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In this study, the simultaneously recorded and selectively averaged evoked potentials in some of the structures of the auditory pathway (acoustical cortex, medial geniculate nucleus, inferior colliculus), in the reticular formation and the hippocampus of the awake cat as well as the simultaneous amplitude frequency characteristics of these structures are given. The power spectral density functions computed from the simultaneously recorded spontaneous activity of these structures are also presented. Using these results, the following analyses are accomplished: (1) determination of the dynamics of potentials simultaneously obtained from various brain structures, in order to evaluate the common features of their system characteristics; (2) determination of the relationship (or interactions) between rhythmic activity and evoked potentials of the brain, and (3) elaboration of a working hypothesis for the dynamics of potentials of the brain. Some suggestions and comments are also made for investigators working toward theories or dynamic models of signal transmission in the brain.  相似文献   
Stable coronary artery disease (CAD) can cause repetitive reversible myocardial ischaemia, and it seems to be possible that reversibly injured myocardium releases small amounts of soluble cytoplasmic proteins. Hence, the aim was to evaluate the effect of stable CAD on baseline serum levels of cardiac biomarkers. We studied 68 consecutive outpatients referred for gated myocardial perfusion imaging. Before a treadmill exercise test, blood samples for measurement of creatine kinase (CK), CK-myocardial band (CK-MB) mass, myoglobin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were collected. Normal perfusion patterns were detected in 29 (43%) patients (group 1) and perfusion defects were detected in 39 (57%) patients (group 2). Baseline serum levels of biomarkers except CK were significantly higher in group 2 (p=0.001). Stable CAD increases baseline levels of CK-MB mass, myoglobin, AST and LDH in the serum and this increase is related to the extent and severity of the perfusion defect and to some extent the ejection fraction of the left ventricle.  相似文献   
The obligate shade plant, Tradescantia albiflora Kunth grown at 50 mol photons · m–2 s–1 and Pisum sativum L. acclimated to two photon fluence rates, 50 and 300 mol · m–2 · s–1, were exposed to photoinhibitory light conditions of 1700 mol · m–2 · s–1 for 4 h at 22° C. Photosynthesis was assayed by measurement of CO2-saturated O2 evolution, and photosystem II (PSII) was assayed using modulated chlorophyll fluorescence and flash-yield determinations of functional reaction centres. Tradescantia was most sensitive to photoinhibition, while pea grown at 300 mol · m–2 · s–1 was most resistant, with pea grown at 50 mol · m–2 · s–1 showing an intermediate sensitivity. A very good correlation was found between the decrease of functional PSII reaction centres and both the inhibition of photosynthesis and PSII photochemistry. Photoinhibition caused a decline in the maximum quantum yield for PSII electron transport as determined by the product of photochemical quenching (qp) and the yield of open PSII reaction centres as given by the steady-state fluorescence ratio, FvFm, according to Genty et al. (1989, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 990, 81–92). The decrease in the quantum yield for PSII electron transport was fully accounted for by a decrease in FvFm, since qp at a given photon fluence rate was similar for photoinhibited and noninhibited plants. Under lightsaturating conditions, the quantum yield of PSII electron transport was similar in photoinhibited and noninhibited plants. The data give support for the view that photoinhibition of the reaction centres of PSII represents a stable, long-term, down-regulation of photochemistry, which occurs in plants under sustained high-light conditions, and replaces part of the regulation usually exerted by the transthylakoid pH gradient. Furthermore, by investigating the susceptibility of differently lightacclimated sun and shade species to photoinhibition in relation to qp, i.e. the fraction of open-to-closed PSII reaction centres, we also show that irrespective of light acclimation, plants become susceptible to photoinhibition when the majority of their PSII reaction centres are still open (i.e. primary quinone acceptor oxidized). Photoinhibition appears to be an unavoidable consequence of PSII function when light causes sustained closure of more than 40% of PSII reaction centres.Abbreviations Fo and Fo minimal fluorescence when all PSII reaction centres are open in darkness and steady-state light, respectively - Fm and Fm maximal fluorescence when all PSII reaction centres are closed in darkand light-acclimated leaves, respectively - Fv variable fluorescence - (Fm-Fo) under steady-state light con-ditions - Fs steady-state fluorescence in light - QA the primary,stable quinone acceptor of PSII - qNe non-photochemical quench-ing of fluorescence due to high energy state - (pH); qNi non-photochemical quenching of fluorescence due to photoinhibition - qp photochemical quenching of fluorescence To whom correspondence should be addressedThis work was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (G.Ö.) and the award of a National Research Fellowship to J.M.A and W.S.C. We thank Dr. Paul Kriedemann, Division of Forestry and Forest Products, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia, for helpful discussions.  相似文献   
Molecular Biology Reports - Copy number variants (CNVs) play a key role in the etiology of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Therefore, recent guidelines recommend chromosomal microarrays (CMAs) as...  相似文献   
Many types of aflatoxin cause problems for both public and animal health. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is the most toxic and commonly encountered fungal toxin that appears in poultry feed and in feeds stored under unsuitable conditions. AFB1 decreases feed quality, egg production and fertility of hatching eggs. Also, AFB1 alters the development of embryos by infecting eggs. We investigated using sequence analysis the changes caused by different concentrations of AFB1 on the promoter sequences of the growth hormone regulated gene-1 (GHRG-1) in chick embryo at 13, 17, 19 and 21 days incubation. DNA isolated from the liver of chick embryos treated with different concentrations of AFB1 was separated using agarose gel electrophoresis to detect apoptosis, and DNA interaction with AFB1 was investigated using plasmids to detect changes in electrophoretic mobility and their effects on DNA. Base changes of the promoter sequences of GHRG-1 in 5 ng/egg, 15 ng/egg and 40 ng/egg doses of AFB1 were increased on day 19 compared to base changes of the same AFB1 doses on day 13. We also found that AFB at different concentrations changed the mobility of DNA by binding to it, and that high doses of AFB1 destroyed DNA. The DNA interaction study using plasmid demonstrated that AFB1 at high doses was bound to plasmid DNA, slowed its mobility and inhibited restriction cuts.  相似文献   
Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is the most effective antioxidant enzyme in mitochondria and protects cells from reactive oxygen species‐induced oxidative damage. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between MnSOD Ala‐9Val gene polymorphism and prostate cancer (PCa) risk in Turkish men with prostate cancer. 33 patients with PCa and 81 control individuals were included in the study. We observed an association between MnSOD Ala/Ala frequency and a higher PCa risk. In addition, we found that the increased risk of early‐onset PCa (under age of 65) in the men homozygous for Ala allele was higher than the men homozygous for Val allele. However, we determined that MnSOD Ala‐9Val genotype was not associated with the aggressiveness of the disease. The results of our study suggest that MnSOD Ala/Ala genotype may influence on early‐onset of PCa patients, but no effect on subsequent development of the disease in Turkish men. However, our study has a limitation that is small numbers of individuals for cases and controls. Therefore, the presented study limited our statistical power to fully investigate the gene polymorphism on cancer risk. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J BiochemMol Toxicol 27:213‐218, 2013; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com . DOI 10.1002/jbt.21472  相似文献   
Free radicals are implicated in many diseases including atherosclerosis, cancer and also in rheumatoid arthritis. Reaction of uric acid with free radicals, such as hydroxyl radical and hypochlorous acid (HOCl) results in allantoin production. In this study, we measured the serum allantoin levels, oxidation products of uric acid, as a marker of free radical generation in rheumatoid arthritis. Fasting blood samples were obtained from 21 rheumatoid patients and 15 healthy controls. In this study, the serum allantoin and uric acid levels were measured by a gas chromatography–mass spectrometry method and the ratios were calculated. The mean allantoin and uric acid levels and ratios in the patient group were 22.1±11.3, 280.5±65.0 and 8.0±3.7?μM, while in the control group they were 13.6±6.3, 278.3±53.6 and 4.9±2.1?μM, respectively. The effects of gender, age, menopausal status, duration of disease and medications on serum allantoin and uric acid levels of the patient and control groups were studied. Our results suggest that uric acid acts as a free radical scavenger and thus is converted to allantoin. Increased allantoin levels suggest the possible involvement of free radicals in rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   
The in vitro antioxidant effects of novel N-substituted indole-3-carboxamides (I3CDs) 1-10 on rat liver microsomal NADPH-dependent lipid peroxidation (LP) levels and their free radicals scavenging properties were determined by the inhibition of superoxide anion formation (SOD). Among the synthesized compounds, 4, 5, 8 and 9 significantly inhibited SOD with an inhibition range at 84–100% at 10? 3 M concentration. The presence of halo substituents both ortho- and para- positions of these compounds resulted 100% inhibition of SOD. Comparison the activity results of halogenated and non-halogenated derivatives suggested that the halogenated compounds are more active than the non-halogenated compounds. On the other hand, the introduction of a para fluoro benzyl in the 1-position of indole (compounds 7, 8) has more impact on the SOD inhibition when the benzamide ring was mono halogenated. However, none of other compounds had a significant inhibitory effects on the level of lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   
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