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腌制肉中亚硝酸盐抑菌机理的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
亚硝酸盐是内制品中常用的食品添加剂,具有发色、抑菌、改善风味和质构等作用,特别是亚硝酸盐能够有效的防止内毒梭状杆菌的生长,但是亚硝酸盐具有毒性,亚硝酸根与肉类中的胺类物质反应生成致癌物亚硝胺,使亚硝酸盐的使用受到限制。已有许多亚硝酸盐抑菌机理的研究报道,本文综述了亚硝酸盐作用的微生物、腌制成分和其它因素对亚硝酸盐押菌作用的影响、以及亚硝酸盐抑菌分子机理的研究进展,并对亚硝酸盐作用机理的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
攻击行为神经机制的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
由于攻击行为与人类犯罪暴力行为密切相关,对其神经生物学机制的研究日益受到广泛关注。本文综述了研究攻击行为所采用的一般模型、与攻击行为相关的脑区及神经递质和激素。尽管与攻击行为相关的化学物质种类很多,但是五羟色胺(serotonin,5-HT)是雄性之间攻击行为发生的决定因素,其他化学物质通过5-HT起作用。  相似文献   
妊娠合并甲状腺功能亢进症23 例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨妊娠合并甲状腺功能亢进症的孕妇的妊娠结局,对母体造成的影响,抗甲状腺药物的使用情况及分娩方式。方法:对23例甲状腺功能亢进孕妇进行了回顾性分析,观察该病对孕妇的影响,对母儿造成的不良结局。结果:23例甲状腺功能亢进孕妇合并轻度妊娠高血压综合征的2例,中度4例,重度2例。合并心衰6例,合并胎膜早破5例,胎盘粘连2例,甲状腺危象1例,胎盘早剥1例,产后出血1例,前置胎盘1例。23例甲状腺功能亢进顺产6例,产钳1例,胎头吸引1例,剖宫产15例。出现早产9例,其中5例为医源性早产。胎儿宫内窘迫6例,死胎1例。结论:妊娠合并甲状腺功能亢进症常危及母婴健康,为降低母儿风险,孕前需很好地控制病情,孕期密切监控,合理治疗。  相似文献   
甘草的药理作用概述   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
通过对国内外期刊中有关甘草药理作用的文献进行查阅,综述了甘草具有肾上腺皮质激素样作用、抗消化性溃疡、解痉、抗炎及免疫抑制作用和解毒、抗病毒、镇咳祛痰、抗肿瘤、抑菌、防治肝损害、抗衰老、抗心律失常、抑制气道平滑肌细胞增生、降血脂与抗动脉粥样硬化等药理作用,其临床应用有广阔的前号。  相似文献   
Osteoclasts are bone-resorbing multinucleated cells that undergo drastic changes in their polarization due to heavy vesicular trafficking during the resorption cycle. These events require the precise orchestration of membrane traffic in order to maintain the unique characteristics of the different membrane domains in osteoclasts. Rab proteins are small GTPases involved in regulation of most, if not all, steps of vesicle trafficking. The investigators studied RAB genes in human osteoclasts and found that at least 26 RABs were expressed in osteoclasts. Out of these, RAB13 gene expression was highly upregulated during differentiation of human peripheral blood monocytic cells into osteoclasts. To study its possible function in osteoclasts, the investigators performed immunolocalization studies for Rab13 and various known markers of osteoclast vesicular trafficking. Rab13 localized to small vesicular structures at the superior parts of the osteoclast between the trans-Golgi network and basolateral membrane domain. Rab13 localization suggests that it is not involved in endocytosis or transcytosis of bone degradation products. In addition, Rab13 did not associate with early endosomes or recycling endosomes labeled with EEA1 or TRITC-conjugated transferrin, respectively. Its involvement in glucose transporter traffic was excluded as well. It is suggested that Rab13 is associated with a putative secretory function in osteoclasts.  相似文献   
Fourier Transform Infrared Radiation (FTIR) spectroscopy is one of the most powerful methods for the detection of gaseous constituents, aerosols, and dust in planetary atmospheres. Infrared spectroscopy plays an important role in searching for biomarkers, organics and biological substances in the Universe. The possibility of detection and identifications with FTIR spectrometer of bio-aerosol spores (Bacillus atrophaeus var. globigii=BG) in the atmosphere is discussed in this paper. We describe the results of initial spectral measurements performed in the laboratory and in the field. The purpose of these experiments was to detect and to identify bio-aerosol spores in two conditions: 1) In a closed chamber where the thermal contrast between the background and aerosols was large, and 2) In open air where the thermal contrast between the background and aerosols was small. The extinction spectrum of BG spores was deduced by comparing our measurements with models, and other measurements known from the literature. Our theoretical and experimental studies indicate that, during passive remote sensing measurements, it is difficult-but possible to detect and to identify bio-aerosol clouds by their spectral signatures. The simple spectral analysis described in the paper can be useful for the detection of various kinds of trace aerosols-not only in the Earth's atmosphere, but also during planetary missions in the environments of other astronomical objects such as planets, comets etc. We expect that the interpretation of data from spectrometric sounding of Venus and Mars during the current missions Mars and Venus Express, and later during the Rosetta mission will benefit from our experimental work and numerical modelling.  相似文献   
冷却猪肉中气单胞菌生长预测模型的建立和检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨冷却猪肉中气单胞菌的生长规律,将气单胞茵接种到经过80℃无菌水灭菌的冷却猪肉中,构建Gompertz和Baranyi初级模型来描述气单胞菌在不同温度下的生长状况。结果表明:修正的Gompertz模型对气单胞菌生长曲线的拟合效果优于Baranyi模型,R2均在0.97以上。应用平方根模型和Arrhenius模型对由修正的Gompertz模型得出的最大比生长速率进行拟合,所得平方根模型拟合效果略优于Arrhenius模型。实验所建二级模型能预测0-35℃贮藏条件下气单胞菌的生长。  相似文献   
以冷却猪肉为研究对象,评价近红外光谱(NIR)技术用于肉类物理特性预测的可行性以及不同的光谱处理方法和建模方法对预测准确性的影响。试样取自排酸24h的同一批猪胴体的小里脊肉,采集4000—10000cm-1的光谱。经外部验证的偏最小二乘(PLS)模型在预测pH时表现出良好的相关性(Rc^2=0.88,Rp^2=0.80,SEC=0.08,SEP=0.084),嫩度与蒸煮损失模型的相关性分别是Rc^2=0.50和0.57,R;=0.34和0.50。在各种光谱预处理方法中,平滑处理结合多元散射校正(MSC)或标准正态变量变换(SNV)的效果最好。  相似文献   
人体肠道作为一种营养丰富的天然环境有多达100兆个微生物,其中绝大多数存于结肠内,密度接近1011~1012/m L。人类肠道内的微生物多样性是微生物菌落和宿主共同进化的结果,自然选择和进化使肠道菌群与宿主处于一种动态平衡且稳定的关系。文章综述了肠道菌群对宿主可能产生的影响以及引起肠道菌群发生改变的某些因素,肠道微生物影响宿主的代谢、营养吸收、免疫功能以及神经功能调节,而饮食及其他条件又能引起肠道菌群的改变。深入分析肠道菌群的具体结构、探索不同微生物在宿主体内究竟发挥着怎样的作用以及如何充分利用微生物的不同特性改善人类健康应成为今后研究的重点方向。  相似文献   
单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌(Listeria monocytogenes,LM)是一种可引起李斯特菌病的食源性致病菌。由于妊娠相关免疫缺陷和LM对非吞噬细胞独特的细胞内感染能力,孕妇是LM的主要目标人群。LM可穿过胎盘屏障,对胎儿造成重大伤害,包括早产、流产甚至死产。胎盘特异性毒力因子的作用对LM感染期间穿过胎盘屏障并感染胎儿尤为重要。文中介绍了国内外近年在孕妇中发生LM感染的事件,详细讨论了LM垂直传播以及在胎盘定殖机制方面的研究进展,着重讨论并分析了LM与感染胎盘相关毒力因子的最新发现,以期为今后防控LM的胎盘感染并保障食品安全提供参考。  相似文献   
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