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Morphology and molecular phylogeny constitute the structural elements of diatom taxonomy. These approaches do not, however, give information on the functioning of taxa. Additional methods to serve a more integrated and wide-ranging taxonomy have therefore been called for. Metabolic fingerprinting is one approach used within the field of metabolomics, often applied in classification of samples. Here we apply metabolic fingerprinting in a taxonomic study of a cryptic diatom species. Strains of the cosmopolitan diatom Chaetoceros socialis from two geographical areas; the north-east Atlantic and Arctic and the Gulf of Naples, were cultivated at three different temperatures; 2.5, 8 and 13°C. The strains from the two different geographical areas exhibited different growth rates as well as different photosynthetic efficiencies. Algal extracts, collected at the end of the growth experiments, were analysed by Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography High Resolution Mass Spectrometry. The two groups of strains were separated by principal component analysis of their metabolic fingerprints. Analysis of the data revealed both qualitative and quantitative differences in metabolite markers. These phenotypic differences reinforce differences also found for morphology, phylogenetic markers and growth rates, and point at different adaptive characteristics in organisms living under different temperature regimes.  相似文献   
Falcipain-2 is a cysteine protease of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum that plays a key role in the hydrolysis of hemoglobin, a process that is required by intraerythrocytic parasites to obtain amino acids. In this work we show that the polysulfonated napthylurea suramin is capable of binding to falcipain-2, inhibiting its catalytic activity at nanomolar concentrations against both synthetic substrates and the natural substrate hemoglobin. Kinetic measurements suggest that the inhibition occurs through an noncompetitive allosteric mechanism, eliciting substrate inhibition. Smaller suramin analogues and those with substituted methyl groups also showed inhibition within the nanomolar range. Our results identify the suramin family as a potential starting point for the design of falcipain-2 inhibitor antimalarials that act through a novel inhibition mechanism.  相似文献   
Seed proteins recovered after heating a seed extract from Opuntia joconostle Weber (xoconostle, an acid cactus pear) were screened for different biochemical activities, detecting only trypsin-like inhibitory activity. Two trypsin-like inhibitor forms from seeds were separated by RP-HPLC and partially sequenced and characterized as an enriched mixture. They were evaluated for inhibition on several serine proteinases, but only trypsin-like inhibition was detected by the inhibitor extract. The two isolated forms, OjTI 1 and OjTI 2 showed low molecular weights of 4.26 and 4.17 kDa as determined by mass spectrometry. An enriched inhibitory fraction showed a high thermal stability by retaining the activity after heating the sample for 1 h at 90 °C, as well as after heating for at 120 °C under 1 kg/cm2 for 15 min at different pH values. Partial sequence of the two forms was determined by mass spectrometry indicating that they were similar and after alignments analysis they showed the highest similarity with the trypsin inhibitor from O. streptacantha and to a lesser extent to other trypsin inhibitors of the MEROPS database families. The inhibitory spectrum was evaluated against several digestive enzymes from pests and beneficial insects from several taxonomic orders.  相似文献   
Chromosomal rearrangements such as inversions can facilitate speciation even in the presence of gene flow. The present study aims to analyze the karyotypic variation in six populations of Geophagus brasiliensis from southern Brazil. All specimens showed 2n = 48 chromosomes, but three karyotypes were found to have one, two or three pairs of submetacentric chromosomes. Although G. brasiliensis did not exhibit variation in the diploid number, it presented a wide interpopulational variation mainly regarding the karyotype formula and specific chromosomal markers. Differences in the location of the major and minor rDNA loci were observed among the populations. Moreover, different patterns were observed in the distribution of the constitutive heterochromatin, presenting intra- and interpopulational variation. This supports the hypothesis that this taxon represents a complex species or that cryptic species are included in this group, indicating a possibleprocess of sympatric speciation. By potentially restricting gene flow between heterokaryotypes, the segregating chromosome rearrangements we describe for G. brasiliensis may play a role in diversification in this species complex.  相似文献   
High‐throughput platforms for microalgae screening are not yet commercially available. In this study, the feasibility of 96‐well microplates was analyzed for microalgae research. Equivalence among wells, as culture microreactors, was investigated in controlled high CO2 conditions. Specific growth rates of two microalgae species, Scenedesmus sp. UTEX1589 and an environmental isolate, were significantly higher in border wells than in internal positions. Furthermore, growth rate gradients analyzed as contours throughout the platform were observed for Scenedesmus sp. However, the output variable exhibited high precision associated with a low coefficient of variation (CV), between 6.8 and 7.8%. In a demonstrative experiment to determine the effect of culture media dilution on six microalgae species, treatments were randomized in the central subset of a microplate. Results were consistent and statistically sound (CV 9.4–12.9%), and showed that microalgae species could grow with no detrimental effect in 50% (v/v) dilution of the culture medium. Provided border wells exclusion and a randomized design, 96‐well microplates are a practical and statistical robust platform for microalgae research. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:638–644, 2013  相似文献   
Approximately four-fifths of the land area of Baja California (BC) in Mexico are occupied by arid and semiarid soils, the mycobiota of which is virtually uncharacterized. In the first culture-independent study of the mycobiota of BC, we collected soil from five different locations in the region and constructed a Dikarya-specific gene library for the ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Clones were analyzed by RFLP, were sequenced for phylogenetic analyses, and diversity and similarity indices were calculated. The ascomycete Penicillium dipodomyicola was the most frequent fungus found in soil at the most arid location studied, and the basidiomycete Coprinellus radians was the most frequent at the location receiving the highest rainfall. Other frequent members of the soil mycobiota were identified as Alternaria spp., Ceratobasidium sp., Coniozyma leucospermi, Nematoctonus robustus, Penicillium griseofulvum, Tulostoma kotlabae and uncultured members of the Dikarya. Several sequences were identified as those of uncultured fungi, one of which was previously reported from other hot deserts. Arid soils and the transitional zones between arid and semiarid soils had the most similar fungal diversity, with the former soils having a community from which basidiomycetes were absent, and the soil receiving the highest precipitation having a community dominated by basidiomycetes.  相似文献   
Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) causes hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) that can lead to fatal encephalopathies. Neurological abnormalities may occur before or after the onset of systemic pathological symptoms and motor disorders are frequently observed in affected patients and in studies with animal models. As Stx2 succeeds in crossing the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and invading the brain parenchyma, it is highly probable that the observed neurological alterations are based on the possibility that the toxin may trigger the impairment of the neurovascular unit and/or cell damage in the parenchyma. Also, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) produced and secreted by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) may aggravate the deleterious effects of Stx2 in the brain. Therefore, this study aimed to determine (i) whether Stx2 affects the neurovascular unit and parenchymal cells, (ii) whether the contribution of LPS aggravates these effects, and (iii) whether an inflammatory event underlies the pathophysiological mechanisms that lead to the observed injury. The administration of a sub-lethal dose of Stx2 was employed to study in detail the motor cortex obtained from a translational murine model of encephalopathy. In the present paper we report that Stx2 damaged microvasculature, caused astrocyte reaction and neuronal degeneration, and that this was aggravated by LPS. Dexamethasone, an anti-inflammatory, reversed the pathologic effects and proved to be an important drug in the treatment of acute encephalopathies.  相似文献   


Glutathione (GSH) plays an important role in protecting cells against oxidative damage. ABCC1 protein transports GSH. Although this protein is largely studied in cancer, due to multidrug resistance phenotype, its role in the tubular cells of the kidney is unknown. The goal of this study was to find out whether ABCC1 has a role in protecting cells from the distal nephron against the stress caused by high medullar osmolality.

Main Methods

MA104 cells were treated with high concentrations of sodium chloride, urea, or both to raise the osmolality of the culture medium. Cell viability was accessed by MTT and trypan blue assays. ABCC1 expression and extrusion of carboxi-fluorescein (CF), a fluorescent ABCC1 substrate, were measured by flow cytometry.

Key Findings

Incubation of MA104 cells in a high sodium concentration medium resulted in changes in cell granularity and altered expression and activity of ABCC1. Urea did not alter ABCC1 expression or activity, but reversed the observed NaCl effects. High sodium concentrations also had a negative effect on cell viability and urea also protected cells against this effect.


Our findings demonstrate that ABCC1 plays a significant role in the protection of kidney epithelial cells against the stress caused by high sodium environment present in renal medulla.  相似文献   
Prostate cancer (PCa) is a leading cause of death among males. It is currently estimated that inflammatory responses are linked to 15-20% of all deaths from cancer worldwide. PCa is dominated by complications arising from metastasis to the bone where the tumor cells interact with the bone microenvironment impairing the balance between bone formation and degradation. However, the molecular nature of this interaction is not completely understood. Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) counteracts oxidative damage and inflammation. Previous studies from our laboratory showed that HO-1 is implicated in PCa, demonstrating that endogenous HO-1 inhibits bone derived-prostate cancer cells proliferation, invasion and migration and decreases tumor growth and angiogenesis in vivo. The aim of this work was to analyze the impact of HO-1 modulated PCa cells on osteoblasts proliferation in vitro and on bone remodeling in vivo. Using a co-culture system of PC3 cells with primary mice osteoblasts (PMOs), we demonstrated that HO-1 pharmacological induction (hemin treatment) abrogated the diminution of PMOs proliferation induced by PCa cells and decreased the expression of osteoclast-modulating factors in osteoblasts. No changes were detected in the expression of genes involved in osteoblasts differentiation. However, co-culture of hemin pre-treated PC3 cells (PC3 Hem) with PMOs provoked an oxidative status and activated FoxO signaling in osteoblasts. The percentage of active osteoblasts positive for HO-1 increased in calvarias explants co-cultured with PC3 Hem cells. Nuclear HO-1 expression was detected in tumors generated by in vivo bone injection of HO-1 stable transfected PC3 (PC3HO-1) cells in the femur of SCID mice. These results suggest that HO-1 has the potential to modify the bone microenvironment impacting on PCa bone metastasis.  相似文献   
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