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Populations are typically defined as spatially contiguous sets of individuals, but large populations of social species can be composed of discrete social communities that often overlap in space. Masai giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) of Tanzania live in distinct social subpopulations that overlap spatially, enabling us to simultaneously explore environmental and social factors correlated with demographic variation in a metapopulation of >1,400 adult females and calves. We considered statistically distinct communities in the social network as subpopulations and tested for variation among the 10 subpopulations in adult female survival, calf survival, and reproductive rate (calf-to-adult female ratio). We then related variation in demographic rates among subpopulations to differences in vegetation, soil type, proximity to 2 types of human settlements, local giraffe population density, and social metrics of relationship strength and exclusivity among adult females. We did not find any among-subpopulation effects on adult female survival, suggesting adult female survival is buffered against environmental heterogeneity among subpopulations. Variation in calf demographic rates among subpopulations were correlated with vegetation, soils, anthropogenic factors, and giraffe population density but not with adult female relationship metrics, despite substantial spatial overlap. Subpopulations with more dense bushlands in their ranges had lower calf survival probabilities, and those closer to human settlements had higher reproductive rates, possibly because of spatial gradients in natural predation. Reproductive rates were higher in subpopulations with more volcanic soils, and calf survival probabilities were greater in subpopulations with higher local adult female densities, possibly related to higher-quality habitat associated with fertile soils or lower predation risk, or to greater competitive ability. The variation in fitness among subpopulations suggests that giraffes do not move unhindered among resource patches to equalize reproductive success, as expected according to an ideal free distribution. The differences in calf survival and reproductive rates could rather indicate intercommunity differences in competitive ability, perception, learning, or experience. Our approach of comparing demography among spatially overlapping yet distinct socially defined subpopulations provides a biologically meaningful way to quantify environmental and social factors influencing fine-scale demographic variation for social species. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
In the present study, we demonstrated that Ang II provokes a transitory enhancement of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and paxillin phosphorylation in human umbilical endothelial cells (HUVEC). Moreover, Ang II induces a time- and dose-dependent augmentation in cell migration, but does not affect HUVEC proliferation. The effect of Ang II on FAK and paxillin phosphorylation was markedly attenuated in cells pretreated with wortmannin and LY294002, indicating that phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) plays an important role in regulating FAK activation. Similar results were observed when HUVEC were pretreated with genistein, a non-selective tyrosine kinases inhibitor, or with the specific inhibitor PP2 for Src family kinases, demonstrating the involvement of protein tyrosine kinases, and particularly Src family of tyrosine kinases, in the downstream signalling pathway of Ang II receptors. Furthermore, FAK and paxillin phosphorylation was markedly blocked after treatment of HUVEC with AG1478, a selective inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) phosphorylation. Pretreatment of cells with inhibitors of PI3K, Src family tyrosine kinases, and EGFR also decreased HUVEC migration. In conclusion, these results suggest that Ang II mediates an increase in FAK and paxillin phosphorylation and induces HUVEC migration through signal transduction pathways dependent on PI3K and Src tyrosine kinase activation and EGFR transactivation.  相似文献   
The results of morphogenesis studies of the sexual phase of Odontosoria schlechtendalii and O. scandens are presented in this paper. In O. schlechtendalii and O. scandens the spores are triletes, non-chlorophyllous, and germinación is of the Vittaria-type, devoid of perine, the exine is smooth and sometimes coarsely ridged to reticulate. The development pattern is of the Adiantum-type. The adult gametophyte is cordate-spathulate, with probable presence of anteridiogen in O. schlechtendalii, both species are glabrous. Sex organs are of the common type of the leptosporangiate ferns. The first leaves appeared after 56-92 days of culture, with petiole and plate divide narrow, trichomes bifurcate and stomate anomocytic.  相似文献   
Some ultrastructural changes can be observed in diseased Saccharum officinarum L. (cv. Cuba 120-78) plants with visual symptoms of yellow leaf syndrome (YLS), used to discriminate between healthy and diseased plants. Abaxial epidermis of diseased leaves shows a large amount of adhered superficial bodies, which partially occluded some stomata. Bundle sheath cells surrounding the bottom of phloem of diseased leaves are separated from the conducting tissues by a large layer of an amorphous matrix similar to wax. Debris of the end wall can be observed in large xylem vessels. Sometimes, spherical bodies similar to phytoplasma can be observed in the intercellular spaces of bundle sheath cells. These particles have never been observed in healthy plants. YLS was also associated to an increase of the concentration of reducing sugars, glucose index, and glycoproteins recovered in juices whereas the amount of sucrose decreases. Sugarcane juices obtained from both healthy and YLS-affected Cuba 120-78 cultivars of sugarcane contained putrescine (PUT), cadaverine (CAD), spermidine and spermine (SPM) as free and macromolecules-conjugated compounds. Only CAD and SPM appeared as acid-soluble conjugates to small molecules whereas PUT and CAD are the major polyamines (PAs) conjugated to macromolecules, mainly to high molecular mass glycoproteins. The disease was associated to an increase in total PA fraction. Arginase and ornithine decarboxylase activities, responsible for the synthesis of PUT, were higher in YLS juices than in those obtained from healthy plants. CAD and SPM presumably conjugated mostly to chlorogenic, syringic and ferulic acids in juices from YLS plants.  相似文献   
We combine statistical and phylogenetic approaches to test the hypothesis that adaptive radiation and key innovation have contributed to the diversity of the order Araneae. The number of unbalanced araneid clades (those whose species numbers differ by 90% or more) exceeds the number predicted by a null Markovian model. The current phylogeny of spider families contains 74 bifurcating nodes, of which 31 are unbalanced. As this is significantly more than the 14.8 expected unbalanced nodes, some of the diversity within the Araneae can be attributed to some deterministic cause (e.g., adaptive radiation). One of the more highly unbalanced (97%) bifurcations divides the orb-weaving spiders into the Deinopoidea and the larger Araneoidea. A simple statistical model shows that the inequality in diversity between the Deinopoidea and the Araneoidea is significant, and that it is associated with the replacement of primitive cribellar capture thread by viscous adhesive thread and a change from a horizontal to a vertical orb-web orientation. These changes improve an orb-web's ability to intercept and retain prey and expand the adaptive zone that orb-weaving spiders can occupy and are, therefore, considered to be “key innovations.”  相似文献   
Summary The unpaired germarium of Dicrocoelium dendriticum contains many female germ cells at different stages of maturation and is enveloped by a fibrous basal lamina-like structure and a multilayered cytoplasmic sheath whose origins and functions are discussed. The maturation process of primary oocytes occurs completely within the prophase of the first meiotic division. It has been divided into three stages, as previously suggested for monogeneans. Stage I corresponds to oogonia and early oocytes which are located in the distal germinative area of the gonad. These cells are characterized by a high nucleo/cytoplasmic ratio and a poorly differentiated cytoplasm. Stage II corresponds to maturing oocytes grouped in the central area of the gonad and exhibiting long synaptonemal complexes and a prominent nucleolus. The main feature of cytoplasmic differentiation is the increase in the number of RER and Golgi complex which are involved in the production of small electron-dense granules. Stage III corresponds to mature oocytes located in the proximal area of the germarium near the origin of the oviduct. In this stage, the granules become regularly distributed in a monolayer in the peripheral ooplasm and make contact with the oolemma. They show a distinctive complex structure, are composed of proteins and glycoproteins and do not contain polyphenols. Their possible role as cortical granules is discussed in relation to chemical composition and previous studies on other Plathelminthes. Neither yolk globules nor glycogen are present in the oocytes.Abbreviations I oogonium and early oocyte - II growing oocyte - III mature oocyte - cg cortical granule - cs cytoplasmic sheath - db dense body - ecm extra cellular matrix - ER endoplasmic reticulum - fl fibrous extracellular layer - gc Golgi complex - m mitochondria - N nucleus - nu nucleolus - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - sc synaptonemal complex  相似文献   
A number of studies have demonstrated increased synthesis of heat shock proteins in brain following hyperthermia or transient ischemia. In the present experiments we have characterized the time course of heat shock RNA induction in gerbil brain after ischemia, and in several mouse tissues after hyperthermia, using probes for RNAs of the 70-kilodalton heat shock protein (hsp70) family, as well as ubiquitin. A synthetic oligonucleotide selective for inducible hsp70 sequences proved to be the most sensitive indicator of the stress response whereas a related rat cDNA detected both induced RNAs and constitutively expressed sequences that were not strongly inducible in brain. Considerable polymorphism of ubiquitin sequences was evident in the outbred mouse and gerbil strains used in these studies when probed with a chicken ubiquitin cDNA. Brief hyperthermic exposure resulted in striking induction of hsp70 and several-fold increases in ubiquitin RNAs in mouse liver and kidney peaking 3 h after return to room temperature. The oligonucleotide selective for hsp70 showed equivalent induction in brain that was more rapid and transient than observed in liver, whereas minimal induction was seen with the ubiquitin and hsp70-related cDNA probes. Transient ischemia resulted in 5- to 10-fold increases in hsp70 sequences in gerbil brain which peaked at 6 h recirculation and remained above control levels at 24 h, whereas a modest 70% increase in ubiquitin sequences was noted at 6 h. These results demonstrate significant temporal and quantitative differences in heat shock RNA expression between brain and other tissues following hyperthermia in vivo, and indicate that hsp70 provides a more sensitive index of the stress response in brain than does ubiquitin after both hyperthermia and ischemia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens A38 inocula were inhibited by as little as 15 μM linoleic acid (LA), but growing cultures tolerated 10-fold more LA before growth was inhibited. Growing cultures did not produce significant amounts of cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) until the LA concentration was high enough to inhibit biohydrogenation, growth was inhibited, and lysis was enhanced. Washed-cell suspensions that were incubated anaerobically with 350 μM LA converted most of the LA to hydrogenated products, and little CLA was detected. When the washed-cell suspensions were incubated aerobically, biohydrogenation was inhibited, CLA production was at least twofold greater, and CLA persisted. The LA isomerase reaction was very rapid, but the LA isomerase did not recycle like a normal enzyme to catalyze more substrate. Cells that were preincubated with CLA lost their ability to produce more CLA from LA, and the CLA accumulation was directly proportional (r2 = 0.98) to the initial cell density. Growing cells were as sensitive to CLA as LA, the LA isomerase and reductases of biohydrogenation were linked, and free CLA was not released. Because growing cultures of B. fibrisolvens A38 did not produce significant amounts of CLA until the LA concentration was high, biohydrogenation was arrested, and the cell density had declined, the flow of CLA from the rumen may be due to LA-dependent bacterial inactivation, death, or lysis.  相似文献   
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