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The synthesis of isomeric jaspines (anhydro phytosphingosines), arising from intramolecular cyclization of the corresponding phytosphingosines with different configurations at C3 and C4 positions of the sphingoid backbone, is reported. Natural jaspine B is the most cytotoxic isomer on A549 cells and it induces cell death in a dose-dependent manner. The cytotoxicity of jaspine B has been correlated with a significant increase of intracellular dihydroceramides, which seem to play an active role in autophagy.  相似文献   
Antigen/antibody complexes can efficiently target antigen presenting cells to allow stimulation of the cellular immune response. Due to the difficulty of manufacture and their inherent instability complexes have proved inefficient cancer vaccines. However, anti-idiotypic antibodies mimicking antigens have been shown to stimulate both antibody and T cell responses. The latter are due to T cell mimotopes expressed within the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) of antibodies that are efficiently presented to dendritic cells in vivo. Based on this observation we have designed a DNA vaccine platform called ImmunoBody™, where cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) and helper T cell epitopes replace CDR regions within the framework of a human IgG1 antibody. The ImmunoBody™ expression system has a number of design features which allow for rapid production of a wide range of vaccines. The CDR regions of the heavy and light chain have been engineered to contain unique restriction endonuclease sites, which can be easily opened, and oligonucleotides encoding the T cell epitopes inserted. The variable and constant regions of the ImmunoBody™ are also flanked by restriction sites, which permit easy exchange of other IgG subtypes. Here we show a range of T cell epitopes can be inserted into the ImmunoBody™ vector and upon immunization these T cell epitopes are efficiently processed and presented to stimulate high frequency helper and CTL responses capable of anti-tumor activity.Key words: DNA vaccines, cancer vaccines, melanoma, CTL, helper T cells  相似文献   
Receptor cells of the vomeronasal organ (VNO) are thought to detect pheromone-like molecules important for reproductive physiology. Several compounds derived from male mouse urine have been demonstrated to affect endocrine events in female mice. In the present study, the ability of these compounds to affect VNO activity was tested. In dissociated VNO cells held under voltage clamp conditions, application of dehydro-exo-brevicomin (DHB) evoked an outward current at negative holding potentials and an inward current at positive holding potentials. Under current clamp, DHB reduced action potential firing. Since DHB application caused a decrease in membrane conductance, this compound appeared to act by reducing inward current through closing an ion channel. Biochemical experiments tested the effects of DHB and 2- (sec-butyl)-4,5-dihydrothiazole (SBT) on cAMP levels in the VNO. A mixture of DHB and SBT decreased cAMP levels in VNO sensory tissue and had no effect on VNO non-sensory tissue. The results suggest that pheromones have an inhibitory influence on action potential generation and on cAMP levels in receptor cells of the VNO.   相似文献   
Mapping of newly identified Arabidopsis thaliana mutants is an important step towards their molecular characterization and the attempt to saturate the genome by known mutations. The classical genetic analysis using phenotypic tester lines is well-established, but laborious, time-consuming and potentially ambiguous. An alternative molecular strategy was developed that is based on RFLPs. Subcloned DNA markers that detect only segregating RFLP bands distinguishing A. thaliana ecotype Landsberg from Columbia or Enkheim after EcoRI restriction digestion compose an Arabidopsis RFLP mapping set (ARMS). Up to 13 markers uniformly cover the five A. thaliana chromosomes and can be scored in only two successive Southern experiments on a single blot without mutual interference of the signals. Thus, this system allows a simple, reliable, rapid and especially inexpensive mapping of any monogenic mutant locus to the A. thaliana chromosomes. Several loci can be analysed in one experiment if the respective blots are hybridized together. This paper demonstrates the mapping of two recessive mutants affecting the development of A. thaliana leaves which had been generated in the Columbia and Enkheim ecotype by analysing less than 20 F2 individuals. Further markers to refine or verify the result on the same blot can be chosen out of 14 additional probes detecting single segregating EcoRI polymorphic bands as well.  相似文献   
There is growing concern about mitigation-driven translocations that move animals from anthropogenic threats at donor sites because of their failure rate and lack of application of scientific principles and best practice. We reviewed all known lizard translocations in New Zealand between 1988 and 2013 and identified 85 translocations of 30 lizard taxa to 46 release sites. Most translocations (62%) were motivated by conservation goals for the species or the release site, and one-third were mitigation-driven translocations, typically motivated by habitat loss due to development. Mitigation-driven translocations began in 2003, and since that time have equalled the number of conservation-motivated translocations. Conservation-motivated translocations usually released lizards on islands without mammalian predators, whereas mitigation-driven translocations usually relocated lizards to mainland sites with introduced predators. Long-term monitoring has been sparse and often rudimentary. Eight lizard translocations have recorded population growth, including one mitigation-driven translocation that was into a fenced reserve. Research on commonly used management techniques to mitigate human-related impacts is recommended to establish whether these techniques benefit lizards in the long term.  相似文献   
Two GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) have been detected in extracts from bovine brain: GAP-1, which is specific for the activation of ras GTPases, and GAP-3, which is specific for the activation of the rap1 GTPases. We present a strategy for the purification to homogeneity of a cytosolic form of GAP-3 from bovine brain. The 100,000 x g supernatant from homogenized brains was chromatographed sequentially on DEAE Fast Flow, green H-E4BD Sepharose, Bio-Gel A1.5, hydroxyapatite, and phenyl-Sepharose prior to high resolution separation on Mono Q HR 5/5, phenyl-Superose HR 5/5, Mono Q PC 1.6/5, and Superose 12 PC 3.2/30. This procedure resulted in an approximately 18,000-fold purification, yielding 50 micrograms of GAP-3 from 1.6 kg of tissue. Purified cytosolic GAP-3 migrated as a single band of apparent Mr 55,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. However, on gel filtration cytosolic GAP-3 chromatographed as a dimer with an apparent Mr 92,000. Purified GAP-3 does not activate ras or rho GTPases and possesses no intrinsic GTPase activity. Amino acid sequence data indicated a proline-rich N terminus. The amino acid sequences of peptides generated by Staphylococcus aureus V8 digestion of reduced and pyridine-ethylated GAP-3 showed no similarity to the predicted primary structure of GAP-1 or any other proteins in the nucleic acid or protein data bases. By comparison with the data of Rubinfeld et al. (Rubinfeld, B., Munemitsu, S., Clark, R., Conroy, L., Watt, K., Crosier, W.J., McCormick, F., and Polakis, P. (1991) Cell 65, 1033-1042), it appears that the membrane-associated (Mr 85,000-95,000) and cytosolic forms of GAP-3 are derived from equivalent, or closely related, genes.  相似文献   
The orosomucoid-like (ORMDL) protein family is involved in the regulation of de novo sphingolipid synthesis, calcium homeostasis, and unfolded protein response. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that increase ORMDL3 expression have been associated with various immune/inflammatory diseases, although the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying this association are poorly understood. ORMDL proteins are claimed to be inhibitors of the serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT). However, it is not clear whether individual ORMDL expression levels have an impact on ceramide synthesis. The present study addressed the interaction with and regulation of SPT activity by ORMDLs to clarify their pathophysiological relevance. We have measured ceramide production in HEK293 cells incubated with palmitate as a direct substrate for SPT reaction. Our results showed that a coordinated overexpression of the three isoforms inhibits the enzyme completely, whereas individual ORMDLs are not as effective. Immunoprecipitation and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) studies showed that mammalian ORMDLs form oligomeric complexes that change conformation depending on cellular sphingolipid levels. Finally, using macrophages as a model, we demonstrate that mammalian cells modify ORMDL genes expression levels coordinately to regulate the de novo ceramide synthesis pathway. In conclusion, we have shown a physiological modulation of SPT activity by general ORMDL expression level regulation. Moreover, because single ORMDL3 protein alteration produces an incomplete inhibition of SPT activity, this work argues against the idea that ORMDL3 pathophysiology could be explained by a simple on/off mechanism on SPT activity.  相似文献   
Yi  D; Lee  RT; Longo  P; Boger  ET; Lee  YC; Petri  WA  Jr; Schnaar  RL 《Glycobiology》1998,8(10):1037-1043
Both the Entamoeba histolytica lectin, a virulence factor for the causative agent of amebiasis, and the mammalian hepatic lectin bind to N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) and galactose (Gal) nonreducing termini on oligosaccharides, with preference for GalNAc. Polyvalent GalNAc- derivatized neoglycoproteins have >1000-fold enhanced binding affinity for both lectins (Adler,P., Wood,S.J., Lee,Y.C., Lee,R.T., Petri,W.A.,Jr. and Schnaar,R.L.,1995, J. Biol. Chem ., 270, 5164-5171). Substructural specificity studies revealed that the 3-OH and 4-OH groups of GalNAc were required for binding to both lectins, whereas only the E.histolytica lectin required the 6-OH group. Whereas GalNAc binds with 4-fold lower affinity to the E.histolytica lectin than to the mammalian hepatic lectin, galactosamine and N-benzoyl galactosamine bind with higher affinity to the E. histolytica lectin. Therefore, a synthetic scheme for converting polyamine carriers to poly-N-acyl galactosamine derivatives (linked through the galactosamine primary amino group) was developed to test whether such ligands would bind the E.histolytica lectin with high specificity and high affinity. Contrary to expectations, polyvalent derivatives including GalN6lys5, GalN4desmosine, GalN4StarburstTMdendrimer, and GalN8StarburstTMdendrimer demonstrated highly enhanced binding to the mammalian hepatic lectin but little or no enhancement of binding to the E.histolytica lectin. We propose that the mammalian hepatic lectin binds with greatest affinity to GalNAc "miniclusters," which mimic branched termini of N-linked oligosaccharides, whereas the E.histolytica lectin binds most effectively to "maxiclusters," which may mimic more widely spaced GalNAc residues on intestinal mucins.   相似文献   
Solid-phase synthesis of a small combinatorial library of dihydroceramide analogues as mixtures of erythro and threo diastereomers is described. Some dihydroceramide analogues cause growth arrest and apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner in human alveolar epithelial cells. This activity is likely due to the threo isomers, as evidenced by cellular studies with a pair of diastereomerically pure N-acyldihydrosphingosines. The apoptotic activity reported in this work provides information for the design of new compounds that may provide the basis for the generation of biochemical tools for the study of different pathologies where ceramide and/or dihydroceramide are involved.  相似文献   
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