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目的分析未净化Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠封闭群繁育和生长指标,并利用直接测序法分析其遗传稳定性。方法随机选择40对Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠,记录其繁殖胎次、产子数等指标,分析其仔鼠的生长发育情况。遗传稳定性分析选择Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠非同胞、非亲代个体33只,提取肝脏基因组DNA,PCR扩增D-Loop序列,产物纯化后双向测序,测序结果与Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠标准序列比对。结果 Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠每胎产仔7只,胎间隔多在20~60 d间,雄性体重高于雌性。遗传稳定性分析检测发现33只Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠序列与标准序列完全一致。结论 Z:ZCLA长爪沙鼠群体内未发现遗传多态性,说明该群体具有较好的遗传稳定性。  相似文献   


The combination of mass spectrometry and solution phase amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange (H/D exchange) experiments is an effective method for characterizing protein dynamics, and protein-protein or protein-ligand interactions. Despite methodological advancements and improvements in instrumentation and automation, data analysis and display remains a tedious process. The factors that contribute to this bottleneck are the large number of data points produced in a typical experiment, each requiring manual curation and validation, and then calculation of the level of backbone amide exchange. Tools have become available that address some of these issues, but lack sufficient integration, functionality, and accessibility required to address the needs of the H/D exchange community. To date there is no software for the analysis of H/D exchange data that comprehensively addresses these issues.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: By 2016, the proportion of Canadians older than 65 years of age will increase to 16%, and there will be an increase in the absolute number of cases of cardiovascular disease in older Canadians. The Canadian Heart Health Surveys database provides information about this population upon which health policy related to cardiovascular disease can be based. This paper presents for the first time population-based data on the risk factors for cardiovascular disease in older Canadians. METHODS: Canadians from all 10 provinces participated in surveys of cardiovascular risk factors; health insurance registries were used as sampling frames. In each province, probability samples of 2200 adults 18 to 74 years old not living in institutions, on reserves or in military camps were asked to participate in interviews and to undergo testing at clinics for major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. RESULTS: A total of 2739 men (response rate 70%) and 2617 women (response rate 66%) aged 55 to 74 years participated in the survey and also provided follow-up clinical measurements at the clinic. Overall, 52% of participants were hypertensive, 26% had isolated systolic hypertension, and 30% had a total blood cholesterol level of 6.2 mmol/L or greater. Rates of current smoking were lower in women than men (17% v. 22%). Overall, 87% of men and 78% of women who were current smokers smoked at least 10 cigarettes per day. Only slightly more than half of participants exercised at least once a week for at least 15 minutes, and almost half had a body mass index of 27 or greater. In only 4% was no major risk factor for cardiovascular disease detected. INTERPRETATION: Significant numbers of older Canadians have one or more major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Many of these risk factors are amenable to modification.  相似文献   
目的比较两种肠内容物前处理和两种提取方法对清洁级SD大鼠肠内容物细菌基因组DNA提取效率。方法分别选用PBS多次离心漂洗、液氮破细胞两种前处理方法和酚/氯仿抽提、试剂盒过柱法两种提取方法进行组合分析,对4份肠内容物和16份含金黄色葡萄球菌肠内容物进行随机提取。结果大鼠肠内容物细菌基因组DNA含量和纯度测定结果显示,与PBS反复离心相比,液氮研磨前处理能显著提高大鼠肠内容物基因组DNA。荧光定量PCR表明,液氮研磨前处理较PBS反复离心能更好地收集细菌基因组DNA,其Ct值最低。结论研究结果表明,采用液氮研磨试剂盒法在大鼠肠内容物DNA提取中是较为优良的方法,该方法为建立实验动物中微生物的定量PCR检测方法打下了基础。  相似文献   
目的比较4种独立通风笼具(individually ventilated cages,IVC)的环境参数。方法参考GB14925-2001的检测方法对分别来自4个厂家生产的4种不同的IVC进行环境检测。结果4种IVC在空气洁净度、落下菌、噪声和照度等4个指标检测数据较为一致;在梯度压差、换气次数、气流速度等3个指标存在较大的差别;而温湿度等指标取决于IVC所处的外部环境。结论目前缺乏国家标准对IVC环境指标进行限定,各厂家所生产的IVC存在差异,需要在此方面加强研究,以促进IVC的标准化,更好的服务于实验动物行业。  相似文献   
日光温室栽培对杏花及果实生长发育的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
对日光温室内与露地栽培的金太阳杏的花期物候、花型及果实生长发育进行了系统观察与分析,结果表明,日光温室栽培比露地栽培的始花期提前33d,花期延长4d,不完全花比例上升33.25%;果枝上花的有效性顺序由露地时的中果枝>长果枝>短果枝>花束状果枝变为温室栽培的短果枝>花束状果枝>中果枝>长果枝;日光温室栽培使杏果实发育的第 、 阶段延长,第 阶段缩短,整个生育期延长15d。统计分析认为:日光温室栽培的第 阶段生长速率显著低于露地,第 阶段的累积生长量显著高于露地。较低的夜间温度是造成温室内杏果实第 阶段较长、生长较慢以及果个变大的原因。  相似文献   
Section Arachis is the largest of nine sections in the genus Arachis and includes domesticated peanut, A. hypogaea L. Most species are diploids (x=10) with two tetraploids and a few aneuploids. Three genome types have been recognized in this section (A, B and D), but the genomes are not well characterized and relationships of several newly described species are uncertain. To clarify genomic relationships in section Arachis, cytogenetic information and molecular data from amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and the trnT-F plastid region were used to provide an additional insight into genome composition and species relationships. Cytogenetic information supports earlier observations on genome types of A. cruziana, A. herzogii, A. kempff-mercadoi and A. kuhlmannii but was inconclusive about the genome composition of A. benensis, A. hoehnei, A. ipaensis, A. palustris, A. praecox and A. williamsii. An AFLP dendrogram resolved species into four major clusters and showed A. hypogaea grouping closely with A. ipaensis and A. williamsii. Sequence data of the trnT-F region provided genome-specific information and showed for the first time that the B and D genomes are more closely related to each other than to the A genome. Integration of information from cytogenetics and biparentally and maternally inherited genomic regions show promise in understanding genome types and relationships in Arachis.  相似文献   
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