soluble factor surrogate, we demonstrated a series of concentration waveforms, including square, sawtooth, sinusoidal, and triangle waves with frequencies ranging from 100 mHz to 400 mHz.


We reported the fabrication and characterization of microfluidic platform that can generate time-varying concentrations of fluorescein with arbitrary waveforms. We envision that this platform will enable a wide range of biological studies, where time-varying soluble factor concentrations play a critical role. In addition, the technology is expected to assist in the development of biomedical devices that allow precise dosing of pharmaceuticals for enhanced therapeutic efficacy and reduced toxicity.
We have developed an improved method of straightening DNA molecules for use in optical restriction mapping. The DNA was straightened on 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane-coated glass slides using surface tension generated by a moving meniscus. In our method the meniscus motion was controlled mechanically, which provides advantages of speed and uniformity of the straightened molecules. Variation in the affinity of the silanized surfaces for DNA was compensated by precoating the slide with single-stranded non-target blocking DNA. A small amount of MgCl2 added to the DNA suspension increased the DNA-surface affinity and was necessary for efficient restriction enzyme digestion of the straightened surface-bound DNA. By adjusting the amounts of blocking DNA and MgCl2, we prepared slides that contained many straight parallel DNA molecules. Straightened lambda phage DNA (48 kb) bound to a slide surface was digested by EcoRI restriction endonuclease, and the resulting restriction fragments were imaged by fluorescence microscopy using a CCD camera. The observed fragment lengths showed excellent agreement with their predicted lengths.  相似文献   
Summary Electron-cytochemical localization of alkaline phosphatase activity was performed on G cells of Necturus maculosus antral mucosa. Alkaline phosphatase activity was localized to the nuclear membrane, the Golgi/endoplasmic reticulum, and the limiting membranes of G cell peptide-secretion vesicles. There was no specific localization of alkaline phosphatase activity to the plasma membrane. Treatment of the tissues with levamisole (an alkaline phosphatase inhibitor) did not markedly reduce the specific alkaline phosphatase activity. Specific lead deposition was reduced by removal of the substrate from the reaction mixture. The results from this study on N. maculosus G cells demonstrate that alkaline phosphatase activity can be found in a non-mammalian gastric endocrine cell and that specific activity was localized primarily to those intracellular structures involved with protein biosynthesis.  相似文献   
The tertiary stratigraphic column on the island of Guam, in the Mariana Island Arc of the western Pacific, is composed largely of volcanic rocks and limestones of shallow-water reef and bank facies. Small amounts of fine-grained limestones, of Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene age, occur interbedded with the volcanic rocks and reef limestones, and consist chiefly of planktonic foraminiferal tests embedded in a matrix of calcareous nannofossils. Although compositionally these pelagic carbonates are nearly identical to nannoplankton-foraminiferal oozes of the deep-sea floor, their deposition probably occurred at comparatively shallow depths — from a few hundred to perhaps 1000–2000 meters rather than several kilometers. The most favorable paleogeographic settings for pelagic deposition of this kind were probably intra-arc basins and shelf areas within the paleo-Mariana Island Arc during periods of volcanic inactivity. The spatial association of these pelagic limestones with shallow-water reef complexes, or with beds of redeposited, reef-derived coarse skeletal material, may serve to differentiate them from their deep-sea counterparts.  相似文献   
R G Garrison  K S Boyd 《Sabouraudia》1975,13(2):174-184
Within 48h following the induction of mycelial to yeast-like phase conversion of Histoplasma farcininosum, randomly occurring hyphal cells were observed to contain multiple nuclei and markedly increased numbers of mitochondria. Yeast-like cells arose as buds from swollen tips of terminal hyphae, as sessile buds along the hyphae, and as buds from chlamydospores. Yeast-like cells were characterized by the presence of numerous buds over the surface of the mother cell. Bud scars were evident in the cell wall of the mother cell following abscission of the bud cell. Little similarity was noted between the fine structure of yeast-like H. farciminosum and that reported for H. capsulatum. The yeast-like cells of H. frciminosum underwent rapid transformation to the mycelial phase at 25 degrees C. The hyphal cell wall originated from the inner layer of cell wall of the yeast-like form. The cytoplasm of the hyphal cell usually contained a single nucleus, scattered mitochondria and occasional lipid storage bodies. Occasionally, Woronin bodies were observed at the septal pore.  相似文献   
A highly organized crystalline lattice array believed to represent an intact naturally-occurring polyrisobome was observed in ultrathin section of a hyphal cell ofAjellomyces dermatitidis. This remarkable structure was composed of approximately 120 ribosomal particles in a high degree of 3-dimensional order. Connecting fibers thought to be informational ribonucleic acid were clearly demonstrated between the adjacent ribosomal particles of the lattice array. Subsequent attempts to induce ordered arrays of ribosomes in the hyphae ofA. dermatitidis by pre-cooling and treatment with physiological concentrations of vinblastine sulfate were not successful. It was concluded that the demonstration of naturally-occurring polyribosomes in this fungal organism by conventional techniques of electron microscopy was entirely fortuitous, and that such observation in ultrathin sections is an exceedingly rare event. Further, we believe this report to be the first demonstration by electron microscopy of an intact naturally-occurring polyribosome from fungal tissue.  相似文献   
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