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Despite an increasing recognition of the ecosystem services provided by mangroves, we know little about their role in maintaining terrestrial biodiversity, including primates. Madagascar’s lemurs are a top global conservation priority, with 94 % of species threatened with extinction, but records of their occurrence in mangroves are scarce. I used a mixed-methods approach to collect published and unpublished observations of lemurs in mangroves: I carried out a systematic literature search and supplemented this with a targeted information request to 1243 researchers, conservation and tourism professionals, and others who may have visited mangroves in Madagascar. I found references to, or observations of, at least 23 species in 5 families using mangroves, representing >20% of lemur species and >50% of species whose distributions include mangrove areas. Lemurs used mangroves for foraging, sleeping, and traveling between terrestrial forest patches, and some were observed as much as 3 km from the nearest permanently dry land. However, most records were anecdotal and thus tell us little about lemur ecology in this habitat. Mangroves are more widely used by lemurs than has previously been recognized and merit greater attention from primate researchers and conservationists in Madagascar.  相似文献   
Primate populations, including Madagascar’s lemurs, are threatened worldwide and conservationists need accurate population estimates to develop targeted conservation plans. We sought to fill knowledge gaps for three lemur taxa —white-fronted brown lemur (Eulemur albifrons); eastern woolly lemur (Avahi laniger); and Allocebus/Microcebus, a category combining observations of hairy-eared dwarf lemurs (Allocebus trichotis) and mouse lemurs (Microcebus spp.)— in northeastern Madagascar by estimating their density, examining how their encounter rates and densities vary across three different forest types, and monitoring trends in encounter rates and densities at resurveyed sites, using data from surveys at six forest sites over a 4-year period (2010–2013). Landscape density for white-fronted brown lemur, eastern woolly lemur, and Allocebus/Microcebus was 21.5 (SE 3.67), 57.7 (SE 9.17), and 39.1 (SE 9.55) individuals/km2, respectively. There was no difference in density estimates at intact and intermediately degraded forest sites; however, we encountered white-fronted brown lemurs more often in intact forest (1.64 ± SE 0.40 individuals/km) than in intermediately degraded and degraded forest (0.15 ± SE 0.06 and 0.16 ± SE 0.06 individuals/km). In addition, we encountered white-fronted brown lemurs at lower rates in 2013 (0.15 ± SE 0.06 individuals/km) compared to 2010 (0.82 ± SE 0.12 individuals/km) at a resurveyed site. Our findings emphasize that primate researchers must account for variation in how lemur encounter rates and densities differ between intact and degraded forests, and although we observed a decline in white-fronted brown lemur encounter rate at our resurveyed site, we caution that changes in lemur encounter rates may simply reflect lower detection rates rather than lower density. Future research should focus on using conventional distance sampling techniques, which are infrequently used in primate studies, to provide more robust density estimates as a way to accurately assess trends and the effects of anthropogenic pressures on lemur populations.  相似文献   
Subspecies were traditionally defined by identifying gaps between phenotypes across the geographic range of a species, and may represent important units in the development of conservation strategies focused on preserving genetic diversity. Previous taxonomic research proposed that phenotypic variation between scattered Indri indri populations warranted the naming of two distinct subspecies, I. i. indri and I. i. variegatus. We tested these subspecific designations using mitochondrial sequence data generated from the control region or D-loop (569 bp) and a large section (2362 bp) of multiple genes and tRNAs known as Pastorini’s fragment and nuclear microsatellite markers. This study used 114 samples of I. indri from 12 rainforest sites in eastern Madagascar, encompassing the entire range of the species. These genetic samples represent multiple populations from low- and high-elevation forests from both putative subspecies. Molecular analyses of the mitochondrial sequence data did not support the two proposed subspecies. Furthermore, the microsatellite analyses showed no significant differences across the range beyond population level differentiation. This study demonstrates the utility of incorporating multiple lines of evidence in addition to phenotypic traits to define species or subspecies.  相似文献   
“Air (aire, also aigre) in the body” is a frequent explanation of illness according to the traditional medical beliefs in Mexico. Anthropologists have generally scrutinized aire in the context of other common folk illnesses treated by traditional healers (curanderas). However, drawing on my research in the communities of Northern Oaxaca I suggest that aire occupies a more distinct position in the folk medical cosmology than it has usually been credited with. This distinction rests on the notion’s exceptional ambivalence and openness to multiple interpretations. “Air” is recurred to as the cause of illness mainly in situations where every other explanation, either “traditional” or “biomedical,” seems to be inadequate. The physical properties of air—its transparency, invisibility, apparent immateriality, near omnipresence, and virtual “nothingness”—render it a suitable explanation of the last resort. Local understandings of what aire “is” are often vague and elusive, and in many respects the term functions in folk medical discourse as an “empty signifier.”  相似文献   
Arboreal primates actively navigate a complex thermal environment that exhibits spatial, daily, and seasonal temperature changes. Thus, temperature measurements from stationary recording devices in or near a forest likely do not reflect the thermal microenvironments that primates actually experience. To better understand the thermal variation primates encounter, we attached automated temperature loggers to anklets worn by free-ranging mantled howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata) to record near-animal ambient temperatures. We compared these measures to conventional, stationary temperature measurements taken from within the forest, in nearby open fields, and at a remote weather station 38.6 km from the field site. We also measured temperatures across vertical forest heights and assessed the effects of wind speed, solar radiation, rain, and vapor pressure on primate subcutaneous temperatures (collected via implanted loggers). Ambient temperatures at measurement sites commonly used by researchers differed from those experienced by animals. Moreover, these differences changed between seasons, indicating dynamic shifts in thermal environment occur through space and time. Temperatures increased with height in the forest, with statistically significant, albeit low magnitude, differences between vertical distances of one meter. Near-animal temperatures showed that monkeys selected relatively warmer microhabitats during nighttime temperature lows and relatively cooler microhabitats during the day. Lastly, the thermal variables wind speed, solar radiation, vapor pressure, and rain were statistically associated with primate subcutaneous temperatures. Our data indicate that the temperatures arboreal primates experience are not well reflected by stationary devices. Attaching automated temperature loggers to animals provides a useful tool for more directly assessing primate microhabitat use.  相似文献   
Recent studies in African contexts have revealed a strong association between spirit possession and severe trauma, with inclusion into a possession cult serving at times a therapeutic function. Research on spirit possession in the Dominican Republic has so far not included quantitative studies of trauma and dissociation. This study evaluated demographic variables, somatoform dissociative symptoms, and potentially traumatizing events in the Dominican Republic with a group of Vodou practitioners that either do or do not experience spirit possession. Inter-group comparisons revealed that in contrast to non-possessed participants (n = 38), those experiencing spirit possession (n = 47) reported greater somatoform dissociation, more problems with sleep, and previous exposure to mortal danger such as assaults, accidents, or diseases. The two groups did not differ significantly in other types of trauma. The best predictor variable for group classification was somatoform dissociation, although those items could also reflect the experience of followers during a possession episode. A factor analysis across variables resulted in three factors: having to take responsibility early on in life and taking on a professional spiritual role; traumatic events and pain; and distress/dissociation. In comparison with the non-possessed individuals, the possessed ones did not seem to overall have a remarkably more severe story of trauma and seemed to derive economic gains from possession practice.  相似文献   
“Thinking too much”, and variations such as “thinking a lot”, are common idioms of distress across the world. The contextual meaning of this idiom of distress in particular localities remains largely unknown. This paper reports on a systematic study of the content and cause, consequences, and social response and coping related to the local terms |x’an n|a te and |eu-ca n|a te, both translated as “thinking a lot”, and was part of a larger ethnographic study among the Khwe of South Africa. Semi-structured exploratory interviews with community members revealed that “thinking a lot” refers to a common experience of reflecting on personal and interpersonal problems. Consequences were described in emotional, psychological, social, behavioral, and physical effects. Coping strategies included social support, distraction, and religious practices. Our contextualized approach revealed meanings and experiences of “thinking a lot” that go beyond a psychological state or psychopathology. The common experience of “thinking a lot” is situated in socio-political, economic, and social context that reflect the marginalized and displaced position of the Khwe. We argue that “thinking a lot” and associated local meanings may vary across settings, may not necessarily indicate psychopathology, and should be understood in individual, interpersonal, community, and socio-political dimensions.  相似文献   
In the aftermath of war and armed conflict, individuals and communities face the challenge of dealing with recollections of violence and atrocity. This article aims to contribute to a better understanding of processes of remembering and forgetting histories of violence in post-conflict communities and to reflect on related implications for trauma rehabilitation in post-conflict settings. Starting from the observation that memory operates at the core of PTSD symptomatology, we more closely explore how this notion of traumatic memory is conceptualized within PTSD-centered research and interventions. Subsequently, we aim to broaden this understanding of traumatic memory and post-trauma care by connecting to findings from social memory studies and transcultural trauma research. Drawing on an analysis of scholarly literature, this analysis develops into a perspective on memory that moves beyond a symptomatic framing toward an understanding of memory that emphasizes its relational, political, moral, and cultural nature. Post-conflict memory is presented as inextricably embedded in communal relations, involving ongoing trade-offs between individual and collective responses to trauma and a complex negotiation of speech and silence. In a concluding discussion, we develop implications of this broadened understanding for post-conflict trauma-focused rehabilitation.  相似文献   
Climate change may affect the microbial production and temperature sensitivity of extracellular enzymes that release carbon (C) and nutrients from soil organic matter. We measured the response of six hydrolytic enzymes involved in C, nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) degradation to experimental warming in a mixed-deciduous forest persisting on highly-weathered Ultisols (Whitehall Forest, Georgia, US). We found that warming produced no consistent enzyme response. However, we observed significant seasonal variation in enzyme activities, temperature sensitivities and elemental enzyme ratios (C:N and C:P). Seasonal differences in enzyme activity and temperature sensitivity were best explained by soil moisture and temperature. Our results suggest that seasonal dynamics in soil microclimate, organic matter supply, and microbial demand exert more control on enzyme dynamics than does a uniform increase in soil temperature.  相似文献   
The rate at which catalytic capacity of microbial exo-enzymes degrades post-exudation will influence the time during which return on microbes’ investment in exo-enzyme production can be realized. Further, if exo-enzyme degradation rates vary across exo-enzymes, microbial investment returns may vary by element across time. We quantify how aging of two soil organic matter (SOM)-decaying enzymes (β-D-cellobioside, BGase; and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminide, NAGase) influences enzyme-substrate V max at multiple temperatures (5, 15, 25 °C), and compute how enzyme age influences relative availabilities of C and N. Both BGase and NAGase exhibited similar, exponential declines in catalytic rate with age at 25 °C (0.22 ± 0.02 and 0.36 ± 0.14 d?1, respectively). At 15 °C, NAGase exhibited exponential declines in catalytic rates with age (0.79 ± 0.31 d?1), but BGase exhibited no decline. Neither enzyme exhibited a decline in catalytic rate over 72 h at 5 °C. At 15 °C, the amount of C liberated from cellulose and chitin analogues relative to N increased, on average, by more than one order of magnitude. The ratio of C:N liberated from the two substrates remained constant across enzyme age at 25 and 5 °C, but for different reasons: no differences in decay rate across enzymes at 25 °C, and no observed decay at 5 °C. Thus, temperature-dependent decreases of catalytic activity over time may influence microbial resource allocation strategies and rates of SOM decomposition. Because the enzyme decay rates we observed differ considerably from values assumed in most models, such assumptions should be revisited when parameterizing microbial process models.  相似文献   
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