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Starting from the significance of the leaf surface for synmorphology, synecology, herbivory, decomposition and other use values, the leaf shape and size, consistency and seasonality have been surveyed in some forest and nonforested Central European communities. In both the individual species and the plant communities, the leaf size and shape are linearly correlated with mineral nutrient supply and, to some extent, also by soil moisture, both factors having been evaluated according to the importance value for each indicator species. Leaf consistency and periodicity tend to coincidewith the moisture gradient. Noteworthy is the smoothing influence of the forest canopy on the representation of various leaf categories in comparison with nonforested communities. No correlation was found between the light factor and the representation of leaf graminoid types.  相似文献   
A complex toxicological study was carried out in relation to the hygienic standardization of the fungicide preparation Ridomil, whose forthcoming production in this country will be under the name Metalaxyl. The study was performed on sexually mature white rats of both sexes, at oral, dermal and inhalation exposure, acute, subacute and chronic experiments, according to the Bulgarian State Standard. Besides the routine toxicological studies were carried also studies for establishing the long-term effects of the preparation (gonadotropic, embryotoxic and teratogenic, cardiovascular). The results from the study permitted the Agromet preparation to be put in III class--moderately toxic according to limiting index LD50 oral. On the basis of data from the authors study on the general toxicity and long-term effects of Metalaxyl a temporary MAC 4 mg/m3 was proposed.  相似文献   
To study the potential use of optical forces to manipulate chromosome movement, we have used a Nd:YAG laser at a wavelength of 1.06 microns focused into a phase contrast microscope. Metaphase and anaphase chromosomes were exposed while being monitored by video microscopy. The results indicated that when optical forces were applied to late-moving metaphase chromosomes on the side closest to the nearest spindle pole, the trapped chromosomes initiated movement to the metaphase plate. The chromosome velocities were two to eight times the normal rate depending on the chromosome size, geometry, and trapping site. At the initiation of anaphase, a pair of chromatids could be held by the optical trap and kept motionless throughout anaphase while the other pairs of chromatids separated and moved to opposite spindle poles. As a result, the trapped chromosome either was incorporated into one of the daughter cells or was lost in the cleavage furrow, or the two chromatids eventually separated and moved to their respective daughter cells. If the trap was removed at the beginning of anaphase B, the chromosome moved back to the poles. Our experiments demonstrate that the laser-induced optical force trap is a potential new technique to study noninvasively the mitotic spindle of living cells.  相似文献   
Many proteins that bind purine nucleotide triphosphates have a type A sequence motif. Only two classes of structures for such proteins are so far available from X-ray crystallography. We examined the tertiary structures of representatives of the two classes, porcine cytoplasmic adenylate kinase and Escherichia coli translational elongation factor Tu. Comparison of the two proteins suggests that the A motif may be just one part of a larger common core structure consisting of four parallel strands of beta-sheet sandwiched between four alpha-helices. This compact core structure comprises over one half of each protein. We speculate that A motif proteins have diverged from a common ancestor having this core structure.  相似文献   
Transgenic mice carrying oncogenes present a useful model with which to assess the tissue-specific action of oncogenes. These mice are usually predisposed to a specific type of neoplastic growth. The tumors that arise are usually monoclonal in origin and become only apparent after a variable latency period, suggesting that additional events are required for tumor formation. Identification of these additional events is highly relevant: it might give access to the genes that can synergize with a preselected oncogene in tumorigenesis and could facilitate the identification of the biochemical pathways in which these genes act. Retroviruses can be instrumental in identifying cooperating oncogenes. Proto-oncogene activation or tumor suppressor gene inactivation by insertional mutagenesis is an important mechanism by which the non-acute transforming retroviruses can induce tumors in several species. Owing to the sequence tag provided by the provirus, the relevant proto-oncogene can be directly identified by cloning of the DNA flanking the proviral insertion site. We have exploited this potential of retroviruses by infecting E mu-pim-1 and E mu-myc transgenic mice, which are predisposed to lymphomagenesis, with Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV). A strong acceleration of tumor induction ensued upon infection of these mice with MuLV. More importantly, it allowed us to identify a number of additional common insertion sites marking both previously known as well as new (putative) oncogenes. In a significant portion of the tumors more than one oncogene was found to be activated, indicating that within this system the synergistic effect of at least three genes can be established.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Non-parenchymal liver cells (NPCs) have been implicated in murine host resistance to hepatic metastases. We have examined the relative cell number, morphology, phenotype, and cytotoxic potential of Percoll fractionated C57BL/6 murine liver NPCs. Low density (Percoll fractions 2 and 3) cells showed a large granular lymphocyte morphology and made up 76% of all NPCs recoverable, while high density (fractions 5 and 6) showed a small lymphocyte morphology and made up 10% of all NPCs. Low density cells demonstrated the following phenotype: 14% of the cells demonstrated the Thy 1.2 marker; 12%, the Lyt-2 marker; 67%, the L3T4 marker; 74%, the asialo GM1 marker; 30%, the 49H.8 marker; and 65%, the F4/80 marker. The high density cells expressed the same markers on 71%, 21%, 33%, 68%, 37%, and 19% of their cell surface, respectively. There were no differences phenotypically between high density NPCs and splenocytes except for the F4/80 expression (fractions 5 and 6 NPCs, F4/80 expression 19%, fresh splenocytes 60%). Dual color analysis of L3T4+ NPCs documented that fractions 2 and 3 cells also expressed the F4/80 marker on 85% of their cell surface and the Thy 1.2 marker on 11% of their cell surface. The high density fractions 5 and 6 L3T4+ cells expressed the F4/80 marker on 16% of their cell surface, and the Thy 1.2 marker on 89% of their cell surface. Cytotoxicity against YAC-1 [a natural killer (NK) sensitive target], MCA-102 (a NK resistant target), and WEHI-164 (a natural cytotoxicity target) were similar for fractions 2 and 3, and 5 and 6 cells. Based upon the expression of the F4/80 marker on L3T4+ cells that are Thy 1.2 negative and appear to be similar to LGLs morphologically (fractions 2 and 3 NPCs), we propose that these cells are monocyte precursors while fractions 5 and 6 cells are small lymphocytes. These findings with liver LGLs support the need for the evaluation of monocyte directed biological response modifiers in therapeutic models of murine hepatic metastases.  相似文献   
Mitotic activity, as indicated by DNA synthesis, was studied by autoradiographic analysis along the proximodistal axis of regenerating limbs in the early and later larval stages 53 and 57 of Xenopus laevis. Wound-healing, dedifferentiation, blastema formation and growth phases were studied. Most of the various stump tissues, as well as the cell mass of the regeneration blastema, were involved. The study showed an increase in DNA synthesis in the stump tissues during their dedifferentiation as well as during blastema formation. The increase was confined mainly to the distal portion (close to the amputation level), so that a proximodistal gradient was discernible. This could be regarded as valid evidence of contribution of the severed stump tissues to the blastema cells. The mesenchymal blastema cells formed after amputation at stage 53 displayed higher mitotic activity than the fibrocytoid blastema cells formed at stage 57. Although the latter were more differentiated than the former, they still showed DNA replication and mitotic division.  相似文献   
Occurrence of Cladocera (Crustacea) in subterranean waters in Yugoslavia   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Contrary to some localities in France and Spain, Cladocera occur in hypogean waters in Yugoslavia very sporadically. Beside the stygobitic species, Alona hercegovinae from caves and Alona smirnovi from interstitial waters, particularly some other Chydoridae seem to be suited for hypogean life. Chydorus sphaericus, reputed as one of the most euryoecious cladocerans, occurs also the deepest in interstitial waters as well as in caves. Other species, found in hypogean waters are Simocephalus vetulus, Ilyocryptus sordidus, Eurycercus lamellatus, Chydorus ovalis, Leydigia leydigi, Acroperus harpae and Biapertura affnis.  相似文献   
Porosity, Eh and interstitital nitrogen compounds profiles are given for four locations in the eastern Skagerrak. Sediments down to 30 cm depth, i.e. postindustrial in age, were analysed. The results together with a detailed age determination (210Pb) suggest a high degree of both lateral and vertical variability as a result of local bottom topography and currents as well as event-controlled sedimentation processes.  相似文献   
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