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Synopsis About two hundred Macrorhamphosus scolopax were observed in a large tank and their behavior was videotaped for subsequent analysis. When not disturbed, the fish moved slowly in a head-down position. Spawning in the tank took place in the last two hours before dark. Courting males change color and actively interact aggressively with other males. They push against each other while swimming in parallel or they charge their opponents with their erected dorsal spine directed at them. Courtship begins near the bottom. After following and swimming parallel to the female the two fish unite tightly by their caudal peduncle, with their ventral regions in close proximity and rise slowly in the water column. During the ascent, the genital papilla of the female extends repeatedly and contacts the genital region of the male.  相似文献   
At the beginning of the breeding season male Salaria pavo that have eggs in their nests are larger, have more developed anal glands and less intense eye-spots and are located in breeding aggregations. These differences cease to occur from the peak of the breeding season (June—July) onwards. Two scenarios are presented that may explain these results: (1) smaller and younger males may begin to breed later devoting part of the warm season to growth; (2) females may cease to be selective as the nesting space begins to be saturated with eggs. These results raise one methodological and one conceptual question. The search for correlates of male reproductive success must cover different phases of the breeding season to capture the overall dynamics of the processes involved. The operational sex ratio for cavity-spawning fishes should take into account the availability of spawning sites rather than just counting the sexually mature members of each sex.  相似文献   
The objective of this work was to verify the sensitivity of Amblyomma cajennense and Dermacentor nitens larvae to the solvents ethanol, methanol, acetone, xylol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and the surfactant Tween 80. The first four solvents were tested at analytical purity while the DMSO and surfactant Tween 80 were tested at a concentration of 1%. The substances tested at analytical purity that caused high mortality were also tested at concentrations of 50%, 25% and 1%. The larval packet test was used, with 10 repetitions for each treatment. A control group was also formed with the same number of repetitions, in which the larvae were only exposed to distilled water. In the first experiment, only xylol was highly toxic at the concentrations tested, causing mortality above 90% for larvae of both species. In the second experiment, xylol at 1% and at 25% showed low toxicity to the A. cajennense and D. nitens larvae, respectively, since the percentage mortality was statistically similar to that of the control group (p>0.05).  相似文献   
Aim To test the importance of the Lago Mare stage of the Messinian Salinity Crisis for the dispersal and diversification of European leuciscins (Cyprinidae: Leuciscinae). Location Europe. Methods Cytochrome b sequences of European leuciscins were employed to investigate phylogenetic relationships among species, using Bayesian inference, and to estimate times of diversification, using a relaxed molecular clock. The distributions of 190 European leuciscins were compiled, and regional species compositions were compared using a taxonomic similarity index and an area cladogram. Results Leuciscins restricted to the Iberian and Italian peninsulas and the West and South Balkan regions are phylogenetically more closely related to northern European species than to species from another southern European area. Application of a relaxed molecular clock to a Bayesian phylogeny indicates that most southern clades originated and diversified prior to the Messinian. Southern European regions are taxonomically distinct from one another, and from a more taxonomically homogeneous group of areas that includes Anatolia, East Balkans, Middle East, North Europe and West Russia. Main conclusions The scenario of a Messinian period of dispersal of Paratethyan fauna into Mediterranean regions, via the Lago Mare, predicts a rapid period of diversification and a pattern of close association among southern European faunas. Phylogenetic relationships among leuciscins, the timing of cladogenic events, and the taxonomic similarity among geographical regions do not conform to this expectation. The depth of clades endemic to southern Europe, together with the high levels of endemism in these regions, suggests that the faunas in these regions diverged prior to the Messinian and have evolved largely in isolation from one another. Our results support a model of gradual colonization of Mediterranean regions since the Oligocene. Subsequent connections between adjacent areas may have occurred in the Messinian or Pleistocene.  相似文献   
The center of diversity of Argentinean orchids is in the northeast region of the country. Chromosome numbers and karyotype features of 43 species belonging to 28 genera are presented here. Five chromosome records are the first ones at the genus level; these taxa are Aspidogyne kuckzinskii (2n = 42), Eurystyles actinosophila (2n = 56), Skeptrostachys paraguayensis (2n = 46), Stigmatosema polyaden (2n = 40) and Zygostates alleniana (2n = 54). In addition, a chromosome number is presented for the first time for 15 species: Corymborkis flava (2n = 56), Cyclopogon callophyllus (2n = 28), C. oliganthus (2n = 64), Cyrtopodium hatschbachii (2n = 46), C. palmifrons (2n = 46), Galeandra beyrichii (2n = 54), Habenaria bractescens (2n = 44), Oncidium edwallii (2n = 42), O. fimbriatum (2n = 56), O. pubes (2n = 84), O. riograndense (2n = 56), Pelexia ekmanii (2n = 46), P. lindmanii (2n = 46) and Warrea warreana (2n = 48). For Oncidium longicornu (2n = 42), O. divaricatum (2n = 56) and Sarcoglottis fasciculata (2n = 46+1B?, 46+3B?), a new cytotype was found. Chromosome data support phylogenetic relationships proposed by previous cytological, morphologic and molecular analyses, and in all the cases cover some gaps in the South American literature on orchid chromosomes.  相似文献   
Recent studies have focused on the relationship between the marine fauna of the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, but within the Atlantic, little is known about genetic relationships between populations of the Macaronesian islands. In this study, we tested whether the paleo-climatology and paleo-oceanography of the region could predict the genetic relationships among three Eastern Atlantic populations (Azores, Madeira, and Canaries) of a damselfish, Chromis limbata, and compared our results with its Mediterranean and adjacent Atlantic sister species, Chromis chromis. We combined phylogeographic and coalescent approaches using the fast evolving mitochondrial control region gene. No population structure was found for the three archipelagos. The coalescence time estimated for C. limbata (0.857-1.17 Mya) was much greater than that estimated for C. chromis. We propose that this difference reflects differences in glaciating extents in the Northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Diversity indexes (Hd and genetic distances) together with historical demographic parameters of C. limbata (Theta and g) revealed a more stable population history when compared to C. chromis. Our results suggest that the Macaronesian populations of C. limbata have probably been less affected by the last glaciation than the Mediterranean populations of C. chromis. Migration across the three archipelagos was estimated and a prevailing northwest trend was detected. This result supports the idea of a colonization of the Azores by warm water fish from Madeira or the westernmost Canary islands which acted as major glacial refugia for the tropical and subtropical marine fauna during the glaciations.  相似文献   
The patterns of agonistic behaviour and substratum preferences were investigated in captive groups of juveniles of Lipophrys pholis (Blenniidae), Coryphoblennius galerita (Blenniidae) and Gobius cobitis (Gobiidae). In monospecific groups, size was an excellent predictor of the rank attained by each individual. In heterospecific groups, both C. galerita and L. pholis were dominant over G. cobitis of similar size, and C. galerita dominated L. pholis . Although G. cobitis showed higher rates of activity and of attacks per minute, and a higher ratio of attacks over threats, all these measures were depressed in the presence of either blenniid. In both blennies, in monospecific groups, the dominance rank of each fish was a good predictor of the time spent inside shelters. G. cobitis occupied preferentially the sandy substratum both in mono- and heterospecific groups. Both blennies, when in monospecific groups, occupied preferentially the rocky substratum, with C. galerita showing the highest level of selectivity. In nature, C. galerita also showed a marked preference for rocky substrata, while G. cobitis was especially abundant in mixed bottoms. L. pholis occupied an intermediate position. In the blenniids studied, competition for access to shelter may be one major functional consequence of agonistic behaviour in non-reproductive contexts.  相似文献   
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