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The impact of the Pleistocene climate oscillations on the structure of biodiversity in tropical regions remains poorly understood. In this study, the forest refuge theory is examined at the molecular level in Milicia excelsa, a dioecious tree with a continuous range throughout tropical Africa. Eight nuclear microsatellites (nSSRs) and two sequences and one microsatellite from chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) showed a deep divide between samples from Benin and those from Lower Guinea. This suggests that these populations were isolated in separate geographical regions, probably for several glacial cycles of the Pleistocene, and that the nuclear gene pools were not homogenized despite M. excelsa’s wind‐pollination syndrome. The divide could also be related to seed dispersal patterns, which should be largely determined by the migration behaviour of M. excelsa’s main seed disperser, the frugivorous bat Eidolon helvum. Within Lower Guinea, a north–south divide, observed with both marker types despite weak genetic structure (nSSRs: FST = 0.035, cpDNA: GST = 0.506), suggested the existence of separate Pleistocene refugia in Cameroon and the Gabon/Congo region. We inferred a pollen‐to‐seed dispersal distance ratio of c. 1.8, consistent with wide‐ranging gene dispersal by both wind and bats. Simulations in an Approximate Bayesian Computation framework suggested low nSSR and cpDNA mutation rates, but imprecise estimates of other demographic parameters, probably due to a substantial gene flow between the Lower Guinean gene pools. The decline of genetic diversity detected in some Gabonese populations could be a consequence of the relatively recent establishment of a closed canopy forest, which could negatively affect M. excelsa’s reproductive system.  相似文献   
Abstract Araucaria Forest expansion over grassland takes place under wet climate conditions and low disturbance and it is hypothesized that isolated trees established on grassland facilitate the establishment of forest woody species beneath their canopies. Forest with Araucaria angustifolia is a particular type of Brazilian Atlantic Forest and the main forest type on the highland plateau in south Brazil, often forming mosaics with natural Campos grassland. The objectives of this paper were to evaluate the role of isolated shrubs and trees as colonization sites for seedlings of Araucaria Forest woody species on grassland, to determine which species function as preferential nurse plants in the process and the importance of vertebrate diaspore dispersal on the structure of seedling communities beneath nurse plants. The study was conducted in São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul State, where we sampled isolated shrubs and trees in natural grassland near Araucaria Forest edges. Seedlings were counted and identified, and seedling diaspore dispersal syndromes, size and colour were registered. We detected 11 woody species with a potential role in nucleating grassland colonization by forest species. Beneath the canopies of nurse plants more forest species seedlings were found compared with open field grassland and the seedlings had diaspores mostly dispersed by vertebrates. Also, more seedlings were found under the canopy of A. angustifolia than beneath other nurse plant species. We conclude that A. angustifolia trees established on grassland act as nurse plants, by attracting disperser birds that promote colonization of the site by other forest species seedlings, and that under low level of grassland disturbance, conservation of frugivorous vertebrate assemblages may increase forest expansion over natural grassland and also facilitate the regeneration of degraded forest areas.  相似文献   
Eight microsatellite primers were developed from ISSR (intersimple sequence repeats) markers for the stingless bee Melipona rufiventris. These primers were tested in 20 M. rufiventris workers, representing a single population from Minas Gerais state. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 5 (mean = 2.63) and the observed and expected heterozygosity values ranged from 0.00 to 0.44 (mean = 0.20) and from 0.05 to 0.68 (mean = 0.31), respectively. Several loci were also polymorphic in M. quadrifasciata, M. bicolor, M. mandacaia and Partamona helleri and should prove useful in population studies of other stingless bees.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The hitherto poorly known, monotypic trilobite genus Fenestraspis from the Lower Devonian of Bolivia is revised and its original assignment to the Synphoriinae supported. The thoracic morphology of the genus remains very poorly known. Fenestraspis is morphologically unusual because of the development of extensive fenestrae in the pleural region of the pygidium and apparently of the thorax; the presence of upwardly directed spines on the cephalon, thorax and pygidium; and the exceptionally large and highly elevated eyes with the palpebral rim projecting outwards above the visual surface. The function of the fenestrae remains uncertain. If they formed openings in the body of the trilobite in life they may have allowed circulation of oxygenated water to the limb exites so that respiration could have been maintained while the trilobite was enrolled. If they were covered with a flexible membrane, they may have been secondary respiratory structures or had a sensory function. The Synphoriinae is regarded as a subfamily of the Dalmanitidae rather than as an independent family of the Dalmanitoidea as proposed by some authors. The type species of the poorly known monotypic genus Dalmanitoides from the Lower Devonian of Argentina is illustrated photographically for the first time and compared with Fenestraspis .  相似文献   
The species related to Vriesea paraibica (Bromeliaceae, Tillandsioideae) have controversial taxonomic limits. For several decades, this group has been identified in herbarium collections as V. × morreniana, an artificial hybrid that does not grow in natural habitats. The aim of this study was to assess the morphological variation in the V. paraibica complex through morphometric analyses of natural populations. Two sets of analyses were performed: the first involved six natural populations (G1) and the second was carried out on taxa that emerged from the first analysis, but using material from herbarium collections (G2). Univariate ANOVA was used, as well as discriminant analysis of 16 morphometric variables in G1 and 18 in G2. The results of the analyses of the two groups were similar and led to the selection of diagnostic traits of four species. Lengths of the lower and median floral bracts were significant for the separation of red and yellow floral bracts. Vriesea paraibica and V. interrogatoria have red bracts; these two species are differentiated by the widths of the lower and median portions of the inflorescence and by scape length. These structures are larger in the former and smaller in the latter. Of the species with yellow floral bracts, V. eltoniana is distinguished by longer leaf blades and scapes and V. flava is characterized by its shorter sepal lengths. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 163–181.  相似文献   
基于NOAA-AVHRR数据的中国东部地区植被遥感分类研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
该文采用 19幅 (时间跨 8个月 ) 时间序列的NOAAAVHRR的归一化植被指数 (NDVI) 最大值合成影像遥感数据, 经过主分量分析 (Principlecomponentanalysis, PCA) 处理后, 用非监督分类方法的ISODATA算法, 对中国东部地区的 (五省一市 ) 植被进行分类, 结果可以分出 2 8种土地覆盖类型, 除了两种类型为水体和城市或裸地外, 其余 2 6种类型均为植被类型, 根据中国植被分类系统, 这 2 6类可以归并为 6大植被类型 :1) 常绿阔叶林 ;2 ) 针叶林 ;3) 竹林 ;4 ) 灌草丛 ;5 ) 水生植被 ;6 ) 农业植被。用 1∶10 0 0 0 0 0数字化《中国植被图集》的植被类型检验遥感分类结果表明, 针叶林、灌草丛、常绿阔叶林和农业植被的分类具有较高的位置精度和面积精度, 位置精度分别为 79.2 %、91.3%、6 8.2 %和 95.9%, 面积精度分别达到 92.1%、95.9%、6 3.8%和 90.5 %。这 6大植被类型在地理空间上的分布规律与中国东部常绿阔叶林区植被的地带性分布基本一致。  相似文献   
入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花与乡土植物芦苇的相互化感作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以加拿大一枝黄花和芦苇的共优群落和各自单优群落的种子为化感受体,分析其分别在加拿大一枝黄花和芦苇5个浓度梯度(12.5、25、50、100和200mg·mL-1)浸提液处理下的发芽率和芽长差异,研究2种植物的相互化感作用规律.结果表明:2种植物在共优群落中的千粒重和蒸馏水培养下的发芽率均比单优群落大.加拿大一枝黄花的浸提液对自身种子发芽率在单优和共优群落中均具有在低浓度下(12.5、25 mg·mL-1)轻微促进、中高浓度下(50、100和200mg·mL-1)强烈抑制的作用,其中对共优群落种子的抑制作用尤为显著;而芦苇浸提液对加拿大一枝黄花种子的影响无明显规律.加拿大一枝黄花的种子芽长在单优和共优群落中均随自身浸提液浓度的升高趋于减小,随芦苇浸提液浓度的升高呈波动减小趋势.在芦苇和加拿大一枝黄花浸提液处理下,芦苇种子发芽率在单优群落中均显著大于共优群落(P<0.05),但2种浸提液处理间无显著差异.  相似文献   
结核病是一种棘手的重大传染病.虽然存在一些有一定疗效的治疗药物,亦有预防性疫苗--卡介苗(BCG);但结核病仍在世界范围流行,且发病率和病死率居高不下.结核病的免疫病理机制及疫苗研究近年来取得了一定的进展.结核分枝杆菌通过Toll样受体(TLR)等模式识别受体,激活巨噬细胞的天然免疫反应,清除细菌和调节获得性免疫反应....  相似文献   
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