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Nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate drugs inhibit bone resorption by inhibiting FPP synthase and thereby preventing the synthesis of isoprenoid lipids required for protein prenylation in bone-resorbing osteoclasts. NE10790 is a phosphonocarboxylate analogue of the potent bisphosphonate risedronate and is a weak anti-resorptive agent. Although NE10790 was a poor inhibitor of FPP synthase, it did inhibit prenylation in J774 macrophages and osteoclasts, but only of proteins of molecular mass approximately 22-26 kDa, the prenylation of which was not affected by peptidomimetic inhibitors of either farnesyl transferase (FTI-277) or geranylgeranyl transferase I (GGTI-298). These 22-26-kDa proteins were shown to be geranylgeranylated by labelling J774 cells with [(3)H]geranylgeraniol. Furthermore, NE10790 inhibited incorporation of [(14)C]mevalonic acid into Rab6, but not into H-Ras or Rap1, proteins that are modified by FTase and GGTase I, respectively. These data demonstrate that NE10790 selectively prevents Rab prenylation in intact cells. In accord, NE10790 inhibited the activity of recombinant Rab GGTase in vitro, but did not affect the activity of recombinant FTase or GGTase I. NE10790 therefore appears to be the first specific inhibitor of Rab GGTase to be identified. In contrast to risedronate, NE10790 inhibited bone resorption in vitro without markedly affecting osteoclast number or the F-actin "ring" structure in polarized osteoclasts. However, NE10790 did alter osteoclast morphology, causing the formation of large intracellular vacuoles and protrusion of the basolateral membrane into large, "domed" structures that lacked microvilli. The anti-resorptive activity of NE10790 is thus likely due to disruption of Rab-dependent intracellular membrane trafficking in osteoclasts.  相似文献   
Transient state, burst and steady state kinetics of reactions of the blue copper nitrite reductase (NIR) and blue copper protein from Achromobacter cycloclastes are investigated. The two copper-containing species are reacted with each other and where possible with dithionite, ascorbate and nitrite. Both copper proteins are fully reduced by dithionite with both S2O4(2-) and SO2-. species active. NIR is only partially reduced by ascorbate in an unusual biphasic reaction consistent with complete reduction of type-one copper followed by partial reduction of type-two copper. The rate of reduction of the type-one copper is accelerated using phenazine methosulfate as mediator. Nitrite can oxidize dithionite-reduced NIR but cannot reduce oxidized NIR. Rate constants were determined for all observed reactions.  相似文献   
We report the crystal structure of the FAD/NADPH-binding domain (FAD domain) of the biotechnologically important Bacillus megaterium flavocytochrome P450 BM3, the last domain of the enzyme to be structurally resolved. The structure was solved in both the absence and presence of the ligand NADP(+), identifying important protein interactions with the NADPH 2'-phosphate that helps to dictate specificity for NADPH over NADH, and involving residues Tyr974, Arg966, Lys972 and Ser965. The Trp1046 side chain shields the FAD isoalloxazine ring from NADPH, and motion of this residue is required to enable NADPH-dependent FAD reduction. Multiple binding interactions stabilize the FAD cofactor, including aromatic stacking with the adenine group from the side chains of Tyr860 and Trp854, and several interactions with FAD pyrophosphate oxygens, including bonding to tyrosines 828, 829 and 860. Mutagenesis of C773 and C999 to alanine was required for successful crystallization, with C773A predicted to disfavour intramolecular and intermolecular disulfide bonding. Multiangle laser light scattering analysis showed wild-type FAD domain to be near-exclusively dimeric, with dimer disruption achieved on treatment with the reducing agent dithiothreitol. By contrast, light scattering showed that the C773A/C999A FAD domain was monomeric. The C773A/C999A FAD domain structure confirms that Ala773 is surface exposed and in close proximity to Cys810, with this region of the enzyme's connecting domain (that links the FAD domain to the FMN-binding domain in P450?BM3) located at a crystal contact interface between FAD domains. The FAD domain crystal structure enables molecular modelling of its interactions with its cognate FMN (flavodoxin-like) domain within the BM3 reductase module.  相似文献   
The peroxidase reaction of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase was investigated by transient state kinetics using stoichiometric amounts of substrates. The rate constants for the conversion of compound I to intermediate II determined with a stoichiometric amount of hydroperoxide were found to be lower by an order of magnitude than when an excess of hydroperoxide was used. The difference was attributed to ability of the compound I of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase to be reduced by the excess of hydroperoxide. This suggests that the true rate constant of unimolecular conversion compound I to intermediate II at 3 degrees C is 5-10 s-1 instead of 50-200 s-1 as reported before. The latter value rather characterizes the combined process of spontaneous and hydroperoxide-dependent transformation of compound I. Stoichiometric amounts of reducing substrates significantly stimulated transformation of compound I. This effect could not be entirely explained by their reducing action, which was measured by following the oxidation kinetics. The results of the global fit of the experimental data suggest that reducing substrates, in addition to their direct action in reducing compound I to compound II, indirectly stimulate transformation of compound I to the tyrosyl radical form of intermediate II, thereby stimulating the cyclooxygenase reaction.  相似文献   
The social system of round-tailed ground squirrels, Spermophilus tereticaudus, is quantitatively described in terms of seasonal changes in interaction rates, the effect of age and sex on type and frequency of interaction, the differential response to kin and non-kin, the determinants of dominance, including territoriality, the associations between classes of individuals, and the dispersion of home ranges and core areas. From January to March, the adult squirrels were sociable and nonterritorial. Following copulation in March, they were unsociable and territorial. In May and June, juveniles lived mainly within their mothers' territories. Those juveniles that did not disperse from the study area in late June established territories near their mothers. From September to December, all squirrels were inactive underground.  相似文献   
The rate of oxidation of L-(-)-tyrosine by horseradish peroxidase compound 1 has been studied as a function of pH at 25 degrees C and ionic strength 0.11. Over the pH range of 3.20--11.23 major effects of three ionizations were observed. The pKa values of the phenolic (pKa = 10.10) and amino (pKa = 9.21) dissociations of tyrosine and a single enzyme ionization (pKa = 5.42) were determined from nonlinear least squares analysis of the log rate versus pH profile. It was noted that the less acidic form of the enzyme was most reactive; hence, the reaction is described as base catalyzed. The rate of tyrosine oxidation falls rapidly with the deprotonation of the phenolic group.  相似文献   
Improving our understanding of Mayaro virus (MAYV) ecology is critical to guide surveillance and risk assessment. We conducted a PRISMA-adherent systematic review of the published and grey literature to identify potential arthropod vectors and non-human animal reservoirs of MAYV. We searched PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science, SciELO and grey-literature sources including PAHO databases and dissertation repositories. Studies were included if they assessed MAYV virological/immunological measured occurrence in field-caught, domestic, or sentinel animals or in field-caught arthropods. We conducted an animal seroprevalence meta-analysis using a random effects model. We compiled granular georeferenced maps of non-human MAYV occurrence and graded the quality of the studies using a customized framework. Overall, 57 studies were eligible out of 1523 screened, published between the years 1961 and 2020. Seventeen studies reported MAYV positivity in wild mammals, birds, or reptiles and five studies reported MAYV positivity in domestic animals. MAYV positivity was reported in 12 orders of wild-caught vertebrates, most frequently in the orders Charadriiformes and Primate. Sixteen studies detected MAYV in wild-caught mosquito genera including Haemagogus, Aedes, Culex, Psorophora, Coquillettidia, and Sabethes. Vertebrate animals or arthropods with MAYV were detected in Brazil, Panama, Peru, French Guiana, Colombia, Trinidad, Venezuela, Argentina, and Paraguay. Among non-human vertebrates, the Primate order had the highest pooled seroprevalence at 13.1% (95% CI: 4.3–25.1%). From the three most studied primate genera we found the highest seroprevalence was in Alouatta (32.2%, 95% CI: 0.0–79.2%), followed by Callithrix (17.8%, 95% CI: 8.6–28.5%), and Cebus/Sapajus (3.7%, 95% CI: 0.0–11.1%). We further found that MAYV occurs in a wide range of vectors beyond Haemagogus spp. The quality of evidence behind these findings was variable and prompts calls for standardization of reporting of arbovirus occurrence. These findings support further risk emergence prediction, guide field surveillance efforts, and prompt further in-vivo studies to better define the ecological drivers of MAYV maintenance and potential for emergence.  相似文献   
Alpha-glucuronidase A from Aspergillus tubingensis was found to be capable of liberating 4-O-methyl-D-glucuronic acid (MeGlcA) only from those beechwood glucuronoxylan fragments in which the acid is attached to the non-reducing terminal xylopyranosyl residue. Reduced aldotetrauronic acid, 4-O-methyl-D-glucuronosyl-alpha-1,2-D-xylopyranosyl-beta-1,4-xylopyranosyl-beta-1,4-xylitol, was found to be a suitable substrate to follow the stereochemical course of the hydrolytic reaction catalyzed by the purified enzyme. The configuration of the liberated MeGlcA was followed in a D(2)O reaction mixture by (1)H-NMR spectroscopy. It was unambiguously established that MeGlcA was released from the substrate as its beta-anomer from which the alpha-anomer was formed on mutarotation. This result represents the first experimental evidence for the inverting character of a microbial alpha-glucuronidase, a member of glycosyl hydrolase family 67 (EC  相似文献   
Tissues of three species of in vitro grown liverworts, Riccia fluitans, Pallavicinia lyellii, and Marchantia polymorpha, were subjected to rapid drying with and without preculture for 1 week on medium containing 10 μM ABA. ABA preculture initiated total desiccation tolerance in R. fluitans, whereas control tissues were killed after 30 min of drying. Survival was also improved in P. lyellii, whereas ABA did not affect survival of M. polymorpha after rapid drying. ABA treatment did, however, reduce the rate of water loss in M. polymorpha. Total soluble carbohydrates were increased in ABA-treated R. fluitans and P. lyellii, but not in M. polymorpha, although there was no correlation between survival and changes in the percentage of these carbohydrates as reducing sugars. These differences in response to ABA and desiccation likely reflect different adaptations of these three species to conditions in situ.  相似文献   
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