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During acute myocardial infarction (AMI), ischemia leads to necrotic areas surrounded by border zones of reversibly damaged cardiomyocytes, showing membrane flip-flop. During reperfusion type IIA secretory phopholipase A2 (sPLA2-IIA) induces direct cell-toxicity and facilitates binding of other inflammatory mediators on these cardiomyocytes. Therefore, we hypothesized that the specific sPLA2-IIA-inhibitor PX-18 would reduce cardiomyocyte death and infarct size in vivo. Wistar rats were treated with PX-18 starting minutes after reperfusion, and at day 1 and 2 post AMI. After 28 days hearts were analyzed. Furthermore, the effect of PX-18 on membrane flip-flop and apoptosis was investigated in vitro. PX-18 significantly inhibited sPLA2-IIA activity and reduced infarct size (reduction 73 ± 9%, P < 0.05), compared to the vehicle-treated group, without impairing wound healing. In vitro, PX-18 significantly reduced reversible membrane flip-flop and apoptosis in cardiomyocytes. However, no sPLA2-IIA activity could be detected, suggesting that PX-18 also exerted a protective effect independent of sPLA2-IIA. In conclusion, PX-18 is a potent therapeutic to reduce infarct size by inhibiting sPLA2-IIA, and possibly also by inhibiting apoptosis of cardiomyocytes in a sPLA2-IIA independent manner. A. van Dijk and P. A. J. Krijnen have contributed equally to the study.  相似文献   
A novel PCR primer system that targets a wide range of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase (PAH-RHDα) genes of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria was developed and used to study their abundance and diversity in two different soils in response to phenanthrene spiking. The specificities and target ranges of the primers predicted in silico were confirmed experimentally by cloning and sequencing of PAH-RHDα gene amplicons from soil DNA. Cloning and sequencing showed the dominance of phnAc genes in the contaminated Luvisol. In contrast, high diversity of PAH-RHDα genes of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria was observed in the phenanthrene-spiked Cambisol. Quantitative real-time PCR based on the same primers revealed that 63 days after phenanthrene spiking, PAH-RHDα genes were 1 order of magnitude more abundant in the Luvisol than in the Cambisol, while they were not detected in both control soils. In conclusion, sequence analysis of the amplicons obtained confirmed the specificity of the novel primer system and revealed a soil type-dependent response of PAH-RHDα gene-carrying soil bacteria to phenanthrene spiking.Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are hydrophobic compounds composed of two or more fused aromatic rings. Although PAHs are ubiquitous in the environment (from natural oil seeps, brush fires, and plant derivatives), anthropogenic activities, such as disposal of coal-processing waste, mining accidents, petroleum wastes, and vehicle exhaust, have drastically increased their occurrence in the environment. The fate of PAHs in soil is of great interest due to their potential for bioaccumulation, persistence, transport, and toxicity. Microbe-driven aerobic degradation of PAHs is well documented (15-17). The diversity of PAH-degrading genes in soils is assumed to be huge, but the extent of diversity and how it is influenced by different soil types or their history and type of pollution are not yet fully explored. Knowledge of the genes coding for dioxygenase enzymes that catalyze the primary step of PAH degradation by incorporating molecular oxygen into the aromatic nucleus is an essential prerequisite to unraveling the contributions of microbial population networks to transformation, assimilation, and degradation of organic chemicals in soil. Recently, the complete genomes of several PAH-degrading bacteria became available and allowed new insights into degradative pathways (6, 18, 36). Organic pollutants also serve as nutrients for those microbes that have the appropriate genetic makeup to utilize them, resulting in their increased metabolic activity and abundance (4, 14). In the last decade, impressive progress was seen in techniques that allow cultivation-independent analysis of microbial communities and thus overcome the most severe limitations in studying microbial communities in natural habitats, namely, that only a rather small portion of microbes are accessible to standard cultivation conditions (1, 29). For more than a decade, cultivation-independent approaches have also been employed to unravel the responses of microbial communities in soils and sediments to PAH pollution. In all these studies, PCR amplification of PAH-degrading gene fragments from nucleic acids directly extracted from environmental samples was used to explore the abundance and diversity of PAH ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase (PAH-RHDα) genes (4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 22, 34, 37). Despite the known biases of PCR amplification from mixed templates, these techniques allow highly sensitive and specific detection even from minute amounts of nucleic acids. In order to select suitable primer systems, previously published primer systems were analyzed for their ranges of target sequences. The existing primer systems were found to have limitations, as they often target only a rather narrow range of sequences, e.g., nahAc- or phnAc-type sequences (21, 34) or only PAH-RHDα genes from Gram-negative bacteria (3, 13). In other studies, two-primer systems were used to target PAH-RHDα genes of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (4, 37). Only one primer system targeting the Rieske gene fragment was described that amplified a small fragment from PAH-RHDα genes from both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria (24). However, the amplicon size was only 78 bp and the primer might also target genes coding for dioxygenases that attack nonpolar aromatic compounds, such as benzene, toluene, and xylene. Therefore, this work aimed to design an improved primer system that targets PAH-RHDα genes from both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and provides larger amplicon sizes. The novel primer system was tested in silico and validated by sequencing cloned PAH-RHDα genes amplified from total-community (TC) DNA and was used in endpoint and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) formats. The primer system was also applied to study the responses of soil microbial communities in two different soils (a Cambisol and a Luvisol representing typical arable soils in Central Europe with different texture compositions) to artificial phenanthrene pollution.  相似文献   
Questions: Various floodplain communities may differ in their relative abilities to influence water quality through nutrient retention and denitrification. Our main questions were: (1) what is the importance of sediment deposition and denitrification for plant productivity and nutrient retention in floodplains; (2) will rehabilitation of natural floodplain communities (semi‐natural grassland, reedbed, woodland, pond) from agricultural grassland affect nutrient retention? Location: Floodplains of two Rhine distributaries (rivers Ussel and Waal), The Netherlands. Methods: Net sedimentation was measured using mats, denitrification in soil cores by acetylene inhibition and bio‐mass production by clipping above‐ground vegetation in winter and summer. Results: Sediment deposition was a major source of N and P in all floodplain communities. Highest deposition rates were found where water velocity was reduced by vegetation structure (reedbeds) or by a drop in surface elevation (pond). Sediment deposition was not higher in woodlands than in grassland types. Denitrification rates were low in winter but significantly higher in summer. Highest denitrification rates were found in an agricultural grassland (winter and summer) and in the ponds (summer). Plant productivity and nutrient uptake were high in reedbeds, intermediate in agricultural grasslands, ponds and semi‐natural grasslands and very low in woodlands (only understorey). All wetlands were N‐limited, which could be explained by low N:P ratios in sediment. Conclusions: Considering Rhine water quality: only substantial P‐retention is expected because, relative to the annual nutrient loads in the river, the floodplains are important sinks for P, but much less for N. Rehabilitation of agricultural grasslands into ponds or reedbeds will probably be more beneficial for downstream water quality (lower P‐concentrations) than into woodlands or semi‐natural grasslands.  相似文献   
Based on assumed reaction network structures, NADPH availability has been proposed to be a key constraint in beta-lactam production by Penicillium chrysogenum. In this study, NADPH metabolism was investigated in glucose-limited chemostat cultures of an industrial P. chrysogenum strain. Enzyme assays confirmed the NADP(+)-specificity of the dehydrogenases of the pentose-phosphate pathway and the presence of NADP(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase. Pyruvate decarboxylase/NADP(+)-linked acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and NADP(+)-linked glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase were not detected. Although the NADPH requirement of penicillin-G-producing chemostat cultures was calculated to be 1.4-1.6-fold higher than that of non-producing cultures, in vitro measured activities of the major NADPH-providing enzymes were the same. Isolated mitochondria showed high rates of antimycin A-sensitive respiration of NADPH, thus indicating the presence of a mitochondrial NADPH dehydrogenase that oxidises cytosolic NADPH. The presence of this enzyme in P. chrysogenum might have important implications for stoichiometric modelling of central carbon metabolism and beta-lactam production and may provide an interesting target for metabolic engineering.  相似文献   
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl coenzyme A can occur via two routes. In pyruvate decarboxylase-negative (Pdc-) mutants, the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is the sole functional link between glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Such mutants therefore provide a useful experimental system with which to study regulation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. In this study, a possible in vivo inactivation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex was investigated. When respiring, carbon-limited chemostat cultures of wild-type S. cerevisiae were pulsed with excess glucose, an immediate onset of respiro-fermentative metabolism occurred, accompanied by a strong increase of the glycolytic flux. When the same experiment was performed with an isogenic Pdc- mutant, only a small increase of the glycolytic flux was observed and pyruvate was the only major metabolite excreted. This finding supports the hypothesis that reoxidation of cytosolic NADH via pyruvate decarboxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase is a prerequisite for high glycolytic fluxes in S. cerevisiae. In Pdc- cultures, the specific rate of oxygen consumption increased by ca. 40% after a glucose pulse. Calculations showed that pyruvate excretion by the mutant was not due to a decrease of the pyruvate flux into the TCA cycle. We therefore conclude that rapid inactivation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (e.g., by phosphorylation of its E1 alpha subunit, a mechanism demonstrated in many higher organisms) is not a relevant mechanism in the response of respiring S. cerevisiae cells to excess glucose. Consistently, pyruvate dehydrogenase activities in cell extracts did not exhibit a strong decrease after a glucose pulse.  相似文献   
Pyruvate-decarboxylase (Pdc)-negative Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been reported to grow in batch cultures on glucose-containing complex media, but not on defined glucose-containing media. By a combination of batch and chemostat experiments it is demonstrated that even in complex media, Pdc- S. cerevisiae does not exhibit prolonged growth on glucose. Pdc- strains do grow in carbon-limited cultures on defined media containing glucose-acetate mixtures. The acetate requirement for glucose-limited growth, estimated experimentally by continuously decreasing the acetate feed to chemostat cultures, matched the theoretical acetyl-CoA requirement for lipid and lysine synthesis, consistent with the proposed role of pyruvate decarboxylase in the synthesis of cytosolic acetyl-CoA.  相似文献   
When xylose metabolism in yeasts proceeds exclusively via NADPH-specific xylose reductase and NAD-specific xylitol dehydrogenase, anaerobic conversion of the pentose to ethanol is intrinsically impossible. When xylose reductase has a dual specificity for both NADPH and NADH, anaerobic alcoholic fermentation is feasible but requires the formation of large amounts of polyols (e.g., xylitol) to maintain a closed redox balance. As a result, the ethanol yield on xylose will be sub-optimal. This paper demonstrates that anaerobic conversion of xylose to ethanol, without substantial by-product formation, is possible in Saccharomyces cerevisiae when a heterologous xylose isomerase (EC is functionally expressed. Transformants expressing the XylA gene from the anaerobic fungus Piromyces sp. E2 (ATCC 76762) grew in synthetic medium in shake-flask cultures on xylose with a specific growth rate of 0.005 h(-1). After prolonged cultivation on xylose, a mutant strain was obtained that grew aerobically and anaerobically on xylose, at specific growth rates of 0.18 and 0.03 h(-1), respectively. The anaerobic ethanol yield was 0.42 g ethanol x g xylose(-1) and also by-product formation was comparable to that of glucose-grown anaerobic cultures. These results illustrate that only minimal genetic engineering is required to recruit a functional xylose metabolic pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Activities and/or regulatory properties of native S. cerevisiae gene products can subsequently be optimised via evolutionary engineering. These results provide a gateway towards commercially viable ethanol production from xylose with S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   
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