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The basic concept of conditionally replicating adenoviruses (CRAD) as oncolytic agents is that progenies generated from each round of infection will disperse, infect and kill new cancer cells. However, CRAD has only inhibited, but not eradicated tumor growth in xenograft tumor therapy, and CRAD therapy has had only marginal clinical benefit to cancer patients. Here, we found that CRAD propagation and cancer cell survival co-existed for long periods of time when infection was initiated at low multiplicity of infection (MOI), and cancer cell killing was inefficient and slow compared to the assumed cell killing effect upon infection at high MOI. Excessive production of fiber molecules from initial CRAD infection of only 1 to 2% cancer cells and their release prior to the viral particle itself caused a tropism-specific receptor masking in both infected and non-infected bystander cells. Consequently, the non-infected bystander cells were inefficiently bound and infected by CRAD progenies. Further, fiber overproduction with concomitant restriction of adenovirus spread was observed in xenograft cancer therapy models. Besides the CAR-binding Ad4, Ad5, and Ad37, infection with CD46-binding Ad35 and Ad11 also caused receptor masking. Fiber overproduction and its resulting receptor masking thus play a key role in limiting CRAD functionality, but potentially promote adenovirus and host cell co-existence. These findings also give important clues for understanding mechanisms underlying the natural infection course of various adenoviruses.  相似文献   
The occurrence of the epiphyte alga Pseudendoclonium submarinum Wille (Ulvophyceae) on Rhodymenia pseudopalmata (Lamouroux) Silva (Rhodophyta) is reported. The present study describes a first line of evidence of an epidemiological study conducted with the purpose of comparing both the prevalence and effects of algal epiphytic organisms in R. pseudopalmata in the Patagonian coasts of Argentina. P. submarinum infected approximately 80% of R. pseudopalmata thalli and the frequency of infection was variable in connection with different areas of the host's thalli: 42% of R. pseudopalmata fronds presented P. submarinum thalli in the basal region, which presented a severity degree of infection from low to high. The median region presented an average frequency of infection of 30% and minor susceptibility to colonization. The covering varied from 1% to 70% representing a low to moderate degree of colonization. The apical region presented a cover frequency of 28% and the level of infection varied between low to moderate. The developmental morphology and the growth dynamics of the epiphyte were also investigated under unialgal as well as bialgal culture conditions. In nature, thalli of P. submarinum on R. pseudopalmata never invaded internal tissues of the host. Vegetative thalli of P. submarinum were inoculated on fronds R. pseudopalmata. Experimental infections confirmed that P. submarinum thalli did not penetrate the host's fronds. P. submarinum swarmers showed the capacity of settlement on a host's fronds and developed an epiphytic monostromatic thallus. The results allowed us to suggest that P. submarinum uses the R. pseudopalmata thalli as a proper substrate, since Pseudendoclonium thalli complete the entire life cycle. Culture experiments revealed that P. submarinum could develop without the presence of the host and evidenced the nutritional independence, being the relationship in nature, probably triggered by an ecological advantage since fronds of R. pseudopalmata offer a suitable substratum.  相似文献   
Peatland-margin habitats with organic matter accumulation of 40–150 cm make up a significant but poorly quantified portion of Canada’s boreal forest region. Spanning the transition between non-wetland forest and fen proper, these ecosystems represent a zone of complex environmental and vegetation change, yet little is known about their ecological function or development. We here use vegetation and macrofossil analysis, traditional 14C, bomb-spike 14C, and 210Pb dating to investigate the development, organic matter accumulation, and recent vegetation history of peat margin communities at two sites in central Saskatchewan, Canada. Although similar in general shape, bomb-spike 14C and 210Pb chronologies show limited agreement in three of the four profiles examined, with 210Pb generally producing younger ages than 14C. Peat initiation and long-term organic matter accumulation at the Old Black Spruce (OBS) transect were probably driven mainly by the dynamics of Sphagnum, whereas at the Sandhill Fen (SF) transect, they were controlled by water level fluctuations in the neighboring fen. Bryophyte macrofossils suggest a recent drying of the vegetation surface at both sites, most likely triggered by regional drought in the late 1950s and 1960s. At OBS, the shift from Sphagnum- to feather moss-dominated communities continued in the 1990s, possibly reflecting effects of direct disturbance on local drainage patterns. Overall, our results suggest that community composition and C dynamics of peat-margin swamps respond dynamically to climatic and hydrologic fluctuations. However, uncertainties regarding the reliability of different chronologies limit our ability to link observed community changes to specific causal events. Author Contributions  IEB conceived/designed study, performed research, analyzed data, wrote paper. JSB conceived/designed study, wrote paper. CS performed research, analyzed data, wrote paper. RKW performed research and analyzed data. CMP performed research and wrote paper.  相似文献   
To discern the possible spread of the Escherichia coli O25b:H4-ST131 clonal group in poultry and the zoonotic potential of avian strains, we made a retrospective search of our strain collection and compared the findings for those strains with the findings for current strains. Thus, we have characterized a collection of 19 avian O25b:H4-ST131 E. coli strains isolated from 1995 to 2010 which, interestingly, harbored the ibeA gene. Using this virulence gene as a criterion for selection, we compared those 19 avian strains with 33 human O25b:H4-ST131 ibeA-positive E. coli strains obtained from patients with extraintestinal infections (1993 to 2009). All 52 O25b:H4-ST131 ibeA-positive E. coli strains shared the fimH, kpsMII, malX, and usp genes but showed statistically significant differences in nine virulence factors, namely, papGIII, cdtB, sat, and kpsMII K5, which were associated with human strains, and iroN, kpsMII K1, cvaC, iss, and tsh, which were associated with strains of avian origin. The XbaI macrorestriction profiles of the 52 E. coli O25b:H4-ST131 ibeA-positive strains revealed 11 clusters (clusters I to XI) of >85% similarity, with four clusters including strains of human and avian origin. Cluster VII (90.9% similarity) grouped 10 strains (7 avian and 3 human strains) that mostly produced CTX-M-9 and that also shared the same virulence profile. Finally, we compared the macrorestriction profiles of the 12 CTX-M-9-producing O25b:H4-ST131 ibeA strains (7 avian and 5 human strains) identified among the 52 strains with those of 15 human O25b:H4-ST131 CTX-M-14-, CTX-M-15-, and CTX-M-32-producing strains that proved to be negative for ibeA and showed that they clearly differed in the level of similarity from the CTX-M-9-producing strains. In conclusion, E. coli clonal group O25b:H4-ST131 ibeA has recently emerged among avian isolates with the new acquisition of the K1 capsule antigen and includes CTX-M-9-producing strains. This clonal group represents a real zoonotic risk that has crossed the barrier between human and avian hosts.Strains of the extensively antimicrobial-resistant Escherichia coli clonal group of sequence type (ST) 131 (ST131) belonging to serotype O25b:H4 have recently been recognized to be important human pathogens worldwide (9, 33). Although it is commonly associated with the dissemination of CTX-M-15 extended-spectrum cephalosporin resistance, E. coli O25b:H4-ST131 also occurs as a fluoroquinolone (FQ)-resistant but cephalosporin-susceptible pathogen (5, 22, 26, 27). Currently, it is assumed that O25b:H4-ST131 strains circulate not only among humans but also among animal hosts (13, 21, 37), which would contribute to the ongoing global emergence of O25b:H4-ST131, in the case of regular transmission between animals and humans. Even though CTX-M-15 is the most widely distributed extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) linked to this clonal group, other, different variants of CTX-M have recently been reported, such as CTX-M-9, CTX-M-14, and CTX-M-32 (4, 34, 36, 39). Noteworthy was the detection, for the first time on poultry farms, of this clonal group producing CTX-M-9 that had macrorestriction profiles and virulence genes very similar to those observed in clinical human isolates (10).Extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) strains, which include avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) and human uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), septicemic E. coli, and newborn meningitis-causing E. coli (NMEC) strains, exhibit considerable genome diversity and have a wide range of virulence-associated factors (12, 18). While infections caused by APEC strains initially start as a respiratory tract disease which evolves to a systemic infection of the internal organs and, finally, to sepsis, the most frequent origin of human sepsis is urinary tract infection (UTI), especially pyelonephritis (2, 3, 11). However, APEC strains have been recognized to share common traits with human isolates (29, 30, 31), including the K1 capsule antigen (23, 24, 29) and the ibeA gene (14). In addition, retail chicken products have been found to carry nalidixic-resistant ExPEC strains (17, 19), and although it is drug susceptible, an E. coli strain belonging to the O25b:H4-ST131 clonal group has even recently been detected in retail chicken (41), supporting the urgent necessity for the implementation of food control measures.The aim of the present study was to discern the possible spread of the O25b:H4-ST131 clonal group, especially CTX-M-9-producing strains, in poultry and the zoonotic potential of avian isolates. For this purpose, we made a retrospective search of our human and avian strain collections and compared the findings for those strains with the findings for current strains. Identification of this emerging clone among avian sources and comparison of the clone with clinical human isolates will shed new light on the epidemiology of the O25b:H4-ST131 clonal group.  相似文献   
We explored the reproductive modes of Ulva intestinalis in the inner part of the Baltic Sea during three consecutive years by using five microsatellite loci to estimate the relative abundance of diploid sporophytes and haploid gametophytes. Our results suggest that both diploid sporophytes and haploid gametophytes occur regularly in the Baltic Sea. The ratio of haploid to diploid individuals changes with seasons. Sporophytes are more abundant than gametophytes throughout the year, but the proportion of haploids increases from 10% in early summer to 35% in September. The over-wintering takes primarily place as diploid spores released by sporophytes. The sporophytes appear to reproduce both sexually and asexually in the Baltic Sea, since clones were found for this life phase. The fraction of individuals which belonged to an apparent diploid clone was higher in spring (62%) than in autumn (33%). We also found evidence for asexual clones in haploid gametophytes. The presence of both diploid and haploid individuals and the pattern of genetic and genotypic diversity provide evidence of sexual reproduction in the Baltic Sea. Thus the sporophytes and gametophytes do not function as two reproductively separate units. Compared with many other algal species with a reduced reproductive cycle in low salinity, U. intestinalis differs by having a multitude of reproductive modes also in the brackish water Baltic Sea, which can in part explain the dynamic propagation and high adaptability of the species.  相似文献   
In the subfamily Arvicolinae (Cricetidae, Rodentia) the satellite DNA Msat-160 has been so far described in only some species from the genus Microtus and in one species from another genus, Chionomys nivalis. Here we cloned and characterized this satellite in two new arvicoline species, Microtus (Terricola) savii and Arvicola amphibius (terrestris). We have also demonstrated, by PCR and FISH, its existence in the genomes of several other species from both genera. These results suggest that Msat-160 already occurred in the common ancestor of the four genera/subgenera of Arvicolinae (Microtus, Chionomys, Arvicola, and Terricola). In Arvicola and Terricola, Msat-160 showed the basic monomer length of 160 bp, although a higher-order repeat (HORs) of 640 bp could have been probably replacing the original monomeric unit in A. a. terrestris. Msat-160 was localized by FISH mostly on the pericentromeric regions of the chromosomes, but the signal intensity and the number of carrier chromosomes varied extremely even between closely related species, resulting in a species-specific pattern of chromosomal distribution of this satellite. Such a variable pattern most likely is a consequence of a rapid amplification and contraction of particular repeats in the pericentromeric regions of chromosomes. In addition, we proposed that the rapid variation of pericentromeric repeats is strictly related to the prolific species radiation and diversification of karyotypes that characterize Arvicolinae lineage. Finally, we performed phylogenetic analysis in this group of related species based on Msat-160 that results to be in agreement with previously reported phylogenies, derived from other molecular markers.  相似文献   
Yeast cell wall fractions have been proposed to bind enteropathogenic bacteria. The aim of this study was to develop a quantitative assay by measuring the optical density as growth parameter of adhering bacteria. The exponential growth phase of adhering bacteria was determined by optical density reading and compared with the colony count (CFU/mL). A linear regression was compiled and the bacterial number bound to the yeast cell wall product could be determined. Further focus was the investigation of a yeast cell wall from strain Trichosporon mycotoxinivorans (MTV) for its ability to bind gram negative Salmonella, E. coli and Campylobacter strains and gram positive probiotic bacteria of the genera lactobacilli and bifidobacteria as well as gram positive Clostridium perfringens quantitatively. The gram negative probiotic strain E. coli Nissle 1917 was also investigated. Seven out of 10 S. Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis strains adhered to the cell wall product with an amount between 103 and 104 CFU/10 μg. Four out of 7 E. coli strains showed an average binding capability (102 CFU/10 µg) whereas 4 × 103E. coli F4 cells bound per 10 μg yeast cell wall. E. coli 0149 K91, E. coli 0147 K89, C. jejuni and C. perfringens as well the genera lactobacilli and bifidobacteria did not bind to the yeast cell wall. E. coli Nissle 1917 was bound with 2 × 102 CFU/10 μg. These results demonstrate that cell wall from MTV can be used to differentially bind E. coli spp. and Salmonella spp. up to 8 × 104 CFU/10 μg. Thus certain yeast cell walls may prevent enteric infections caused by selective bacteria. This methodical approach would be an accurate tool in the feed industry for quality control of yeast cell wall products.  相似文献   
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