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Based on new, bed-rock controlled material from northwestern Guangxi and Oman, the Early Triassic genus Proharpoceras Chao is shown to be a representative of Otocerataceae. Character analysis excludes a direct link with the Griesbachian Otoceratidae and favours a derivation of Proharpoceras from the late Permian Anderssonoceratidae. The biostratigraphic range of Proharpoceras is restricted to the Smithian and its biogeographic distribution comprises Oman, South China, and Primorye, thus indicating an essentially low palaeolatitudinal distribution. Proharpoceras has no apparent relatives among other Early and Middle Triassic Ceratitida and is thus considered to be the last representative of Otocerataceae. This offshoot of the late Permian Anderssonoceratidae implies that an additional ammonoid lineage survived the end Permian extinction and that it dwindled away for some 2 Myr before going extinct.  相似文献   
Ammonoids are diverse and widespread fossil, externally shelled cephalopods that flourished for more than 300 Myr before their total extinction 65 Ma ago. In spite of two centuries of intensive scientific studies, their mode(s) of life and long‐distance dispersal abilities remain poorly known. Here, we address this by focusing on the latitudinal distribution of Early Triassic (approximately 250 Myr) ammonoids through similarity‐distance decay analyses. We examine and compare rates of similarity‐distance decay between various groups with respect to systematics, shell geometry and ornamentation to untangle phylogenetic, geometric and ornamental imprints on the observed biogeographical pattern. Our data do not support any phylogenetic and shell ornamentation influence, but rather demonstrate the significant effect of (sub‐)adult shell geometry on the similarity–distance decay: most evolute morphs tend to have been more endemic than most involute forms. This contrasts with the classic hypothesis that long‐distance ammonoid dispersal mainly occurred during the earliest planktonic stages, and thus that (sub‐)adult morphological characteristics should not constrain large‐scale biogeographical patterns of ammonoids. Although direct control by Sea Surface Temperature can be discarded, this result may indicate that at least some adult Triassic ammonoid morphs were skilled active swimmers capable of achieving long‐distance migration, as observed for some present‐day coleoid cephalopods. □Ammonoid, dispersal, similarity‐distance decay, morphology, phylogeny, biogeography, Triassic.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. Bark beetles and their predators are useful systems for addressing questions concerning diet breadth and prey preference in arthropod natural enemies. These predators use bark beetle pheromones to locate their prey, and the response to different pheromones is a measure of prey preference. 2. Trapping experiments were conducted to examine geographic variation in the response to prey pheromones by two bark beetle predators, Thanasimus dubius and Temnochila virescens. The experiments used pheromones for several Dendroctonus and Ips prey species (frontalin, ipsdienol, and ipsenol) and manipulated visual cues involved in prey location (black vs. white traps). The study sites included regions where the frontalin‐emitter Dendroctonus frontalis was in outbreak vs. endemic or absent. 3. There was significant geographic variation in pheromone preference for T. dubius. This predator strongly preferred a pheromone (frontalin) associated with D. frontalis at outbreak sites, while preference was more even at endemic and absent sites. No geographic variation was found in the response by T. virescens. White traps caught fewer insects than black traps for both predators, suggesting that visual cues are also important in prey location. 4. The overall pattern for T. dubius is consistent with switching or optimal foraging theory, assuming D. frontalis is a higher quality prey than Ips. The two predator species partition the prey pheromones in areas where D. frontalis is abundant, possibly to minimise competition and intraguild predation.  相似文献   
Characterization of the fine‐scale population dynamics of the mosquito Aedes taeniorhynchus is needed to improve our understanding of its role as a disease vector in the Galapagos Islands. We used microsatellite data to assess the genetic structure of coastal and highland mosquito populations and patterns of gene flow between the two habitats through time on Santa Cruz Island. In addition, we assessed possible associations of mosquito abundance and genetic diversity with environmental variables. The coastal and highland mosquito populations were highly differentiated from each other all year round, with some gene flow detected only during periods of increased precipitation. The results support the hypothesis that selection arising from ecological differences between habitats is driving adaptation and divergence in A. taeniorhynchus, and maintaining long‐term genetic differentiation of the populations against gene flow. The highland and lowland populations may constitute an example of incipient speciation in progress. Highland populations were characterized by lower observed heterozygosity and allelic richness, suggesting a founder effect and/or lower breeding site availability in the highlands. A lack of reduction in genetic diversity over time in highland populations suggests that they survive dry periods as dormant eggs. Association between mosquito abundance and precipitation was strong in the highlands, whereas tide height was the main factor affecting mosquito abundance on the coast. Our findings suggests differences in the infection dynamics of mosquito‐borne parasites in the highlands compared to the coast, and a higher risk of mosquito‐driven disease spread across these habitats during periods of increased precipitation.  相似文献   
Recent papers have promoted the view that model‐based methods in general, and those based on Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) in particular, are flawed in a number of ways, and are therefore inappropriate for the analysis of phylogeographic data. These papers further argue that Nested Clade Phylogeographic Analysis (NCPA) offers the best approach in statistical phylogeography. In order to remove the confusion and misconceptions introduced by these papers, we justify and explain the reasoning behind model‐based inference. We argue that ABC is a statistically valid approach, alongside other computational statistical techniques that have been successfully used to infer parameters and compare models in population genetics. We also examine the NCPA method and highlight numerous deficiencies, either when used with single or multiple loci. We further show that the ages of clades are carelessly used to infer ages of demographic events, that these ages are estimated under a simple model of panmixia and population stationarity but are then used under different and unspecified models to test hypotheses, a usage the invalidates these testing procedures. We conclude by encouraging researchers to study and use model‐based inference in population genetics.  相似文献   
Predicting how bird populations may respond to climate change is a major challenge which could be addressed by understanding how past environmental processes have driven the variations of breeding population size and productivity. In inhabited regions, this issue may be complicated by the interference associated with heterogeneous levels of habitat management. Here, we have explored how several hydrological variables influenced the breeding of the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus in the Camargue (Rhone delta, southern France) over a 28‐year period (1974–2001). In this region, Flamingos breed in a commercial salt pan. They forage in both salt pans and adjacent brackish lagoons. We hypothesized that breeding numbers, productivity and body condition of chicks at fledging were influenced positively by water levels of the Vaccares, the main lagoon of the delta, in spring (water and food availability) and the Rhone discharge in winter (nutrient availability in the salt pans). We controlled for variations of the flooding date of the breeding salt pan by the salt company and the size of the breeding island. We first found the Vaccares water levels and Rhone discharge to be negatively correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Secondly, the number of Flamingo breeding pairs (range 3560–22 200) increased by 1767 ± 1418 (95% CI) with a 10‐day advance of the flooding date of the breeding salt pan and by 1146 ± 1081 per 10‐cm water level rise in the Vaccares. Productivity was 0.46 ± 0.41 chicks per pair and could not be explained by any of the variables considered. Finally, chick body condition decreased with the number of breeding pairs and Rhone discharge. Our results show that (1) this intensely managed system remains sensitive to large‐scale climate variations, (2) the breeding of the Greater Flamingo is affected by both climate variations and management of the salt pan, and (3) the expected enhancement of delta productivity by high river discharge was absent, probably prevented by dykes and embankments along the river. The response of bird populations to climate variations can thus be complex in intensely managed biological systems as found in the Mediterranean. We encourage pursuing such analyses incorporating anthropogenic variables explicitly in order to expand our capacity to make inference on the future of these systems.  相似文献   
Because of the scarcity of polymorphic genetic markers available in locust species, only a few population genetics studies have been carried out on this taxon. We isolated and characterized 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the pest locust Locusta migratoria capito, and described experimental conditions for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) multiplexing and simultaneously genotyping these loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from six to 25, and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.431 to 0.957. Results of cross‐taxon amplification tests are reported in six other Locusta migratoria subspecies, six species of the Oedipodinae subfamily and two other pest locust species.  相似文献   
Many studies have focused on tail ornamentation in birds, but not all tail shapes have been studied in depth. Graduated and pin tails have received less attention than forked tails, despite being more likely, in terms of aerodynamic theory, to be honest signals. We report morphological variation in live specimens of two sexually dimorphic passerines from the same site with different tail shapes: graduated (Cape sugarbird Promerops cafer ) and pin (orange-breasted sunbird Antobaphes violacea ). Coefficients of variation (CVs) were calculated for all morphological traits, both non-ornamental (range 1.91–5.72) and ornamental (range 5.83–21.71). Males and females did not differ in CV for any non-ornamental trait. Ornamental traits in males of both species were significantly more variable than all non-ornamental traits. Cape sugarbird ornamental traits were significantly more variable than those of orange-breasted sunbirds. The high levels of variation in graduated tails relative to pintails suggest that these traits have been driven mainly by sexual selection. In contrast, both constraining natural and multiple ornament selection could be responsible for the relatively low levels of variation in pintails.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 437–443.  相似文献   
Temporal evolution of genetic variability may have far-reaching consequences for a diverse array of evolutionary processes. Within the polders of the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (France), populations of the land snail Helix aspersa are characterized by a metapopulation structure with occasional extinction processes resulting from farming practices. A temporal survey of genetic structure in H . aspersa was carried out using variability at four microsatellite loci, in ten populations sampled two years apart. Levels of within-population genetic variation, as measured by allelic richness, H e or F is , did not change over time and similar levels of population differentiation were demonstrated for both sampling years. The extent of genetic differentiation between temporal samples of the same population established (i) a stable structure for six populations, and (ii) substantial genetic changes for four populations. Using classical F -statistics and a maximum likelihood method, estimates of the effective population size ( N e) illustrated a mixture of stable populations with high N e, and unstable populations characterized by very small N e estimates (of 5–11 individuals). Owing to human disturbances, intermittent gene flow and genetic drift are likely to be the predominant evolutionary processes shaping the observed genetic structure. However, the practice of multiple matings and sperm storage is likely to provide a reservoir of variability, minimizing the eroding genetic effects of population size reduction and increasing the effective population size.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 89–102.  相似文献   
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