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目的:观察SHIP 在溃疡性结肠炎(UC)和克罗恩病(CD)患者结肠组织标本中的表达情况,探讨其在炎症性肠病发生过程中 所起的作用及意义。方法:收集活动期UC患者,活动期CD 患者,及结直肠癌旁正常粘膜组织(NC组)标本各20 例。将活检标本 进行苏木精- 伊红染色及SHIP 免疫组化染色观察;利用Western blot 半定量比较分析SHIP 蛋白表达及组间差异;Real-time RT-PCR 分析SHIP在RNA水平的表达情况和组间差异。统计学处理采用Student''s t检验。结果:免疫组化染色示UC组SHIP阳 性表达积分为(7.20± 2.53),CD 组积分为(6.50± 2.76),对照组积分为(1.10± 0.74)。t 检验组间比较UC组和CD组无统计学差异 (t=0.59,P>0.05);而UC组与NC组(t=7.32,P<0.05),CD组与NC组(t=5.98, P<0.05),差异均有统计学意义。Western blot 检测 结肠组织SHIP表达,UC组SHIP 相对表达量为(0.314± 0.021),CD组(0.301± 0.019),NC 组(0.163± 0.027)。UC和CD组表达 无差异(t=1.44,P>0.05),而UC组,CD组与NC 组相比表达明显升高(t=13.88、13.16, P均<0.05)。Real-time RT PCR 检测UC 组 结肠粘膜SHIP mRNA相对表达量为(0.649± 0.028),CD 组为(0.645± 0.021),NC 组为(0.140± 0.015)。同样,UC组与CD 组没 有统计学差异,而其相较对照组表达均升高(P<0.05)。结论:炎症性肠病患者结肠组织SHIP 表达明显高于正常结肠组织,但其在 溃疡性结肠炎和克罗恩病间没有明显差异;提示SHIP可能在炎症性肠病的发病中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
狗凝血Ⅸ因子cDNA的克隆及其离体表达研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据cFⅨcDNA(canineFⅨ ,cFⅨ )顺序设计引物 ,采用RT PCR技术 ,从狗肝细胞中提取mRNA ,逆转录成cFⅨcDNA ,克隆到pGEM T质粒载体上 ,经DNA顺序分析 ,挑选克隆 ,拼接并测序鉴定 ,得到DNA顺序完全正确且含有cFⅨ完整编码区的cDNA ,进一步构建成以G1Na为框架的反转录病毒载体G1NaCcⅨ (hCMV启动子控制cFⅨ转录 )和G1NaMBcⅨ (MCK增强子和β actin启动子共同控制cFⅨ转录 ) ,并用于反转录病毒介导的基因转移 .狗原代皮肤成纤维细胞实验结果显示 ,cFⅨ能够在狗皮肤成纤维细胞中表达 ,表达水平分别为G1NaCcⅨ :173ng/ 10 6 细胞·2 4h ;G1NaMBcⅨ :2 11ng/ 10 6 细胞·2 4h .此结果为血友病B狗基因治疗动物试验的开展奠定了基础 .  相似文献   
Thrombopoietin (TPO) is likely to be a potent, specific and reliable medication in the treatment of thrombocytopenia. A TPO-highly-expressed plasmid pcDNA3-TPO was constructed and a primary study was made on the expression of TPO cDNA in vitro and gene transfer study for thrombocytopenia in vivo. rhTPO showed complete and stable bioactivity by a series of indicators. High expression of TPO was detected in plasma from healthy mice or thrombocytopenia mice model receiving direct intramuscular injection of pcDNA3-TPO. And the platelet level of healthy mice peaked to 1.9-fold of baseline. Mice with CTX-induced thrombocytopenia achieved profound nadirs, acceleration of recovery, even 1.8—2.0-fold supranormal levels of peripheral platelet counts. The results offered experimental support for clinical application of gene therapy for thrombocytopenia via direct intramuscular injection of TPO cDNA.  相似文献   
蚊净香草快速繁殖研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以蚊净香草嫩叶和叶柄为外植体进行培养,筛选合适的外植体与诱导、增殖和生根的最佳培养基。结果表明,叶片外植体在MS+6-BA 2.0mg/L+NAA 0.5mg/L培养基最适于诱导愈伤组织和不定芽;MS+6-BA 1.0mg/L+NAA 0.3mg/L培养基有利于不定芽增殖;无根苗在含有低浓度无机盐和生长素水平的生根培养基上易生根,生根率高达100%。  相似文献   
浙江五峙山列岛黄嘴白鹭的巢位选择研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄嘴白鹭(Egretta eulophotes)是全球性受威胁鸟类。2005年7月, 我们在浙江五峙山列岛对黄嘴白鹭的巢位选择进行了研究, 共测量了74个巢。研究发现, 在0.99 hm2的馒头山小岛上, 黄嘴白鹭的巢呈聚集性分布, 平均巢间距为119.6 cm, 最小巢间距为15 cm。黄嘴白鹭对巢位具有明显的选择性, 优先选择在灌丛, 尤其是那些相对较高的灌丛(高于50 cm)下营巢, 其次是较低的灌木(低于64 cm)内部和草丛上。多数巢存在遮蔽物。避风和遮荫是黄嘴白鹭巢位选择的主要要求。台风是决定五峙山列岛黄嘴白鹭巢位选择的最主要因素, 而高灌木的数量直接影响五峙山列岛黄嘴白鹭的繁殖成功和今后的资源状况。  相似文献   
通城县黄袍乡中学于1986年9月下旬至10月初发生一起痢疾暴发流行,发病271人,共分离出26株痢疾杆菌。其中从病人腹泻物中分离出22株,水样分离3株、苍蝇1株。这26株菌株均与1∶10稀释的福氏志贺氏菌Za型因子血清呈强凝集  相似文献   
肾上腺素对血钾的影响及其临床意义卢广泉1王月燕1刘改香1姜淑芳李云亭李继娃(解放军济南医学高等专科学校1生理学教研室,生物化学教研室;济南250022)近十几年的研究证明,机体处于应激状态(如运动、心力衰竭、心肌梗塞)时,血液中肾上腺素(AD)的浓度...  相似文献   
耐氨固氮菌在谷芽上能生长,每粒谷芽上的菌数可达104-105个。当70%以上的秧苗带有耐氨固氮菌时,经根系交叉感染能使所有的秧苗根系带上耐氨固氮菌。菌液浸泡谷芽接种水稻,耐氨固氮菌数/谷芽数达20时,可使70%的谷芽接种上菌,有210以上时,可使100%的谷芽接种上菌。菌液淋施秧苗接种水稻,耐氨固氮菌数/秧苗数为1600以上时,100%的秧苗带有耐氨菌。菌液浸泡秧根接种水稻,耐氨固氮菌数/秧苗数为70个以上时,可使100%的秧苗根部带有耐氨菌。  相似文献   
川金丝猴尿液中睾酮水平的季节性变化   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
The sichuan snub-nosed monkey(Rhinopithecus roxellanae),a spccics on the First Category State Key Protection List,is an endangered species endemic to China.This paper examines seasonal changes in urinary testosterone(T) levels in this species.Urine samples were collected by injectors from the cement floor of the monkey‘s enclosures in the early morning ,then stored in a freezer at -24℃.Urinary testosterone(T),was detected with radioimmunoassay (RIA) after being extracted by dichloromethane.The results show that the levels of urinary T varied widely over time and displayed seasonal variation that corresponded exactly with the monkey‘‘‘‘s sexual behavior.The mean value of T was 0.576-2.359ng/mgCr in the nonreproductive season and 36.483-47.889ng/mgCr in the reproductive season.The latter was 14.84-83.14 times as high as that in the nonreproductive season.Peak T values in the nonreproductive and in reproductive season were 0.82-10.60ng/mgCr and 237.841-326.231ng/mgCr respectively.Peak values in the reproductive season were 30.78-290.05 times that of the nonreproductive season.This seasonal change in T levels may be the main factor determining seasonal differences in sexual motivation.copulation and conception rate in these monkcys.In addition.co-habitation with females in the breeding season produces a sharp increase in t level in male monkcys;there is a causal relationship between sexual activity and T secretion [Acta Zoologica Sinica 49(3):393-398,2003]。  相似文献   
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