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The analysis of cytogenetic anomaly dynamics in conditions of chronic low doze effect of ionizing irradiation in generations of genetically homogeneous laboratory line of mice CC57W/Mv and genetically heterogeneous populations of vole's species, trapped in alienation zone of Chernobyl's NPP in places with different levels of radio nuclide contamination in 1994-2001 was carried out. The data about the physiological adaptation to ionizing irradiation effects under age of linear mice and non-linearity of frequency changes of separate cytogenetic anomalies in generations as laboratory line of mice, and genetically heterogeneous populations of vole's species were obtained. Was supposed, that the number of non-linear effects of the ionizing irradiation in low doze range could be stipulated by comparability between the intensity of it's damage effects and the activation by it the polyfactor systems of anti oxidant ones, reparation events, and also elimination of defective cells.  相似文献   
Effects of Na+,K(+)-ATPase inhibitor: marinobufagenin, on contractile and electric characteristics of isolated rat diaphragm were studied for the first time. Marinobufagenin induced dose-dependent (EC50 = 0.3 +/- 0.1 nM) increase in the contraction force (positive inotropic effect). At 1-2 nM, it slowed down the fatigue induced by continuous direct stimulation (2/s) of the muscle. Marinobufagenin at the same concentrations did not affect resting membrane potential or parameters of action potentials of muscle fibers, while at 10 and 20 nM it induced hyperpolarization by approximately 2 mV. Marinobufagenin blocked dose-dependently (IC50 = 2.9 +/- 2.0 nM) hyperpolarizing effect of acetylcholine (100 nM) mediated by increase in electrogenic contribution of alpha2 isoform of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase. This result suggests a capability of marinobufagenin to inhibit this isoform of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase. Possible mechanisms of marinobufagenin effects in skeletal muscle are discussed.  相似文献   
Nine larvocysts of Echinococcus granulosus isolated from nine patients and one cyst derived from a naturally infested cattle have been examined. Genomic typing was carried out in order to identify strains of E. granulosus. All DNA samples were shown to have the same genotype, E. granulosus G1.  相似文献   
The review summarizes information from recent literature and results of the authors' own investigations concerning dysbalance of programmed cell death in establishment of a long-term virus persistense. The article discusses molecular mechanisms of apoptosis modulation of immune cellls by persistent viruses.  相似文献   
The structures of antennal segments and ultrastructures of antennal sensilla were studied in representatives of 28 families of caddisflies from both extant suborders by the methods of light and scanning electron microscopy. Sixteen types of the sensilla have been found to occur on the antenna in Trichoptera; some of them were found for the first time. Morphological characters of the cuticular structures on the antennal surface demonstrate the significant structural differences both in various families and in the lower taxonomy levels. Specialized sensory fields differing structurally from the rest of the flagellomer surface have been found on the antennas in the suborder Phryganeina. A modified classification of sensilla based on the cuticular structures is proposed.  相似文献   
A method of multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by the hybridization on a hydrogel oligonucleotide biochip was developed for simultaneous identification of ten different transgenic elements of plant DNA in feed and food products. The biochip contained 22 immobilized probes intended for (i) detection of plant DNA; (ii) plant species determination (soybean, maize, potato, rice); (iii) identification of transgenic elements, including 35S CaMV, 35S FMV, rice actine gene promoters, nos, 35S CaMV, ocs, pea rbcS1 gene terminators, and bar, gus, nptII marker genes. The limit of detection was 0.5% of genetically modified (GM) soybean and maize in analyzed samples. Identification of transgenic DNA in food and feed products using either the developed approach or real-time PCR led to virtually identical results. The assay can be used for selection of GM samples by screening food and feed products for subsequent quantitative determination of the GM component based on the identified transgene.  相似文献   
The goal of the current work is to study the molecular mechanisms underlay the action of 5- amino-exo-3-azatricyclo[,6)]decan-4-one (P-11) with combined antiarrhythmic, nootropic, anti-inflammatory and anaesthetic activities. The aconitine-induced experimental rat model of cardiac arrhythmia has been used in our study. Aconitine was administered once intravenously in a dose 50 microg/kg whereas experimental animal group received P-11 in a dose 0.3 mg/kg (the compound was injected intravenously 2 min before acute aconitine treatment). Expression macroarray (Atlas Rat cDNA Expression Array, #7738-1; BD Biosciences) was used to identify the target genes for P-11 compound. Comparative analysis of changes in the status of expression of genes in the heart of rats induced by P-11 against the simulated in vivo arrhythmia identified 16 genes that reproducibly alter the level of expression.These genes encode the extracellular matrix proteins (glypican 1, Gpc1; tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2, 3, Timp2, Timp 3); intracellular signaling molecules (rho GTPase activating protein 7, Dlc1; protein tyrosine phosphatase 4a1, Ptp4a1; phosphodiesterase 4D, PDE4D; PI3-kinase regulatory subunit alpha, PIK3R1; guanine nucleotide binding protein alpha 12, Gna12) and protein of intermediate junctions (junction plakoglobin, Jup), proteins involved in glycolysis (phosphofructokinase I, Pfk1) and hemostasis (tissue plasminogen activator, Plat), plasma membrane transporters (Solute carrier family 16, member 1, Slc16a1; ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting, Atp1a), and ets. (c-fos protooncogene, c-fos; telomerase protein component 1, tlp; Annexin 1, anxa 1). Thus, the data about the selective effect of P-11 on genes whose products are involved in the aritmogenesys mechanisms, allow us to consider this compound as a promising means of pathogenetically oriented pharmacotherapy of cardiac arrhythmias.  相似文献   
A microarray analytic system that uses a silicon chip with immobilized in microreactor test-system for multiplex analysis of DNA by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was developed and optimized. We suggested the method of immobilization of PCR-components of a test-system, chose the stabilizer, and conducted the optimization of the composition of reaction mixture to achieve permanent stability of a microarray. We conducted optimization of preparation of samples using magnetic sorbent and indicated that, with 2.6 x 10(4) copies/ml, 60 min are necessary to obtain positive identification including time for preparation of model probes. The abilities of the created system were demonstrated on the example of microarray analysis of samples with different content of DNA, low absolute limits of identification (20 DNA copies in microreactor), and high reproducibility of the analysis.  相似文献   
The photomodification of single-stranded DNA sensitized to visible light (450-580 nm) by a binary system of oligonucleotide conjugates complementary to adjacent DNA sequences was studied. One oligonucleotide carries a residue of the photoreagent p-azidotetrafluorobenzaldehyde hydrazone at its 3'-terminal phosphate, and the other has a residue of the sensitizer, perylene or 1,2-benzanthracene, at the 5'-terminal phosphate. The rate of photomodification sensitized by the perylene derivative is 300,000-fold higher than the rate of photomodification in the absence of the sensitizer. Since the excitation energy of perylene is lower than the energy necessary for the initiation of azide photodecomposition, it is likely that the sensitization in the complementary complex occurs by electron transfer from the azido group of the photoreagent to the excited sensitizer. The sensitization by the 1,2-benzanthracene oligonucleotide derivative occurs by means of singlet-singlet energy transfer, which enables this sensitizer to act as a unconsumable catalyst each molecule of which is able to initiate the photomodification of more than 20 DNA molecules. By both mechanisms, the photomodification occurs with high specificity on the G11 residue of the target DNA. The degree of sensitized photomodification reaches 72%.  相似文献   
Beijerinckia mobilis 1f capable of degrading polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was isolated from a soil contaminated with creosote. Strain 1f could utilize phenanthrene and naphthalene as the sole sources of carbon. The mean rate of phenanthrene degradation during culture growth was 7-8 micrograms/(ml h). After cultivation under nonselective conditions, strain 1f retained its ability to degrade phenanthrene. Cometabolism considerably widened the range of PAHs that could be transformed by strain 1f. The strain was able to grow in a mineral medium with creosote as the sole source of carbon. After 30 days of cultivation in this medium, the total concentration of PAHs decreased from 665.5 mg/l to 170 mg/l.  相似文献   
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