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Carex section Phacocystis (Cyperaceae) is one of the most diverse and taxonomically complex groups of sedges (between 116 and 147 species), with a worldwide distribution in a wide array of biomes. It has a very complicated taxonomic history, with numerous disagreements among different treatments. We studied the biogeography and niche evolution in a phylogenetic framework to unveil the relative contribution of geographical and ecological drivers to diversification of the group. We used a large species sampling of the section (82% of extant species) to build a phylogeny based on four DNA regions, constrained with a phylogenomic HybSeq tree and dated with six fossil calibrations. Our phylogenetic results recovered section Phacocystis s.s. (core Phacocystis) as sister to section Praelongae. Ancestral area reconstruction points toward the N Pacific as the cradle for the crown diversification of section Phacocystis during the Middle Miocene. Wide distributions were recurrently inferred across deep nodes. Large Northern Hemisphere lineages with geographical congruence were retrieved, pointing toward the importance of allopatric divergence at deep phylogenetic levels, whereas within-area speciation emerges as the predominant pattern at shallow phylogenetic level. The Southern Hemisphere (Neotropics, SW Pacific) was colonized several times from the Northern Hemisphere. The global expansion of Carex section Phacocystis did not entail major ecological changes along the inner branches of the phylogeny. Nevertheless, ecological differentiation seems to gain importance toward recent times.  相似文献   

Deforestation, plantation expansion and other human activities in tropical ecosystems are often associated with biological invasions. These processes have been studied for above-ground organisms, but associated changes below the ground have received little attention. We surveyed rainforest and plantation systems in Jambi province, Sumatra, Indonesia, to investigate effects of land-use change on the diversity and abundance of earthworms—a major group of soil-ecosystem engineers that often is associated with human activities. Density and biomass of earthworms increased 4—30-fold in oil palm and rubber monoculture plantations compared to rainforest. Despite much higher abundance, earthworm communities in plantations were less diverse and dominated by the peregrine morphospecies Pontoscolex corethrurus, often recorded as invasive. Considering the high deforestation rate in Indonesia, invasive earthworms are expected to dominate soil communities across the region in the near future, in lieu of native soil biodiversity. Ecologically-friendly management approaches, increasing structural habitat complexity and plant diversity, may foster beneficial effects of invasive earthworms on plant growth while mitigating negative effects on below-ground biodiversity and the functioning of the native soil animal community.

The effects of light on the metabolic rates of the hypogean amphipod Niphargus stygius and the epigean amphipod Gammarus fossarum were compared by measuring oxygen consumption and respiratory electron transport system (ETS) activity. They were exposed to light intensities of 720 and 4700?lx at 10°C. Oxygen consumption increased significantly in N. stygius exposed to both low and high intensities of light, but no significant increase was observed in G. fossarum at either intensity. The increase of oxygen consumption in N. stygius was significantly greater at the higher light intensity. This indicates a stress response in which exploitation of half the metabolic potential for energy production in N. stygius during exposure to high light intensity constitutes an adverse effect on its metabolism, since this species usually uses less than 25% of its total metabolic potential for standard metabolic demands.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to compare the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of plutonium-239 alpha particles and GSM 900 modulated mobile phone (model Sony Ericsson K550i) radiation in the Allium cepa test. Three groups of bulbs were exposed to mobile phone radiation during 0 (sham), 3 and 9 h. A positive control group was treated during 20 min with plutonium-239 alpha-radiation. Mitotic abnormalities, chromosome aberrations, micronuclei and mitotic index were analyzed. Exposure to alpha-radiation from plutonium-239 and exposure to modulated radiation from mobile phone during 3 and 9 h significantly increased the mitotic index. GSM 900 mobile phone radiation as well as alpha-radiation from plutonium-239 induced both clastogenic and aneugenic effects. However, the aneugenic activity of mobile phone radiation was more pronounced. After 9 h of exposure to mobile phone radiation, polyploid cells, three-groups metaphases, amitoses and some unspecified abnormalities were detected, which were not registered in the other experimental groups. Importantly, GSM 900 mobile phone radiation increased the mitotic index, the frequency of mitotic and chromosome abnormalities, and the micronucleus frequency in a time-dependent manner. Due to its sensitivity, the A. cepa test can be recommended as a useful cytogenetic assay to assess cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.  相似文献   
Melanopsin-expressing retinal ganglion cells (mRGCs) in the eye play an important role in many light-activated non-image-forming functions including neonatal photoaversion and the adult pupillary light reflex (PLR). MRGCs rely on glutamate and possibly PACAP (pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide) to relay visual signals to the brain. However, the role of these neurotransmitters for individual non-image-forming responses remains poorly understood. To clarify the role of glutamatergic signaling from mRGCs in neonatal aversion to light and in adult PLR, we conditionally deleted vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT2) selectively from mRGCs in mice. We found that deletion of VGLUT2 in mRGCs abolished negative phototaxis and light-induced distress vocalizations in neonatal mice, underscoring a necessary role for glutamatergic signaling. In adult mice, loss of VGLUT2 in mRGCs resulted in a slow and an incomplete PLR. We conclude that glutamatergic neurotransmission from mRGCs is required for neonatal photoaversion but is complemented by another non-glutamatergic signaling mechanism for the pupillary light reflex in adult mice. We speculate that this complementary signaling might be due to PACAP neurotransmission from mRGCs.  相似文献   
The spatial distribution of signals downstream from receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) or G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) regulates fundamental cellular processes that control cell migration and growth. Both pathways rely significantly on actin cytoskeleton reorganization mediated by nucleation-promoting factors such as the WASP-(Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein) family. WIP (WASP Interacting Protein) is essential for the formation of a class of polarised actin microdomain, namely dorsal ruffles, downstream of the RTK for PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor) but the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. Using lentivirally-reconstituted WIP-deficient murine fibroblasts we define the requirement for WIP interaction with N-WASP (neural WASP) and Nck for efficient dorsal ruffle formation and of WIP-Nck binding for fibroblast chemotaxis towards PDGF-AA. The formation of both circular dorsal ruffles in PDGF-AA-stimulated primary fibroblasts and lamellipodia in CXCL13-treated B lymphocytes are also compromised by WIP-deficiency. We provide data to show that a WIP-Nck signalling complex interacts with RTK to promote polarised actin remodelling in fibroblasts and provide the first evidence for WIP involvement in the control of migratory persistence in both mesenchymal (fibroblast) and amoeboid (B lymphocytes) motility.  相似文献   


Insulin-resistance is commonly found in adrenal incidentaloma (AI) patients. However, little is known about beta-cell secretion in AI, because comparisons are difficult, since beta–cell-function varies with altered insulin-sensitivity.


To retrospectively analyze beta–cell function in non-diabetic AI, compared to healthy controls (CON).


AI (n=217, 34%males, 57±1years, body-mass-index:27.7±0.3kg/m2) and CON [n=25, 32%males, 56±1years, 26.7±0.8kg/m2] with comparable anthropometry (p≥0.31) underwent oral-glucose-tolerance-tests (OGTTs) with glucose, insulin, and C–peptide measurements. 1mg-dexamethasone-suppression-tests were performed in AI. AI were divided according to post–dexamethasone-suppression–test cortisol-thresholds of 1.8 and 5µg/dL into 3subgroups: pDexa<1.8µg/dL, pDexa1.8-5µg/dL and pDexa>5µg/dL. Using mathematical modeling, whole-body insulin-sensitivity [Clamp-like-Index (CLIX)], insulinogenic Index, Disposition Index, Adaptation Index, and hepatic insulin extraction were calculated.


CLIX was lower in AI combined (4.9±0.2mg·kg-1·min-1), pDexa<1.8µg/dL (4.9±0.3) and pDexa1.8-5µg/dL (4.7±0.3, p<0.04 vs.CON:6.7±0.4). Insulinogenic and Disposition Indexes were 35%–97% higher in AI and each subgroup (p<0.008 vs.CON), whereas C–peptide–derived Adaptation Index, compensating for insulin-resistance, was comparable between AI, subgroups, and CON. Mathematical estimation of insulin–derived (insulinogenic and Disposition) Indexes from associations to insulin-sensitivity in CON revealed that AI-subgroups had ~19%-32% higher insulin-secretion than expectable. These insulin-secretion-index differences negatively (r=-0.45, p<0.001) correlated with hepatic insulin extraction, which was 13-16% lower in AI and subgroups (p<0.003 vs.CON).


AI-patients show insulin-resistance, but adequately adapted insulin secretion with higher insulin concentrations during an OGTT, because of decreased hepatic insulin extraction; this finding affects all AI-patients, regardless of dexamethasone-suppression-test outcome.  相似文献   
Vasoplegia is a severe complication after cardiac surgery. Within the last years the administration of nitric oxide synthase inhibitor methylene blue (MB) became a new therapeutic strategy. Our aim was to investigate the role of MB on transendothelial migration of circulating blood cells, the potential role of cyclic cGMP, eNOS and iNOS in this process, and the influence of MB on endothelial cell apoptosis. Human vascular endothelial cells (HuMEC-1) were treated for 30 minutes or 2 hours with different concentrations of MB. Inflammation was mimicked by LPS stimulation prior and after MB. Transmigration of PBMCs and T-Lymphocytes through the treated endothelial cells was investigated. The influence of MB upon the different subsets of PBMCs (Granulocytes, T- and B-Lymphocytes, and Monocytes) was assessed after transmigration by means of flow-cytometry. The effect of MB on cell apoptosis was evaluated using Annexin-V and Propidium Iodide stainings. Analyses of the expression of cyclic cGMP, eNOS and iNOS were performed by means of RT-PCR and Western Blot. Results were analyzed using unpaired Students T-test. Analysis of endothelial cell apoptosis by MB indicated a dose-dependent increase of apoptotic cells. We observed time- and dose-dependent effects of MB on transendothelial migration of PBMCs. The prophylactic administration of MB led to an increase of transendothelial migration of PBMCs but not Jurkat cells. Furthermore, HuMEC-1 secretion of cGMP correlated with iNOS expression after MB administration but not with eNOS expression. Expression of these molecules was reduced after MB administration at protein level. This study clearly reveals that endothelial response to MB is dose- and especially time-dependent. MB shows different effects on circulating blood cell-subtypes, and modifies the release patterns of eNOS, iNOS, and cGMP. The transendothelial migration is modulated after treatment with MB. Furthermore, MB provokes apoptosis of endothelial cells in a dose/time-dependent manner.  相似文献   
The treatment of osteochondral articular defects has been challenging physicians for many years. The better understanding of interactions of articular cartilage and subchondral bone in recent years led to increased attention to restoration of the entire osteochondral unit. In comparison to chondral lesions the regeneration of osteochondral defects is much more complex and a far greater surgical and therapeutic challenge. The damaged tissue does not only include the superficial cartilage layer but also the subchondral bone. For deep, osteochondral damage, as it occurs for example with osteochondrosis dissecans, the full thickness of the defect needs to be replaced to restore the joint surface 1. Eligible therapeutic procedures have to consider these two different tissues with their different intrinsic healing potential 2. In the last decades, several surgical treatment options have emerged and have already been clinically established 3-6.Autologous or allogeneic osteochondral transplants consist of articular cartilage and subchondral bone and allow the replacement of the entire osteochondral unit. The defects are filled with cylindrical osteochondral grafts that aim to provide a congruent hyaline cartilage covered surface 3,7,8. Disadvantages are the limited amount of available grafts, donor site morbidity (for autologous transplants) and the incongruence of the surface; thereby the application of this method is especially limited for large defects.New approaches in the field of tissue engineering opened up promising possibilities for regenerative osteochondral therapy. The implantation of autologous chondrocytes marked the first cell based biological approach for the treatment of full-thickness cartilage lesions and is now worldwide established with good clinical results even 10 to 20 years after implantation 9,10. However, to date, this technique is not suitable for the treatment of all types of lesions such as deep defects involving the subchondral bone 11.The sandwich-technique combines bone grafting with current approaches in Tissue Engineering 5,6. This combination seems to be able to overcome the limitations seen in osteochondral grafts alone. After autologous bone grafting to the subchondral defect area, a membrane seeded with autologous chondrocytes is sutured above and facilitates to match the topology of the graft with the injured site. Of course, the previous bone reconstruction needs additional surgical time and often even an additional surgery. Moreover, to date, long-term data is missing 12.Tissue Engineering without additional bone grafting aims to restore the complex structure and properties of native articular cartilage by chondrogenic and osteogenic potential of the transplanted cells. However, again, it is usually only the cartilage tissue that is more or less regenerated. Additional osteochondral damage needs a specific further treatment. In order to achieve a regeneration of the multilayered structure of osteochondral defects, three-dimensional tissue engineered products seeded with autologous/allogeneic cells might provide a good regeneration capacity 11.Beside autologous chondrocytes, mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) seem to be an attractive alternative for the development of a full-thickness cartilage tissue. In numerous preclinical in vitro and in vivo studies, mesenchymal stem cells have displayed excellent tissue regeneration potential 13,14. The important advantage of mesenchymal stem cells especially for the treatment of osteochondral defects is that they have the capacity to differentiate in osteocytes as well as chondrocytes. Therefore, they potentially allow a multilayered regeneration of the defect.In recent years, several scaffolds with osteochondral regenerative potential have therefore been developed and evaluated with promising preliminary results 1,15-18. Furthermore, fibrin glue as a cell carrier became one of the preferred techniques in experimental cartilage repair and has already successfully been used in several animal studies 19-21 and even first human trials 22.The following protocol will demonstrate an experimental technique for isolating mesenchymal stem cells from a rabbit''s bone marrow, for subsequent proliferation in cell culture and for preparing a standardized in vitro-model for fibrin-cell-clots. Finally, a technique for the implantation of pre-established fibrin-cell-clots into artificial osteochondral defects of the rabbit''s knee joint will be described.  相似文献   
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