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Prior studies have revealed that the sympathetic nervous system regulates the clinical and pathological manifestations of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an autoimmune disease model mediated by Th1 T cells. Although the regulatory role of catecholamines has been indicated in the previous works, it remained possible that other sympathetic neurotransmitters like neuropeptide Y (NPY) may also be involved in the regulation of EAE. Here we examined the effect of NPY and NPY receptor subtype-specific compounds on EAE, actively induced with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 35-55 in C57BL/6 mice. Our results revealed that exogenous NPY as well as NPY Y(1) receptor agonists significantly inhibited the induction of EAE, whereas a Y(5) receptor agonist or a combined treatment of NPY with a Y(1) receptor antagonist did not inhibit signs of EAE. These results indicate that the suppression of EAE by NPY is mediated via Y(1) receptors. Furthermore, treatment with the Y(1) receptor antagonist induced a significantly earlier onset of EAE, indicating a protective role of endogenous NPY in the induction phase of EAE. We also revealed a significant inhibition of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 35-55-specific Th1 response as well as a Th2 bias of the autoimmune T cells in mice treated with the Y(1) receptor agonist. Ex vivo analysis further demonstrated that autoimmune T cells are directly affected by NPY via Y(1) receptors. Taken together, we conclude that NPY is a potent immunomodulator involved in the regulation of the Th1-mediated autoimmune disease EAE.  相似文献   
Members of the neurotrophin gene family and their high-affinity Trk receptors control innervation of the cochlea during embryonic development. Lack of neurotrophin signalling in the cochlea has been well documented for early postnatal animals, resulting in a loss of cochlear sensory neurones and a region-specific reduction of target innervation along the tonotopic axis. However, how reduced neurotrophin signalling affects the innervation of the mature cochlea is currently unknown. Here, we have analysed the consequences of a lack of the TrkB receptor and its ligand, the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (Bdnf), in the late postnatal or adult cochlea using mouse mutants. During early postnatal development, mutant animals show a lack of afferent innervation of outer hair cells in the apical part of the cochlea, whereas nerve fibres in the basal part are maintained. Strikingly, this phenotype is reversed during subsequent maturation of the cochlea, which results in a normal pattern of outer hair cell innervation in the apex and loss of nerve fibres at the base in adult mutants. Measurements of auditory brain stem responses of these mice revealed a significant hearing loss. The observed innervation patterns correlate with opposing gradients of Bdnf and Nt3 expression in cochlear neurones along the tonotopic axis. Thus, the reshaping of innervation may be controlled by autocrine signalling between neurotrophins and their receptors in cochlear neurones. Our results indicate a substantial potential for re-innervation processes in the mature cochlea, which may also be of relevance for treatment of hearing loss in humans.  相似文献   
Glandular trichomes are currently known only to store mono- and sesquiterpene compounds in the subcuticular cavity just above the apical cells of trichomes or emit them into the headspace. We demonstrate that basipetal secretions can also occur, by addressing the organization of the biosynthesis and storage of pyrethrins in pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) flowers. Pyrethrum produces a diverse array of pyrethrins and sesquiterpene lactones for plant defense. The highest concentrations accumulate in the flower achenes, which are densely covered by glandular trichomes. The trichomes of mature achenes contain sesquiterpene lactones and other secondary metabolites, but no pyrethrins. However, during achene maturation, the key pyrethrin biosynthetic pathway enzyme chrysanthemyl diphosphate synthase is expressed only in glandular trichomes. We show evidence that chrysanthemic acid is translocated from trichomes to pericarp, where it is esterified into pyrethrins that accumulate in intercellular spaces. During seed maturation, pyrethrins are then absorbed by the embryo, and during seed germination, the embryo-stored pyrethrins are recruited by seedling tissues, which, for lack of trichomes, cannot produce pyrethrins themselves. The findings demonstrate that plant glandular trichomes can selectively secrete in a basipetal direction monoterpenoids, which can reach distant tissues, participate in chemical conversions, and immunize seedlings against insects and fungi.  相似文献   
Formyltransferase catalyzes the reversible formation of formylmethanofuran from N(5)-formyltetrahydromethanopterin and methanofuran, a reaction involved in the C1 metabolism of methanogenic and sulfate-reducing archaea. The crystal structure of the homotetrameric enzyme from Methanopyrus kandleri (growth temperature optimum 98 degrees C) has recently been solved at 1.65 A resolution. We report here the crystal structures of the formyltransferase from Methanosarcina barkeri (growth temperature optimum 37 degrees C) and from Archaeoglobus fulgidus (growth temperature optimum 83 degrees C) at 1.9 A and 2.0 A resolution, respectively. Comparison of the structures of the three enzymes revealed very similar folds. The most striking difference found was the negative surface charge, which was -32 for the M. kandleri enzyme, only -8 for the M. barkeri enzyme, and -11 for the A. fulgidus enzyme. The hydrophobic surface fraction was 50% for the M. kandleri enzyme, 56% for the M. barkeri enzyme, and 57% for the A. fulgidus enzyme. These differences most likely reflect the adaptation of the enzyme to different cytoplasmic concentrations of potassium cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, which are very high in M. kandleri (>1 M) and relatively low in M. barkeri and A. fulgidus. Formyltransferase is in a monomer/dimer/tetramer equilibrium that is dependent on the salt concentration. Only the dimers and tetramers are active, and only the tetramers are thermostable. The enzyme from M. kandleri is a tetramer, which is active and thermostable only at high concentrations of potassium phosphate (>1 M) or potassium cyclic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate. Conversely, the enzyme from M. barkeri and A. fulgidus already showed these properties, activity and stability, at much lower concentrations of these strong salting-out salts.  相似文献   
Studies of the proton-transfer reaction by Pseudomonas testosteroni 3-oxo steroid Delta(4)-Delta(5)-isomerase with Delta(5(6))- and Delta(5(10))-steroid substrates demonstrate the importance of the position of the double bond for the efficiency of the isomerization process. Thus 3-oxo-Delta(5(6))-substrates have markedly high k(cat.) values, whereas those of 3-oxo-Delta(5(10))-substrates are very low and their apparent K(m) values approach equilibrium dissociation constants. The first step in the isomerization process is: [Formula: see text] which is governed by the k(-1)/k(+1) ratio and is shown to be very similar for the two classes of substrates (3-oxo-Delta(5(6))- and -Delta(5(10))-steroids). They therefore differ in the steps distal to the initial formation of the Michaelis-Menten complex. The use of the deuterated androst-5(6)-ene-3,17-dione substrate enabled us to calculate individual rate constants k(+1) and k(-1) as well as to determine the apparent rate-limiting step in the isomerization process. With the deuterated oestr-5(10)-ene-3,17-dione substrate, no significant isotope effect was observed suggesting that a different rate-limiting step may be operative in this isomerization process. Data are presented that indicate that under optimal concentrations of the efficient androst-5(6)-ene-3,17-dione substrate, the forward reaction for ES complex formation (as defined by k(+1)) is limited only by diffusion and the apparent K(m) does not approach the equilibrium constant, suggesting that the evolution of this enzyme has proceeded close to ;catalytic perfection'.  相似文献   
We here report the influence of the cell cycle abrogator UCN-01 on RKO human colon carcinoma cells differing in p53 status following exposure to two DNA damaging agents, the topoisomerase inhibitors etoposide and camptothecin. Cells were treated with the two drugs at the IC90 concentration for 24 h followed by post-incubation in drug-free medium. RKO cells expressing wild-type, functional p53 arrested the cell cycle progression in both the G1 and G2 phases of the cell cycle whereas the RKO/E6 cells, which lack functional p53, only arrested in the G2 phase. Growth-arrested cells did not resume proliferation even after prolonged incubation in drug-free medium (up to 96 h). To evaluate the importance of the cell cycle arrest on cellular survival, a non-toxic dose of UCN-01 (100 nM) was added to the growth-arrested cells. The addition of UCN-01 was accompanied by mitotic entry as revealed by the appearance of condensed chromatin and the MPM-2 phosphoepitope, which is characteristic for mitotic cells. G2 exit and mitotic transit was accompanied by a rapid activation of caspase-3 and apoptotic cell death. The influence of UCN-01 on the long-term cytotoxic effects of the two drugs was also determined. Unexpectedly, abrogation of the G2 arrest had no influence on the overall cytotoxicity of either drug. In contrast, addition of UCN-01 to cisplatin-treated RKO and RKO/E6 cells greatly increased the cytotoxic effects of the alkylating agent. These results strongly suggest that even prolonged cell cycle arrest in the G2 phase of the cell cycle is not necessarily coupled to efficient DNA repair and enhanced cellular survival as generally believed.  相似文献   
Peroxisomal PTS2-dependent matrix protein import starts with the recognition of the PTS2 targeting signal by the import receptor Pex7p. Subsequently, the formed Pex7p/cargo complex is transported from the cytosol to the peroxisomal docking complex, consisting of Pex13p and Pex14p. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the latter event is thought to require the redundant Pex18p and Pex21p. Here we mapped the Pex7p interaction domain of Pex13p to its N-terminal 100 amino acids. Pex18p and Pex21p also interacted with this region, albeit only in the presence of Pex7p. Expression of an N-terminally deleted version of Pex13p in a pex13delta mutant failed to restore growth on fatty acids due to a specific defect in the import of PTS2-containing proteins. We further show by yeast two-hybrid analysis, coimmunoprecipitation, and in vitro binding assays that Pex7p can bind Pex13p and Pex14p in the absence of Pex18p/Pex21p. The PTS2 protein thiolase was shown to interact with Pex14p but not with Pex13p in a Pex7p- and Pex18p/Pex21p-dependent manner, suggesting that only Pex14p binds cargo-loaded PTS2 receptor. We also found that the cytosolic Pex7p/thiolase-containing complex includes Pex18p. This complex accumulated in docking mutants but was absent in cells lacking Pex18p/Pex21p, indicating that Pex18p/Pex21p are required already before the docking event.  相似文献   
Summary We present here a familial case of a paracentric inversion in man with a short review of the literature. A paracentric inversion of chromosome 10(q11q26) was found in the amniocytes drawn for advanced maternal age. The presence of the inversion was investigated in 35 family members in three generations. No recombinants were recognized. The significance of these data for appropriate genetic counselling and possible reproductive risks is discussed.Genetic Nurses, Department of Health and Welfare  相似文献   
Salmonella enterica serovar blegdam has a restriction and modification system encoded by genes linked to serB . We have cloned these genes, putative alleles of the hsd locus of Escherichia coli  K-12, and confirmed by the sequence similarities of flanking DNA that the hsd genes of S. enterica serovar blegdam have the same chromosomal location as those of E. coli K-12 and Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium LT2. There is, however, no obvious similarity in their nucleotide sequences, and while the gene order in S. enterica serovar blegdam is serB hsdM , S and R , that in E. coli K-12 and S. enterica serovar typhimurium LT2 is serB hsdR , M and S . The hsd genes of S. enterica serovar blegdam identify a third family of serB -linked hsd genes (type ID). The polypeptide sequence predicted from the three hsd genes show some similarities (18–50% identity) with the polypeptides of known and putative type I restriction and modification systems; the highest levels of identity are with sequences of Haemophilus influenzae Rd. The HsdM polypeptide has the motifs characteristic of adenine methyltransferases. Comparisons of the HsdR sequence with those for three other families of type I systems and three putative HsdR polypeptides identify two highly conserved regions in addition to the seven proposed DEAD-box motifs.  相似文献   
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