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Half of all vertebrate species are teleost fish. What accounts for this explosion of biodiversity? Recent evidence and advances in evolutionary theory suggest that genomic features could have played a significant role in the teleost radiation. This review examines evidence for an ancient whole-genome duplication (tetraploidization) event that probably occurred just before the teleost radiation. The partitioning of ancestral subfunctions between gene copies arising from this duplication could have contributed to the genetic isolation of populations, to lineage-specific diversification of developmental programs, and ultimately to phenotypic variation among teleost fish. Beyond its importance for understanding mechanisms that generate biodiversity, the partitioning of subfunctions between teleost co-orthologs of human genes can facilitate the identification of tissue-specific conserved noncoding regions and can simplify the analysis of ancestral gene functions obscured by pleiotropy or haploinsufficiency. Applying these principles on a genomic scale can accelerate the functional annotation of the human genome and understanding of the roles of human genes in health and disease.  相似文献   
Winter wheat was grown at ambient and elevated (ambient plus 350 μL L–1) CO2 concentrations in open top chambers and in field-tracking sun-lit climatized enclosures (elevated is 718 μL L–1). There was no significant effect of CO2 concentration on sheath, leaf and root biomass and leaf area in the early spring (January to April). 24-h canopy CO2 exchange rate (CCER) was not significantly affected either. However, elevated CO2 concentration increased CCER at midday, decreased evapotranspiration rate and increased instantaneous water-use-efficiency during early spring. Leaf, sheath and root nitrogen concentration per unit dry weight decreased and nonstructural carbohydrate concentration increased under elevated CO2, and N-uptake per unit ground area decreased significantly (– 22%) towards the end of this period. These results contrast with results from the final harvest, when grain yield and biomass were increased by 19% under elevated CO2. N concentration per dry weight was reduced by 5%, but N-uptake per unit ground area was significantly higher (+ 11%) for the elevated CO2 treatment. 24-h and midday-CCER increased significantly more in late spring (period of 21 April to 30 May) (respectively by + 40% and 53%) than in the early spring (respectively 5% and 19%) in response to elevated CO2. Midday evapotranspiration rate was reduced less by elevated CO2 in the late spring (– 13%) than in early spring (– 21%). The CO2 response of midday and 24-h CCER decreased again (+ 27% and + 23% resp.) towards the end of the growing season. We conclude that the low response to CO2 concentration during the early spring was associated with a growth-restriction, caused by low temperature and irradiance levels. The reduction of nitrogen concentration, the increase of nonstructural carbohydrate, and the lower evapotranspiration indicated that CO2 did have an effect towards the end of early spring, but not on biomass accumulation. Regression analysis showed that both irradiance and temperature affected the response to CO2.  相似文献   
Protoplasts isolated from root cap cells of maize were shown to secrete fucose-rich polysaccharides and were used in a patch-clamp study to monitor changes in whole-cell capacitance. Ca2+ was required for exocytosis, which was measured as an increase in cell capacitance during intracellular dialysis with Ca2+ buffers via the patch pipette. Exocytosis was stimulated significantly by small increases above normal resting [Ca2+]. In the absence of Ca2+, protoplasts decreased in size. In situ hybridization showed significant expression of the maize annexin p35 in root cap cells, differ-entiating vascular tissue, and elongating cells. Dialysis of protoplasts with maize annexins stimulated exocytosis at physiological [Ca2+], and this could be blocked by dialysis with antibodies specific to maize annexins. Dialysis with milli-molar concentrations of GTP strongly inhibited exocytosis, causing protoplasts to decrease in size. GTPgammaS and GDPbetaS both caused only a slight inhibition of exocytosis at physiological Ca2+. Protoplasts were shown to internalize plasma membrane actively. The results are discussed in relation to the regulation of exocytosis in what is usually considered to be a constitutively secreting system; they provide direct evidence for a role of annexins in exocytosis in plant cells.  相似文献   
The effect of elevated [CO2] on the productivity of spring wheat, winter wheat and faba bean was studied in experiments in climatized crop enclosures in the Wageningen Rhizolab in 1991–93. Simulation models for crop growth were used to explore possible causes for the observed differences in the CO2 response. Measurements of the canopy gas exchange (CO2 and water vapour) were made continuously from emergence until harvest. At an external [CO2] of 700 μmol mol?1 Maximum Canopy CO2 Exchange Rate (CCERmax) at canopy closure was stimulated by 51% for spring wheat and by 71% for faba bean. At the end of the growing season, above ground biomass increase at 700 μmol mol?1 was 58% (faba bean), 35% (spring wheat) and 19% (winter wheat) and the harvest index did not change. For model exploration, weather data sets for the period 1975-88 and 1991–93 were used, assuming adequate water supply and [CO2] at 350 and 700 μmol mol?1. For spring wheat the simulated responses (35–50%) were at the upper end of the experimental results. In agreement with experiments, simulations showed smaller responses for winter wheat and larger responses for faba bean. Further model explorations showed that this differential effect in the CO2 response may not be primarily due to fundamental physiological differences between the crops, but may be at least partly due to differences in the daily air temperatures during comparable stages of growth of these crops. Simulations also showed that variations between years in CO2 response can be largely explained by differences in weather conditions (especially temperature) between growing seasons.  相似文献   
Between 2006 and 2008, an outbreak of Infectious Keratoconjunctivitis (IKC) affected Pyrenean chamois Rupicapra p. pyrenaica, an endemic subspecies of mountain ungulate that lives in the Pyrenees. The study focused on 14 mountain massifs (180,000 ha) where the species’ population is stable. Cases of IKC were detected in ten of the massifs and, in five of them, mortality was substantial. The outbreak spread quickly from the first location detected, with two peaks in mortality that affected one (2007) and three (2008) massifs. In the latter, the peak was seasonal (spring to autumn) and, in the former, the outbreak persisted through winter. To identify the outbreak’s aetiology, we examined 105 Pyrenean chamois clinically affected with IKC. TaqMan rt-PCR identified Mycoplasma conjunctivae in 93 (88.5%) of the chamois. Another rt-PCR detected Chlamydophila spp. in 14 of chamois, and 12 of those had mixed infections with mycoplasmas. In the period 2000–2007, the chamois population increased slightly (λ 1.026) but decreased significantly during the IKC outbreak (λ 0.8, 2007–2008; λ 0.85, 2008–2009) before increasing significantly after the outbreak (λ 1.1, 2009–2010). Sex-biased mortality shifted the adult sex ratio toward males (from 0.6 to 0.7 males per female) and reduced productivity slightly. Hunting was practically banned in the massifs where chamois experienced significant mortality and allowed again after the outbreak ended. Long-term monitoring of wild populations provides a basis for understanding the impacts of disease outbreaks and improves management decisions, particularly when species are subject to extractive exploitation.  相似文献   
Sex determination can be robustly genetic, strongly environmental, or genetic subject to environmental perturbation. The genetic basis of sex determination is unknown for zebrafish (Danio rerio), a model for development and human health. We used RAD-tag population genomics to identify sex-linked polymorphisms. After verifying this “RAD-sex” method on medaka (Oryzias latipes), we studied two domesticated zebrafish strains (AB and TU), two natural laboratory strains (WIK and EKW), and two recent isolates from nature (NA and CB). All four natural strains had a single sex-linked region at the right tip of chromosome 4, enabling sex genotyping by PCR. Genotypes for the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with the strongest statistical association to sex suggested that wild zebrafish have WZ/ZZ sex chromosomes. In natural strains, “male genotypes” became males and some “female genotypes” also became males, suggesting that the environment or genetic background can cause female-to-male sex reversal. Surprisingly, TU and AB lacked detectable sex-linked loci. Phylogenomics rooted on D. nigrofasciatus verified that all strains are monophyletic. Because AB and TU branched as a monophyletic clade, we could not rule out shared loss of the wild sex locus in a common ancestor despite their independent domestication. Mitochondrial DNA sequences showed that investigated strains represent only one of the three identified zebrafish haplogroups. Results suggest that zebrafish in nature possess a WZ/ZZ sex-determination mechanism with a major determinant lying near the right telomere of chromosome 4 that was modified during domestication. Strains providing the zebrafish reference genome lack key components of the natural sex-determination system but may have evolved variant sex-determining mechanisms during two decades in laboratory culture.  相似文献   
Mammalian genomes can vary substantially in haploid chromosome number even within a small taxon (e.g., 3–40 among deer alone); in contrast, teleost fish genomes are stable (24–25 in 58% of teleosts), but we do not yet understand the mechanisms that account for differences in karyotype stability. Among perciform teleosts, platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus) and medaka (Oryzias latipes) both have 24 chromosome pairs, but threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and green pufferfish (Tetraodon nigroviridis) have just 21 pairs. To understand the evolution of teleost genomes, we made a platyfish meiotic map containing 16,114 mapped markers scored on 267 backcross fish. We tiled genomic contigs along the map to create chromosome-length genome assemblies. Genome-wide comparisons of conserved synteny showed that platyfish and medaka karyotypes remained remarkably similar with few interchromosomal translocations but with numerous intrachromosomal rearrangements (transpositions and inversions) since their lineages diverged ∼120 million years ago. Comparative genomics with platyfish shows how reduced chromosome numbers in stickleback and green pufferfish arose by fusion of pairs of ancestral chromosomes after their lineages diverged from platyfish ∼195 million years ago. Zebrafish and human genomes provide outgroups to root observed changes. These studies identify likely genome assembly errors, characterize chromosome fusion events, distinguish lineage-independent chromosome fusions, show that the teleost genome duplication does not appear to have accelerated the rate of translocations, and reveal the stability of syntenies and gene orders in teleost chromosomes over hundreds of millions of years.  相似文献   
The native Theobroma cacao L. population from Ecuador, known as Nacional, is famous for its fine cocoa flavour. From the beginning of the twentieth century, however, it has been subjected to genetic erosion due principally to successive introductions of foreign germplasm whose hybrid descendants gradually replaced the native plantations, implying a decrease in cocoa quality. We attempted to trace this native cacao within a wide pool of modern Ecuadorian cacao population. Three hundred and twenty-two cacao accessions collected from different geographical areas along the pacific coast of Ecuador and maintained in two living collections were analysed using 40 simple-sequence repeat markers. Most of Ecuadorian cacao accessions displayed a high diversity and heterozygosity level. A factorial analysis of correspondence (FAC) showed a continuous variation among them, with a few ones, grouped at an extreme side of the FAC cloud, showing higher levels of homozygosity and lower introgression level by foreign cacaos. A paternity analysis revealed that these highly homozygous individuals are the most probable ancestors of the modern Nacional hybrid pool. These particular accessions studied could represent the native Nacional cacao present in Ecuador before the foreign introductions. Their identification will help to conserve valuable genetic material and to improve cocoa quality in new cacao varieties.  相似文献   
Traditional fermentations of the local Ecuadorian cocoa type Nacional, with its fine flavor, are carried out in boxes and on platforms for a short time. A multiphasic approach, encompassing culture-dependent and -independent microbiological analyses of fermenting cocoa pulp-bean samples, metabolite target analyses of both cocoa pulp and beans, and sensory analysis of chocolates produced from the respective fermented dry beans, was applied for the investigation of the influence of these fermentation practices on the yeast and bacterial species diversity and community dynamics during cocoa bean fermentation. A wide microbial species diversity was found during the first 3 days of all fermentations carried out. The prevailing ethanol-producing yeast species were Pichia kudriavzevii and Pichia manshurica, followed by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides (glucose and fructose fermenting), Fructobacillus tropaeoli-like (fructose fermenting), and Lactobacillus fermentum (citrate converting, mannitol producing) represented the main lactic acid bacterial species in the fermentations studied, resulting in intensive heterolactate metabolism of the pulp substrates. Tatumella saanichensis and Tatumella punctata were among the members of the family Enterobacteriaceae present during the initial phase of the cocoa bean fermentations and could be responsible for the production of gluconic acid in some cases. Also, a potential new yeast species was isolated, namely, Candida sorbosivorans-like. Acetic acid bacteria, whose main representative was Acetobacter pasteurianus, generally appeared later during fermentation and oxidized ethanol to acetic acid. However, acetic acid bacteria were not always present during the main course of the platform fermentations. All of the data taken together indicated that short box and platform fermentation methods caused incomplete fermentation, which had a serious impact on the quality of the fermented dry cocoa beans.  相似文献   
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