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The three-dimensional solution-state structure is reported for the zinc-substituted form of rubredoxin (Rd) from the marine hyperthermophilic archaebacterium Pyrococcus furiosus, an organism that grows optimally at 100 degrees C. Structures were generated with DSPACE by a hybrid distance geometry (DG)-based simulated annealing (SA) approach that employed 403 nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE)-derived interproton distance restraints, including 67 interresidue, 124 sequential (i-j = 1), 75 medium-range (i-j = 2-5), and 137 long-range (i-j > 5) restraints. All lower interproton distance bounds were set at the sum of the van Der Waals radii (1.8 A), and upper bounds of 2.7 A, 3.3 A, and 5.0 A were employed to represent qualitatively observed strong, medium, and weak NOE cross peak intensities, respectively. Twenty-three backbone-backbone, six backbone-sulfur (Cys), two backbone-side chain, and two side chain-side chain hydrogen bond restraints were include for structure refinement, yielding a total of 436 nonbonded restraints, which averages to > 16 restraints per residue. A total of 10 structures generated from random atom positions and 30 structures generated by molecular replacement using the backbone coordinates of Clostridium pasteurianum Rd converged to a common conformation, with the average penalty (= sum of the square of the distance bounds violations; +/- standard deviation) of 0.024 +/- 0.003 A2 and a maximum total penalty of 0.035 A2. Superposition of the backbone atoms (C, C alpha, N) of residues A1-L51 for all 40 structures afforded an average pairwise root mean square (rms) deviation value (+/- SD) of 0.42 +/- 0.07 A. Superposition of all heavy atoms for residues A1-L51, including those of structurally undefined external side chains, afforded an average pairwise rms deviation of 0.72 +/- 0.08 A. Qualitative comparison of back-calculated and experimental two-dimensional NOESY spectra indicate that the DG/SA structures are consistent with the experimental spectra. The global folding of P. furiosus Zn(Rd) is remarkably similar to the folding observed by X-ray crystallography for native Rd from the mesophilic organism C. pasteurianum, with the average rms deviation value for backbone atoms of residues A1-L51 of P. furiosus Zn(Rd) superposed with respect to residues K2-V52 of C. pasteurianum Rd of 0.77 +/- 0.06 A. The conformations of aromatic residues that compose the hydrophobic cores of the two proteins are also similar. However, P. furiosus Rd contains several unique structural elements, including at least four additional hydrogen bonds and three potential electrostatic interactions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
The structures of the oxidized and reduced forms of the rubredoxin from the archaebacterium, Pyrococcus furiosus, an organism that grows optimally at 100 degrees C, have been determined by X-ray crystallography to a resolution of 1.8 A. Crystals of this rubredoxin grow in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with room temperature cell dimensions a = 34.6 A, b = 35.5 A, and c = 44.4 A. Initial phases were determined by the method of molecular replacement using the oxidized form of the rubredoxin from the mesophilic eubacterium, Clostridium pasteurianum, as a starting model. The oxidized and reduced models of P. furiosus rubredoxin each contain 414 nonhydrogen protein atoms comprising 53 residues. The model of the oxidized form contains 61 solvent H2O oxygen atoms and has been refined with X-PLOR and TNT to a final R = 0.178 with root mean square (rms) deviations from ideality in bond distances and bond angles of 0.014 A and 2.06 degrees, respectively. The model of the reduced form contains 37 solvent H2O oxygen atoms and has been refined to R = 0.193 with rms deviations from ideality in bond lengths of 0.012 A and in bond angles of 1.95 degrees. The overall structure of P. furiosus rubredoxin is similar to the structures of mesophilic rubredoxins, with the exception of a more extensive hydrogen-bonding network in the beta-sheet region and multiple electrostatic interactions (salt bridge, hydrogen bonds) of the Glu 14 side chain with groups on three other residues (the amino-terminal nitrogen of Ala 1; the indole nitrogen of Trp 3; and the amide nitrogen group of Phe 29). The influence of these and other features upon the thermostability of the P. furiosus protein is discussed.  相似文献   
To test the hypothesis that gibberellic acid (GA) sensitivityaffects the length of the extension zone (LEZ) of leaf No. 1of wheat seedlings, we performed a gene dosage experiment usingRht dwarfing genes that condition GA insensitivity. We utilizednearly isogenic lines, at Rht-dosage levels of 0, 2 and 4 alleles.Anatomical markers (distances between successive stomates) wereused to infer the distribution of growth along the axis of theleaf. Interstomatal distance (ISD) and LEZ were inverse linearfunctions of Rht-dosage. The number of stomates matured perhour was independent of Rht-dosage. The relationship betweenISD and distance along the axis within the extension zone (EZ)was indistinguishable from linear. Rht-dosage did not affectthe slope of the regression of ISD against distance along theEZ. A-REST (AR; ancymidol, a potent GA synthesis inhibitor)reduced LEZ. Wild type was more sensitive to AR than doubledwarf. AR affected growth of leaf No. 1 more than length ofthe coleoptile, regardless of Rht-dosage. AR-dosage affectedcell division, whereas Rht-dosage did not. Extension zone, elongation, gibberellic acid, Rht, wheat, Triticum aesiivum L.  相似文献   
Abstract Brief exposure to low (0oC) or high (40oC) temperature elicits a protective response that prevents injury when the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart, is subjected to more severe cold (-10oC) or heat (45oC). Both the low and high temperature responses were found in all developmental stages of the fly, but were most pronounced in the pupal and pharate adult stages. The protective responses generated by brief exposure to 0 or 40oC appear similar in that both result in a rapid acquisition of cold or heat tolerance and a loss of protection after the flies are returned to 25oC. The protection generated by chilling is obvious within 10 min of exposure to 0oC while a 30 min exposure to 40oC is required to induce the high temperature protection. High temperature protects against cold shock injury within a narrow range (around 36oC) but we have no evidence that low temperature can protect against heat injury. We previously demonstrated that the rapid increase in cold tolerance correlates with concomitant increases in glycerol concentration, but in this study we found no significant elevation in glycerol in heat-shocked flies. Thus the physiological and biochemical bases for the rapid responses to cold and heat appear to be different.  相似文献   
Regression analysis based on stratified samples   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cardiac hypertrophy was assessed in adrenal medullectomized and sham control rats given ethanol in a liquid diet mixture, intragastrically, in severely intoxicating doses at 8-h intervals for 48 and 96 h. The ethanol treatments produced increases of some 20% in wet and dry proportional heart weights in the control animals, but this rapid development of hypertrophy was less apparent in the medullectomized rats. Hearts of the medullectomized animals given ethanol were heavier than those of pair-matched controls given isocaloric maltose-dextrin in the diet mix. These increases were not statistically significant. The ethanol treatments produced, in addition, equivalent increases in the weight of the adrenal glands of both medullectomized and control animals. Medullectomy was evaluated by analysis of adrenal glands and urine samples for catecholamines. The majority of adrenals from the demedullated group had nondetectable amounts of catecholamines and minimal quantities were found in the remainder. Adrenaline was not detected generally in urine samples from this group. The adrenaline contents of adrenals from sham controls given ethanol were markedly reduced by the ethanol treatments, whereas the quantities in urine were many times greater than those from rats given maltose-dextrin. Urinary noradrenaline levels were increased in both control and medullectomized rats given ethanol. The results of this study identify that adrenal medullary catecholamines participate in the rapid development of cardiac hypertrophy that results from severe, continuing ethanol intoxication in the rat.  相似文献   
Isozyme electrophoresis of up to 55 loci, and microcomplement fixation of albumin were used to assess the extent of structural gene divergence among karyotypic forms of Australian Rattus. The results show that the Australian Rattus are monophyletic with respect to R. rattus or R. norvegicus. Within the Australian Rattus, rates of chromosomal evolution have varied enormously, the highest rates being found among members of the R. sordidus group, where extensive chromosomal repatterning has occurred with little or no structural gene divergence.  相似文献   
To determine the extent and ultrastructure of epithelium lining the transitional nasal mucosa of the neonate, gnotobiotic calf tissues were prepared for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Stratified cuboid epithelium of the rostral 40% of the nasal cavity contained few ciliated cells; the next caudal 10-15%, although ciliated, had extensive nonciliated areas. The predominant type of surface cell was nonciliated, had short microvilli, and contained a multilobate nucleus and numerous pinocytotic vesicles. In some areas the surface of these cells presented a cobblestone appearance. Basal cells contained numerous bundles of filaments, ribosomes, and basal vesicles. Caudally, nonciliated columnar cells included a cell type similar to the more rostral cuboid cell, as well as brush cells and immature secretory and ciliated cells. Goblet cells were infrequently observed. Intraepithelial nerve terminals were abundant. Other intraepithelial cells, often difficult to identify owing to varying characteristics, included lymphocytes. Based upon comparisons of this neonatal epithelium with mature epithelium, observed in earlier studies of other mammalian species, the transitional mucosa is believed normally to occupy an extensive area of the nasal cavity.  相似文献   
1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridine (MPP+) induces oxidative stress in the rodent   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) produces an irreversible parkinsonism in primates. Recent evidence suggests metabolism of MPTP to 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridine (MPP+) is required for toxicity. We have proposed that MPP+ may play a central role in the toxicity of MPTP, but direct assessment of the effects of MPP+ in brain is difficult. Therefore, we have sought to define the mechanism of peripheral MPP+ toxicity in the rat and mouse. Systemically administered MPP+ produced its major pathology in the lung and was typified by perivascular edema. An increase in plasma glutathione disulfide concentrations also resulted, suggesting that MPP+ in analogy to paraquat produces oxidative stress. In addition, the lethality of MPP+ in the mouse was increased by dietary selenium deficiency. These results define in both pathological and chemical terms the potent systemic toxicity of MPP+ and suggest that MPP+, because of its high concentration in primate brain, has the potential to play an important role in the CNS toxicity of MPTP.  相似文献   
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