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The cheF gene, which is involved in chemotaxis in Bacillus subtilis, has been cloned, expressed, and sequenced. This gene is contained in a 0.7-kilobase PstI DNA fragment that was isolated from a lambda Charon 4A B. subtilis chromosomal DNA library. This fragment was subcloned into the expression vector pSI-1 and shown to complement the cheF mutation both for chemotaxis and for methanol production in response to the addition of attractants. Plasmid-encoded DNA expression in B. subtilis maxicells indicated that a membrane-associated polypeptide of 20-kilodaltons was expressed from this 0.7-kilobase DNA. The nucleotide sequence of this DNA fragment was determined, and an open reading frame capable of encoding a putative 175-amino-acid protein (Mr 20,002) was identified. In an effort to understand the function of the cheF protein, the dosage of the cheF gene product was varied by altering the concentration of IPTG (isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside) during growth. In the presence of high concentrations of IPTG, chemotaxis was inhibited and methanol production was impaired.  相似文献   
The effects of photoperiod and end-of-day phytochrome control on somatic embryogenesis and polyamine (PA) content in Araujia sericifera petals have been studied. Petals from immature flowers were cultured under 16- and 8-h photoperiods. Far red (FR), red (R) and FR followed by R light treatments were applied at the end of the photoperiods for three weeks. The number of somatic embryos, callus weight and the levels of free and bound PAs in the cultured petal explants were determined 40 days after the beginning of light treatments. Long day (LD) promoted somatic embryogenesis but did not have any significant effect on PA content. Short day (SD) reduced somatic embryogenesis and enhanced total PAs, mainly in the form of bound spermidine. End-of-day FR treatment increased PA content and inhibited somatic embryogensis under LD but had no significant effect under SD. This effect of FR on PA levels was cancelled by R and was independent of the presence of silver thiosulphate in the medium. End-of-day R treatment reduced the total PA content under SD. However, end-of-day R increased or reduced somatic embryogenesis under SD depending on the presence or absence of silver in the medium. The results suggest a photoperiodic control of somatic embryogenesis and PA content in A. sericifera. The effects of end-of-day R and FR treatments depend on the length of the photoperiod. This finding and the FR/R photoreversibility of end-of-day treatments indicate that phytochrome may be involved in both somatic embryogenesis and accumulation of PA.  相似文献   
Evidence for genetic anticipation has recently become an important subject of research in clinical psychiatric genetics. Renewed interest in anticipation was evoked by molecular genetic findings of a novel type of mutation termed "unstable DNA." The unstable DNA model can be construed as the "best fit" for schizophrenia twin and family epidemiological data. We have performed a large-scale Southern blot hybridization, asymmetrical PCR-based, and repeat expansion-detection screening for (CAG)n/(CTG)n and (CCG)n/(CGG)n expansions in eastern Canadian schizophrenia multiplex families demonstrating genetic anticipation. There were no differences in (CAG)n/(CTG)n and (CCG)n/(CGG)n pattern distribution either between affected and unaffected individuals or across generations. Our findings do not support the hypothesis that large (CAG)n/(CTG)n or (CCG)n/(CGG)n expansions are the major etiologic factor in schizophrenia. A separate set of experiments directed to the analysis of small (30-130 trinucleotides), Huntington disease-type expansions in individual genes is required in order to fully exclude the presence of (CAG)n/(CTG)n- or (CCG)n/(CGG)n-type unstable mutation.  相似文献   
In the present study we have characterized the synthesis of members of the HSP30 family during Xenopus laevis development using a polyclonal antipeptide antibody derived from the carboxyl end of HSP30C. Two-dimensional PAGE/immunoblot analysis was unable to detect any heat-inducible small HSPs in cleavage, blastula, gastrula, or neurula stage embryos. However, heat-inducible accumulation of a single protein was first detectable in early tailbud embryos with an additional 5 HSPs at the late tailbud stage and a total of 13 small HSPs at the early tadpole stage. In the Xenopus A6 kidney epithelial cell line, a total of eight heat-inducible small HSPs were detected by this antibody. Comparison of the pattern of protein synthesis in embryos and somatic cells revealed a number of common and unique heat inducible proteins in Xenopus embryos and cultured kidney epithelial cells. To specifically identify the protein product of the HSP30C gene, we made a chimeric gene construct with the Xenopus HSP30C coding sequence under the control of a constitutive promoter. This construct was microinjected into fertilized eggs and resulted in the premature and constitutive synthesis of the HSP30C protein in gastrula stage embryos. Through a series of mixing experiments, we were able to specifically identify the protein encoded by the HSP30C gene in embryos and somatic cells and to conclude that HSP30C synthesis was first heat-inducible at the early tailbud stage of development. The differential pattern of heat-inducible accumulation of members of the HSP30 family during Xenopus development suggests that these proteins may have distinct functions at specific embryonic stages during a stress response.  相似文献   
nurr77 and nurr-1 are growth factor-inducible members of the steroid/thyroid hormone receptor gene superfamily. In order to gain insight into the potential roles of nur77 in the living organism, we used pharmacologic treatments to examine the expression of nur77 in the mouse adrenal gland. We found that nur77 and nurr-1 are induced in the adrenal gland upon treatment with pentylene tetrazole (Ptz; Metrazole). This induction is separable into distinct endocrine and neurogenic mechanisms. In situ hybridization analysis demonstrates that nur77 expression upon Ptz treatment in the adrenal cortex is localized primarily to the inner cortical region, the zona fasciculata-reticularis, with minimal induction in the zona glomerulosa. This induction is inhibitable by pretreatment with dexamethasone, indicating involvement of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the activation of adrenal cortical expression. When mice were injected with adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), nur77 expression in the adrenal gland spanned all cortical layers including the zona glomerulosa, but medullary expression was not induced. Ptz also induces expression of both nur77 and nurr-1 in the adrenal medulla. Medullary induction is likely to have a neurogenic origin, as nur77 expression was not inhibitable by dexamethasone pretreatment and induction was seen after treatment with the cholinergic neurotransmitter nicotine. nur77 is also inducible by ACTH, forskolin, and the second messenger analog dibutyryl cyclic AMP in the ACTH-responsive adrenal cortical cell line Y-1. Significantly, Nur77 isolated from ACTH-stimulated Y-1 cells bound to its response element whereas Nur77 present in unstimulated cells did not. Moreover, Nur77 in ACTH-treated Y-1 cells was hypophosphorylated at serine 354 compared with that in untreated cells. These results, taken together with the previous observation that dephosphorylation of serine 354 affects DNA binding affinity in vitro, show for the first time that phosphorylation of Nur77 at serine 354 is under hormonal regulation, modulating its DNA binding affinity. Thus, ACTH regulates Nur77 in two ways: activation of its gene and posttranslational modification. A promoter analysis of nur77 induction in Y-1 cells indicates that the regulatory elements mediating ACTH induction differ from those required for induction in the adrenal medullary tumor cell line PC12 and in 3T3 fibroblasts.  相似文献   
Recombinant murine amelogenins M179 and M166 were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. The aggregation properties of these amelogenins have been investigated in aqueous solutions as well as acetonitrile-containing solutions using dynamic light scattering. Dynamic light scattering provides direct measurement of the translational diffusion coefficient and hydrodynamic radius, and of an estimate of the molecular weight. Polydispersity and statistical parameters of how to interpret the analysis are also provided. Amelogenin aggregation was examined in solutions of a range of pH, ionic strengths, and protein concentrations. It was shown that at pH 7.8–8 and ionic strength of 0.02–0.05M the M179 molecules form monodispersed aggregates with hydrodynamic radii ranging from 15 to 19 nm. Analysis of hydrodynamic radii and size distribution of M179 aggregates in acetonitrile-containing solvents compared to that in aqueous solutions indicated a primary role for hydrophobic interactions in the association process of amelogenin molecules to form aggregates. Comparison between the aggregates formed by M179 and M166, which lacks the hydrophilic carboxy-terminal 13 residue sequence of M179, suggested that the self-assembly of amelogenin molecules to form stable and monodisperse aggregates requires the presence of the hydrophilic carboxy-terminal sequence of M179. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationships among Primates (human), Artiodactyla (cow), Cetacea (whale), Carnivora (seal), and Rodentia (mouse and rat) were estimated from the inferred amino acid sequences of the mitochondrial genomes using Marsupialia (opossum), Aves (chicken), and Amphibia (Xenopus) as an outgroup. The overall evidence of the maximum likelihood analysis suggests that Rodentia is an outgroup to the other four eutherian orders and that Cetacea and Artiodactyla form a clade with Carnivora as a sister taxon irrespective of the assumed model for amino acid substitutions. Although there remains an uncertainty concerning the relation among Artiodactyla, Cetacea, and Carnivora, the existence of a clade formed by these three orders and the outgroup status of Rodentia to the other eutherian orders seems to be firmly established. However, analyses of individual genes do not necessarily conform to this conclusion, and some of the genes reject the putatively correct tree with nearly 5% significance. Although this discrepancy can be due to convergent or parallel evolution in the specific genes, it was pointed out that, even without a particular reason, such a discrepancy can occur in 5% of the cases if the branching among the orders in question occurred within a short period. Due to uncertainty about the assumed model underlying the phylogenetic inference, this can occur even more frequently. This demonstrates the importance of analyzing enough sequences to avoid the danger of concluding an erroneous tree.  相似文献   
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