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Steroid hormones are believed to play an important role in prostate carcinogenesis, but epidemiological evidence linking prostate cancer and steroid hormone genes has been inconclusive, in part due to small sample sizes or incomplete characterization of genetic variation at the locus of interest. Here we report on the results of a comprehensive study of the association between HSD17B1 and prostate cancer by the Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium, a large collaborative study. HSD17B1 encodes 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1, an enzyme that converts dihydroepiandrosterone to the testosterone precursor Δ5-androsterone-3β,17β-diol and converts estrone to estradiol. The Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium researchers systematically characterized variation in HSD17B1 by targeted resequencing and dense genotyping; selected haplotype-tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (htSNPs) that efficiently predict common variants in U.S. and European whites, Latinos, Japanese Americans, and Native Hawaiians; and genotyped these htSNPs in 8,290 prostate cancer cases and 9,367 study-, age-, and ethnicity-matched controls. We found no evidence that HSD17B1 htSNPs (including the nonsynonymous coding SNP S312G) or htSNP haplotypes were associated with risk of prostate cancer or tumor stage in the pooled multiethnic sample or in U.S. and European whites. Analyses stratified by age, body mass index, and family history of disease found no subgroup-specific associations between these HSD17B1 htSNPs and prostate cancer. We found significant evidence of heterogeneity in associations between HSD17B1 haplotypes and prostate cancer across ethnicity: one haplotype had a significant (p < 0.002) inverse association with risk of prostate cancer in Latinos and Japanese Americans but showed no evidence of association in African Americans, Native Hawaiians, or whites. However, the smaller numbers of Latinos and Japanese Americans in this study makes these subgroup analyses less reliable. These results suggest that the germline variants in HSD17B1 characterized by these htSNPs do not substantially influence the risk of prostate cancer in U.S. and European whites.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated the relationship between reovirus-induced apoptosis and viral growth. Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells infected with prototype reovirus strains type 1 Lang (T1L) or type 3 Dearing (T3D) were found to undergo apoptosis, and T3D induced apoptosis of MDCK cells to a substantially greater extent than T1L. By using T1L x T3D reassortant viruses, we found that differences in the capacities of these strains to induce apoptosis are determined by the viral S1 and M2 gene segments. These genes encode viral outer-capsid proteins that play important roles in viral entry into cells. T1L grew significantly better in MDCK cells than T3D, and these differences in growth segregated with the viral L1 and M1 gene segments. The L1 and M1 genes encode viral core proteins involved in viral RNA synthesis. Bcl-2 overexpression in MDCK cells inhibited reovirus-induced apoptosis but did not substantially affect reovirus growth. These findings indicate that differences in the capacities of reovirus strains to induce apoptosis and grow in MDCK cells are determined by different viral genes and that premature cell death by apoptosis does not limit reovirus growth in MDCK cells.  相似文献   
The binding of EGF induces dimerization of its receptor, leading to the stimulation of its intracellular tyrosine kinase activity. Kinase activation occurs within the context of an asymmetric dimer in which one kinase domain serves as the activator for the other kinase domain but is not itself activated. How ligand binding is related to the formation and dynamics of this asymmetric dimer is not known. The binding of EGF to its receptor is negatively cooperative--that is, EGF binds with lower affinity to the second site on the dimer than to the first site on the dimer. In this study, we analyzed the binding of (125)I-EGF to a series of EGF receptor mutants in the intracellular juxtamembrane domain and demonstrate that the most membrane-proximal portion of this region plays a significant role in the genesis of negative cooperativity in the EGF receptor. The data are consistent with a model in which the binding of EGF to the first site on the dimer induces the formation of one asymmetric kinase dimer. The binding of EGF to the second site is required to disrupt the initial asymmetric dimer and allow the formation of the reciprocal asymmetric dimer. Thus, some of the energy of binding to the second site is used to reorient the first asymmetric dimer, leading to a lower binding affinity and the observed negative cooperativity.  相似文献   
A number of recent papers have suggested basing the statistical analysis of Salmonella (Ames) mutagenicity test results on a mathematical model of the complete dose-response curve. For most mutagens at low doses the curve increases linearly; then, as the dose increases, the curve may flatten and finally turn downwards due primarily to effects of toxicity. The exact mechanism underlying this shape is, however, not well understood and is likely to vary for different chemicals. A different approach is to assume that the initial part of the curve is linear and to base the statistical analysis solely on this region, reasoning that it contains most of the interpretable information about the mutagenesis dose response. In this paper a formal method of deciding which points are on the initial linear part of the curve is described, and a statistical method is proposed for analyzing these points. Computer simulations are used to examine the properties of the procedure and comparisons are made with a previously proposed mathematical model of the whole curve. It is concluded that the method suggested here provides a very satisfactory, robust method for the standard analysis of Salmonella data.  相似文献   
Preincubation of Swiss 3T3 cells with the tumor promoter 12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) at 37 degrees C is observed to cause only a small (approximately 10%) decrease in maximal binding of 125I-platelet-derived growth factor (125I-PDGF), and does not affect the affinity of 125I-PDGF binding to these cells. Under the same conditions, the affinity of the epidermal growth factor receptor is greatly reduced, possibly resulting from phosphorylation by protein kinase C. TPA is also shown to have no effect on the kinetics of internalization or degradation of bound 125I-PDGF. Although TPA has little or no effect on these properties of the PDGF receptor, it was found to act in a synergistic fashion with low, but not high, concentrations of PDGF to increase DNA synthesis by 3T3 cells. Since TPA has previously been shown to activate protein kinase C, these findings suggest that protein kinase C does not regulate the ligand-binding properties of the PDGF receptor, and that the observed synergism between TPA and PDGF in stimulating mitogenesis reflects effects of TPA on other processes in the mitogenic pathway.  相似文献   
Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii causes Stewart's wilt of sweet corn. A hypersensitive response and pathogenicity (Hrp) secretion system is needed to produce water-soaking and wilting symptoms in corn and to cause a hypersensitive response (HR) in tobacco. Sequencing of the hrp cluster revealed a putative harpin gene, hrpN. The product of this gene was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and shown to elicit the HR in tobacco and systemic resistance in radishes. The protein was designated HrpN(Pnss). Like other harpins, it was heat stable and protease sensitive, although it was three- to fourfold less active biologically than Erwinia amylovora harpin. We used antibodies to purified HrpN(Pnss) to verify that hrpN mutants could not produce harpin. This protein was secreted into the culture supernatant and was produced by strains of P. stewartii subsp. indologenes. In order to determine the importance of HrpN(Pnss) in pathogenesis on sweet corn, three hrpN::Tn5 mutants were compared with the wild-type strain with 50% effective dose, disease severity, response time, and growth rate in planta as parameters. In all tests, HrpN(Pnss) was not required for infection, growth, or virulence in corn or endophytic growth in related grasses.  相似文献   
Abstract: A systematic account of highly diverse cyrtocrinid faunules from Upper Jurassic strata of ?tramberk type (Oxfordian–Tithonian) in southern Poland (Polish Carpathians) is presented. Fourteen taxa (Phyllocrinus malbosianus, Ph. stellaris, Ph. sp., Psalidocrinus armatus, Sclerocrinus compressus, Spolonicus sp. nov., Hemicrinus aff. kabanovi, Ancepsicrinus parvus gen. et sp. nov., Tetracrinus baumilleri sp. nov., Eugeniacrinites alexandrowiczi, E. cf. moravicus, E. sp., Eudesicrinus gluchowskii sp. nov. and Hemibrachiocrinus tithonicus sp. nov. are described and illustrated. Representatives of the genus Eudesicrinus, previously recorded only from the Lower Jurassic, are here shown to extend into the uppermost Jurassic. Other cyrtocrinids considered are common in Jurassic/Cretaceous strata across Europe. In the present faunules, isocrinid (Isocrinida), comatulid (Comatulida) and roveacrinid (Roveacrinida sensu Rasmussen, inclusive of Saccocoma) crinoids are associated.  相似文献   
As part of a detailed study, the syntheses, biological activities, and pharmacokinetic properties of hydroxylated analogues of the previously described broad spectrum antifungal agents, Sch 51048 (1), Sch 50001 (3), and Sch 50002 (4), are described. Based on an overall superior profile, one of the alcohols, Sch 56592 (2), was selected for clinical studies.  相似文献   
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