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In this study we examined ecosystem respiration (RECO) data from 104 sites belonging to FLUXNET, the global network of eddy covariance flux measurements. The goal was to identify the main factors involved in the variability of RECO: temporally and between sites as affected by climate, vegetation structure and plant functional type (PFT) (evergreen needleleaf, grasslands, etc.). We demonstrated that a model using only climate drivers as predictors of RECO failed to describe part of the temporal variability in the data and that the dependency on gross primary production (GPP) needed to be included as an additional driver of RECO. The maximum seasonal leaf area index (LAIMAX) had an additional effect that explained the spatial variability of reference respiration (the respiration at reference temperature Tref=15 °C, without stimulation introduced by photosynthetic activity and without water limitations), with a statistically significant linear relationship (r2=0.52, P<0.001, n=104) even within each PFT. Besides LAIMAX, we found that reference respiration may be explained partially by total soil carbon content (SoilC). For undisturbed temperate and boreal forests a negative control of total nitrogen deposition (Ndepo) on reference respiration was also identified. We developed a new semiempirical model incorporating abiotic factors (climate), recent productivity (daily GPP), general site productivity and canopy structure (LAIMAX) which performed well in predicting the spatio‐temporal variability of RECO, explaining >70% of the variance for most vegetation types. Exceptions include tropical and Mediterranean broadleaf forests and deciduous broadleaf forests. Part of the variability in respiration that could not be described by our model may be attributed to a series of factors, including phenology in deciduous broadleaf forests and management practices in grasslands and croplands.  相似文献   
The role played by abandoned nests of leaf‐cutting ants (Atta spp.) as a small‐scale disturbance regime that affects plant recruitment, species coexistence and forest regeneration remains poorly investigated. Here we examine whether abandoned nests of Atta cephalotes serve as regeneration niches and operate as particular plant recruitment habitats, favouring forest regeneration after ant activities cease and leading to the establishment of taxonomically/ecologically distinct plant assemblages. Soil properties, canopy openness, light availability and regenerating plant assemblages were evaluated across 18 nests and adjacent control plots in a large remnant of Atlantic Forest in north‐east Brazil from December 2004 to December 2005. Surprisingly, nests and control plots exhibited very similar light environments irrespective of nest age, but nest soils exhibited substantial reductions in carbon content (1.45 ± 0.24 vs. 1.79 ± 0.13%) and organic matter (2.50 ± 0.41 vs. 3.08 ± 0.23%), and proved to be much more resistant to penetration (30.57 ± 6.08 vs. 39.48 ± 7.53 mm). Functional signature of regenerating plant assemblages exhibited little variation across both habitat types, as they were dominated by pioneer, small‐seeded and vertebrate‐dispersed species. However, abandoned nests exhibited less dense, impoverished and more homogeneous regenerating plant assemblages at local and landscape scale; they clearly lacked nest‐dependent plant species and represented floristic subsets of the flora inhabiting the undisturbed forest. This recruitment bottleneck was transient in the long term because nest‐related effects ameliorated in older nests. Our results suggest that, unlike treefall gaps, abandoned nests represent temporary (relatively long‐lasting) islands of unsuitable substrate that reduce plant recruitment, retard forest regeneration, and fail in providing a special regeneration niche able to promote species coexistence and plant diversity.  相似文献   
Agave tequilana Weber (Rigidae, Agavaceae), blue agave, is a native Mexican plant that has been associated with tequila since the 17th century. The tequila industry has matured over time and now has a geographical indication (Denominación de Origen; DOT). The tequila industry has grown substantially in the last 15 years (19.82% annual increase between 1995 and 2008), resulting in an increase in agave production and associated residue (leaves) and bagasse that can be used for second‐generation biofuels. At a time when the biofuel industry is undergoing unprecedented changes, with diversified demand and predictions of increased competitiveness, this paper presents a review of agave landraces that have been affected by tequila production but may be beneficial for a biofuel industry. Conventional botanical studies have revealed domestication syndromes in races related to blue agave (‘azul listado’, ‘sigüín’ and ‘pata de mula’) specifically for production of fructans in the plant core as would be expected in mezcal agaves (including those used for tequila). Some others, such as the ‘moraleño’ and ‘bermejo’ cultivars (Sisalanae) show domestication syndrome only in the fibers, while others, such as ‘chato,’A. americana L. subtilis (Americanae) show domestication syndrome in fructans and fibers and ‘zopilote,’A. rhodacantha (Rigidae) a relatively low domestication syndrome. No specimens of the cultivars named ‘mano larga’, ‘mano anchaque’ and ‘cucharo’ were found in the Tequila Region of Origin (Western Mexico). The genetic resources from landraces ignored by the tequila industry may be valuable for both ethanol production and conservation.  相似文献   
The amplification of complete mitochondrial genomes by long PCR (polymerase chain reaction) has been a major contribution to the large‐scale sequencing of arthropodan mitochondrial genomes. In this work, we designed six conserved long‐PCR primers to successfully recover the entire mitochondrial genome of the horn fly Haematobia irritans (Diptera: Muscidae) in two overlapping fragments. The conservation and versatility of these primers were tested for 17 other species from four major insect orders: Diptera (14), Coleoptera (1), Lepidoptera (1) and Hymenoptera (1). The amplification of complete mitochondrial genomes in orders other than Diptera suggested an even broader application of these primers, especially within the Hexapoda.  相似文献   
The evolutionary potential in the timing of recruitment and reproduction may be crucial for the ability of populations to buffer against environmental changes, allowing them to avoid unfavourable breeding conditions. The evolution of a trait in a local population is determined by its heritability and selection. In the present study, we performed pedigree‐based quantitative genetic analyses for two life‐history traits (recruiting age and laying date) using population data of the storm petrel over an 18‐year period in two adjacent breeding colonies (only 150 m apart) that share the same environmental conditions. In both traits, natal colony effect was the main source of the phenotypic variation among individuals, and cohort variance for recruitment age and additive genetic variance for laying date were natal colony‐specific. We found significant heritability only in laying date and, more specifically, only in birds born in one of the colonies. The difference in genetic variance between the colonies was statistically significant. Interestingly, selection on earlier breeding birds was detected only in the colony in which heritable variation in laying date was found. Therefore, local evolvability for a life‐history trait may vary within a unexpectedly small spatial scale, through the diversifying natural selection and insulating gene flow. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 439–446.  相似文献   
Abstract: The bioclaustration of the pyrgomatid barnacle Ceratoconcha aff. costata within the carbonate skeleton of a colonial hermatypical coral (Tarbellastrea reussiana) is described from a middle Miocene basaltic rocky palaeoshore on a small north‐eastern Atlantic islet of Porto Santo (Madeira Archipelago, Portugal). The resulting structure is named as a new trace fossil Imbutichnus igen. nov., characterized by a small, funnel‐like cavity, a circular to oval cross‐section, with a nearly cylindrical shape in the upper part and a conical shape towards the base. Imbutichnus costatum isp. nov. is defined as a bioclaustration structure produced by the overgrowth of a pyrgomatid barnacle by a coral. From an ethologic point of view, Imbutichnus is attributed to the Impedichnia category. In terms of palaeoecology, it is interpreted as the result of a parasitic relationship. This is also the oldest record of pyrgomatid barnacles in the eastern Atlantic and clearly demonstrates that the Miocene palaeogeographic range of Ceratoconcha was much wider than previously assumed.  相似文献   
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