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The Santa Clara Abajo Formation in the north of Mendoza Province, Argentina, is part of the Triassic Cuyana rift Basin infill and consists of fluvial, deltaic and lacustrine units. The combination of progradational to aggradational stacking pattern plus the identification of a fluctuating profundal facies association suggests the Santa Clara Abajo palaeolake was a balanced‐fill lake system. Lake‐centre sediments (finely laminated mudrock facies) preserve pseudobeaconiid actinopterygian fish represented primarily by bones and scales, generally undeformed and concordant with bedding planes. We propose that variation of articulation degree of these fish combined with sediment features provides insights into palaeolimnological changes in this single lake system over time, primarily water temperature. The fish fossils are sorted into three taphonomic modes: Mode A, isolated and dispersed scales; Mode B, associated but dispersed scales, loosely to well sorted, and low to moderate density; and Mode C, scale patches and articulated fishes. We conclude these modes represent, respectively, warm, fluctuating warm–cold and cold water conditions. Stratigraphical analysis of the taphonomic modes for the balanced‐fill lake model revealed an up‐section pattern of fluctuating water temperatures (cold and warm), to a stable‐cold pattern, to a stable‐warm pattern and to fluctuating thermal conditions (cold and warm) again. This pattern is linked to lake‐level fluctuations resulting in lacustrine intervals that reflect hydrological closure to opening to closure again.  相似文献   
We present an exercise for counting trematode cysts on mudsnails that can be implemented as a field‐based project in course work by students or by volunteers. The exercise involves the digenetic trematode Pleurogonius malaclemys, which infects diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) as its definitive host, and eastern mudsnails (Tritia obsoleta) as its intermediate host. The trematode forms macroscopic metacercarial cysts on the shells and opercula of the mudsnails, and the life cycle is completed when terrapins ingest the intermediate hosts with cysts. Previous research has suggested that quantifying cysts on mudsnails can be a relatively simple method to estimate terrapin population sizes where terrapins co‐occur with mudsnails. Three non‐professional scientist groups (including students and volunteers) were tested in their estimates of prevalence and intensity data compared to verified cyst counts. Prevalence data were relatively accurate (~76–78%) and reliable (68–89%) across the groups. The intensity of cysts (on shells and opercula of mudsnails) were mostly within 12% of the verified counts (total mean intensity of 1.81–2.97 cysts/parasitized mudsnail) but varied significantly in two cases due to false positives (likely due to sand grains or debris scored as cysts) or negatives (likely due to missed cysts behind the operculum). The exercise can be completed as a lab or series of labs in courses, and data from such projects could be used in terrapin conservation efforts, particularly in helping scientists determine where terrapins occur. We discuss modification of the exercise for other trematode species in regions around the world and hope this expands recognition by the public of the important role of parasites in ecosystems.  相似文献   
This is the first report of acute deaths in five European brown hares (Lepus europaeus) attributed to mucoid and necrotizing typhlocolitis caused by genetically different Cronobacter (C.) turicensis strains in northeastern Austria. As this opportunistic pathogen is mainly known for causing disease in immunocompromised humans and neonates, this previously unrecognized potential for a spill over from a wildlife reservoir to humans warrants further attention.  相似文献   

In this work, a mechanistic model for predicting the dynamic behavior of extracellular and intracellular nutrients, biomass production, and the main metabolites involved in the central carbon metabolism in plant cell cultures of Thevetia peruviana is presented. The proposed model is the first mechanistic model implemented for plant cell cultures of this species, and includes 28 metabolites, 33 metabolic reactions, and 61 parameters. Given the over-parametrization of the model, its nonlinear nature and the strong correlation among the effects of the parameters, a parameter estimation routine based on identifiability analysis was implemented. This routine reduces the parameter’s search space by selecting the most sensitive and linearly independent parameters. Results have shown that only 19 parameters are identifiable. Finally, the model was used for analyzing the fluxes distribution in plant cell cultures of T. peruviana. This analysis shows high uptake of phosphates and parallel uptake of glucose and fructose. Furthermore, it has pointed out the main central carbon metabolism routes for promoting biomass production in this cell culture.

One of the main causes of death in the world is lung cancer. According to the World Health Organization, the annual incidence of lung cancer increases significantly. Moreover, lung cancer accounts for one of the highest mortality rates, mainly due to late detection. Numerous studies have been conducted in order to identify new biomarkers for early diagnosis and for monitoring and evaluation of lung cancer stages. An ideal biomarker candidate is represented by the analysis of microRNAs expression. In this paper, we want to summarize microRNAs expressions in lung cancer. We also want to present the expression of microRNAs depending on the evolution of lung cancer. For this study, we analyzed the studies available in scientific databases, such as PubMed and Scopus. The studies were selected using the search keywords “microRNAs expression,” “lung cancer,” and “genetic biomarkers.” The most significant articles were selected for the study, following rigorous analysis. To evaluate and monitor lung cancer, the expression of microRNAs may be used successfully due to increased specificity and selectivity. However, further studies are needed on the assignment and validation of microRNAs for each type of lung cancer, respectively, for each stage of evolution.  相似文献   
Hearing loss caused by the damage of cochlea sensory cells or neurons is a common human disease, but also affects dogs and other animals. To test their progenitor nature as potential value for future therapies, we characterized cells derived from the cochlear epithelium in dog fetuses. In total, 8 fetuses of 35–40 days of gestation, derived from castration campaigns, were investigated. Cells were analysed by the MTT colorimetric assay and in regard to cell cycle, differentiation capacities, immunophenotypes and qPCR analysis. In culture, cells had a fibroblast-like morphology. Phenotypic immunocharacterization showed positive staining for mesenchymal stem cell and pluripotency markers and were negative for hematopoietic cell markers. Cells possessed differentiation capacity for the three main cell lineages: osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic, altogether indicating their nature as mesenchymal stem cells. Thus, cells derived from fetal cochlear tissues indeed may provide valuable sources of progenitor cells for cell therapy of canine deafness and other diseases.  相似文献   
Attempts to cryopreserve fish embryos have been conducted over the past three decades, nevertheless successful cryopreservation protocol for long-term storage still remains elusive. Fish oocytes offer some advantages when compared to embryos, which may help in improving the chances of cryopreservation. In the present study, a series of cryo-solutions were designed and tested for their vitrifying ability using different devices (0.25 ml plastic straw, vitrification block and fibreplug™). Toxicity of vitrification solutions was evaluated by assessing follicle membrane integrity with trypan blue staining. In addition, the effect of vitrification protocol on stage III zebrafish ovarian follicles was investigated by measuring the cytoplasmic ATP content and the mitochondrial distribution and activity using JC-1 probe and confocal microscopy. After vitrification, follicles showed membrane integrity of 59.9 ± 18.4% when fibreplug and V16 (1.5 M methanol + 4.5 M propylene glycol) solution were employed. When vitrified in V2 (1.5 M methanol + 5.5 M Me2SO) the membrane integrity decreased to 42.0 ± 21.0%. It was observed that follicles located in the middle of the fragments were more protected from injuries and some of them showed good morphological appearance 2 h post-warming. Mitochondria integrity of granulosa cells layer was clearly damaged by the vitrification protocol and ATP level in the follicles declined significantly after warming. Vitrification of zebrafish follicles in ovarian tissue fragments and its effect at sub-cellular level is reported here for the first time. Information gained from this study will help in guiding development of optimal protocol for cryopreservation of fish oocytes.  相似文献   
Fishes of the family Cichlidae generally show low karyotype variability. Nevertheless, karyotype variants have been identified within some genera, providing information about their evolutionary history. In the present study, karyotype characteristics of Crenicichla lepidota and Australoheros facetus, two sympatric species found in the São Gonçalo-Mangueira basin, were studied. Besides conventional procedures, double fluorochromes staining chromomycin A3/DAPI and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with rDNA probes were also used. Both species presented 2n = 48 chromosomes, but karyotypes were differentiated by fundamental number, which was equal to 70 in A. facetus and 56 in C. lepidota. Similar heterochromatin distribution patterns were also observed on the pericentromeric region of most chromosomes, although C. lepidota presented an additional heterochromatic block in the first pair. The Ag-NORs, 18S rDNA probe and CMA3/DAPI were coincident in location on the first and second pairs of C. lepidota and A. facetus, respectively. The minor rDNA loci (5S rDNA) were found in four sites located on two distinct chromosomal pairs in C. lepidota. Although the data obtained here to C. lepidota and to A. facetus show chromosomal characteristics considered ancestral to the family, new data are presented to both species. Additionally, this study corroborates the hypothesis in which evolutionary processes like non-Robertsonian rearrangements are involved in the diversification of the major groups of Neotropical Cichlidae. Thus, the karyotype diversification observed in A. facetus have the high fundamental number pathway while C. lepidota has others evolutionary chromosomal mechanisms.  相似文献   
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