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Proteasome inhibition has recently been demonstrated to inhibit hepatic fibrogenesis in the bile duct-ligated (BDL) mouse by blocking stellate cell NF-kappaB activation. The effect of proteasome inhibition on liver injury, however, is unclear. Our aims were to assess the effect of the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib on liver injury in the BDL mouse. Liver injury was assessed in 7-day BDL mice treated with a single dose of bortezomib on day 4 after bile duct ligation. Despite NF-kappaB inhibition by bortezomib, liver injury and hepatocyte apoptosis were reduced in treated BDL mice. The antiapoptotic effect of bortezomib was likely mediated by an increase in hepatic cellular FLICE inhibitory protein (c-FLIP) levels, a potent antiapoptotic protein. Unexpectedly, numerous mitotic hepatocytes were observed in the bortezomib-treated BDL mice liver specimens. Consistent with this observation, PCNA immunoreactivity and cyclin A protein expression were also increased with bortezomib treatment. Bortezomib therapy was also associated with a decrease in numbers and activation of Kupffer cells/macrophages. In conclusion, these data suggest that the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib reduces hepatocyte injury in the BDL mouse by mechanisms associated with a reduction in hepatocyte apoptosis, a decrease in Kupffer cell/macrophage number and activation, and increased hepatocyte proliferation.  相似文献   
Results are presented from experimental studies of the plasma formation dynamics in a Z-pinch produced from a cylindrical microporous agar-agar load. The experiments were performed on the S-300 facility at a current of 2 MA and current rise time of 100 ns. To enhance the energy concentration, a deuterated polyethylene neck with a mass density of 50–75 μg/cm3 and diameter of 1–2 mm was made in the central part of the load. The spatiotemporal characteristics of the Z-pinch were studied using an optical streak camera and fast frame photography in the optical and soft X-ray spectral ranges. X-ray emission was detected using semiconductor and vacuum diodes, and neutron emission was studied by means of the time-of-flight method. It is found that, in the course of continuous plasma production, hot spots with a diameter of 100 μm form in the pinch plasma. The hot spots emit short soft X-ray pulses with a duration of 2–4 ns, as well as neutron pulses with an average neutron energy of about 2.45 MeV. The maximum neutron yield was found to be 4.5 × 109 neutrons per shot. The scenario of hot spot formation is adequately described by two-dimensional MHD simulations.  相似文献   
Members of the phospholipid scramblase (PLSCR) family play active roles in altering lipid asymmetry at the plasma membrane including phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) exposure on the cell surface. To determine whether PtdSer biosynthesis and externalization are altered by PLSCR activities during apoptosis, Chinese hamster ovary K1 cell lines stably overexpressing PLSCR1 and PLSCR2 were established. PLSCR1 was localized on the plasma membrane, whereas PLSCR2 was predominantly in the nucleus. Cells overexpressing PLSCR1 showed suppressed growth, altered cell morphology, and higher basal levels of cell death. Following UV irradiation, these cells showed earlier and enhanced PtdSer exposure, increased caspase-3 activation, apoptotic nuclear changes, and PARP cleavage indicative of apoptosis. UV irradiation in cells overexpressing PLSCR1 led to a 4-fold stimulation of PtdSer synthesis (accompanied by increased movement of newly made PtdSer into microvesicles) relative to untreated PLSCR1 cells, whereas PtdSer formation in UV-irradiated vector control cells increased only by 2-fold. No differences in these responses were observed between PLSCR2-expressing cells and vector controls. PtdSer synthesis and its transbilayer movement stimulated by PLSCR1 overexpression were blocked by a caspase inhibitor along with progression of apoptosis. Thus, our studies showed that overexpression of PLSCR1 in Chinese hamster ovary K1 cells stimulated caspase-dependent PtdSer externalization and synthesis, implying an up-regulation of PtdSer formation in response to enhanced outward movement of this phospholipid to the cell surface during apoptosis. PLSCR1 also appears to influence progression of UV-induced apoptosis and could be a point of regulation or intervention during programmed cell death.  相似文献   
The origins of the beta cardiac myosin heavy-chain (MHC) gene missense mutations that cause familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC) in 14 families have been evaluated. Of eight different mutations, four were present in single families, while four occurred in two or more families. To investigate the origins of the four shared mutations, we defined the beta cardiac MHC haplotypes of each of the mutation-bearing chromosomes by determining the alleles present at three intragenic polymorphic loci. Two of the mutations (Arg453Cys and Val606Met) have arisen independently in each of three families, being found on different chromosomal backgrounds. A third mutation (Gly584Arg) is associated with identical haplotypes in two families with Portuguese ancestors, suggesting a founder effect. Haplotype analysis was uninformative for the fourth mutation (Arg403Gln). Thus, FHC-causing mutations have arisen independently in at least 12 of the 14 families studied, suggesting that the majority have arisen relatively recently as new mutations. This finding predicts the prevalence of disease-causing beta cardiac MHC mutations to be comparable in all population groups.  相似文献   
We theoretically show that it is feasible to utilize harmonic resonance modes of surface plasmon polaritons on a magnetic meta-surface for light amplification with low-gain material. The required threshold and optimal gain strength for active layer can be substantially reduced to about one-tenth as compared with those utilizing fundamental resonance modes. The findings provide a simple and practical metamaterial approach for light amplification with most of the existing active media.  相似文献   
Three minor sulfur-containing arsenic metabolites: monomethylmonothioarsonic acid (MMMTA(V)), dimethylmonothioarsinic acid (DMMTA(V)), and dimethyldithioarsinic acid (DMDTA(V)) were recently found in human and animal urine after exposure to inorganic arsenic. However, it remains unclear how the thioarsenicals are formed in the body and then excreted into the urine. It is hypothesized that the generation of thioarsenicals occurs during enterohepatic circulation. To address this hypothesis, male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats and Eisai hyperbilirubinuric (EHB) rats (with deficiency of multidrug resistance-associated protein 2) were orally administered a single dose of inorganic arsenite (iAs(III)) at 3.0 mg kg(-1) of body weight. Five hours after dosing, less than 1.0% of the dose was recovered in the bile of EHB rats, while more than 27% of the dose was recovered in the bile of SD rats, with the majority being monomethylarsinodiglutathione [MMA(SG)(2)] with a small amount of arsenic triglutathione [iAs(SG)(3)]. During the early time periods (3 h and 6 h) the arsenic levels in the liver, red blood cells (RBCs) and plasma of EHB rats were higher than those of SD rats, and approximately 76% and 87% of the dose was recovered in the RBCs of SD and EHB rats, respectively, at day 5 after dosing. However, there were no significant differences in arsenic concentration in urine between the two types of animal. Regarding the arsenic species in the urine of both types of rat, significant levels of thiolated arsenicals MMMTA(V) and DMMTA(V) were detected in SD rat urine, however in EHB rat urine only low levels of DMMTA(V) were detected. The present result of the metabolic balance and speciation study suggests that the formation of MMMTA(V) and DMMTA(V) in rats is dependent on enterohepatic circulation. In addition, in vitro experiments indicated that arsenicals excreted from bile may be transformed by gastrointestinal microbiota into MMMTA(V) and DMMTA(V), which are then absorbed into the bloodstream and finally excreted into the urine.  相似文献   
刺激源的方位是刺激的重要特性之一.行为学的研究发现,动物能够利用气味到达左右鼻腔的时间差和强度差信息对气味方位进行感知,但作为嗅觉系统第一神经中枢的嗅球,是否具有利用两侧鼻间差信息对气味方位进行编码的能力一直受到质疑.为探讨该问题,在本研究中通过比较嗅球中84个僧帽细胞对同侧气味刺激、对侧气味刺激以及对侧气味刺激略先于同侧气味刺激时的反应,发现有29个僧帽细胞可被同侧气味所兴奋,其中18个虽然对对侧气味刺激不反应,但对侧气味的存在却能显著降低其对同侧气味刺激的反应.另外,50个僧帽细胞在只给予同侧或对侧气味刺激时不反应,但其中11个在对侧刺激略先于同侧刺激的方式给出气味时,表现出明显的兴奋性反应.我们的研究结果一方面提示僧帽细胞具有编码气味到达两个鼻腔的时间差,或气味源位置信息的能力;另一方面也表明对侧刺激不仅能对同侧嗅球僧帽细胞产生抑制效应,还可能存在目前还不明确的机制而产生兴奋效应.  相似文献   
A chemoorganotrophic, moderately halophilic bacterium (strain SMB35) has been isolated from a naphthalene-utilizing microbial community obtained from salt mines (Perm region of Russia). Strain SMB35 grows in a wide salinity range, 0.5 to 30% (wt/vol) NaCl. Cells are gram-negative rods motile by means of a single polar flagellum. The predominant fatty acids are 16:1ω7, 16:0, 18:1ω7, and 19 cy. The major lipoquinone is an unsaturated ubiquinone with nine isoprene units (Q9). The DNA G+C content is 63.0 mol %. The 16S rDNA-based phylogenetic analysis has shown that strain SMB35 formed a separate clade in the cluster of the family Halomonadaceae. The 16S rDNA sequence similarity of the isolate to the members of the family is in the range from 90.6 to 95.1%. The phylogenetic and phenotypic differences from Halomonas elongata (the type species of the genus) and from other members of the family suggest that the isolate represents a novel genus and species, for which the name Salinicola socius gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is SMB35T(=VKM B-2397T).  相似文献   
Sequence comparison of Hoxd-13 among vertebrates revealed the presence of taxon-specific polyalanine tracts in amniotes. To investigate their function at the organismal level, we replaced the wild-type Hoxd-13 gene with one lacking the 15-residue polyalanine tract by using homologous recombination. Sesamoid bone formation in knock-in mice was different from that in the wild type; this was observed not only in the homozygotes but also in the heterozygotes. The present study provides the first direct evidence that taxon-specific homopolymeric amino acid repeats are involved in phenotypic diversification at the organismal level.  相似文献   
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